Five Times Kate and Yelena Are Interrupted And One Time Kate Plans For Them Not To Be - DoomTheShroom (2024)

It was late afternoon, approximately five hours after Kate and Yelena officially became a mated pair. The Omega was still lying in bed, naked as the day she was born. Yelena was in the same state of undress and the Alpha’s length was currently sheathed inside her.

Kate sighed as her Alpha leaned slightly over her and gently applied a healing lip balm to her scabbed lip. Yelena kept her touch feather light so as to not cause the Omega any pain. Once the blonde finished, she capped the small tube and focused on the Omega’s face. The Alpha reached up and cupped Kate’s jaw, slightly turning her head this way and that to inspect her.

“The bruises around your eyes are fading,” the Russian whispered.

Kate hummed. “That must be some salve your mother made.”

Yelena smiled and kissed the Omega just beneath her two lower eyelids. The Alpha carefully placed Kate’s head back on the pillow and shifted so she could reach for the nightstand where a small bandage lay.

As the blonde shifted, her length pressed right against Kate’s most sensitive area. The Omega gasped and clenched hard around her Alpha. Pleasure raced down her spine and she instinctively knew that the feeling came from Yelena.

The Russian had grabbed the bandage but almost dropped it when Kate clamped hard around her. Feeling a hot spike of arousal shoot down her spine, Yelena slightly pulled out of her Omega and tightly squeezed the base of her shaft. The blonde desperately willed the sensation to settle, she was so close and she and Kate hadn’t even been moving.

The Omega could feel her mate’s frustration building. She reached out a hand and placed it comfortingly on Yelena’s arm. “It’s okay if you have to finish. Don’t hold back on my account,” said Kate as she could feel the Alpha twitching inside her.

Yelena huffed but waited for her arousal to settle before she completely sheathed herself inside of Kate once more. The Alpha tenderly peeled off the now dirty bandage on the bridge of her Omega’s nose and carefully applied the fresh bandage before placing a kiss on the covered wound. Kate clenched again at the action causing the Alpha to shiver and clench her eyes shut as she rode out the feeling.

“Yel, don’t hold back. If you have to come, go ahead,” the Omega said kindly.

“I used to be able to last all day with you,” Yelena said, her frustration seeping into her words. “Now I can barely handle being inside you.”

Kate smiled and brought her Alpha closer so she could plant a long kiss on Yelena’s lips. “We’ll just have to practice more, and if you think about it,” Kate whispered. “Not only are you experiencing your pleasure but my pleasure as well.” The Omega proved her statement by rolling her hips, delicious friction spreading between the pair.

Yelena used her hands to pin Kate’s hips to the bed. The Alpha felt her own pleasure, yes, but she could also feel a delightful tingling from somewhere deep within her and the blonde knew that feeling came from her Omega. The Russian inhaled shakily, a blush highlighting her cheeks. “I need to finish taking care of your wounds before we continue this,” Yelena said, a determined frown on her face.

Kate relaxed against the mattress, hiding a sly smirk from her mate. “Yes, dear,” she teased but held out her palm.

The Alpha settled and took the Omega’s outstretched hand, holding it delicately with her own. The blonde applied disinfectant to the cut, gently blowing on it to lessen the sting. She dabbed ointment along the archer’s palm before lightly wrapping her hand with gauze. Yelena then placed another kiss on this injury as well. The blonde shifted forward so her thighs slipped underneath Kate’s hips and the Omega’s lower half rested elevated off the bed. Yelena gingerly rubbed a cold salve onto Kate’s side. This bruise had also shrunk slightly after Melina had initially treated it, but it still needed attention.

The Alpha felt that same tingly feeling from earlier and the blonde knew this position must be very satisfying for the Omega and her thoughts are instantly confirmed.

“You’re pushing right into me,” Kate rasped. “The pressure is insane.” The archer started rhythmically clenching around the Alpha inside of her, trying to make Yelena do something about the steady pressure she was applying.

Yelena bit her lip and placed a firm hand on her Omega’s lower stomach, a gesture usually meant to calm the archer but Kate seemed to clench harder at the touch. Green eyes fluttered shut as Kate’s spasming walls massaged her for all she was worth. Yelena was slightly surprised that she hadn’t org*smed yet but the Alpha supposed the spark of mischievousness she could feel emanating from Kate dulled the feeling of both their pleasure. So, her mate was playing with her.

“Kate Bishop, you vixen,” the blonde murmured.

The Omega chuckled and continued her efforts.

The blonde rested both her hands lightly on Kate’s thighs, Yelena’s eyes remained shut as she enjoyed her Omega’s crafty work. “That’s it,” she husked. “Keep milking me.”

“Can it be considered milking if nothing comes out?” the archer asked cheekily.

Yelena reached down and smacked Kate’s ass. “Patience, Kate Bishop,” the Alpha said as she started to pull out of the Omega.

Kate clenched as hard as she could to try and keep her Alpha in place. “No,” she whined but the blonde successfully freed herself with a wet pop.

Yelena shuddered as the cold air hit her member. “Turn over,” she said hurriedly, already feeling antsy at the loss of contact with her mate.

The archer did so quickly. The Omega wrapped her arms around one of the many pillows and kneeled forward on the bed, her ass stuck high in the air.

The Russian twitched at Kate’s display. “Not just yet, malenʹkiy yastreb. I need to take care of your back first.” Yelena brought Kate’s hips level with the bed once more, though she did push back into the Omega as she rubbed more salve onto her hands.

The Omega heard the blonde sigh behind her and she felt Yelena’s contentment as the Alpha’s hips met hers.

Yelena started to rub the salve into the fading bruises on Kate’s back. These seemed to be the worst of her injuries but even the stark purple of the marks was fading into a sickly yellow and green, a sure sign that they were also getting better.

“Can’t you move your hips and hands at the same time?” Kate asked desperately, wiggling her butt slightly.

Yelena laughed airily at her mate’s impatience. “I have to make sure it is in all the way.”

“It is in all the way!”

“The ointment, Kate,” said the Russian as she rubbed the last of it into the archer’s skin.

The Omega groaned into her pillow. “I am literally about to combust!”

“My poor baby hawk,” the Alpha crooned.

“Yelena,” Kate panted, “please!”

Finally, the blonde finished working Kate’s back and skimmed her fingers upward until her hands planted themselves on either side of the Omega’s shoulders. Yelena laid herself carefully on top of her mate, relaxing when she felt Kate sag into the mattress beneath them.

Kate loved being under her Alpha, she loved being able to feel the comforting weight of her mate above her. The Omega exhaled as the blonde lazily started to grind her hips into her mate, the Alpha’s length moving back and forth inside her. The archer felt the Russian’s length only move a few inches at a time but it seemed Yelena always made sure her shaft never left that sensitive spongey spot on Kate’s front wall. The Omega moved to spread her legs to give Yelena more access but the blonde stopped her.

“Keep your legs closed,” the Alpha instructed. “It makes you tighter.”

The Omega felt a large ball of heat settle in her upper stomach; her arousal originated deeper within herself than Kate had ever felt before. Her cl*t throbbed heavily and the archer knew that Yelena was getting dangerously close to finishing.

“My cl*t,” the Omega pleaded. “Please, rub my cl*t.”

Yelena’s hands wrapped around Kate’s waist and the Alpha lifted herself and Kate until they were kneeling on the bed. The blonde snaked her hand down the archer’s front until it settled between her legs. Yelena moved her index finger and made a ‘come here’ motion on Kate’s pulsating bundle of nerves. The Omega arched forward, her insides clenching in time with the movement of the Alpha’s fingers. Yelena leaned forward and suckled on the fresh mating bite on Kate’s throat.

The blonde’s hips increased their speed as the Alpha got closer to her org*sm. “Just like that,” Yelena panted into the Omega’s neck. “Just keep clenching like that.”

Who was Kate to not listen to her Alpha? The ball of heat in Kate’s belly sunk lower and lower as her mate continued to pound into her. The intense desire that swirled around in the Omega’s lower belly had just reached her cl*t when Kate heard their front door bang open.

“Yelena,” Kate said in alarm.

The Alpha did not seem to hear the door or Kate’s warning as she was too focused on chasing her release. “Almost there,” the blonde chanted.

The finger on Kate’s cl*t quickened its pace and hard slaps could be heard as Yelena’s hips repeatedly smacked the Omega’s backside. The Russian gave a powerful suck to Kate’s mating bite that had the archer’s eyes rolling in the back of her head.

Yelena’s hips were just starting to lose their rhythm when their bedroom door burst open.

“Kate! We heard you’re-HOLY sh*t!”

The opening door finally seemed to grab the Alpha’s attention. The mates froze, Yelena’s hips snapped forward one last time, almost as an afterthought, and the blonde stared at the open door in bewilderment.

Greer and Franny stood shocked at the threshold of Kate’s bedroom, eyes wide and jaws hanging open. Kate could feel both her and Yelena’s arousal draining away the longer they stared silently at each other.

Greer was the first one to come to her senses. She closed her mouth with a loud click and smirked at the archer. “Damn, Kate, you weren’t kidding!”

“Guys!” Kate yelled.

Franny blinked rapidly and grabbed Greer’s wrist. “We are so sorry!” She tugged at the Omega next to her while simultaneously reaching for the bedroom door. The Beta fumbled with the knob for a few seconds. “We’ll just wait out here. Again, so sorry!”

The door shut with a resounding click, the archer’s friends could be heard giggling on the other side and Kate dropped her head back onto her mate’s shoulder. “I’m never going to hear the end of this.”

The Alpha placed a lingering kiss on Kate’s mating mark. “At least it wasn’t Clint.”

Kate felt second-hand mortification shoot through her. “Let me go get rid of them and we can continue,” she offered.

Though Yelena simply shook her head and pulled out of her Omega. “They were very worried about you when you were,” she paused and swallowed, “taken.”

The Omega whimpered quietly at the loss of her mate’s length but she told herself they could continue their activity later that evening. “If you’re sure?” Kate checked.

Yelena pecked Kate on the lips and smiled. “Go reassure your friends. I will go take a shower.”

The archer kissed the bite on Yelena’s neck and rushed around the room, throwing on any random clothes before she walked out to greet her friends in the living room.

“Kate Elizabeth Bishop,” Greer said sternly but was unable to tame her smile. “How have your internal organs not been rearranged? Yelena is long as f*ck!”

Kate put her head into her hands and groaned.

“Greer,” Franny admonished. “You have an Alpha of your own.”

“I still have eyes, Franny, you have to admit…that was some view.”

The Beta rolled her eyes but she also couldn’t contain her smile. “Kate, I am impressed you haven’t been ripped to shreds yet.”

Kate felt a foreign sense of pride fill her chest that she knew came from Yelena. The Alpha could hear their conversation even from within the shower. The archer cleared her throat. “I’m assuming you guys came here to check on me and not worry about the state of my vagin*.”

“So sassy,” Greer teased but both she and the Beta grew serious. “We were so worried, Kate.”

Franny nodded. “We didn’t know what happened to you or why.”

Kate sighed but patted the spot next to her on the couch and both her friends moved to sit next to her. The archer explained everything that happened and that it was Abraham Calloway who had kidnapped her because she split ties with him and the company.

“sh*t, Bishop,” praised the other Omega. “Sounds like you were one badass bitch.”

Kate could feel her own pride warming her sternum. “I was,” she agreed.

“What happened with Calloway?” Franny asked. “Did they take him to jail?”

“Um, no,” answered Kate. She glanced to the hallway behind her and leaned closer to her friends, lowering her voice. “I walked past his body twice. It looked like both his eyes were punctured.”

Franny also eyed the dark hallway. “Forget someone to die for you, you found someone to kill for you.”

“Which is better anyway,” said Greer.

The Beta hummed. “We’re glad you’re back safe and that nothing too traumatic happened to you.”

Kate smiled warmly at her friends. “You know there’s nothing in any of the universes that can keep us apart.”

“You got that right,” said Greer, nodding enthusiastically.

At the same time, Franny rolled her eyes. “That’s so cheesy,” she joked.

The trio wrapped their arms around each other for a large hug. They stayed in each other’s embrace for a few moments before Greer pulled away. “How many pheromones has Yelena been blasting you with? Sheesh.” The Omega’s brown eyes zeroed in on Kate’s neck and she suddenly released a piercing scream.

Kate heard something being dropped from the bathroom, probably a shampoo bottle, and she felt her Alpha’s rising concern in the back of her mind. The archer immediately brought her hand up to her neck, thinking Greer had spotted a bug but she felt the still rough indentation of Yelena’s bite mark.

“You’re mated?” the other Omega screamed, a look of elation on her face.

The archer felt Yelena’s concern ebb away, quickly being replaced by amusem*nt.

“Mated?” Franny parroted and she too studied the Omega’s neck. “Congratulations!”

“Thank you,” the Omega said happily, her fingers still tracing the teeth marks.

Greer and Franny silently studied their friend’s mating mark for a few minutes.

The Beta finally broke the silence. “Kate, that bite is huge.”

“Yelena really opened wide for that one, huh?” teased Greer.

“I did,” confirmed a deep sultry voice from behind the couch. The trio all jumped at the Alpha’s sudden appearance and Yelena smirked when she noticed. “Now, no one will be able to mistake that Kate Bishop is mine.”

Franny used her hand to rapidly fan herself while Greer pretended to faint against the couch.

The archer’s eyes twinkled with mirth and she leaned up to leave a thankful kiss on her mate’s lips. “You’re such a softy,” the Omega said quietly, her lips barely a centimeter from Yelena’s.

The blonde smiled and kissed her again. “Only for you,” she said quietly.

The pair stared at each other; all other guests were soon forgotten. Kate could feel Yelena’s love for her and she knew the Alpha could feel hers as well. The Omega didn’t think their mated connection would be as strong as it is. Usually, a mated pair can only feel each other if one is feeling an extreme emotion or physical pain but it seems like Kate can feel everything with Yelena. The archer expected to feel the big stuff but she’s incredibly thankful that she can also feel the small things as well since Yelena has proven to be difficult to read in the past but Kate’s so thankful for this woman that had once thrown her off a building; it’s truly amazing just how far they’ve come. She, Kate Bishop, was Yelena Belova’s mate and now anyone who had a nose and eyes would know it.

The archer’s smile widened as she felt Yelena’s love and protectiveness surround her like a cocoon. Shortly after their mating, the Alpha had vowed to never let harm come to her Omega as long as she was breathing. She had promised Kate that she would always be there when the archer needed her and yes, the Omega knew these were very difficult promises to keep, but Kate figured if anyone can keep them, it would be her Alpha.

The archer had made promises of her own as well. She had promised to always love and cherish the blonde, to always have a home for the Russian to come back to.

They had promised that neither of them would try to change the other or force each other to do the other’s bidding. The Omega didn’t need the verbal promises though, she knew that her mated life with her Alpha was going to be something she looked forward to every night before she went to bed and every morning when she woke up. If Kate really thought back to it, the moment that masked figure pulled her off the zipline on that roof so many months ago, was the moment the archer’s life changed forever.

“Get a room you two,” Greer said cheekily.

Kate whipped around and glared at the Omega. “We had one.”

The Russian pulled away, shaking her head. She walked into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. “Do you want an early dinner?” she asked the group of friends. “I can order some-”

“Pizza!” They yelled as one.

The Alpha shut the fridge and chuckled. “I should have known. Greer toss me your phone, mine and Kate’s are still broken.”


As it turns out, Kate and Yelena did not get a chance to continue their earlier activities. Pizza night with the archer’s friends quickly became movie night and they watched the first two movies of The Hobbit series; only stopping when they noticed Kate could hardly keep her eyes open.

The Omega would never admit it but Calloway’s kidnapping had taken a lot out of her and recuperating was taking longer than Kate would have liked. The archer usually never falls asleep during movies but she was mentally exhausted and right now, sleep sounded great.

Noticing this, Greer and Franny stood from the couch and said their goodbyes. They each hugged the archer, making her promise to text them once her phone was fixed, then they both threw their arms around Yelena. The Alpha stiffened slightly before relaxing into their embrace. She brought up her hands and patted Kate’s friends lightly on their backs.

“We’re happy for you too,” said Franny as she pulled away. “You deserve to be happy just as much as Kate.”

“Definitely,” said Greer as she also stepped away. “Now take our poor Omega to bed and have your wicked way with her. We won’t interrupt you this time,” she said with a wink.

Kate continued to sit on the couch, tired but amused as she watched Yelena grow increasingly flustered. The blonde opened her mouth but shut it and shook her head before leading the friends to the door and wishing them good night. The Omega heard her mate lock the door after them but only heard one bolt slide into place before Yelena’s footsteps approached her.

“Let’s get you to bed,” the Russian said softly as she lifted Kate off the couch, bridal style.

The Omega nuzzled into the Alpha’s neck; a pleased sigh escaped her lips. “Are you going to have your wicked way with me?”

The blonde gently placed her mate onto the bed and kissed her forehead. “Not tonight,” Yelena said as she started to strip Kate out of her clothes. “You are tired, I can tell.”

The archer whined and reached out a hand to lightly trace her mate’s soft member through Yelena’s pants. “We never got to finish.”

The Alpha took Kate’s hand away from herself and brought it up to her lips so the Russian could kiss each dexterous finger. “That’s alright, dorogoy. There is always tomorrow.”

The Omega pouted. “YA khochu sʺyestʹ tvoi shtany,” Kate tried but knew her accent was terrible.

Yelena barked a laugh before leaving Kate’s bedside in search of both of their pajamas. “That does not mean what I think you want it to mean.”

“What? What did I say?” asked Kate, still trying to keep her heavy eyelids open.

Still chuckling, Yelena helped Kate into her sleep ware then changed into her own comfortable clothes. “You said you wanted to eat my pants,” the Alpha smirked as she climbed into bed next to her Omega.

Kate groaned. “Stupid Google Translate. What’s Russian for ‘get in to’?”

“Popastʹ v.”

The archer sighed. “I’m not even going to try and pronounce that right now,” she mumbled before turning on her side to face her mate. “But the Russian is really doing something for me.”

Yelena wrapped an arm around Kate’s waist and pulled her raven-haired mate closer. “Tomorrow,” the blonde promised. “You can ravage me tomorrow.”

Kate blinked her eyes open as the early morning sunlight filtered in through the partially opened blinds on the window. The Omega yawned before stretching her arms up, relaxing when her left shoulder gave a satisfying pop. She looked at the clock on her nightstand which read eight in the morning. That’s plenty of time, the archer thought excitedly. Kate rolled over on the bed and was greeted by the sight of her sleeping Alpha.

Yelena’s mouth was slightly open, soft snores escaping the Alpha every now and then, the blonde’s hair was smushed between her cheek and the pillow, and her hand was resting outstretched towards the Omega as if she had held Kate during their sleep but had slipped off at some point during the night.

The archer had never been more gratified with the fact that Yelena sleeps in very little clothing. The blonde’s toned arms were on display as well as pointy collarbones due to the loose-fitting tank top she wore and Kate knew that if she pulled down the covers, she would find the thinnest sleep shorts known to man. The Omega did pull down the sheets and glimpsed tented fabric between her Alpha’s legs.

Kate rubbed her legs together and noticed a pool of wetness between her thighs. Gosh, she needed to come, and judging by the wet spot staining the front of Yelena’s sleep shorts, the Alpha did too.

The archer scooted closer and left lingering kisses first on Yelena’s forehead, then the tip of her small nose, then a longer more searing kiss on the Alpha’s lips. The Omega heard her mate hum sleepily but her green eyes did not open. Kate moved her trail of light kisses down Yelena’s jaw, down the column of her throat until Kate’s mouth contacted her own bite mark on the Alpha’s scent gland.

Kate started a gentle suckle on the bit mark while she reached down and slipped her hand into her mate’s shorts. The Omega’s long fingers enclosed the blonde’s shaft and she started a slow and tender rhythm. It wasn’t long before Kate could feel Yelena’s length begin to palpitate in her hand. The archer sucked more harshly on the blonde’s neck and she felt her mate jerk next to her.

A light moan escaped the Alpha’s lips and Kate felt Yelena move her hand so it rested firmly on the Omega’s lower stomach. “Good morning to you too, Kate Bishop,” the blonde husked, “and what a nice morning it is.”

Kate released her hold on her bite mark and moved to capture her mate’s lips with her own. The Omega deepened the kiss, nibbling on Yelena’s lower lip before she released it. Kate moved her hand further up the blonde’s shaft and used her palm to encircle the leaking head, she squeezed her thumb and pointer finger just under the bulb and made a twisting motion while she tugged gently.

Yelena whimpered at the attention and crashed her lips into Kate’s. The hand that was placed on the Omega’s stomach traveled downward and slipped into the archer’s pajama pants. The Alpha’s sure fingers began to rub delicate circles over Kate until the Omega opened her legs, allowing the Russian more access. Yelena instantly moved her fingers to tease at Kate’s entrance, her index finger dipping into the archer before drawing back out to once more rub at Kate’s cl*t.

“You’re so wet,” Yelena panted as she licked into the archer’s mouth.

“I could say the same about you,” Kate mumbled, refusing to part her lips from her Alpha’s. The Omega rubbed her thumb over the divot of the blonde’s head, gathering her wetness in her hand before using it to coat Yelena’s shaft.

The Russian breathed hotly into Kate’s mouth. “There is a bit of a buildup.”

Kate hummed, released her hold on Yelena’s length, and sat up, causing the Alpha’s hand to slip out of the Omega’s pants. “Lay on your back,” the archer instructed as she shimmied out of her pants.

Yelena complied instantly, pulling her own shorts down until they rested at mid-thigh. The Alpha breathed deeply and once again held the base of her shaft in a white-knuckled grip, the blonde’s teeth sunk into her bottom lip to hold in a groan.

“It’s okay, baby,” whispered Kate as she swung her leg over Yelena’s prone form. The Alpha lifted a hand to steady Kate as the bed sunk under her weight. “Come whenever you want, I know it won’t be your last.”

The Alpha nodded and helped the Omega sink down onto the top of her length, though Yelena never released the tight grip at the base of her shaft. Kate had to physically remove the blonde’s hand herself so she could lower herself all the way down until she was flush with Yelena’s hips.

The stretch was unbelievable. Yelena was always able to reach deeper inside of Kate whenever the Omega was on top. Kate sat unmoving, allowing both her and the Alpha to adjust to the intense feeling.

“Did you get tighter?” Yelena asked incredulously. One of her hands was gripping harshly onto Kate’s thigh while her other one kneaded at the tight muscles of Kate’s lower back.

“It’s always important to work on one’s Kegel muscles, Yelena,” Kate simpered as she squeezed herself around her mate.

The Alpha drew in a harsh breath. “f*ck.”

Feeling antsy, Kate started to slowly move her hips back and forth, hoping the leisure pace would allow the Alpha to acclimate to the intense arousal she was feeling. Eventually, the harsh grip Yelena had on the Omega’s thigh lessened and Kate increased the speed of her hips. The blonde threw her head back and pressed it hard into the pillows, exposing the tendons in her neck as the archer rode her.

Kate watched her mate, a warm expression on her countenance. The Omega loved pleasuring her mate and this time was no different. The breathy exhale coming from the Alpha’s mouth spurred her on and Kate watched in satisfaction as the blonde could no longer keep her eyes open and they fluttered shut as the archer gave a particularly deep roll of her hips. Yelena’s hands moved to lightly cup the Omega’s ass, a silent invitation to increase the Omega’s speed.

A smirk spread Kate’s lips as an idea popped into her mind. She stopped her movements and planted her feet firmly on the mattress on either side of Yelena’s waist.

The Alpha’s eyes snapped open when her Omega had ceased moving but she didn’t say anything, just watched her mate curiously as Kate repositioned herself.

“Are you ready, baby?” asked Kate. Pleasurable tingles raced up her spine as the Alpha’s considerable length shifted inside her.

Yelena hummed an affirmative and Kate instantly got to work. She knew this move would put an incredible strain on her hips and thighs but she didn’t care. With her feet flat against the mattress, Kate lifted herself until Yelena’s tip was just coming out of her, and then she slammed herself back down. The archer set an unforgiving pace as she bounced on the Russian’s length.

The Alpha’s eyes bulged out of their sockets and her mouth dropped open. Her green eyes fixated on the point where both their bodies connected as one. Yelena couldn’t tear her eyes away as she watched herself disappear inside her mate before her length reappeared sopping and glistening before being engulfed in Kate’s wet heat once more. Her mate moved with a ferociousness that had the blonde’s heartbeat pounding in her lower regions and she was close to exploding.

“Relax,” demanded Kate. “I want you to come for me.”

Yelena sagged into the sheets, her toes curling against the fabric. “You are amazing,” the Alpha wheezed.

Kate clenched hard at the praise and increased her efforts, her leg muscles burned as she picked up speed, the blonde’s length going in and out of her with only seconds in between.

The blonde was practically drooling as wet squelching sounds started to flood the room. “I’m going to come, Kate Bishop,” Yelena rasped. “I am going to come so hard; you will feel it shoot inside your cervix.”

Every muscle inside of Kate clenched at the Alpha’s words. She’s sure her inner muscles were suffocating the length inside her but Yelena didn’t seem to have a problem with that. The blonde’s bottom lip was red as she bit down harshly, desire rippling across her features.

Kate heard the bolt on their front door unlock and a raucous crash followed as the door was thrown open. The Omega froze. Did Franny and Greer come back?

“Honey, we’re home!” sang a very deep voice with a heavy Russian accent.

The Omega startled and leaped from Yelena at the unexpectedly loud male voice that had just entered their apartment.

“Girls?” the voice called again. “Where are they?”

“Alexi! I told you to knock!” scolded a voice that Kate knew to be Melina’s. It was as fierce as the Omega remembers it when they video called a few months ago.

The archer looked over at her mate who was still lying on the bed. Kate had been nowhere near close to her org*sm but she knew the same couldn’t be said about her mate. Yelena had covered her face with her hands and seemed to breathe deeply. The Russian’s length twitched violently but the essence that had been building up had not been released.

Kate grimaced painfully at the state of her Alpha. “I’m sorry, Yel.” The Omega reached out to take her mate’s member into her hand. “Here let me, it’ll be quick.”

“Maybe they are still sleeping,” boomed Alexi. “I will go wake them up!” he said, sounding as if it was the best idea he had ever had.

A spike of fear shot through Kate. “Oh no,” she squeaked as her eyes darted between her and Yelena’s various stages of undress.

“Alexi, no!” said Melina, but the older Alpha seemed to ignore his mate’s words and the archer could hear his heavy footfalls making their way down the hallway.

Yelena sprung from the bed. “I’m going to kill him,” she seethed. The Alpha found Kate’s pajama pants and flung them at her mate.

Kate caught them easily but fumbled as she tried to get her feet into the designated pants holes. She tripped and fell onto the bed but finally was able to pull the material over herself. She rightened herself quickly and winced as she watched her Alpha pull up her own shorts.

The blonde stopped short as the flimsy material she always called her sleep shorts did nothing to hide the Alpha’s very large erection and if Yelena’s parents missed the tented fabric, the growing wet spot on the front of her crotch would definitely give her away.

“What am I supposed to do with this?” Yelena hissed, still staring down at herself.

“Girls!” Alexi yelled, sounding awfully close.

Kate felt embarrassment rise in her stomach but she knew it was not her own. The Omega hurried over to her Alpha and left a chaste kiss on the blonde’s lips. “I’ll go distract him,” Kate said. “Don’t worry, just take your time and join us when you’re ready.”

Yelena kissed Kate and enveloped her in a grateful hug. The embrace brought the Alpha’s hips into the Omega’s and the blonde couldn’t help but hump into the archer’s lower regions.

The Omega held her mate close as Yelena rubbed her still clothed length against her. If the Alpha could just come, Kate knew the blonde would have a much easier time composing herself for her parents.

“My mark,” Yelena panted, desperately. “Kate, please!”

The Omega latched on instantly and suckled hard. The blonde’s head slumped onto Kate’s shoulder and she pushed her hips harder against her Omega.

A hard knock came from their bedroom door. “Girls, it is quite late to still be asleep!”

Yelena’s hips stuttered to a stop. “Dammit!” she snarled.

Kate pulled away; afraid Alexi would actually open the door. She kissed her mate three times, sending her an apologetic look before she rushed to their door.

The Omega opened it enough so only her body would be in view and Yelena’s would remain hidden. The archer needn’t have worried about Alexi entering the room though because as soon as he saw her, the older Alpha pulled Kate towards him in a very tight hug. The force enough to even slam the door behind Kate.

“Kate Bishop!” cried Alexi. He shook the Omega back and forth, still hugging her. “You are safe, now. No more bad guys to harm you.”

The archer felt Yelena’s anger simmer in her chest. The blonde could obviously hear him.

“Yes, I’m safe,” Kate placated, patting the large man’s shoulders.

Alexi finally put Kate down and studied the door. “Where is Yelena?”

“Oh,” said Kate, her voice rising a few octaves. “She’s still waking up. Let’s give her a few minutes. Are you hungry?” she asked, her mind scrambling for any ingredients she had in her kitchen. “I’m hungry, do you want some waffles?”

The Omega led the larger man back down the hallway, listening with rapt attention as he instantly told the story of how he helped save the archer.

“I took the pieces of the phone and I start placing them back together; trying to get all the pieces to fit.”

“Like a puzzle!” Kate supplied helpfully.

“Yes, exactly! So, I put the phone back together and as if it was a sign from the heavens, a message pops up on Yelena’s phone. It was the coordinates for you!”

“No way.”

“Yes, way!”

“Who was it from?” the Omega asked curiously.

“Some gods probably.”


They made their way into the kitchen where Melina sat at one of the kitchen chairs, reading a book. She looked up as Kate and Alexi entered and stood to greet them.

“Hello, Kate,” said Melina as she freed the Omega from Alexi’s arm. “It is so nice to finally meet you in person.”

“You too,” said Kate as she accepted Melina’s hug.

Before the Omega could pull away, the older Beta whispered: “I am sorry about Alexi, I told him we should wait until later in the day to visit you.”

“That’s okay,” said Kate, a blush painting her cheeks pink. Melina had totally known what she and Yelena had been doing.

Melina’s eyes fell to Kate’s throat. The Beta moved the Omega’s hair aside, the act was so subtle that Alexi did not notice. The mating mark soon became visible, Kate and Melina smiled at each other before the Beta fixed the archer’s hair back in place. The Russian woman kissed Kate’s forehead and the Omega beamed at the easy acceptance.

“Kate,” Alexi whined. “Where is your waffle maker?”

Twenty minutes later Kate had four tall stacks of waffles steaming on the kitchen table and had just gone to find the syrup when Yelena walked out of the hallway and into the kitchen area. The Alpha had changed into loose jeans and a simple black t-short that hung loosely around the Alpha’s frame. There was no hint of an erection but Kate knew the blonde was still sporting one as the throbbing in her own cl*t had not ceased. The Omega could also feel the Alpha’s increasing frustration as her darkened green eyes scanned over her parents.

Syrup bottle in hand, Kate made her way to her mate and kissed the Russian’s cheek. Yelena relaxed at the action and gave her Omega a small smile.

“Ah, Yelena!” yelled Alexi as he stood from the table, chewing loudly on a waffle. The older Alpha strode towards them and made it in only three large steps. Kate made it out of the way just in time as the man wrapped his daughter in a bear hug.

Yelena allowed it for only a few moments before she wiggled and said, “unhand me!” in a very stern voice.

Alexi dropped the grumbling blonde and leaned in conspiratorially with Kate. “She is always mad at me for something.”

Yelena whirled around but was stopped by a maternal hand on her shoulder. Melina had stood from her seat without a sound and now steered the young Alpha so they both sat at the table.

Kate watched the pair. She could feel her Alpha’s frustration at being denied her release twice but that feeling slowly dissipated as Melina continued to whisper in the blonde’s ear.

“Let us enjoy the waffles that Kate so graciously made,” Alexi announced to the apartment.

The four of them sat at the table and Kate couldn’t help but match Alexi’s energy as she began to stuff her face. Between the two of them, three out of the four stacks of waffles were consumed within five minutes. The Omega looked up and saw Melina and Yelena staring at them, the blonde’s mouth parted in amazement. They still had only two waffles on their plates.

“Oh, sorry,” Kate said sheepishly before turning to Alexi. “We should probably save some for them.”

Alexi looked up at his mate and daughter. “Oh, yes, I forgot they were here.”

The archer heard Yelena scoff at his comment.

Even though the older Alpha had interrupted her sexy time with her mate, Kate couldn’t help but laugh. He was goofy, a little arrogant, but he was kind and he looked at the Omega with the same fatherly look her dad always had.

“It is okay,” he reassured. “We can get more to eat later when we go out.”

The Omega glanced at Melina and Yelena. “I’ll have to get changed then. I didn’t know we were going out.”

“Yes! This is Melina and I’s first time in New York!” The older Alpha said, his whole being seeming to become electrified. “Who better to show us around than a New York native?”

The archer smirked in her mate’s direction, wondering if she too remembers their first official meeting all those months ago in Kate’s original burnt apartment. Judging by the glimmer in green eyes, the Alpha did.

“I’d be happy to show you around,” the Omega said, trailing off slightly to make sure her mate was okay with this change in their plans.

The younger Alpha nodded minutely but it was enough for Kate. “I’ll be right back but once I’m changed, we can go to the Highline, and oh, do you like screens? We can go to Times Square!”

As it turned out, Times Square was a huge hit with Alexi as he shared his fantasy of himself standing triumphantly over Captain America being broadcasted on every television screen in the square.

“Captain America is a beloved icon,” Yelena argued. “People would not be cheering you on if they saw that.”

Melina enjoyed visiting the Empire State building as she marveled at the architecture and Kate could tell the view at the top had really moved the older Beta.

“Did you know the Empire State building is the 4th tallest building in New York City?” Kate recited from her quick google search earlier.

Melina, who could tell the Omega was trying to impress her, simply smiled and wrapped her arm around the archer’s waist. “I had a mission at the Chrysler building many years ago.”

Kate stared at the Beta; eyes full of wonder. “What was your mission?”

The older woman straightened proudly and regaled the Omega about the glory days of the Iron Widow. “I stole the files but the security and swat had swarmed the bottom levels so there was only one way left to go and that was up.”

Kate clung to every word.

“I broke the topmost window, climbed out onto the side of the building, and ratcheted myself to the ledge and jumped. I was able to jump forty feet in the air and I landed on the roof of a nearby building, ensuring my escape.” Melina smirked at the star-struck archer. “I was later able to do the exact same moves but without any wires.”

Kate gasped. I could be a real flying hawk! “Can you teach me how to do it without the wires?”

“No!” Yelena said suddenly appearing behind them. She studied her Omega as if she were crazy.

Kate ignored her. “What about the move in the Matrix movies where Neo dodges all the bullets. Can you do that move too?”

Melina scoffed. “Easily.”

“Can you teach me that too?” Kate asked eagerly.

“Mama, no,” Yelena warned, practically breathing down their necks.

“Of course,” the Beta said serenely. “We will just need someone to fire the bullets at you and-”

“Mama!” The Alpha reached forward and yanked her Omega into her front. “No one will be shooting at my mate.”

Kate thrummed happily at the words ‘my mate’ and Alexi gave a loud whoop of excitement.

“Mates!” he exclaimed to bewildered strangers passing by. “My daughter is mated!” The burly Alpha scooped Kate and Yelena into another crushing hug and refused to let them go for a solid five minutes.

“You should have let that information slip when we weren’t twelve thousand feet in the air,” Kate said, her voice muffled as she was pressed into Yelena’s sternum. The archer felt her mate sigh heavily.

The Omega led them down Fifth Avenue and later through Chinatown. These places were exceedingly crowded as tourists, much like Melina and Alexi, wanted to see the place. Yelena stayed very close to the archer in these areas. Kate could detect a very low growl coming from her Alpha anytime someone happened to walk a little too close to the archer. The blonde held Kate’s hand tightly, almost afraid a rough jostling from the crowd would dislodge the Omega from herself and she would lose Kate again.

Kate could feel Yelena’s anxiety swirling in her own body and she stepped closer to her mate, releasing as many calming pheromones as she could. The Alpha relaxed almost instantly and readjusted her grip on the archer’s fingers.

Melina announced that she was going into one of the shops to buy something and pulled a complaining Alexi with her, leaving Kate and Yelena alone for a few minutes. The blonde walked them backward until her back met the brick wall of the building next to the shop. Yelena pulled Kate to stand in front of her.

“I need you to block me,” the Alpha said as she lifted her shirt just over her belly button.

Kate’s mouth instantly watered as the tip of Yelena’s length peeked at her through the waistband of the Alpha’s jeans. The Russian unbuttoned her pants and hurriedly pushed her now soft member into its proper place. She refastened her clothes and let her shirt hang limply around her hips once more.

“Is that how you hid your erection?” the Omega asked as she snuggled into her Alpha, resting her chin on top of the blonde’s head.

“Yes,” confirmed the Alpha as her new position allowed her to kiss Kate’s mating bite. “I almost didn’t find a pair of pants that were loose enough.”

“How long did it take to go down?” Kate asked, wondering if Yelena had been walking the streets of New York with a raging hard-on this entire time.

“It went down about twenty minutes ago,” the Alpha said forlornly. “I didn’t find a good place to adjust myself until now.”

The Omega pulled back and leaned her forehead against her mates. “I’m sorry we keep getting interrupted. I know it’s making you very frustrated.”

The blonde shook her head. “It is not your fault and do not think I can’t feel the frustration from you too, Kate Bishop.”

The Omega pursed her lips. “It’s worse for you though, you can’t hide it as well as I can. Plus, it’s probably more painful for you.”

Yelena hummed thoughtfully. “Either way it will all be over soon. I can't wait for them to leave so I can f*ck you against every surface we own.”

Kate shut her eyes tightly and wrapped her fingers in the fabric of Yelena’s shirt. “You can’t say those things to me, right now.”

“Why not?” the Alpha asked as she kissed Kate’s nose.

“I will literally present myself so you can take me right here, right now.”

The Russian released a pleasurable growl. “Do not tempt me, Kate Bishop.”

A loud clap startled the couple and they jumped slightly away from each other, though Yelena reached out to bring her Omega back towards her.

“We have time for one more tourist attraction,” Alexi said sadly. “Then Melina and I must make our flight back to Ohio.”

Despite everything, Kate frowned at Yelena’s parents. “Already?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” said Melina as she strode out of the shop, a white plastic bag hanging from her arm. The older brunette sounded sad as well but she threw a sly smirk at Yelena. “One of the pigs is scheduled to give birth soon. Alexi and I must be there to help.”

Kate melted at the news and sagged back into her mate. “Aw,” she crooned. “There’s gonna be piglets!”

The Beta smiled and quickly reached for her phone and showed the Omega plenty of pictures of baby pigs. “Many more will be born next month. You’ll have to come up and visit to see them.”

The archer felt her heart lodge in her throat and she quickly had to blink growing wetness out of her eyes. “That would,” she swallowed before her voice could crack. “That would be very nice. I’d love to visit,” she finished softly.

Melina kissed the top of Kate’s head and the Omega felt a bittersweet warmth spread through her limbs. This attention is all she ever wanted from her own mother, it’s what she strived for almost every day but Eleanor Bishop hardly ever kissed her daughter’s head. At least not like Melina had. Kate would proudly show Eleanor her archery championship trophies, a big grin on her face, thinking this may be the day. However, the business mogul barely glanced from her reports before smiling thinly and patting the Omega’s head.

Kate knew Melina could see her growing emotion and had shown the archer affection to comfort and calm her. It was such a simple gesture but it meant the world to Kate.

The Omega can only really remember a handful of times her own mother had comforted her like that. The most vivid memory was shortly after Derek had died. Kate had another nightmare about the battle of New York and she stumbled into her mother’s room, tears silently streamed down her cheeks and her breaths came out stilted. Young Kate climbed into her mother’s bed and snuggled her sire. Eleanor had inhaled a shuddering breath but she brought her hand up to cup the back of Kate’s neck, the Alpha’s thumb rubbed gently on the young Omega’s barely developed scent gland. The young archer had slept soundly after that and when she woke up the next morning, blue eyes glanced at her mother, who laid on her back, dark bags under her eyes, the Alpha’s own watery blue eyes were fixed on a spot on the ceiling above them.

Kate now wonders if her mother had slept at all that night or if her sire had stayed awake to ensure her daughter stayed asleep. Perhaps it was the guilt that had kept Eleanor’s eyes open as she came to terms with the crime she committed.

The Omega is pulled from her thoughts by a warm hand in her own. Kate looked up and accepted the kiss her Alpha gives her.

“Where did you do just now?” Yelena asks, her brow furrowed. “It felt like you were in pain.”

The archer shrugs. “I was just thinking about some things.”

Yelena frowns, her green eyes scanning every inch of her mate. “Is it your injuries? Do you want to go home?”

Kate shook her head and leaned her head against the Alphas. The blonde released her hold on her hand so she can wrap her arm around Kate’s shoulder, barely an inch between their bodies as they walked down the sidewalk. “It's not physical pain,” the Omega reassured.

“If you’re sure,” said Yelena, glancing at her mate.

“I am; besides I still have to take your parents to the best spot in New York City!”

Kate’s favorite spot and therefore the best spot in the city was Central Park. The sun was only a few hours from setting and the rays cast a brilliant orange glow across the landscape. The park was also much less crowded than Fifth Avenue and Chinatown so, the archer was able to extract herself from her Alpha and she was currently walking next to Alexi, pointing out her favorite features while Yelena and Melina trailed behind them.

The Omega pointed to a nearby rock structure that extended itself from the grassy hill and ended in a ten-foot drop. “That rock right there is where I took my very first Instagram photo,” she said proudly.

The older Alpha nodded sagely. “Ah, yes, the Instagram! I have one you know.”

“What?” Kate laughed. “No way, show it to me!”

Alexi retrieved his phone from his pocket and instantly pulled up his profile. Kate snatched the phone from his grasp and scrolled quickly through his posted photos. Each photo was an image of the Russian man flexing either his arms, abs, back, or thighs. He always wore red pants in the photos and his many tattoos were on display. The Omega balked when her eyes darted to his followers.

One hundred thousand followers,” she shrieked. “Alexi, you’re such a thirst trap!”

The Alpha put a hand to his chest as if hurt by Kate’s comment. “I am not thirsty! I stay very hydrated.”

“You only have photos of yourself half naked!”

“No, no,” the Russian said. “There is one of Melina and me, here,” he took the phone back and scrolled down for a few seconds until tapping on an image.

The image was rather raunchy and Kate is surprised Melina let him post it. The photo seemed to be taken by the shore of a small lake. The Beta was facing the water, lying on her stomach, the dark sandy beach clinging to Melina’s arms and legs. A very short towel was covering the Russian woman’s backside but other than that, the Beta was completely naked; her back muscles flexed as she held herself up by her elbows.

“Oh my,” Kate choked.

Meanwhile, Yelena and Melina had sat on a nearby bench and watched their significant other’s scroll through Alexi’s phone.

“What is a thirst trap?” Melina asked, her mouth thinning as her brain tried to come up with a logical explanation and why her mate would be one.

The Alpha sighed tiredly. “I have no idea, they keep coming up with all these new phrases for things, it’s hard to keep up.”

“Who are they?” asked the Beta.

Yelena waved a hand in Kate’s direction. “The younglings.”

“Oh, you have seen Star Wars?”



The pair on the bench looked over at the sound of Kate’s elevated voice. The Omega held Alexi’s phone in the air and waved it back and forth. “Melina, you are so hot!”

“You see, Melina,” said Alexi, also gesturing to the phone. “Kate agrees with me!”

The Beta jerked as if she knew which image the other two were looking at and wanted to run and pluck the phone from Kate’s hand but she soon settled back onto the metal bench. “We should never have let them meet,” sighed Melina.

“I am inclined to agree,” said Yelena as she kept a watchful eye on her mate.

The Omega pointed excitedly at the pile of rocks and ran so she was standing in front of it. She seemed to be instructing the older Alpha who hurried until he was standing at the very top of the structure.

“It’s golden hour, Alexi!” Kate said loudly. “All the thirsty bitches on the gram will love this.”

Yelena frowned at her Omega’s words. What the hell is she talking about?

“Why is everyone so thirsty?” Melina asked in confusion. “Has water gone out of style?”

The blonde shrugged and watched Kate kneel to get the perfect angle. “It’s a video!” the archer said to Alexi.

The man took off his shirt to reveal a clean white undershirt beneath it. “It is I, Alexi,” he said in a booming voice. “I am the Red Guardian, the superiest of super soldiers and I am here to conquer New York!”

“This is embarrassing,” said Yelena as she noticed strolling pedestrians give both her mate and father a wide berth.

“Be thankful you don’t live with him,” said Melina but it was obvious the Beta found the sight before her slightly more amusing than the Alpha did.

“No man, god, or worldly entity can defeat me!” The older Alpha announced. “Tremble before me,” he shouted before he raised a closed fist and brought it down hard onto the top of the rock. He must have been holding back some of his strength though because only a small chip flew off from his punch. Alexi then lept from the structure and landed in a crouch; his hands outstretched as if ready to hit something.

“They’ll be wetter than the ocean,” said Kate gleefully as she stopped the recording.

“Why are we attracted to them?” asked Yelena as she watched Kate and Alexi hop up and down in excitement while watching the video.

“It must be something ingrained very deeply in our biology,” said Melina. “It’s the way our genes are wired.”

“My turn,” Kate said as she rounded the rocks and started running up the hill.

Yelena stiffened and sat forward on the bench. “What does she think she’s doing?” the blonde asked but the Beta did not respond.

The Alpha could feel her mate’s excitement as well as a small ball of mischievousness rolling around in the back of her mind. She watched as the Omega scrambled up the rocks and stood at the very edge of the ten-foot drop. The blonde stood from the bench but a hand on her wrist held her in place.

Kate backed up and then ran forward at a breakneck speed towards the ledge.

Yelena would have bolted forward if not for Melina’s tight hold keeping her in place. “Relax,” said Melina in a calm voice. “Alexi will catch her.”

The archer pushed off from the edge and soared through the air and the Alpha’s heart almost stopped beating. Kate descended in a graceful arc and landed in the Russian man’s outstretched arms. Alexi laughed in delight and spun Kate around a few times before setting her delicately on the grass.

Yelena’s legs grew weak and she could no longer hold herself in a standing position; she sat down heavily on the bench. “She is going to be the death of me.”

The brunette chuckled and patted her daughter’s knee. “Just imagine if you two have kids.”

Yelena felt faint.

Melina studied Alexi and Kate as they started walking back toward them. She then checked her watch and nodded to herself. “It is time for us to go,” she said, standing from the bench.

The blonde stood as well and held the Beta in a tight hug. “Thank you for coming,” the Alpha whispered. “I don’t know if we would have found her without you.”

The Beta cupped the back of her daughter’s neck. “I will be here for you and your future family,” Melina assured. “I am glad you have found someone who loves you.”

Yelena released her mother and turned to look at her approaching mate. Their eyes locked and the Alpha felt butterflies erupt in her stomach, judging by the sweet smile, her Omega gave her, Kate could feel it too.

“Alexi, call the Uber to take us to the airport,” instructed Melina and the Alpha instantly obeyed.

Kate walked forward and wrapped her arms around the thin woman. The archer hoped the Beta could tell just how much this visit meant to the Omega, how Kate had hoped and longed to be accepted by her mate’s parents. Melina pulled away just enough so she could hold Kate’s face in both hands. “Promise you will visit us in Ohio,” the Beta said. “I will not take no for an answer.”

The Omega gave a watery laugh. “I promise.”

Having ordered the uber, Alexi turned towards Yelena but instead of hugging her, he placed his large hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “You are a very good mate to her,” he said with a seriousness that was usually not associated with him.

Yelena blinked and focused on her boots as they scuffed the asphalt path.

Alexi squeezed her shoulder again. “I also know that you will be an excellent sire to any pups that may come out of your many, many couplings.”

The blonde pinched the bridge of her nose. “How do you even know what that word means?”

The older Alpha chuckled. “If you ever need advice,” he started. “There are many secret tricks I can tell you about.”

“Please, no,” Yelena said in a mortified voice.

Long arms wrapped around the Russian’s waist and Kate planted a wet kiss on her mate’s cheek. “Oh, I think Yelena is doing just fine on her own.”

“Kate,” bemoaned the blonde. “Not in front of my parents.”

The larger man remained unbothered and he gently placed his hands on either side of their faces. “We will see you soon,” he said confidently.

They said their final goodbyes and Kate and Yelena stood leaning into one another as they watched Yelena’s parents walk along the path that led to the bustling streets outside of the park. Alexi wrapped his arm around the tiny woman’s shoulders and Melina relaxed into his side before the pair disappeared around a hilly bend.

“Kate Bishop,” said the Alpha as she once more entwined her fingers with her mate. “It is time I take you home.”

They sped walked out of the park and the blonde took them through alleyways, shouldering past groups of people in the street, racing them across crosswalks that were about to turn red.

“Where’s the fire?” Kate asked, breathless.

“I want to get home so I can devour you,” growled the Alpha. “My mother and I came to an agreement. We would spend the day together and then they would fly back to Ohio so I could have you falling apart before the sun went down.”

The Omega stumbled but Yelena pulled her close. Blue eyes glanced at the fading light filtering through the skyscrapers and she quickened her pace. “There isn’t much time then is there?”


Kate bit Yelena’s shoulder as the Alpha fumbled with her keys. The blonde almost dropped them when the Omega growled and moved her mouth to the base of Yelena’s neck, nibbling. With a shaky hand, the Russian inserted the key into the lock and turned the deadbolt. She pushed the door open and the mates tripped over each other in their haste to enclose themselves within the apartment.

“Only one lock this time,” teased Kate even as Yelena pushed her roughly against the door, making it slam shut with the force.

The Alpha kissed her hungrily, moving down to mold her teeth to the still new bite mark on Kate’s neck. “Makes it easier to get in,” explained the blonde, her words jumbling together as she started to lick up the column of her Omega’s throat.

The Russian moved away and pulled the archer’s shirt over her head, undoing the clasp of Kate’s bra soon after the fabric was discarded. Yelena shoved her mate back against the door before leaning forward and taking a pert nipple into her mouth. The Alpha’s tongue instantly swirled around the bud and Kate gasped as the sensations traveled from her chest and settled in her lower body.

The blonde released one nipple in favor of focusing on the other. She devoted the same treatment to her Omega’s breast and it had the archer squirming against the door. The feeling gathering between Kate’s legs was so intense she didn’t notice any pain from her still slightly bruised back being pushed against the wooden grain of the door.

When it seemed Yelena was satisfied with the amount of attention spent on her mate’s chest, she nipped and licked her way downwards until the barrier of Kate’s pants stopped her descent. The Alpha, still paying special attention to the area around Kate’s belly button, kneeled then reached down and pulled off the archer’s doc martins. She then unfasted the Omega’s pants and pulled them along with her underwear down and off Kate’s legs. The archer now stood, in only her socks, trembling as the Alpha continued her way down once more.

Yelena nosed through the damp patch of trimmed curls on Kate’s public mound but didn’t linger as her mouth sought out its prize. Her mate didn’t tease but dove right in, licking a broad strip from Kate’s entrance to her cl*t.

The Omega’s head fell back against the door and she wheezed out a moan. The fact that she had not gotten to org*sm in the past two days had left her incredibly sensitive.

The Alpha’s tongue circled Kate’s bundle of nerves twice before wrapping her lips around the archer’s most sensitive area and starting a gentle suckle.

The Omega’s knees almost gave out and she pushed her shoulders further into the door to hold her up while angling her hips so Yelena had easier access. The blonde reached up and palmed her mate’s ass, bringing Kate’s center closer to her face. Yelena did not leave a single inch of Kate’s private’s untouched, she dipped down and slurped noisily at her Omega’s drenched folds, moving her mouth back up to lash at Kate’s quivering bundle of nerves. The Alpha kept releasing small moans and keening sounds as if she was a starving animal in the desert that had found its first meal in weeks.

The archer felt a continuous swooping sensation in her gut and knew that she would find her release very soon. “Inside,” she pleaded. “I need you inside, Yelena.”

The Russian pulled away, a string of saliva briefly connecting them until it broke as the blonde stood. Yelena shucked off her shirt and bra, kicked off her boots, and pulled her jeans down in one smooth motion.

Again, with the no underwear, thought Kate. She studied her mate, the blonde’s chest was heaving, a predatory gleam darkened her green eyes, and this was the hardest Kate had ever seen her Alpha. The blonde’s length stood completely erect. Usually, there was a slight downward dip due to gravity and the sheer size of her but today it stood ramrod straight, the head was flushed red as the Omega was sure her mate was under a lot of strain from finding no release.

Kate couldn’t take it anymore and she launched herself at her Alpha. Yelena caught her in her arms and stumbled back until the kitchen table caught them. The Russian spun them around and pushed the Omega down onto the table, Kate’s breasts bunching as they were squished between the hard surface and her own body.

“Just go in, Yelena,” she said desperately. “Don’t tease me.”

The Alpha behind her grunted and pushed herself into her Omega, meeting no resistance.

“Yes,” Kate hissed. “Go hard, please go hard. Make your Omega come.”

The blonde gripped the archer’s hips so hard Kate wouldn’t be surprised if there were marks there later that evening. Yelena snarled savagely and snapped her hips, their skin meeting with an echoing crack.

The swooping sensation started again in the pit of Kate’s stomach and she knew she was close. She just needed it a little harder, a little faster.

The Russian angled her hips so her length would rub that engorged swollen soft spot on Kate’s inner front wall. As if she could feel her mate’s desperation, Yelena picked up speed, her breathing coming out in harsh pants and the table began to shake beneath Kate.

The Omega glanced up at the small mirror placed above the living room mantle and gave a mighty clench at the sight. Yelena’s head was thrown back, eyes screwed shut, her bottom lip tangled between white teeth. The Alpha’s small but perky breasts jiggled in time with her thrusts and Kate could make out splashes of her own wetness painted against her mate’s upper thighs.

God, she was so close.

The swooping sensation steadied and traveled lower until it gathered deep inside Kate.

“Come on, lyubovʹ,” the blonde panted. “I can feel you; I know you are close.”

Just as sweet release started to run through her, a knock sounded at the door.

“Kate, it’s Clint,” came the older archer’s muffled voice through the door. “Open up, kid. I have both your phones.”

“Don’t stop,” growled the Omega as Yelena’s hips paused.

The Russian continued her pace but quieted her breathing. After a few moments, Kate felt her lungs start to burn and knew the Alpha was holding her breath.

“Kate, I can hear you and Yelena bumping nasty’s,” Clint grumbled. “Our flight leaves soon and I will kick down this door if-”

“Are you kidding?” the Omega shouted as she straightened, her back knocking into Yelena’s front. The blonde stumbled at the sudden shift of her mate and her length slipped out of the archer with a wet squelching sound.

Kate shuddered at the loss of contact but stomped to her front door, leaving Yelena leaning on the table in a daze. She bent down and threw her shirt over her body before twisting the knob and wrenching the door wide open.

“Woah!” said Clint as he stepped away from his half-naked protégé even though her shirt came down to her thighs. The older archer accidentally stepped on Laura’s feet who had stood in shocked silence at the scene in front of her.

“Kate!” shrieked Yelena as she scrambled to cover herself.

At her exclamation, Clint’s eyes locked with the young Alpha, his eyes taking her in before Laura slapped her hand over his eyes. “Damn,” he murmured.

The blonde dove for her discarded jeans and used the fabric to cover as much of her body as she could. “Tupyye strelochnyye mozgi! Raspakhni dverʹ nastezhʹ! Ne zabota v mire!” the Russian yelled at seemingly everyone and no one. The Alpha’s still socked feet slipped on the hardwood floor and she fell, her back hitting the legs of the table. Still holding her jeans against herself, Yelena placed her hand on her forehead and exhaled heavily.

“Is she decent? Can I have my eyes back?” asked Clint.

“Well,” started Laura before she trailed off, her hand remained firmly over her mate’s eyes.

“Are all of your friends going to see me naked, Kate Bishop?” the Russian asked tersely.

Kate grimaced. She didn’t mean to expose her Alpha to her mentor but she was so angry at being denied her org*sm yet again that without thinking she flung the door wide open, ready to chew Clint out for disrupting her private time with her mate. The Omega focused on the Alpha’s feelings. She could sense the same frustration that had been present these last two days but there was no embarrassment like Yelena had felt when she thought her own father might walk in on them.

“At least he didn’t see you inside of me,” said Kate. “That honor goes to Franny and Greer.”

The older Omega coughed. “Yes, I’d have to bleach my eyeballs if I saw that.”

Yelena huffed. “You would have to do more than that,” she said, glaring at everyone. “You would have seen Kate squeezing around my-”

“Okay!” Clint said loudly, cutting the Russian off. “Phones! I brought phones!” The older Omega shook off his mate’s hand, his own fingers reaching into his pants pocket before fishing out two new cell phones. “It’s got the same numbers as before, same model and everything,” the Omega explained.

He tossed one to the Alpha still covering herself on the floor. Yelena reached up and caught it with ease, her glare lessening as she studied the device.

Clint then handed Kate her own. She took it gratefully and smiled when her lock screen flashed to the same selfie of Yelena and herself at the Statue of Liberty. “Thank you, Clint.”

The older Omega stepped forward and gave the archer a very brief hug. “Don’t mention it,” he said gruffly before studying Kate’s face. “Your bruising has gone down significantly,” he noted.

The Omega grinned, her eyes darting back to her Alpha. “I have someone who takes very good care of me.” Kate could feel the blonde’s pride swell within her.

“Yeah, you do,” said Clint as he stepped out. “Well, our flight leaves in three hours so it’s time to head to the airport.” He pointed between Kate and Yelena. “Make sure you two come visit soon.”

“We’ll see,” Yelena grumbled.

Laura smirked kindly at the younger Alpha. “You know, Nate keeps asking when his Aunt Yelena is going to visit again.”

The Russian lolled her head in defeat. “Yes, we will visit soon.”

Clint clapped his hands together. “Great! We’ll see you guys then,” and with one last goodbye, the Barton’s left Kate’s apartment and the Omega shut the door softly behind them.

The archer made her way over and sat next to her mate who hadn’t moved from her position on the floor. She did toss her jeans away from herself and slumped into Kate’s side, the events of the last few minutes seemed to leave the Alpha exhausted.

Kate looked down and noticed her mate had gone soft and she couldn’t help the disappointment that settled in her chest.

The blonde followed her Omega’s gaze. “It went down very quickly,” she said apologetically. “The second Barton looked at it,” she whispered fearfully at the haunting memory.

The archer guffawed but reached over to gently tug her Alpha’s member back to life. However, she stopped immediately when Yelena yelped. The Russian moved Kate’s hand away but held it within her own. “I’m sorry,” Yelena gulped. “It is actually quite painful right now.”

Kate focused more and she too could feel a slight twinge of pain on her own, smaller bundle of nerves. “I’m sorry,” said the Omega as she kissed her mate’s cheek. “Should we watch a movie?”

“Ugh,” griped the Alpha before looking down at her flaccid self. “Yes, we can watch a movie,” she said frustratingly.

The archer pumped out soothing pheromones and leaned more into her Alpha’s side.

“This has not been our week, Kate Bishop,” Yelena said forlornly.

The Omega brought her mate’s hand to her mouth and left a kiss on the back of it. “No, it definitely has not.”


It is not surprising to say that Kate had a lot of pent-up energy when she awoke the next morning. She quickly threw the covers off herself and rummaged through her closet before finding her workout attire. Once she was changed, she stood at the end of the bed, hands on her hips, and watched her mate sleeping peacefully.


The Alpha sat up instantly, a knife held aloft in her hand, her eyes rapidly blinking away her slumber.

Kate pursed her lips and tilted her head. “Has that knife always been under your pillow?”

Yelena ignored her question but gaped at the Omega when she realized there was no immediate threat in the room. “Why did you yell my name?” she asked incredulously.

“I wanted to let you know I’m going for a run.”

The blonde instantly started to rise fully from the bed.

“No,” Kate said sternly, pointing a finger in her mate’s direction. “We talked about this. I am going alone. I can do things on my own like going for a simple run.”

Yelena frowned at her Omega but ceased trying to leave the bed.

Kate detected the Alpha’s growing panic. “It’s only a two-mile run,” the archer said as she softened her voice. “I’ll be back within twenty minutes tops and I’m staying local.”

They stared at one another until the Alpha relented. “Twenty minutes, Kate Bishop.”

The Omega smiled, pecked her mate on the lips, and practically dashed out the door. She needed the run to cancel out her exceedingly high endorphins. It had now been two full days since either her or her mate had been able to org*sm and if Kate was being honest, she was starting to feel frazzled. The archer pushed herself to her limit, her pace never dipped below that of a dead sprint. She made sure her lungs burned, her legs ached, and Kate made sure she at least lost a pound of sweat from the workout.

By the time she made it back to her front stoop, she was gasping for air and collapsed onto the cool stone steps that led up to her building. She checked her watch and realized she had run the full two miles in fourteen minutes. She would get back to Yelena earlier than she had promised but judging by the sudden lessening of the anxious feeling within her, the Omega figured her mate already knew she was back.

The archer stepped into the apartment and walked on shaky legs until she reached the couch. A berry smoothy was instantly handed to her and she gulped it down at once. “Thanks,” she hummed when she was finished.

Yelena, who was still in her sleep attire, nodded and took the glass back from her Omega to clean it. After the dishes were finished, the Alpha sat down on the couch next to her mate and turned on the tv.

“Yelena,” said Kate as she glanced down at the Alpha’s crotch. “Have you been hard this whole morning?”

The blonde glanced down at herself as well. “Oh,” she said. “I must be getting used to the feeling.”

Kate curled herself around her mate’s side and leaned her head against the Russian’s chest. “You know you can take care of yourself if I’m not here,” the Omega offered. “I don’t mind.”

The Alpha’s arm rested against her Omega’s back and she lifted the fabric of Kate’s shift so her fingers could lightly scrape at the exposed skin. “It is not an action I enjoy doing.”

“Really?” Kate asked.

The Omega felt her Alpha hum. “I will do it if I need to during my Ruts but otherwise I would rather not.”

“I see,” said the archer as she reached out to palm her mate’s clothed member. “Does it still hurt?” she asked.

Yelena rested her head on top of Kate's and sighed pleasantly at the attention. “No,” she whispered.

The Omega reached into her mate’s shorts and closed a fist around the Alpha’s hot member. She moved Yelena’s shorts out of the way and let the Russian’s length stand tall for a few moments. The redness that had engulfed the tip yesterday had spread down until it reached her mid-shaft.

“Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?” Kate questioned again as she winced in sympathy.

Yelena ran her fingers along her mate’s lower back, reassuring her. “It does not hurt,” she stated again. “It just feels very full.”

Kate tightened her grip on the shaft. If she didn’t know blockages could only happen to Alphas during a rut then she would have been very worried that her Alpha was about to experience one.

The Omega kept her movements relaxed as she worked her hand on her mate. She knew Yelena tended to enjoy the gentler side of lovemaking, especially when they first start out. The night usually progressed from steady rhythms to hard and fast movement. The blonde liked to feel every sensation she could before her mind snapped and she lost control, rutting herself into her Omega, which Kate did not mind one bit.

Soon enough, the archer was able to gather a large amount of clear liquid from Yelena’s seeping head. She spread it around on her palm and distributed it to the rest of the Russian’s length, her hand now able to move more smoothly along the skin.

The Alpha’s fingers pressed harder into her back. “Focus on the tip, malyshka.”

Kate did as instructed and circled the head with her thumb and forefinger. She rotated her wrist a few times before delicately squeezing the tip. The archer moved her thumb above the center divot while her index remained below and she moved both fingers simultaneously.

“Good girl,” Yelena sighed before she kissed the top of Kate’s head. The Alpha’s hand ran soothing circles over her exposed skin.

The archer hummed and nuzzled further into her Alpha’s neck. She began to alternate between pumping Yelena’s shaft and gathering the wetness that leaked from the head with her thumb and rubbing the digit down until it pressed firmly on the underside of the Russian’s tip.

Kate had just decided that she should add her mouth to the mix when her cellphone rang shrilly from its placement on the couch cushion next to them. The Omega startled at the noise and reached over to it. “Why is it so loud,” she asked with gritted teeth.

“You know Barton is hard of hearing,” grunted the blonde as her Omega tightened her grip around her length to keep herself from leaning over too far.

“Let me just silence it and,” Kate paused, “it’s from the prison.”

Yelena looked at the caller ID, her face puzzled. “It could be your mom,” she suggested.

The grip the Omega had around her Alpha tightened until it was like a hot vice had been placed over the blonde but Kate didn’t seem to notice. “I could just ignore it,” she trailed off uncertainly as the phone continued to ring.

The archer’s hand tightened even more and Yelena felt as if her life were being squeezed out of her. The red skin at the tip was gradually turning white as her blood flow was cut off. “I think you should talk to your mom," the Alpha said, her voice rising an octave.

Kate finally noticed how hard she was holding her mate and quickly let go. She stood from the couch, eyes still on her phone and she missed her mate’s spasming face as the blood flow returned to the blonde’s length. “Stay hard for me,” the Omega said as she made her way to the bathroom to answer her call.

“Yes, ma’am,” she heard the blonde whimper.

Kate sat on the cool tiled floor and answered her still ringing cell. An automated voice announced that she was getting a call from federal prison (duh) and asked if she wanted to accept the call.

The archer breathed deeply and said “Yes.”

The phone rang a few more times until Eleanor Bishop was connected. “Kate?” her mother asked timidly.

The Omega swallowed harshly at the sound of the Alpha’s voice. Her mother who had always come off as demanding, stern, and powerful now sounded soft and weak, as if she had been through quite the ordeal. “Hi, mom,” she whispered. “Is everything alright?”

Eleanor seemed to sigh at the sound of her daughter’s voice. “Everything is okay,” answered Eleanor. “H-how are you?”

The Omega shrugged but remembered her mother couldn’t see it. “I’m,” she stopped herself. How was she? She was certainly frazzled from not finding any release but she was also the happiest she had ever been minus the whole kidnapping ordeal. She was mated to the world’s most perfect Alpha, she had her Hawkeye, and her friends, what more could she ask for? The archer figured though that telling your mother you had been kidnapped and then subsequently mated right after was not a conversation that one has over the phone.

“I’m good, mom,” she decided. “How are you?” Kate could tell that her mother was attempting to keep things courteous after their last chat together and the Omega was an adult; she could keep things civil too.

“I’m hanging in there,” Eleanor said lightly and Kate noticed her voice sounded a little stuffy. “There’s isn’t really much to do, you know how it is.”

Kate flinched. No, she didn’t know how it was in prison and she could feel the guilt creeping up on her again but she stamped it down. She didn’t think her mother was trying to upset her, rather was grasping at things to say to her daughter.

The archer cleared her throat. “Do you have a cold, mom?”

“No,” said Eleanor sounding startled. “I’m just,” there was a pause on the line, “getting over something,” her mother finished lamely. “I actually wanted to tell you something,” she continued quickly.

Despite knowing better, Kate’s heart began to lift. “What is it?”

“The investigation into the company has been completed. You can start to run it now at full function.”

The Omega felt herself deflate. “Oh, okay.”

“If you still want to,” added Eleanor.

“I-I do,” Kate said honestly. “I’ve already made a lot of changes.”

“I know,” said her mother but she didn’t sound angry like the archer expected.

Five minutes remaining,” came a robotic voice.

Suddenly, the last few days seemed to catch up with the Omega. Nancy and Stacy were suddenly in the bathroom with Kate and they taunted her about her Alpha mother deteriorating in prison. Calloway came next, his mallet raised, ready to break every bone in her body.

The archer felt a warm presence settle within her and she could tell it was her mate. Her wonderful Yelena Belova who was overprotective but understood when Kate needed her space. Her kind, caring, and loyal Alpha who loved her more than anyone else. The ex-assassin who wouldn’t even pleasure herself because she wanted to experience the feeling with her Omega.

“Mom?” the Omega asked, settling on which question to ask first. “Why did you and dad never mate?”

There was a faint clang on the other end of the line and Kate wondered if her mother had dropped the phone. The Alpha cleared her throat after a few moments of silence. “Your father did not want to mate with me,” Eleanor said, sounding small.

Kate’s heart panged. She knew her mother and father were at odds some of the time, she had heard their arguments from two floors away but she had always thought they had at least loved each other…somewhere deep down. The archer didn’t know what she would do if she asked Yelena to be her mate and the blonde rejected her. “Why?” she finally asked.

Eleanor scoffed lightly but Kate could hear the bitterness her mother was trying to hide. “Your grandparents, on your father’s side, didn’t approve of me.”

Kate sat in a silence she does not normally possess and paid attention to her mother’s tone. The bitterness lingered but pain also tightened the Alpha’s vocal cords and when her mother released a sigh it was full of sadness. The archer wished she had started paying attention long ago.

“They did not think I was the right Alpha for their Omega son,” Eleanor continued. “I did not come from a distinguished family, I wasn’t rich, I only had a part-time job at a bakery.”

The corner of the archer’s lips lifted slightly. On Sunday mornings, her mother always baked some sort of pastry and let Kate be her sou chef. That was also another happy memory the Omega could add to the list. “Sounds romantic,” said Kate, wiping at a stray tear. “You could have courted him with little lemon tarts.”

Eleanor hummed softly. “In a different world, maybe that would have been enough.”

“What do you mean?”

The Alpha tsked. “Your father had invited me to his parent’s fancy Christmas party. At the time I didn’t have top-of-the-line clothing but I had saved up for a nice red and green dress,” Eleanor said wistfully before becoming serious once more. “Not nice enough, apparently. I had to endure snide comments from all the business partners and although your father did your best to defend me, the older Alphas did not take a spoiled Omega seriously. Derek’s mother even had something to say once she reached her sixth glass of wine and I lost it. I caused a scene, yelled at her, pushed my pheromones onto her, and I told her I was going to take Derek away from them and we would live a happy secluded life away from the city.”

Eleanor paused, suddenly sounding breathless. “Derek was not very happy with me after that. He told me he wanted to be with me and still loved me but he would never allow me to mate with him, stating he never wanted to be under the thumb of a controlling Alpha like me.”

“That’s hardly fair,” the Omega murmured.

Eleanor sniffed. “I soon found out life isn’t always fair.”

“You’ve never told me that story before.”

“It’s not a memory I am proud of,” her mother’s tone hardened. “I don’t like remembering the look in his eyes, as if Derek was only then seeing me for the first time.”

The Omega pursed her lips. “Why did you tell me?”

There was some shuffling on the other end of the phone. “You asked,” the Alpha said simply, “and you aren’t my little Omega anymore.”

Kate’s lip wobbled. Her mother didn’t know just how true her statement was. “What about your ruts, mom? How are they handling that?”

Eleanor who was quite used to Kate’s frequent changes of topics answered her, unfazed. “I spend them in an isolation chamber.”

The Omega thought of her mate and what she had to endure in the Red Room, including spending her ruts in isolation to build character. That concept, in theory, wasn’t as bad for younger Alpha’s, but older Alpha’s, especially for those who had been spending their ruts with a partner, it could be detrimental to their health.

“Isn’t that painful?” the archer worried. “Have they been doing regular health checkups? Have they-”

“I don’t really want to talk about that, Kate,” said Eleanor, and the Alpha sounded weary.

Thirty seconds remaining.”

“L-listen, Kate, maybe you could come to visit me,” the Alpha spoke quickly, trying to say her piece before the time ran out. “I know I said some things during your last visit and I’m sorry. I would really like it if I could see you again. I-I know I’ve done a lot of bad things but-”

Ten seconds remaining.”

The archer sat up straighter. “I’ll try and stop by, mom.”

“Okay,” her mother whispered. “Kate, I-” but whatever her mother had wanted to say was cut off at the continuous drone of the dial tone.


The Omega trudged back into the living room and plopped herself down next to the Alpha who quickly placed her hand on her mate’s thigh.

“Are you okay?” Yelena asked, her eyes searching every emotion that flitted across Kate’s features.

“I don’t know how to feel about her anymore,” the archer groaned. “I was expecting a similar conversation like last time but we didn’t even argue. I feel like it’s always hot and cold with her. Should I even trust that calm sad Alpha on the phone is really part of my mother?”

The Russian reached up and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her Omega’s ear. “I wish I could give you all the answers, Kate Bishop. All I know is that family can be quite complicated.”

Kate nodded and leaned in closer to her Alpha. “She wants me to visit her again.”

Yelena kissed Kate’s temple. “Do you want to?”

The archer shrugged. “Kind of? I don’t want us to always be arguing. She told me a story about her and my dad and it got me thinking that there’s a lot about my mother I don’t know; both good and bad.”

The blonde kissed her raven-haired mate. “Whatever you decide, I will be here.”

“I know,” said Kate and she kissed her mate in appreciation. “Right now, I just want to forget. Can you make me forget, Yelena?”

Green eyes studied the Omega who had moved to straddle the Alpha’s thighs. “Are you sure?”

Yelena,” Kate said, aggrieved. “I have not had an org*sm in almost three days. Of course, I’m sure.”

The Alpha grinned and flipped them so her mate was beneath her and was pushed against the upper cushions of the couch. “Allow me to rectify the issue.”

The blonde reached for Kate’s shirt but her hands were swatted away. “Who cares about the shirt? Just take off the pants,” the Omega whined.

Yelena complied and tugged her mate’s jogging shorts from long smooth legs. The Alpha then kicked off her own sleep shorts and kneeled on the edge of the sofa, in front of her mate. The Russian took Kate’s legs and wrapped them around her muscular hips before slowly entering the Omega’s sopping entrance.

The Alpha made an excited nose deep in her throat at the feeling of being inside her mate once more. She started with powerful thrusts that jostled Kate’s body and the archer found her upper half dangling backward off the top of the couch. The Omega’s neck arched backward and the blonde lunged forward to sink her teeth into the mating bite, not hard enough to break the skin but enough for the archer to feel the possessiveness deep within.

Kate screamed as her mate started to pound harder into her. Both of Yelena’s hands clutched the back of the couch and she used her considerable strength to drive herself forward, burying her length as deep as it would go. The Omega reached one hand to tangle her fingers with her Alpha’s blonde locks, the other came up to rest as an anchor point on Yelena’s shoulder.

The blonde continued her brutal pace and eventually released her hold on Kate’s neck. Yelena reached up to grab the back of her Omega’s head and pulled her up so their foreheads rested together, her lower half continued its pace.

Kate choked as she was blasted by controlling pheromones. “You are going to come for me, Kate Bishop,” the Alpha husked.

Broken whimpers escaped the archer’s parted lips as her inner walls began to quiver around the large length pistoning in and out of her.

“You are going to come so hard that you will milk me for all I’m worth and I will give it to you, malenʹkiy yastreb,” Yelena panted hotly in the Omega’s ear. “I will give you everything I have.”

Kate cried out as her walls tightened once and then twice.

“You can do it, baby girl,” the Russian gasped.

The Omega clenched a third time and then the front door swung open…again! Kate’s head fell back and she saw Sonya freeze as she took in the scene in front of her.

Yelena’s hips stilled and she roared at the other Alpha. “Get out!”

“Do we keep forgetting to lock the door?” Kate asked rhetorically as she continued to squeeze her Kegel muscles around the top of her Alpha’s length, silently begging her to start thrusting again. She had almost had it.

The other Alpha leaned against the kitchen island. “We’ve just been picking your locks,” she stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

The Omega could feel Yelena’s entire body vibrate with her growl. “I said get out!”

Sonya clicked her tongue. “No can do. You haven’t been answering your phone.”

The blonde straightened from her bent-over position making her look taller to the other Alpha in the room. This also meant that the length inside of Kate shifted and her mate’s public mound brushed her cl*t. “Oh, f*ck yeah,” she hissed.

The Russian’s hips trembled in their effort not to snap forward. “Did it ever occur to you that I might be busy?” she asked heatedly, her teeth bared.

Sonya was very careful not to let her eyes stray to the back of Kate’s head. She wasn’t dumb. “A widow has just been detected downtown.”

“And?” the blonde screamed incredulously. “Are you not also capable of freeing widows?”

Kate was suffocating at the amount of dominating and demanding pheromones her Alpha was pushing toward Sonya. At this point, she didn’t care if Yelena railed her in front of the other Russian, she just needed release!

“You have the counteragent,” countered the brunette. “Plus, this widow is a level four and you stated that you were the only one capable of handling a level four.”

The Alpha’s chest heaved as she tried to desperately gain control over her breathing. Yelena reached for one of the throw pillows, brought it up to her face, and shrieked into it.

Kate jumped slightly at the noise. She doesn’t think she’s ever heard her mate’s voice reach that high of a pitch.

Yelena threw the pillow angrily at Sonya who simply swiped it away. The Alpha then bent over to kiss Kate’s temple repeatedly as she carefully pulled out of her Omega. “I am sorry, my love,” said the blonde. “Unfortunately, this requires my attention.” She kissed the archer on the lips before crouching down and pulling up her previously discarded shorts.

Usually, the archer would be jumping at the chance to go on a mission with her mate but right now, Kate isn’t sure if she’d be able to successfully stand on her own two feet. Her insides felt like they were going to cave in on themselves, her entire lower body throbbed and twitched painfully. The Omega could no longer tell whose pain it was, hers or her mates?

The Alpha placed a spare blanket over Kate but that’s as far as Yelena’s kindness seemed to go. She sped towards their bedroom, spitting Russian curses at Sonya and probably also at the universe. Five minutes later, the blonde emerged in her tactical suit and pocketed two red vials. Instead of her hair being in its signature braids, the Russian had thrown it up in a messy ponytail. Yelena hid several knives and two guns somewhere on her person and she did nothing to hide the fact that she was sporting an erection. A permanent frown was etched into her facial features and she petulantly stomped her way to the front door.

As she passed Sonya, the brunette glanced down and said, “hey, you know you have a-”

“I know!” Yelena screamed and she slammed the front door behind her.

“Geez,” said Sonya after she let the stark silence permeate the room.

“f*ck you, man,” sighed Kate as she fell back against the couch.

The Alpha laughed. “Don’t shoot the messenger,” the brunette teased.

The Omega formed a finger gun with her hand and jerked it in the Russian’s direction.

“Ouch,” said Sonya and she made her way to the front of the couch and sat on the coffee table, facing the limp Omega. “Are you guys good? Yelena seemed a bit more angry than usual.”

The archer almost whipped the blanket off herself to add a dramatic flair but remembered that she was naked beneath. She turned her head towards Sonya, instead. “Neither Yelena nor I have org*smed in the past three days.”

The Alpha’s eyebrows shot to her hairline. “Oh no, not three days,” she lamented sarcastically.

Kate rolled her eyes. “It wouldn’t be so bad had we not been interrupted literally every time we try and don’t give me that bullsh*t,” the Omega snarked as Sonya opened her mouth. “I know you get testy when you go a full day without having sex with Greer.”

“I don’t get testy,” the Alpha grumbled.

“Hey,” said Kate, her face brightening. “You can help me with my problem!”

“What?” Sonya squeaked. She glanced around as if Yelena was going to materialize from the walls and pummel her.

“Not like that, you dummy,” but the archer smirked when she saw Sonya breathe a sigh of relief. “Remember you made a plan to get Yelena to rail me?”

“Hard to forget the screams, Feisty Kat.”

Kate ignored her friend. “I need you to help me make another plan. I need to do something that will have Yelena pounding into me and no amount of level fours will take her away.”

Sonya’s grin was already spreading before the Omega finished speaking. “I have the perfect idea but you’ll need to learn how to block your emotions.”

“Oh,” Kate’s excitement dwindled a bit. “How do I do that?”

“I don’t have any experience with it, obviously,” The Alpha’s eyes grew distant before she quickly blinked back to the present. “I’ve read that in order to block your emotions from your mate, you have to learn to dampen your scent.”

The archer’s brows scrunched together. “You mean like with scent blockers? I’m never taking those again.”

“No, I mean you have to do it naturally.”

Kate drummed her fingers on the couch. She sat up, making sure the blanket was still covering her lower half, and faced the Russian. “I thought that was impossible?”

The Alpha shrugged. “It’s not a common practice as most mates want to feel each other.”

“But your plan can only work if I learn to block my emotions from my mate?”

“Pretty much.”

“Then we have a lot to do before Yelena gets back.”

Sonya hashed out the rest of her plan as the Omega practiced dampening her own scent. They decided to bring Franny and Greer into the plan so they could do some crowd control and the Russian picked the perfect location for their plan to work.

The archer mulled over what they had so far. “So, tomorrow we’re going out to the club?”

The Alpha nodded. “I have a friend who is going to meet us there and I will instruct him on what to do.”

‘This is your Frat Alpha friend?” Kate asked suspiciously.

“Yes, but don’t worry,” Sonya said. “He will certainly look and act the part but he is very committed to his Alpha boyfriend.”

The Omega nodded before typing a message into her group chat that she shared with her mate, Sonya, and her two friends. “Alright,” said Kate as the invitation was sent. “Plan ‘Make Yelena Jealous’ is a go.”

The Alpha raised an unimpressed brow at her friend. “You still need to dampen your scent.”

The archer hummed and instead of pushing her scent outwards like she had been doing her whole life, she tried pulling it inwards. “Can you smell me now?”


“How about now?”

“Still yes.”



A beat of silence.

“What about now?”


Kate huffed irritably but shut her eyes and tried to drown out the world around her. The Omega thought of the conversation she had with her mother, how they locked her in isolation to spend her rut alone. She thought about how the Red Room did the same to Yelena and to Sonya, and to probably every other Alpha widow to have passed through the Red Room.

A steel impenetrable box drifted inside Kate’s mind. The only door to the prism was left open and the archer closed in on the structure. Once she was inside, Kate stripped away everything that made her an Omega. She locked away the yearning, the submissiveness, the animalistic cravings, she ripped everything away from herself until a shadowy form of a small wolf lay panting on the floor. Without thinking too much, the archer locked the door and opened her eyes.

“Can you smell me now?” she asked again.

“Yes,” but Sonya paused. “Actually, no, I cannot.”

Kate instantly unlocked the door in her mind and let her Omega back in. She felt weird without it, almost like she was laid bare and vulnerable. “I figured it out, then.”

Sonya eyed her. “Very quickly.”

The Omega shrugged. “I’m a fast learner.”

The Alpha’s confused and suspicious demeanor did not lessen. “It’s supposed to be really difficult.”

Kate opened her mouth to respond but a sharp pain split her inner thigh. “Ow!” she yelled, her hand immediately latching to the pained area.

Sonya knelt next to her. “What happened?”

“I-I don’t know,” the Omega said as she rubbed the spot where the pain was already fading. She peeked under the blanket but found her skin unblemished. “Maybe it was just my nerves twinging.”

Blue eyes locked with brown and they both came to the same conclusion. “Yelena,” they said in unison.

“What if she’s hurt?” Kate moaned and didn’t try to temper her panic. “What if she’s bleeding out somewhere? You have to go find her,” she said, pushing at the Russian’s shoulders. “What if-” the Omega suddenly felt a wave of reassurance wash over her. She eased her muscles and relaxed back on the couch. “She’s okay.”

Sonya looked at her as if Kate had just suffered from a mental breakdown. “Are you certain?”

The archer nodded. “Yes, I was panicking but then I felt reassured out of nowhere and I knew it was Yelena. She felt me.”

The Alpha nodded slowly. “You too have a very powerful connection.”

Kate blinked, still trying to get her heart rate under control. “What do you mean? All mates can tell if either one is in pain.”

“That is true,” Sonya said slowly as if thinking hard. “Though, not in the same way that just happened to you.” It seemed the Russian was going to keep the rest of her suspicions to herself as she stood from her kneeling position next to Kate. “Well, Feisty Kat, I will see you tomorrow and I hope you will reap the benefits.”

“You’re leaving?” the archer pouted.

Sonya smiled and patted the Omega’s head. “It’s best if I’m not here when Yelena gets back.”

Kate smiled mischievously. “You’re scared of her, aren’t you?”

“Not of her,” the Alpha challenged. “I caught a glimpse of that monster she has between her legs. I’m scared she’s going to whip it out and whack me with it.”

The Omega cackled and fell back onto the couch. “I thought you guys had already seen each other?”

“She’s grown,” Sonya said dejectedly as she made her way out the front door.

Kate laughed so hard that no sound came out of her mouth, her shoulders shook in the silence and tears dripped out of the corner of her eyes. She wiped them away hastily as her phone vibrated repeatedly. Sonya, Greer, and Franny were all down to go clubbing the next night.

Fifteen minutes after their messages, the front door opened once more and Yelena limped through the threshold. Kate was up in an instant and hurried towards her mate. Without needing to be told, she helped the Alpha to the bathroom and sat her down on the closed toilet seat. Together, they slowly pulled the suit off the blonde’s body to reveal a nasty gash on the inside of Yelena’s thigh.

“How’d you get this?” Kate finally asked as she wiped away the excess blood and started spraying it with disinfectant.

Her mate hissed at the sting. “I was distracted and did not notice the widow had a knife.”

The Omega inspected her Alpha’s injury and decided it wasn’t deep enough to need stitches. She taped the gauze to the wound and wrapped the blonde’s upper thigh. Kate sat back on her heels when she was finished. “Were you distracted because of this?” she asked as she tapped Yelena’s now soft member.

The Alpha twitched. “Yes,” she admitted. “It is very sensitive right now.”

Good to know, Kate thought as she helped her mate stand from the toilet. “Let’s get you resting.”

“So, what is this club event you want everyone to attend?” Yelena asked as she hobbled onto the bed and lifted her leg so Kate could place pillows underneath her foot to elevate her leg.

Kate quickly locked her Omega away again. “I thought it would be a nice way to unwind.”

Green eyes raked over the archer’s form before settling on Kate’s still very exposed nether regions. “I can think of a better way to unwind.”

The archer lightly slapped her mate’s shoulder. “I plan on doing plenty of that afterward.”

Yelena raised a brow. “Well then, you will have to dote on my every wish if I am to recover in time for this event.”

“You once walked around with a dislocated shoulder for two weeks.”

“This injury is obviously much worse.”

Kate leaned forward and kissed the corner of her mate’s mouth. “You’re insufferable.”

The blonde’s eyes closed and she hummed pleasantly as the Omega also kissed the bite mark on Yelena’s neck. “I love you,” the Alpha whispered.

The archer pressed a lazy kiss to eager lips. “I love you too.”


Kate gripped the edges of the sink as she inhaled a shaky breath, her limbs tremored and the archer’s head felt spacy. She had let her Omega back in once Yelena was asleep but the moment Kate awoke, she knew she’d have to dampen her scent again so her Alpha didn’t detect any feelings of mischief or wrongdoing. She had been holding in her Omega for an entire day!

This was the longest her Omega had ever been suppressed and it was starting to bother the archer. Only a few more hours.

Kate shook out her extremities and studied her appearance in the mirror. Sonya had instructed her to wear her most revealing outfit and her tan skin was now adorned with a black leather bralette with no shirt over top. The archer had done an ab workout a few hours before so her muscles would be proudly on display for all to see. A skimpy red skirt sat low on her hip bones and it stopped at the upper thigh, Kate decided to forgo stocks so her legs were bare and ended in knee-high boots. Her black hair was braided into two side braids and Kate had gone for the smoky eye look.

She hoped it was enough.

The archer nodded to herself in the mirror and exited the bathroom. “Yel, we have to leave in a few minutes!” she called as she walked into the kitchen. Kate heard the clatter of dishes fall into the sink and looked over at the commotion.

The Alpha was standing at the sink, one arm raised as if holding an invisible plate, the other held a soapy sponge, and water from the faucet ran between the blonde’s outstretched fingers. Yelena’s eyes traveled up and down her Omega’s body and Kate saw her mate dart out a pink tongue to wet her lips.

“You are a vision,” the Russian woman said hoarsely.

Kate studied her Alpha and it was suddenly very hot in the apartment. Yelena’s hair was down in soft waves around her bare shoulders, her chest was covered in a strapless crop top that ended above the Alpha’s navel. She wore green silk pants with a fabric belt tied in a bow and her signature black boots accompanied the outfit.

The archer swallowed; her mouth suddenly dry. “You look amazing.”

The dishes now long forgotten, Yelena turned off the still running water and dried her hands on the nearby towel. “We don’t have to go out tonight,” the Alpha said, a skip in her step. She closed the distance between her and Kate and wrapped strong arms around her mate. “We can stay in and have our own fun,” she thrummed and kissed her Omega’s sternum.

The archer felt her body flush at the attention. “We have to go,” Kate said seriously. I’ve planned too much.

Yelena pouted but released her hold on her mate. “At least the place is only a few blocks away,” said the Alpha as she grabbed her keys. Green eyes then looked up and sparked dangerously at the archer. “It will make the return faster and I will get you back into bed.”

Kate hummed as she skirted around her Alpha’s very grabby hands. “I know you tried to keep me in there to the best of your abilities.”

Yelena whined as she locked two out of the six deadbolts on the door. “I could have given you so many org*sms by now.”

The archer almost fell down the first step but she caught herself on the railing and willed her desire to settle. “We had to wait for the cut to scab over completely, the doctor said no sexy business until then.”

“You were the doctor,” Yelena complained as she molded herself to her mate’s side.

“Exactly,” said Kate as they descended the stairs. “What I say goes and besides,” she added before her Alpha could disagree. “Just think of this outing as super intense foreplay.”

“Do we not do enough of that already?” the blonde husked in the Omega’s ear as they made their way onto the sidewalk.

The archer tucked herself more firmly into her mate as greedy eyes from passing strangers gazed at her exposed midriff. Yelena put aside her teasing and held her Omega closer and even growled if someone’s eyes lingered on Kate.

Sonya had warned her about this too and apparently, the growling was a good start to the plan.

The pair walked for another five minutes until the bass of the club music reached their ears. They rounded a corner to see vibrant neon signage flashing the club’s location and the music grew louder. Kate could just make out Greer, Franny, and Sonya standing at the entrance of the building, waiting for them. The Omega squinted as another tall figure came into view and threw a long arm around Sonya. That must be her friend.

“You guys are finally here!” Greer said happily as she threw herself at the archer. Kate caught her and spun her a few times before she moved to embrace Franny.

Yelena stood, unmoving as she regarded the new member of the group. “You did not say you were bringing someone else,” accused the blonde as she eyed the new Alpha suspiciously.

Sonya’s friend stood at a whopping six feet, he wore a blue polo shirt and baggy khakis. Kate's eyes traveled to his feet. Was he wearing socks and sandals? He ran a hand through his auburn hair and smiled dazzlingly at the group. “Forgot to introduce myself,” he said, his voice higher than Kate expected. “I’m Chase.”

Sonya pointed to the blonde. “This is Yelena and her Omega, Kate.”

Chase bobbed his head, his eyes glazing over as he seemed to contemplate their names. “Yuh-lee-nah,” he said, sounding out the vowels incorrectly. “That’s a nice name.”

The archer felt her mate bristle. “It’s even nicer when you pronounce it properly.”

Chase laughed as if the Russian had shared a joke with him then turned towards the Omega. “Kate,” he drawled. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” He took her hand and Kate thought he was going to shake it but instead he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it. “Has anyone told you that you’re, like, totally smokin’?”

Franny attempted to hide her snicker with a cough and Greer had to turn around completely so the rest of the group wouldn’t see her face.

Yelena straightened herself so she stood taller, but she never reached Chase’s height, and she stepped in front of her Omega. “She is beautiful,” she said as if scolding and teaching a young teenager how to properly compliment someone. “She is also my mate.”

“Oh, right on,” smiled Chase as he either didn’t take or ignored the hint to back off. “Isn’t love great?”

“Yes, yes, love is fantastic,” said Sonya, stepping in and probably saving the tallest Alpha from Yelena’s wrath. “Now, let’s get inside and dance our cares away!”

Greer, Franny, and Kate both hollered excitedly and hurried into the building. Yelena followed closely after her mate while Chase and Sonya lingered behind, the shorter Alpha whispering in Chase’s ear.

The music was typical party music but the beat was good, Kate even told herself to download the few she thought she and Yelena could have sex to. They had been dancing in a loose circle when a new song started and the beat immediately dropped. Greer bent over and started throwing it back against Sonya, the brunette bit her lips and kept pace with the Omega in front of her. Franny sidled up to Chase and they both jumped around each other, screaming the lyrics to the song.

The archer felt her mate relax slightly as she watched this display. Kate smirked to herself as she backed into her mate’s front and started rolling her hips into Yelena’s. The blonde keened, and her hands shot forward to latch onto the Omega’s hips. The mates ground together and Yelena’s forehead fell onto the archer’s shoulder.

Kate lifted her hand and started to play with the baby hairs on the back of her mate’s neck. “You alright?” the Omega asked as they continued to move with the music.

Yelena groaned in answer and pulled Kate firmly against the blonde’s front. The archer’s mouth dropped open and she rolled her hips harder at the feel of her Alpha’s erection pressing into her butt. Kate instantly followed Greer’s example and bent over, her hands on her thighs, and twerked her ass against Yelena’s crotch.

The Alpha heaved Kate to stand once more upwards and trapped their bodies together by engulfing her with her arms. “I will come if you do that,” Yelena panted in Kate’s ear. Her voice was so low that the music almost engulfed it entirely. “These are silk pants and the stain will never come out.”

The Omega chuckled but didn’t try and bend over again. They continued their earlier grinding, the Russian’s hands skimmed over Kate’s clenching abdominal muscles before they settled and firmly cupped the archer’s leather-clad breasts. Yelena nipped at Kate’s earlobe and alternated between sucking at her mate’s scent gland and nibbling on the shell of the Omega’s ear.

Suddenly a body crashed into Yelena’s back and Kate felt chilled liquid splash against her arm.

“I’m so sorry,” came Greer’s voice.

Kate extracted herself from her mate and bit her tongue to hide her smile. Her friend had ‘accidentally’ spilled her shot of black spiced rum down the back of the blonde’s once white shirt.

The stumbling Omega grabbed Yelena’s arm and started dragging her towards the restroom. “It’s going to stain! We have to get you cleaned up.”

The Alpha tried to resist Kate’s friend. “Greer, it’s okay.”

“No, no,” Geer slurred. “Your nice shirt will be unsalvageable if we don’t take care of it this instant.”

Franny appeared on the other side of Yelena and grabbed her other arm. “Greer’s right, Yelena. It’ll only take a few minutes to rub the soap into the fibers.”

The Alpha glanced desperately between Kate and her friends but the archer simply waved at her Alpha’s struggling form and yelled. “I’ll wait here!”

Before the crowd could separate the group completely, Kate felt a long arm wrap around her shoulders. “Don’t worry,” said Chase as he waved at the blonde’s retreating form. “I’ll keep her safe!”

Yelena’s eyes narrowed menacingly and zeroed in on the taller Alpha’s arm before the throng of dancing people closed the gap and Kate’s mate and her friends disappeared from view.

“Dude,” said Chase. “Your Alpha is terrifying. It’s taking every skill I possess to not flinch when she looks at me.”

The Omega smiled sweetly. “Yelena is special. Thanks for helping with this, by the way.”

Chase's smirk widened into a genuine smile. “I get it,” he said, leaning close to be heard over the pounding of the music. “My boyfriend and I once edged ourselves for a whole week. I thought I was going to die.”

Kate tilted her head. “Edged?”

“Yeah,” the Alpha shrugged. “Isn’t that what you and Yelena are doing?”

The Omega made a mental note to ask Greer what that word meant later. “I guess we are, albeit unintentionally.”

Chase hummed and reached a hand forward to twirl a strand of fallen hair around his finger. He leaned in closer and whispered, “Sonya suggested now would be a good time to open your Omega back up.”

“Already?” Kate asked, also leaning forward to whisper in his ear.

The Alpha nodded as he released the archer’s hair and started caressing Kate’s upper arm. She unlocked the door to her inner Omega’s cage, the beast howled at being denied for so long and sprang back into the Omega. Every feeling and emotion crashed into Kate and she almost keeled over as a potent mix of jealousy and protectiveness flared inside her mind.

Yelena, Kate thought. The archer glanced into the dirty mirror behind the bar and looked past the reflection of herself leaning in close to Chase. The Russian Alpha stood rooted to the floor, her pheromones parting the crowd like a boat slicing through the ocean. Her darkened eyes were fixed firmly on the hand attached to her mate’s arm.

The Omega focused on Chase. “I apologize in advance if you lose your arm tonight.”

The Alpha winked and asked loudly. “Kate, wow! Do you work out?”

The archer shrugged, playing along. “Oh ya know, here and there,” she shouted and she knew that her mate could hear them.

“We should work out sometime.”

Kate glanced back at the mirror; Yelena’s fists were clenched in a fist and a vein was visibly pulsing in her jaw.

“I don’t know if you’ll be able to keep up with me,” the Omega said cheekily.

Chase scoffed, stepped back, and lifted his shirt to display his very chiseled chest and stomach. A wave of Yelena’s anger filled the Omega so fiercely that Kate’s own lips almost pulled back in a snarl. The archer’s eyes moved slowly down Chase’s stomach. She had to admit, the view was nice.

“Are those V-lines?” Kate asked.

“Yeah, want to feel them?” Chase asked and without giving the Omega time to respond, reached for her hand, and placed it on his stomach.

Oh, they’re really hard.

Kate chanced another glance in the mirror. Yelena’s teeth were now visible and her mouth parted as her chest swelled in a fit of intense anger.

“Wow,” was all the Omega could think to say. Her Alpha’s possessive pheromones had reached the Omega and they were shifting rapidly into the domineering side. Yelena’s scent told the archer to submit to her and only to her.

Chase lowered his voice. “I think your Alpha needs one last push.”

“I think my Alpha is very close to killing you.”

The auburn-haired man lifted his head back and laughed as if the Omega had just said something extremely hilarious. “You know I’ve been admiring your mating bite all night. It’s the biggest I’ve ever seen.”

“Well, she did bite me with her whole moUTH, DUDE!” exclaimed Kate as she flinched away. Chase and reached up and pressed his thumb into the mark on her neck.

That also seemed to be enough for Yelena. A deafening snarl rippled like a shock wave through the club-goers. Kate backed away as the blonde marched towards Chase and blasted him with every pheromone in her body. The taller Alpha dropped to his knees and bared his neck in submission though, that did not seem to be enough for Yelena because she jerked her arm forward and her hand started squeezing his windpipe.

“Do not ever touch my Omega again!” the blonde roared. “She is my mate, my girl, my Kate Bishop.”

The archer whimpered as wetness gushed between her legs at her Alpha’s words. The Omega put two fingers to her mouth and blew a sharp, ear-splitting whistle. Half the crowd quieted and looked in Kate’s direction, including Yelena who had yet to release her prey.

The blonde’s teeth gnashed on open air, she was puffing and panting as if her body was being charged with excess energy. Her green eyes looked vacantly in Kate’s direction, everyone else in the room moving unseen to the Alpha. The Omega’s mouth dropped open in shock; her Alpha had just gone into rut.

“Yelena,” Kate called in a sweet voice. Her mate blinked; the Russian’s eyes cleared until only Kate held her attention. The Alpha released her hold on Chase and took a single step towards Kate, the Omega smiled slyly. “Come and get me, baby.”

The archer then turned on her heel and pushed past the dancers and towards the front entrance. Sonya was leaning against the wall near the exit door and she tossed Kate the keys she had stolen out of Yelena’s pocket. “I’ll trip her to give you more time,” the brunette called as Kate rushed past her.

Sure enough, the archer heard a body fall heavily behind her and a scream of “Cyka!” from her favorite Russian accent.

Once back on the sidewalk, Kate took off in the direction of her apartment. The Omega could feel her own adrenaline pumping through her veins, her excitement, and anticipation of what was about to follow her actions but she knew it would be worth it. Yelena’s sexual frustration was the only thing Kate could feel from their bond and it had the archer smiling. Tonight was going to be a good night.

Kate heard the heavy boots her Alpha always wore gain on her but she didn’t dare turn around. The hairs on the archer’s neck stood on end and Kate could tell that Yelena had her in her sights. The Omega could even hear her mate’s harsh breathing and she darted into an alleyway that doubled as a shortcut back to her apartment. Kate heard the blonde’s body smack into the side of the brick wall.

“Get back here, Kate Bishop!” the Alpha demanded.

“You have to catch me, slowpoke!” Kate hollered as she picked up speed. The Omega jumped over a fallen trash bin and skidded out of the alleyway, laughing.

Yelena stumbled out as she almost tripped over an empty beer bottle. She was only a few feet behind her Omega.

“Run, run as fast as you can,” Kate taunted. “You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”

The Russian growled behind her. “A misbehaving brat is what you are, Kate Bishop!”

The archer squealed in delight as the apartment came into view and she booked it the rest of the way. Once she reached the door, she punched in the entrance code with fumbling fingers. The lock blinked green and Kate threw open the door, taking the steps two at a time until she reached the fourth-floor landing. The archer jammed the key into the two deadbolts Yelena had locked and finally, she was inside, she slammed the door shut, pressing an ear to the door to check where in the building the Alpha was.

Kate. Bishop.” she heard the Russian seethe behind her.

The archer screamed and jumped, the keys flew from her hand and landed in a jingling heap on the floor. She twisted around and stared wide-eyed at her breathless mate who stood in front of an open window.

Damn, I forgot she does that!

The Omega’s eyes flitted between the hallway that led to the bedroom and her mate who had not moved from her spot. Kate’s blood had started rushing in her ears and she made her move, the archer’s leg muscles tensed and she ran towards her bedroom.

Kate immediately heard her Alpha follow her and she practically dove onto the bed. The Omega tried to move towards the pillows but two hands caught at her ankles and dragged her off.

“On your knees,” Yelena fumed.

The Omega dropped down and watched with eager eyes as her mate hastily unknotted the fabric bow and slid her pants down. Yelena’s erection sprang free, straight as an arrow, completely red and dripping.

Kate licked her lips.

The blonde roughly grabbed her Omega’s chin, her fingers pinched the joint by her ears so her mouth fell open. “Stick out your tongue.” The archer complied and Yelena instantly tapped the head of her length on her mate’s tongue before shoving it down her throat. Kate choked at the quick entrance but relaxed her muscles. “Suck,” said the powerful voice above her, the Russian’s intense scent left no room for argument.

Kate bobbed her head along her mate’s length. She pushed her head down for deeper strokes and was able to nibble at the base of the Alpha’s length before she slurped her way back up. She made sure to keep her noises obscene and paid extra attention to Yelena’s tip. The Omega wrapped her lips around the bulbous head and kitten licked the remaining area, she soon switched to sucking directly on the leaking divot, trying to bring her aching Alpha release as fast as she could.

Yelena moaned and reached down to unhook her mate’s bralette. Once the garment was free, the Russian smoothed her hands over the dips and arches of her Omega’s shoulders. Small hands then traveled up to grip the back of Kate’s head and undid her braids. The archers lose dark hair soon fell down her naked back.

Kate had switched back to kitten licks when her mate demanded her to open her mouth. The Alpha then completely sheathed herself down the archer’s throat, Yelena placed both of her hands on either side of Kate’s face and snapped her hips forward. A strong hold held the Omega’s head steady and the Russian’s hips increased their pace and f*cked her mate’s mouth. The archer opened her mouth as wide as it would go and felt the blonde’s length scrape down her throat before disappearing and entering again in quick succession.

“You are mine,” gasped Yelena as her length accidentally caught on Kate’s teeth. “Only I can do this with you.”

The Alpha looked down and studied sincere blue eyes as she chased her pleasure in Kate’s mouth. Yelena grunted each time her length disappeared into the archer, she could feel her mate swallow around her and it was almost enough to send the Russian over the edge. Yelena pulled out until she rested against the inside of the Omega’s cheek and released her hold on Kate’s head. “Finish me,” she instructed.

Kate dove in burying the length instantly. Her arms came up and wrapped around her Alpha’s waist as if she were hugging her and she started swallowing in earnest. One of Yelena’s hands stroked Kate’s upper back while the other tangled in raven hair and scratched the back of her Omega’s scalp. The Omega moaned at the gentle sensation and tightened her arms around her mate, she curled her tongue and pressed it to the underside of Yelena’s length.

The hand on the back of the Omega’s head tightened and the blonde pushed Kate further down her erection, making sure her mate could swallow every inch of her. “You are mine,” the Russian repeated.

The archer gently sunk her teeth into the base of the Alpha’s shaft and nodded.

“Such a f*cking good girl,” Yelena panted as arousal started to form a tight knot in the pit of her stomach. She felt a pleasurable pulse deep within her and knew that came from her Omega who was working her so well. “You are mine to love.”

The archer hummed and nodded again and the action loosened the tight knot within Yelena until it raced up her length.

Yelena’s entire body shook at the intensity of her org*sm. The Alpha dropped her mouth open and howled her release; she shot load after load down her mate’s throat and even when she pulled Kate’s head away from her, the white liquid kept spurting out of her.

The Omega whined as she watched her mate’s essence staining the carpeted floor but the blonde simply pulled the archer up from her knees and started to rip off both their clothing. “Don’t worry, malenʹkiy yastreb, there is plenty more for you.”

Kate flopped back on the bed, she was rendered completely speechless but she spread her legs for her mate and wasn’t disappointed when Yelena clambered onto the bed. The Russian took her still very hard length in her hand and smacked it enticingly on the Omega’s cl*t and it sent sharp tingles racing from between Kate’s legs that jumbled in her core.

Yelena slid into her mate easily and snapped her hips forward; the Omega hmphed and arched into the muscular body above her. The Alpha slid a hand under Kate to keep her back elevated and brushed her teeth over the archer’s pert nipples. Kate clenched at the sensation and cried when Yelena’s mouth left her chest.

The blonde released her mate’s back and laid her down fully on the bed. “Are you ready for me?”

Kate's eyes, which had been closed as she focused on the growing friction inside of her, snapped open. “I’ve been ready for three f*cking days!” she cried. “Rail me already!”

Yelena growled and held the Omega’s hands above her head, pinning them to the mattress. The headboard started to shake and bang into the wall behind it; Kate wondered if there was going to be a hole there in the morning. Soon, though, the archer could not think of anything else except the Alpha’s length which kept bumping pleasurably into her cervix.

The blonde snapped her hips into her mate so forcefully that the archer shot up the bed and was only saved from crashing into the headboard by Yelena’s quick reflexes as the Alpha pulled her back down.

Kate had never been so manhandled in her life but she certainly wasn’t going to start complaining. Yelena took her on her back, pulled out, flipped her on her stomach, and pushed back in. The Russian focused on the special spongey spot inside her mate and delighted at her Omega’s spasming walls.

“Keep doing that,” Kate pleaded.

Yelena held onto the archer’s shoulders and thrust harder, she angled herself so the Omega’s front wall took a beating from her length but it was exactly what the archer needed. Kate screamed into her pillow and convulsed around her mate, a splash of wetness squirted out of her and coated Yelena’s thighs.

“Baby, that was so hot,” moaned Yelena and her length twitched and rippled until she was coming again inside her.

“Again,” Kate demanded.

The Alpha chuckled and picked up her pace, once more focusing on her Omega’s front wall. This time it only took a few more thrusts until Kate came apart again.

“I love it when you tighten around me," husked Yelena as she continued moving through her mate’s org*sm.

Kate hummed, her mouth unable to form the proper vowels and consonants as the blonde pounded into her but she recovered enough to hoarsely say, “turn me around,” when she felt Yelena’s knot pushing at her entrance.

The Russian didn’t even pull out to maneuver her mate, Kate was wet enough that Yelena could spin her around her dick without injury. The Alpha pinned Kate’s hips to the bed and started pummeling the Omega’s entrance with her knot. Yelena looked up when her mate keened; Kate’s mouth was hanging open, her eyes shut tight, her hands had come up to grip the pillow below her head, and her breasts bounced with her Alpha’s thrusts.

Feeling her org*sm fast approaching, the blonde ground her knot hard into her mate’s entrance and fell onto Kate as it grated inside. Yelena quickly suckled on her Omega’s mark and then pierced Kate’s skin with her teeth as her length shot an incredible load into the archer.

The Omega’s body tensed under her Alpha, then shuddered, her hot inner walls milking her mate for everything she had. Kate leaned forward and renewed her own mating mark on the Russian’s scent gland.

The archer pulled them away from each other’s necks and stuck her tongue into Yelena’s mouth. The ex-assassin responded in kind and they rolled around the expanse of their bed, the sheets tangled between their legs and their mouths refused to dislodge from the other.

Yelena rolled onto her back, Kate leaning over her as their mouths moved in tandem. The blonde palmed her Omega’s ass and moved her in a slow grind so her knot scraped against Kate’s walls. The archer broke the kiss so she could straighten and roll her hips with more force. The Omega’s breathing increased and the pressure within her grew until it neared being painful. “It feels like I have to pee.”

The Alpha bit back a whine as her mate started clenching rhythmically around her. “It’s okay,” panted Yelena. “Just let it happen.”

It felt as if Kate had suffocated her mate as her inner muscles snapped and trapped the blonde inside of her. The Omega squirted again and sticky wetness gushed around Yelena’s lower stomach.

The Alpha looked as if Christmas had come early when her mate released a flooding stream of wetness. “Yes,” sighed Yelena, elated as another org*sm ripped through her.

“You like that, huh?” Kate asked, catching her breath.

“It is my new mission in life. Now, Kate Bishop, we have three days of org*sms to make up for, so I hope you are ready.”

The Omega’s bundle of nerves pulsed heavily and she started to roll her hips again. “As long as you keep that thumb of yours pressed to my cl*t, we won’t have a problem.

Yelena smiled and connected her lips to her mates.

Throughout the Alpha’s rut, the pair received twenty text messages, eight phone calls, and three deliveries but they ignored every single one and got lost within each other again, and again, and again.

Five Times Kate and Yelena Are Interrupted And One Time Kate Plans For Them Not To Be - DoomTheShroom (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.