Lawson and Gelman commit a no clothes conspiracy against Veruca Salt and get grounded (2024)

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Cast[] Transcript[]


Lawson, King Bob, TJ Detweiler and Randall Weems-Eric

Gelman, Tracey Logan and Mikey Blumberg-Joey

Charlie Bucket and Smithy-Young Guy

Veruca Salt-Allison

Morris P. Hingle-Brian


Vince LaSSao, Menlo-Paul

Gus Griswald and Diller-Evil Genius/David/Zack

Veronica Winters-Princess

Miss Finster, Principal Prickly and Mr Lawson (Lawson's dad)-Wiseguy

Henry Salt-Steven

Ashley Armbruster-Emma

Mrs Lawson (Lawson's mum)-Kimberly

Gelman's dad-Simon

Gelman's mum-Belle

Henrietta Salt-Kate




On top of the Jungle Gym, King Bob had an announcement.

King Bob: Attention, kids in the playground! Me and my friends are all going to trip to New York! You know, I have two visitors who come here. Today they are visiting the entire school. They are also on TJ and his friends' side. They are fifth graders. There is one boy and one girl who are visiting here. Meet the visitors, Charlie Bucket and Veruca Salt.

Charlie Bucket came alongside Veruca Salt. Veruca was also in a purple gown.

Charlie: Thank you, Third Street School kids. Veruca and I have come for a visit. Grandpa Joe has offered a visit to Third Street School. My friends TJ and his friends have asked Grandpa Joe and Veruca's father to offer me a visit to Third Street School. Neither Veruca nor I are in Miss Grotke's class because we're 10 year olds. We are in Miss Finster's class. Like Yope from Norway, we are visitors.

Veruca: Speaking of visits, King Bob has offered me to rule the playground temporarily while he and his friends are on a trip to New York. I am going to be a queen today. Refer to me as Queen Veruca.

Charlie: I have also made something beautiful for Veruca and I bought something for her. I've got things in my bag to give to Veruca.

Charlie took some stuff out of the bag to present to Veruca. Charlie brought a tiara and a long red royal cloak with white trim with black spots and a dark blue underside.

Charlie: Veruca, I've got you a tiara, and I made a cloak for you. The cloak's made out of fabrics I bought from the fabric shop.

Veruca: Thank you, Charlie.

Charlie put the cloak on Veruca, and Veruca tied the strings to wear a cloak. Charlie placed a tiara on Veruca.

Kids in the playground cheered.

Morris: Wow. I feel like crying.

Tracey: Do you?

Mikey: Way to go, Charlie!

Spinelli: Nice going, Charlie!

TJ: Ah! Charlie, you're a good friend to us!

Vince: He's one cool fifth grader. He and Veruca are two of the nice fifth graders, and are much better than our archenemy Lawson!

Gretchen: Vince's right. Not all fifth graders are bad. Veruca dislikes horrid fifth graders, especially Lawson and Gelman.

Gus: I bet Veruca hates Gelman! Gelman's also Veruca's enemy!

Randall: Boy! Charlie and Veruca's relationship is similar to my and Ashley A's relationship!

Menlo: Charlie and Veruca are as well-behaved as Morris P. Hingle, Jennifer Weasley, Slappy, Sara Jones, Tracey Logan and other well-behaved ones.

Veruca: Thank you! Thank you! You people are so kind! Especially Charlie Bucket! Charlie bought me a tiara and built a royal cloak for me.

Charlie: Veruca is the playground queen temporarily. All of you must treat her with respect.

King Bob: Charlie is right. Please treat Veruca with respect. Refer to us as Queen Veruca. There will be zero tolerance against gross impertinence towards Queen Veruca. There will be no cheekiness from Lawson and his friends. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to a trip to New York. See you tomorrow.

So King Bob climbed down the Jungle Gym, and he and his friends walked away. Veruca announced to the kids.

Veruca: Alright, kids in the playground. Today, I am substituting for King Bob. I am Queen Veruca. Just temporarily. Here are the rules. Number 1: Treat the queen with respect. Number 2: No gross impertinence. Number 3: No bad language. Number 4: No misbehaviour. Any troublemaker who misbehaves and causes trouble for any innocent people will be reported to Miss Finster and sent to the principal's office. Number 5: No making grounded videos out of innocent people. Any troublemaker who makes grounded videos out of innocent people will be sent to the dodgeball wall.

Lawson and Gelman were peeved.

Lawson: Gah! Stupid girl! How dare she become a stupid gooberhead of a queen?!

Gelman: Yeah, she's such a jerk! She's as stupid as Ashley A! What shall we do to that idiot?

Lawson: I know! How about we commit a no clothes conspiracy against that gooberhead! This plot's inspired by The Emperor's New Clothes. I called it Operation: The Empress' New Clothes.

Gelman: Good idea! Let's do it! When it's time for the second recess, we'll confront Veruca.

Lawson: We'll set up the parade, and we'll get our friends to watch!

Gelman: This is going to be fun!

After lunch, Veruca was sitting on a chair on the observation deck of the Jungle Gym.

Veruca: Ah, this is sweet. Charlie and I had a great lunch, which includes pizzas, strawberry juice and chocolate cakes. It's nice to be sitting around with other nice fifth graders. We had also chatted with fourth graders like TJ and his gang.

Just then, Lawson and Gelman came.

Lawson: Hello, Your Majesty!

Gelman: We're here to give you new clothes!

Veruca: Oh, really? That's very nice of you!

Lawson: Okay, queenie! Let's take you down to the bottom and take you inside the bottom of the Jungle Gym so you can face the mirror!

Veruca: Woah! How intriguing!

So Veruca came off the chair, and she followed Lawson and Gelman down the ladder and went inside the bottom of the Jungle Gym. Lawson and Gelman showed Veruca a mirror.

Lawson: Okay, queenie! Face the mirror!

So Veruca approached the mirror, and then she smiled.

Gelman: Woah, you are the most beautiful one of all. Not for much longer. Hahaha. Unless you wear new clothes.

Lawson: Okay, let's undress her. On one condition: Leave the crown on Veruca and don't take the underwear and shoes off her.

So Lawson undid the strings to take the royal cloak off Veruca. Then he and Gelman took the clothes off Veruca, leaving her to wear nothing but underwear and shoes.

Lawson: Okay, let's give her new clothes.

So Lawson pretended to put a new dress on Veruca, and then he and Gelman pretended to put a new cloak on Veruca.

Lawson: Here you go! Your new clothes are done. Look in the mirror.

So Veruca approached the mirror, and she smiled.

Veruca: Am I wearing new clothes?

Lawson: That's right. They're invisible clothes.

Veruca: Woah, I'm the most beautiful one of all like all good-hearted people, such as Spinelli, Gretchen, Violet and the Ashleys!

Gelman: Excellent! Come on, you don't want to be late for the parade! Go outside and get admired by people!

Lawson and Gelman stopped Veruca's clothes in the bag, and Veruca went out of the bottom of the Jungle Gym, and she saw lots of people.

Randall: Attention, all people! Queen Veruca is here!

Menlo: Attention, everyone! Make way for the queen!

Veruca: Thank you! Thank you! I'm so happy to be admired by people! Like King Bob, I'm the most beautiful one of all! Everyone adores me!

All the people were cheering, except for the troublemakers who were smirking. Smithy spotted Veruca walking by with only a tiara and underwear on. He pointed to her.

Smithy: Diller, look! Queen Veruca has no clothes on!

Mike: Really? That was funny!

Veronica: Good information, Smithy!

The troublemakers laughed, and the non-troublemakers were horrified. Veruca turned very red.

Veruca: Oh no! I'm the most foolish person of all! I've got no clothes on!

TJ: Oh no! Poor Veruca! She's ruined!

Vince: This is terrible!

Lawson was holding a sack, and he and Gelman smirked with triumph.

Lawson: Haha! We tricked you, Queen Veruca! Hahahahahahaha!

Gelman: Smithy's right! You got no clothes on!

Lawson: Consider yourself bamboozled!

Gelman: Yeah, take that, queenie!

Lawson and Gelman rushed off, laughing and Lawson was taking a sack with him.

Lawson and Gelman: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Veruca was shocked and furious.


TJ: Oh man, this whomps!

Charlie: This is terrible! How could those guys like your enemies Lawson and Gelman commit a conspiracy?!

Vince: We'll go see if Veruca's alright!

Charlie, TJ, Vince, Spinelli, Gretchen, Mikey and Gus rushed to Veruca.

TJ: Veruca, are you alright?

Veruca: No! I don't have no clothes on, and now I'm completely naked! I've never been so embarrassed in all my life! This is the worst day ever! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Spinelli: Don't cry, Veruca! Don't cry!

Gretchen: You'll get your clothes back!

Veruca: My career as a queen is ruined! I'm ruined! I'm disgraced! I better not let Miss Finster see it! Her old heart can't take it! Hide me, or Miss Finster will see me!

Gus: If you say so.

Charlie: You heard Veruca, help her.

So TJ and his gang began to escort Veruca away. Randall saw what Lawson and Gelman were doing. Lawson and Gelman hid the sack in one of the bushes.

Randall: Oh no! Lawson and Gelman are going to be in big trouble for stealing Veruca's clothes! I'm telling!

Randall rushed off to tell Miss Finster.


Randall came to Miss Finster.


Miss Finster: What is it now, Randall?

Randall: Well, you're going to be very cross when I say this. Lawson and Gelman robbed Veruca Salt of her clothes and left her naked. I also saw them hiding a sack in one of the bushes. The sack has Veruca's clothes in it. Can you have a word with Lawson and Gelman for their conspiracy?

Miss Finster was dismayed.

Miss Finster: Oh my god! Thanks for telling me, Randall! I'll have a word with those brats!

Miss Finster rushed off to get Lawson and Gelman. Then she caught Lawson and Gelman.

Miss Finster: Lawson and Gelman, Randall told me that you robbed Veruca of her clothes and left her naked. Is this true?

Lawson: Yes we did. That's because she became a stupid gooberhead of a queen!

Gelman: And besides, she whomps.

Miss Finster was furious.

Miss Finster: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! Lawson and Gelman, how dare you rob Veruca of her clothes and leave her naked! That is very naughty of you, and that's a conspiracy!

Lawson: You bet it is! Hahahahahahaha!

Gelman: That's right, we committed a no clothes conspiracy! This plot's inspired by The Emperor's New Clothes. I called it Operation: The Empress' New Clothes.

Lawson: This is the best caper ever!

Gelman: We took the clothes off Veruca and left her to wear nothing but underwear. We pretended to dress her in new clothes as if they were invisible clothes. Then our friends will make fun of her during the parade, and now they did so.

Miss Finster: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! You hooligans! How dare you commit a no clothes conspiracy?! That is very rude and horrid! That's it, go to Principal Prickly's office right now!

So Lawson and Gelman went back inside Third Street School and walked on their way to Principal Prickly's office. Later, they entered Principal Prickly's office and approached Principal Prickly.

Principal Prickly: So, Lawson and Gelman? Why are you two here?

Lawson: We committed a no clothes conspiracy! This plot's inspired by The Emperor's New Clothes. I called it Operation: The Empress' New Clothes.

Lawson: This is the best caper ever!

Gelman: We took the clothes off Veruca and left her to wear nothing but underwear. We pretended to dress her in new clothes as if they were invisible clothes. Then our friends will make fun of her during the parade, and now they did so.

Principal Prickly was shocked, and then he was furious.

Principal Prickly: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I can't believe you committed a no clothes conspiracy?! That is very naughty of you two! That's it, there will be consequences that involve Veruca Salt's father! I'm calling Mr Salt right now!

Principal Prickly picked up a phone and phoned Henry Salt up.

Principal Prickly: Hello, Mr Salt! This is Principal Peter Prickly of Third Street School! Yes, it's about Lawson and Gelman! Yes, they're in big trouble now! They committed a no clothes conspiracy! This plot was inspired by The Emperor's New Clothes. Lawson and Gelman took the clothes off your daughter Veruca and left her to wear nothing but underwear. They pretended to dress her in new clothes as if they were invisible clothes. Then their friends would make fun of Veruca during the parade, and now they did so. Yes, same as usual, another conference. Okay, bye!

Then Principal Prickly put down the phone and toldLawson and Gelman about Henry.

Principal Prickly: Veruca's father is coming. Meet me in the conference room now.

15 minutes later...

Lawsonand Gelman had met PrincipalPrickly in the conference room, and Henry Salt had come to see Principal Prickly.

Principal Prickly: Now that we are all in this situation, we will talk about consequences now. Lawson and Gelman, you have robbed Veruca Salt of her clothes and left her naked and lied to her about wearing new clothes that were invisible clothes. There are no such things as invisible clothes. You have caused a lot of trouble. So here we go. Lawson and Gelman, your consequences includegardening in Miss Finster's pad, keeping my car clean, working in Salt's Peanuts and a suspension for two weeks. I cannot say how cross I am with you right now. You and your friends are a thorn in my side, probably Mr Salt's side as well.

Henry: Oh yes, he's been a thorn in my side. My wife's side, and my daughter's side. According to my daughter, they're a thorn in Charlie and his family's side, and also Willy Wonka'a side. They have a tendency to push people in the chocolate river, feeding them three course dinner gums, putting them on the Eggdicator to make them fall down the garbage chute and shrinking them with the Wonkavison.

Principal Prickly: Did you hear that, Lawson and Gelman? You are a thorn in the Salt Family's side, and you are a thorn in Charlie and his family's side and Willy Wonka's side.

Henry: You two have been very naughty to my daughter! You don't ever steal her clothes to leave her naked! You will be working in Salt's Peanuts!

Lawson: Mr Salt, Gelman and I have got a better idea!

Henry: What's that?

Gelman: We'll get you something for the lab! See you later!

Lawson and Gelman left the conference room.

Principal Prickly: Come back here! I'm not finished with you two yet!

Henry: You heard your principal! Get back here!

But Lawson and Gelman were walking on their way to the lab, and then they entered the lab.

Lawson: Okay, Gelman! Let's make acid! We'll throw it at Mr Salt's face!

Gelman: Good idea! Let's do it!

So Lawson and Gelman walked over to the table with chemistry set, and they grabbed jars. They started to make acid by using lab equipment and mixing chemicals. Soon, they had finished making acid in the jars.

Lawson: There! All done! Time to take the acid jar to the conference room!

So Lawson and Gelman picked up the acid jars and left the lab and returned to the conference room. Then they entered the conference room.

Henry: Where have you been?! We're not finished with you yet?

Lawson: Guess what? We got acid jars!

Principal Prickly: Why are you holding the acid jars? Take them back to the lab now!

Lawson: No way!

Gelman: We got a surprise for Mr Salt!

Henry: What surprise?!

Lawson: The acid surprise!

Gelman: Here! Have some acid!

Lawson and Gelman threw acid in Henry's face, which burnt his face. Henry started screaming in pain as he got off his seat and covered his face.


Henry kept screaming in pain and he walked from behind his desk and covered his face.


Lawson and Gelman laughed.

Lawson: Hahahahahahahahaha! Take that, Henry!

Gelman: You're going to be like Two-Face from the Batman series now!

Henry fell to the floor, still screaming in pain.


Lawson: You're dead, Salt! You hear me, Salt?!

Gelman: You hear Lawson, Salt?! That stuff will eat through concrete!

Lawson and Gelman: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Lawson: Scream what you want, a**hole!

Principal Prickly was furious and threw a fit.


Back in the Third Street Playground, Veruca Salt was sitting on a bench, feeling glum. Just then, Ashley A came.

Ashley A: Like, hello, Veruca. What's the matter? I've heard that you've got no clothes on. I've heard that Lawson and Gelman stole the clothes from you, leaving you to wear nothing but underwear.

Veruca: I know. My career as Queen Veruca is ruined, thanks to those two imbeciles Lawson and Gelman. I'm ruined. I've never been so embarrassed in all my life.

Ashley A: Tell you what, Veruca. Why don't you come to my swimming pool with me and my friends? That'll cheer you up.

Veruca: Oh thank you, Ashley A.

Ashley A: You're welcome! Let's go to my swimming pool!

So Veruca got up from a bench, and she and Ashley A walked away.

Back in Lawson's house, Lawson's parents scolded Lawson.

Lawson's dad: Erwin, how dare you commit a no clothes conspiracy?! That is unacceptable!

Lawson's mum: Where did you get the idea from?

Lawson: Well, Gelman and I got the idea from The Emperor's New Clothes. It inspired our plot. We called it Operation: The Empress' New Clothes. Gelman and I took the clothes off Veruca Salt and left her to wear nothing but underwear. We pretended to dress her in new clothes as if they were invisible clothes. Then our friends will make fun of her during the parade, and now they did so.

Lawson's dad: AAAAAH! That is degrading! You're in big trouble!

Lawson's mum: You upset Veruca, haven't you? And what's worse, you threw acid at her father's face in the conference room! Now thanks to you, Mr Salt has to go to the hospital, because of you!

Lawson's dad: That's it, you are grounded, grounded, grounded for two weeks!

Lawson's dad: Go upstairs to your room now!

Lawson went to his room, crying.

Lawson: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Back in Gelman's house, Gelman's parents scolded Gelman.

Gelman's dad: Gelman, how dare you commit a no clothes conspiracy?! That is unacceptable!

Gelman's mum: Where did you get the idea from?

Gelman: Well, Lawson and I got the idea from The Emperor's New Clothes. It inspired our plot. We called it Operation: The Empress' New Clothes. Lawson and I took the clothes off Veruca Salt and left her to wear nothing but underwear. We pretended to dress her in new clothes as if they were invisible clothes. Then our friends will make fun of her during the parade, and now they did so.

Gelman's dad: AAAAAH! That is degrading! You're in big trouble!

Gelman's mum: You upset Veruca, haven't you? And what's worse, you threw acid at her father's face in the conference room! Now thanks to you, Mr Salt has to go to the hospital, because of you!

Gelman's dad: That's it, you are grounded, grounded, grounded for two weeks!

Gelman's dad: Go upstairs to your room now!

Gelman went to his room, crying.

Gelman: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

In the hospital, in the room, Henry was in the bed, and he had got his face covered in bandages. Henrietta Salt was visiting him, and so were TJ and his Gang.

Henrietta: Doctor, will he be alright?

Doctor: He'll pull through. He's lucky TJ and his friends got him here so quickly.

TJ: What about his face?

Doctor: That's a different matter. A good plastic surgeon should be able to repair most of the physical scars.

TJ: We're more worried about the mental scars.

Vince: We'll give him something to cheer him up.

Spinelli: Shall we buy him something from Kelso's to cheer him up?

Gretchen: Why of course, Spinelli.

Mikey: We'll do anything to help him.

Gus: We only hope the mental scars are cured.

Later, Henry had recovered. TJ and his Gang had left. The doctor was removing the bandages from Henry's face. The nurse was holding a tray with medical stuff.

Doctor: Now you understand, there's going to be some scarring, but I've already scheduled a surgery.

The doctor finished using the scissors to cut off the bandages, and put them back on the nurse's tray. Then he removed the bandages from Henry's face. Henry's left side of his face was scarred. It was sky blue, and it had got an exposed teeth and an eye bulge. He looked like Two-Face! The doctor was scared.

Doctor: Oh no! Those scars are hideous!

The nurse was scared.

Nurse: Oh dear! Henry is looking hideous!

The nurse dropped her tray. Henry was impatient.

Henry: Give me a mirror!

Doctor: Henry, maybe you should wait until...

Impatiently, Henry grabbed him by his jacket.

Henry: I said give me a mirror! Now!

Henry hurled the doctor to the floor, and got out of the bed, and the nurse stepped backwards to the door. Then he knocked the vase with roses over and the vase broke. Then Henry picked up a mirror and then he looked in it. In the hallway, Henrietta was arriving to visit with flowers. She heard Henry screaming in anger.


Henry had looked in the mirror to see his scarred face. Then Henry went out of his room. He was humiliated.

Henrietta: Henry, what happened?

Then Henry showed Henrietta his scarred face.

Henrietta: Henry... ooooh.

Henrietta fainted at the sight of Henry's scarred face. Henry walked over to her. He was sad.

Henry: Goodbye, Henrietta.

Henry walked away.

Lawson and Gelman commit a no clothes conspiracy against Veruca Salt and get grounded (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.