New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania (2024)

errr: 1NCW CrtSILfc, lyjS. 2W. A HOLLAND FURNACE AT ONLY JO PRICE GUARANTEED TO JUNE ONLY WITH UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY Spanish War Vets Meet Here 1 HOSPITAL NOTES SMALL HOMES Bi-monthly Session Of Western Pennsylvania District Is Held Here PLANS FOR STATE JAMESON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Admitted: Esther Scheidemantle, tonsil operation, Thomas Hanna, East Brook road, tonsil operation; Mrs. Mabel Ullam, Ellwood City; John Pardick, County Line street; Mike Stickle, R. F.

D. No. Julius Cobb, Long avenue; Pete Ponnasone, Bessemer; Mose Bvler, R. F. No.

1, New Wilmington; Mrs. Robbie Deal. Butler avenue; Sanderson, R. F. D.

No. ENCAMPMENT MADE 2 Slippery Rock; Ann Moore, Center street. Porteous. W. Representatives of the camps Moody avenue, tonsil operation; composing the Northwestern Coun- Mrs, Evelyn Davis, Croton avenue; cil, United Spanish War Veterans.

Mrs. Sadie Sandler, East Moody av- gathered here Sunday for their bi- enue; Mrs. Margaret Houk and monthly meeting, when plans were fant son, Martin street; Mrs. Eva outlined for the state encampment Dickson, Slippery Rock; Albert Yoho 'which will take place at Conneaut R- F. D.

No. Lester Kennedy, R. Lake, next month. IF. D.

Na 1, Frank Schultz, West While the men were in session at Pittsburg, tonsil operation; Dorothy the city council chambers, the Cercell, County Line street; Anna of the auxiliary gathered at Hasely, R. F. D. No. Mrs.

Char- I the Legion home. Mayor Charles E. lotte Webb and infant daughter, McGrath welcomed the veterans in R. F. D.

No. William Smith, R. behalf of the city. Special guests D. No.

2, West Pittsburg; Mrs. included D. M. Clark, commander Catherine Wettich and infant son, of Post 100, G. A.

and Guy J. Leasure avenue. Wadlinger, both of whom gava talks. FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN WEU SHOW YOU HOW DESOTO SAVES YOU MOHEY! At Lowest You Features Which Hare Made Holland Furnaces Famous the JVorld Over for HOME HEATING EFFICIENCY There were also special guests from Pittsburgh. TN line with the drive to stimulate small home building and modernizing through lower costs, Holland has specially developed this remarkable furnace.

Only unequalled engineering facilities and 30 years of home-heating experience could possibly have perfected a furnace of such unusual heating power without cheapening workmanship or materials. Among its many important features, and (above) are especially noteworthy. They combine to produce Holland's exclusive combustion principle of amazing efficiency. The fire is hottest on the outside which means greater heat absorption by circulating heat from every ounce of coal. These and other important feat ures make this furnace easily greatest value in the low priced field.

So, why not get complete information at once? Call or write the factory branch below. Junior Red Cross Chairman Is Named Fred McLure, Of Ben Franklin Faculty, Will Serve Head Of Junior Group Whatever your home heating needs or wants, money in your pocket to call on Holland for a thorough inspection of your heating system by our trained engineer. 10 E. Washington Phone: 3853. New Castle, Pa.

HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY MICHIGAN World's Largest Installers of Home Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Steals Taxicab And Makes Escape Leaps Into Ditches Machine, Fights Operator And Flees It is not often that a person steals a taxicab but one was stolen at 1:30 a. m. Sunday at Moravia street and Long avenue. After the taxicab driver had captured the alleged thief the latter put up a fight While being removed to The police station and escaped. He Is being sought tcday.

According to police, the Green Light Taxicab company received a call to send a taxicab to Moravia street and Long avenue. When Joseph Nocera left the to await his passenger, a man crawled into the car and stepped on the accelerator. Nocera commandeered another auto and gave pursuit. The taxicab was found in a ditch in South New Castle borough with the alleged thief in the car. Nocera started to drive the and prisoner to the police station but the man fought Nocera in South Mill street and escaped.

SLIGHT ACCIDENT Automobile driven by Paul Duvall. 105 East Laurel avenue, struck the auto of Harry Flinner, Hillcrest avenue. in Lawrence street, Saturday, according to a report made at the I city police station. NEW CASTLE HOSPITAL Admitted: John Flynn, 902 Wilmington avenue; Mrs. Anna Weaver, 2361 1 Walnut street; Charles Farris.

712 Arlington avenue. Discharged: Frank Bailey, 933 Temple avenue; Mrs. Mary Georgeadis and infant, 1208 South Jefferson street: Miss Berenice Gierlach, H. F. D.

No. 5, New Castle; Mrs. Antoinette Scarazzo. 5 West Laurel avenue; Leo Bailey. 1206 Butler avenue; Mrs.

Mary Reiter. Stanton Vincent Klejnocki, 25 Sharp street; James Logue, 21 South Greenwood avenue; William Grommes, 710 Monroe street; Jean Jo- Ralph F. Davis, chairman of the seph, East Long avenue; Mrs. Lawrence County Chapter, Ameri- Josephine Malizia, 416 North Lib- can Red Cross, today announced the erty street, acceptance of Fred McLure, in- 1 structor of geography at the Ben Franklin Junior high school, as chairman of the Junior Red Cross division of the chapter. Mr.

McLure joins the executive committee of the chapter and will have complete supervision over the work in the entire county. The reorganization of the Junior Red Cross has been effected this spring under the supervision of the new executive secretary. Miss Margaret F. Bodenstein, and it is expected that with the reopening of the schools in the fall, there will be a one hundred Filling the church auditorium for per cent enrollment in the city and both the afternoon and evening ses- county schools. I siorjs, the Gvmanfa Ganu presented Miss Bodenstein has presented a First Congregational church, number of talks in the schools of the Sunday, May 1, was undoubtedly the city and county, displaying original most successful affair of its kind paintings by Miss Anna Milo Up- there in many years, john, and has also had an exhibit to unusual weather, many sent here from Washington, showing £uests from western Pennsylvania the activities of the Junior Red extern Ohio towns were pres- Cross throughout the world.

eni- Many of them joined with the This same program will be carried augmented choir for the day, all of on in the fall and enrollment will them joined the congrega- start with the opening of school. I tionaI singing that always marks such an event. SUNSHINE SISTERS M- Gwynne Jenkins of Youngs- c. town, was the musical director Sunshine Sifter, met th Mildred of the and his work even Minner, of Raymond street, recent- better than had been anticipated y-Vv, C6rSn DP 5e Mrs Bronwen James of Aliqulppa vuth the following results. Presi- formerly of New Castle, was pres- 3ent, Martha Carlson; vice presi- ent ancj graciously sang several 3ent, Helen secretaiy, Hazel Mrs, John M.

Evans, was i Ann Mark; reporter, Voletta Dick- accompanist of the day. son; treasurer, Midred Minner. The work of the augmented Games were enjoyed and a church choir was especially good. was served by Mrs. N.

C. Minner p0r weeks John M. Evans, had and her daughters, Norma and Mil- been rehearsing the church group Large Crowds At Singing Festival Gymanfa Ganu At First Congregational Church On Sunday Most Successful Make a Date Now to See and Drive the BIG Car that Costs so LITTLE! OU CAN figure De first savings easily: Just add up the extra compare the low cost. De second savings are apparent every mile you drive. This great car costs no more to run than most small cars! DeSoto is a big car at small-car cost faster pick-up bigger, genuine hydraulic brakes soundproofed Safety Interior, ride, and brilliant new styling.

This great DeSoto is easy to own! See it at your today. oto ivision of hrysler orpora tion etroit ichigan SEE YOUR TUNE IN MAJOR AMATEUR NETWORK THURSDAYS 8 TO 9 P. SIX WAYS YOU SAVE You save when you buy DeSoto it now priced just above the lowest. You get a liberal allowance for your present car. You save on gasoline and oil with De 93 horsepower 4 5 You cut valve grinding costs with De valve seat inserts.

You save on brake linings with DeSoto's equal-pressure hydraulic brakes. You save on upkeep costs Chrysler Corporation ing sees to that. FORA reat ar ine ervice ANDA Square Deal 25 North Jefferson St. DC SOTO AND PLYMOUTH DEALERS MORGAN-BURROWS MOTOR COMPANY Phone 184. dred Minner, aided.

Ad No. Lineg (85 lines 2 columns) As Seen in Vogue, Mademoiselle and Harper's Bazaar, mWx YOU WOULD ORDINARY PUMPS, MY DEAR, WOW I SUPPOSE I'LL HAVE TO CARRY YOU TO MY TANGO STORE. Tangos are flexible at the instep, the very where ordinary pumps hurt most JUST 3 DAYS LEFT to take advantage of our introductory price. HUNT FOR GYPSIES Local police received a report on Saturday that three alleged Gypsies had fleeced Samul Hawthorne. I of both sessions.

To him and to Miss Mercer county, out of $32.00. There Florrie Davies, secretary, and Mrs. were two women and one man in the D. W. Thomas, treasurer, goes credit and to this was added many visitors Two of the larger numbers presented were Is the Lamb" and the Henry T.

Jones wa.s the chairman Kappa Phi Lambda Plans Anniversary Fraternity At Westminster To Observe 75th Anniversary On May 21 Ford car they used, the report said. This is the first complaint of its kind near here in some time. REGULARLY PRICED AT $6.50 Special Introductory Price for 3 More Days, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Sizes 1 Vz to 10 4.95 AAAAA to 113 E. WASHINGTON ST TONIGHT GEORGE H. EARLE Democratic Candidate For United States Senator 8:15 E.S.T.

end a Station-wide Network. Tuae In again Triday, May P. M. EARLE. JONES.

MUNDY LOGUE (Political Advertisem*nt) for the success of the day. During both services the new electric orgar recently purchased by the church, was used, the Gymanfa Ganu serving as a dedicatory service for the instrument. During the interim between the afternoon and evening sessions, tea wa 5 served to those wishing it by the Willing Workers class. Union Meat Market East Long: Ave. Phone 1675 Loose Sausage, 1 5C Pork Chops, A end cuts Wieners and Bologna, 15c r- Oleomargarine, 5C STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 EVERY EVENING I News Briefs Front City Hal! Police received reports Saturday i and Sunday nights of a gang's ac- tivities at Grant and Green streets.

It is likely police will receive orders to prevent loitering intersections. (Special To The News) NEW WILMINGTON, May Kappa Phi Lambda, Westminster only local, and one of the oldest local groups in the United States will celebrate its 75th birthday Saturday. May 21, according to Fillmore Campbell, New Wilmington lumberman and president of the Kap alumni association. The fraternity was born in 1862. and the Westminster chapter in 1864.

Founded at Washington and Jefferson in 1862 as a national fraternity, the Westminster chapter is the only remaining group. For many years the group was known as the Van club, at a time when fra- ternities were banned on the campus. More than 150 members are expected to attend the Saturday fraternal birthday, with a special chapel service in Old Main Memorial, a tour of the new McGill memorial library, buffet luncheon at the fraternity house, golf and an evening banquet on the program. Dr. Sam Gamble, Butler, will be the main speaker at the banquet, a strictly stag affair.

President of the local Kappa Phi Lambda chapter is Frank Hazlett, Kittanning. -----DR. COUSINS AIDS IN SPECIAL MEETINGS Dr. J. A.

Cousins, of Haus avenue, pastor of the Croton avenue M. E. church, has been assisting i with services at the Metho- dist church at West Springfield. N. IY, will return home this evening, the services having been concluded Sunday evening.

Dr. Cousins occu- pied the pulpit here Sunday morn- ing, returning to West Springfield during the afternoon. Fisherman Drowns In Allegheny River Canoe Upsets In River At Bend Near Oil City Saturday Night OIL CITY. Pa. May Alex Molnar, 32, New Kensington, who arrived at Bend Saturday night for a week-end of fishing, met death by drowning in the Allegheny river when the canoe in which he and Irvin Brown, also of New Kensington, were riding, overturned.

Molnar could not swim and went down, his body being recovered at noon Sunday by Charles E. Weaver. Henry's Bend storekeeper, who. with Officer Leslie Joslin, Oil City policeman. was using a grappling hook The body was found 35 feet from shore and 50 feet from where they entered the stream.

Brown told Coroner J. Irwin Zerbe the accident happened when Molnar attempted to change positions in the canoe after dark. The next instant, they were both floundering in the water. Brown, a cripple, attempted to ave Molnar. but the current was swift at that point and he finally had to look after himself.

He managed to half swim, half wade to shore, summoning help at once Both men wore heavy clothing, as the night was ccol. A call went to Oil fire department for grappling hooks and search continued throughout the night. Molnar. who leaves his wife and three children, resided at 810 Second avenue. New Kensington.

Brown lives at 1224 Stanton avenue. New Kensington. Relatives arrived late Sundav to claim the body. GETS ALUMNI POST AG.UN Attorney Margaret A. Toepfer.

300 Hazelcroft avenue today was re-appointed alumni consultant in this district for Drexel Institute of Technology. Philadelphia. She is a graduate of the scheol of business administration of Drexel. The News, By Mail, One Year, $5.00. Auto windows were endangered last night when boys on a hill along the We it Pittsburg road were al- I leged to have thrown stones at pass- ing automobiles.

The persons who complained to city police were re ferred to the State Motor Police Although the campaign against dogs is under way, not all owners have put their dogs on complaints haVing been registered with police about dogs running loose in Blaine, Lutton and Randolph streets. Division into classes is morally wrong. Nothing can be right that is wholly a product of hate. GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY 1938 DESOTO AND PLYMOUTH CARS OFFER YOU GREATER VALUES SEE AND RIDE THESE CARS DEFORE YOU BUY ANY OTHER MAKE as Complete Electric Coffee ill Maker Special 4.95 Complete, Mrrta fWAWUM On your Private Passenger Automobile Casualty Insurance plus Travelers Service! Phone, write or call at F. CONNELLY AGENCY INSURANCE 501 L.

S. T. Phone 820. I DESOTO BODY TYPE DHi vrrrd Detroit Delivered New Castle 873 895 2-Door Touring Brougham 933 955 980 4-Door Touring Sedan 992 Convertible Coupe 1045 1067 7-Passenger Sedan 1228 7-Passenger Limousine 1318 Convertible Sedan 1397 PLYMOUTH KING" SERIES Coupe 2-Door Sedan, 5 Pass 2-Door Touring Sedan, 5 701 I 4-Door Sedan. 5 730 750 4-Door Touring Sedan, 5 Pass.

746 786 DELUXE SERIES Coupe 30 750 Rumble Seat Coupe 770 700 Convertible Coupe S50 870 2-Door Sedan, 5 773 793 2-Door Touring Sedan, 5 785 805 4-Door Sedan. 5 803 823 4-Door Touring Sedan, 5 815 835 7-Passenger Sedan 1015 1035 7-Passenger Limousine 1105 1125 Plymouth (Station 880 900 COMPARE THESE PRICES All Models Fully Equipped TIME PAYMEHTS ARRANGED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE MORGAN-BURROWS 25 N. Jefferson Street. MOTOR COMPANY ----------------(Opposite Sears, Roebuck) DeSoto and Plymouth Distributors..

New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.