A A A Frolic to be held 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Eau F. Verdon, Claire Country Club. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Jerry E. Golden are general chairmen, with Mr. McKinley, Mrs.
prizes and refreshments, and Schrontz, publicity. From left are Golden, Mrs. Neil and Neis. TRY TO give your child a feeling of responsibility with your new baby. You must oversee her duties closely, of course, but let her feel needed.
She can entertain the baby. up the crib. the soap and hand you the towel at bath time. help prepare formula. She'll love it, and it may keep her from getting jealous.
Remember it is she, not the baby, who needs the most attention! (Mrs. James Miller, Pasadena, Calif.) Aft a EAR alate SPRING FROLIC Committee mem- and Mrs. Norbert Neis handling tickets and bers of Immaculate Conception Parish are arrangements; Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKinley, making plans for their 12th annual Spring decorations and telephone; Mr.
and Mrs. C. Karen Sonnenberg, D. B. Bergeson Wed Miss Karen Kay Sonnenberg, 1425 State became the bride (Glen Mar) Mrs.
Dennis Bergeson (Glen Mar) Americanism Essay Winners Announced WHITEHALL (Special) Elizabeth Hoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoff, Pigeon Falls, and Martha Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Johnson, Whitehall, were winners of this year's Americanism essay contest, sponsored by the Legion The theme was "Rights Responsibilities." Elizabeth as first prize winner, will be presented with 3 sterling award, and Martha, winner of second prize, a bronze award, the presentations to be made on class night The Auxiliary is also sponsoring a poppy program, partici-1 pated in by school students.
TERI LYNN MILLER 1 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, Rt. 1, Eau Claire. EVERY FRIDAY IS Small Fry Day 9:30 to 5:30 No Appointments Necessary DISCOUNT ON ALL SMALL FRY PORTRAITS AANES STUDIO 708.
So. Farwell Phone 834-2993 Phone 834-2993 Thursday, April 25, 1968 tou Claire, Wisconsin Ruth Hageness Repeats Vows Pastor Leroy Johnsrud performed the 2 p.m. ceremony uniting Ruth A. Hageness and Mervin L. Nordstrom in matrimony, Saturday, April 6.
The ceremony was performed at the Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church, Osseo. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Hagness, Rt. 1, Osseo, wore a floor length English net over taffeta gown Make sure your knitting 1s the beginning and the end with the right start and finish. Many fine knitters choose to cast on and bind off with a needie that is a size larger than the needles used to make the body of the garment.
The slightly larger needle will keep edges from tightening, especially at neck edges. It's also good advice to slip the first stitch when you're bind. ing off. If you do, you'll elimlinate the "bump" that might otherwise appear. featuring lace appliques.
A chapel train highlighted the back. A lace pill box secured her fingertip veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses. Mrs. Harold Schiefelbein was matron of honor and Norma Hageness and Patricia Jo 01 son were bridesmalds.
The attendants wore floor length spring green gowns of peau de soie featuring an A- line skirt. Pill box hats of peau de soie completed their attire. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nordstrom, Rt.
1, Hixton, was attended by Harold Schiefelbein, best man, and Arlyn Iverson and Jerry Iverson, groomsmen. Peter Beebe and David Hageness were ushers. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the educational building. The couple will be at home at Franklin St. Wide Selection Flowering POTTED PLANTS EVERGREENS FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES GARDEN ROSES FERTILIZER GRASS SEED SEED POTATOES ONION SETS BULK AND PACKAGE SEEDS ALL TYPES OF GARDEN BULBS COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES "We Grow What We Sell" MAY'S CENTER GARDEN Truax Blvd.
at Jeffers Road -We Deliver-2-8109 Open Daily and Sunday 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Oster OLD BLENDER -UP! $100 TRADE-IN for your Old Blender (any make, any condition) on a new 10-speed USE YOUR FIRST WISCONSIN CHARGE CARD Shop Mon. 1 Fri. "til 9 P.M.
SEE OUR SELECTION OF Sportswear SLACKS BERMUDAS KNIT TOPS Sleeve or sleeveless KOTTON KOVE Next to Johnson Huleatt on Bellinger St. LIQUEFIER -BLENDER "Don't be saddled with your old worn-out blender, Ride it in today it's worth $10 toward the purchase of a new 10-speed push-button Osterizer blender (model 642-11), regardless of condition! You'll really appreciate the many Osterizer Seeable Differences, in exclusive features, performance, and service. So don't "horse around" the Old Blender ends May 15, 1968!" model 642-11 118 $1000 only $3993 SHOPPING CENTER Where the prices are low on the brands you know. A Mrs. Mervin Nordstrom I could have dreamed all night after being repainted with O'Brien paints from Walker's.
I WALKER'S "your color headquarters" 412 Washington St. Phone 2-8114 NEWEST in Lunt Sterling Rapallo Long, lovely, the forward look in Sterling We offer savings of $65 and $90 on 44 64 plece Sets on this new pattern and all Lunt designs. See us today. Payments arranged on our Club Plan. Also special "Gift Serving Pieces" Offer on Rapallo and all Lunt patterns.
This chest pa included In set Offer. LUNT MEADE LACE POINT ELOQUENCE MADRIGAL MIGNONETTE of Dennis B. Bergeson, Rt. 5, Saturday afternoon, April 13. The Rev.
Richard Weber performed the 2 p.m. double ring ceremony on St. John's Lutheran Church, Poplar Creek, Colfax. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Werner Sonnenberg, Rt. 1, Colfax, wore a straight slit gown of crepe fashioned with a boat neckline and long sleeves complimented by a lace coat and trim, She carried a bouquet of red and stephanotis. Mrs. Carol Sonnenberg was matron of honor and Donna Faye Bergeson was bridesmaid. The attendants wore identical floor length gowns 0.
mint green chiffon with lace bodice styled in an Empire fashion with scoop neckline and elbow length sleeves. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Odin Bergeson, Rt. 2, Colfax, was attended by John Harshman and Roger Sonnenberg.
Gary Sonnenberg and Jerry Bergeson seated guests. Following the ceremony, a reception was. held at the White Birch Inn. After a wedding trip to northern Wisconsin, the couple will be at home at 203 Third Eau Claire. JEWELERS Samuelson's Magnalite Specials Look for these features! Oven and flame 'proof handle and knob.
Gleaming finish, like fine silver easy to clean. Lifetime guarentes. pouring Miracie aluminum ilp cast in. alloy with magnesium. Cooks with low heat less water.
Regular Price 9.95 See the complete line of Randall-made Wagner Magnalite- SPECIAL 799 2 QUART GET ACARANTES PRICE Sauce Pan MAGNALITE Dutch Oven $999 REGULAR $12.95 "Oven -flavor" from top-burner cooking This is probably the most useful utensil VIN made. It's ideal for roasting meats and making A lite diates heat like stews. self-basting tight cover oven, seals in flavor part from of and it's completely eliminates all utensil every not from self basting. hand basting. You can cook bottom only.
economy cuts of meat as deliciously as the more expensive meats. Use it for deep frying, as a soup pot, or a general utility kettle. A handy trivet comes with each Magaalita cooks Ordinary soap and beautifully an low water keeps Mag- heat settings Magnalite Dutch Oven. gleaming saves fuel phis. SHOPPING CENTER Where The Prices Are Low The Brands You Knew "DOWNTOWN FAV CLAIRE".