The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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OR 6 MONTHS Box lam Dealer S5: HKTA1iyT Excellent expertenco adver ML't salary fr'i day nlon Xowel Supply 232U SlW 175 1 i 1 1 1 1 rni i re SVITE: Walnut: chwt vanity tataM) mv i ail 'ki Krorm DESPAKrp ter 1 nerd $4 ii tihilay $40 Michael TmirCss X'anta "kUv Jtatall ry Mutant VJK4lo 'Wi mT CVT itart rs portt i ris to STRi nH a ft on yEa NTED ACTORIES WAR HOUS IRhO 5SSi sq nr floor space: comtnereEl 1HP rfio hnn Mr Hoffman DI 3635 M) lAwny mi ALLu JGiRLS tor typing andtlm Eberhard Manufacturing to SW DAXW UriN IMdie man employed: call after 5 mHEJgOTA do tight houewodc exchange PaYWOKK: Laundry A Jroner 2 JCV rerererea 771 ftG car UreHttj93t)J DAYWORK $5 jU and fare: also Mil part itr rere vreH Xj Wes antKrte bird a 1 from I 1 ANttQTES rW tte A responsible W) ipcn VjtMt 2W 150msa $150IW MW mtr salary KS3 tn tn AMILY SEPARATED Urgently need 4 or 5 ioom unfurnished house or apt up to $60 Mr Ross MI 4200 8 a in 4 in wten sprineers Ridge Rd Phn: DIXMONDS Xa 33 experience Pernrd manager of Cm furnish "Willing to lease Rental residence and downtown downtown 1 tin Hiawnimvn 5day name x'er4n I MiW WTSQH HOTEL korim and i urfy MA 4100 WOMAN to drive: family of 2 in apt hotel give references salary expected Mm Downs MI 177 Expansion Sale MANY ITEMS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Soft chair boudoir chairs bedroom dining room dinette 100 virgin wool $1295 Many Other Bargains In ine urniture ITH CITY urniture Co nere'sarr salary hrauo tO jaoies loor Lamps hrow Rugs follaway Beds 5 to loooo ft Wanted' RpcDonsihlc rnmoary wanW tn rent lease 1 1 K's 1 Inaiiatrial trnne arn Jischt shorthandmin and XV 5 rtav week urlid K'5 receivable Ek tx HR $1 sRm rar hne: wiu iwry' i trance gentleman tali SITUATION EMALE ((nnluuied from PrecMlne oumn B'X OPETSaTOIU Experienced X' BN 2171 operator gwd tvpist and dictaphone experience xA so 17 ESTAVHATfTTxwrlence in management or supervisor of fnu) 6 mo' only CL VELAND Academy CoametoJogy 1030 Euclid Avet CH 7RS SWITCHBOARD sriooli Day rv claws inrrnce Arcade SL 171') COMPLETE" beauty ryrse UTwta "Croaa Hurnn EUtn Bldg 6519 EMPLOYMENT SURE EMALE SECETAftThS Stenographerii SLt5h Bookkeepers 'Ll Mnstirl typtC Mo Ul Wn riwirwt 1 IW 1 3 OtVr 51aO Tekph nprrvnr typpt $6n Mspv Cmemnn BTVEM Co TT3 Cua dan BMg i ((imtinnM 'in fnlttrnn) 1 3now CTfhcE HELP: control of fice: must Know lypinst aalary Sears Rnebyck A Co M1 IQ Loram Office WORK Girlor woman to as sist bookkeeper: full or nrt um hour ly rate EprmatCeaners MO SrrcZ WtiRk Genem hur Euclid Box 331x min ieater fiLiCTRIC" stove 3 burners thrift cool er and oven automatic timer: SSO A 0481 EXeCTR IC wTrlcerator 6 speeii condition BO 9650 inal Week of Sale ANTIQUE SHOP 1493 55 OPEN SUNDAYS it zx ui 71 gc a Alir: tv putt ri ei uRNITURfc and miscellaneous for saTe" 14QQ7 Glensjfle Rd ev rungs Availfthla imwaiata Tedrich urniture Co S34 tzn ii' iinr uiiontfU: vr lULRMIl 5 VC LIDa lO'IPLEIE living room: stove rarnoi metal wardrobe Call A 2111 DININC ROOM SET: Solid mahogany? Spanish style beaultfidlv carved more than 2D0 years nid: consists nf 8 table extra leaves serving table side board china rabmot: verv minor repairs needed: priced for quirk sale S47b Call YE bx3sfnr farther information DINING ROOM mahogany Duncan Phrfe It Ke new Cal! or phone after 6 OR 7245 16909 Elsienna 151 NeTTS and table heavy? durable constnieton smartly' styled: in excellent condition: a good buy $40 Broadway DININGROOM SET: Solid mahogany 9piecesgood condition 3397 149th IUJWVU0T Jfi yriH peiswiml Hx 1 tCttH N1ANMVH YNAGER ub lic areountmih finance bt struth I A i n( PROhCT laim iy miwua 't 4 ttnt Mr Geo Boilk Row 1 wnrk ofanykin1 kNbX2 SITUATION EMALE BAHT SITTEf?" cnllw tlwl'nD A' notn or evening rcfercne Box 9i3 riain lmwivl HeneTieeded arwHi salay store at Mayfwiwreen Rd ScKiety Cteaiwr CHRISTMAS CAfOs: Su for 4 LEADER BOXES btR Colonud at4 to WoM AN in due of invalid must be willing ti live in and mamtenance EflUATED Eiman 'SO ell youna child development Plan nerccnUu vlu liawl or Hk nerpsaiy 'hourly rnfe Lee Heights 2Hi rwxh fl I Rdi Yvupvrro'Rr foot ore operators fr lyjrnt factory wnrK nvi work ptrt or full time: hourly rate Bud nodio Jlf E5i KITCHEN Worker: knowledge cuoking salary room board uniforms wmte n'sor ltgr i boos? or 3d floor will dxprute it children Call 9 tfr £113 anJ wife imwdle seed de sire 4 5 6 rn house or apt Lake wood rent no obioot BQ A fiPUSfWTbus neman n4 sir? or unfurnished apt or house: prefer Eat Side DA 5610 aCVLTy membn Tnrfltute oj Music 'warts to rent furnished unrn ld 2 or bedroom art or hou? HEJhHQ JTTiEYnKD middle aged widow Vwty wants 3 or 4om unfuIs Aluminum Co of America Houses and apartments for rent are desOTalely needed by our salaried per sonnel: If you have any such vacancies rail RALPH JONES at MI 3600 Line 664 General Electric commercial enai neer recently transferred from Sche nectady on a permanent basis still hop ing tn pot 2 3 bedroom house for wife 2 year oM daughter excellent references: ciiarantee good erf of proprty Paul Hammon hN 1161 days TR 7200 evenings 1 1 A IS CROWDED We can't shoot our 4 2 rtolri son and year old dug and it cold on the euro in winter must have 4 5 6 room house or apaitmont by October 1: will jriaiantc? excellent carc of property all 4dL ENCl IANGE TTwAYN Comfortable 6 room single: 3 bedrooms boulevard location: in exchange for comparaole 5 6 room house or apt In quire Mrs ilson CL Q60Q Young Married Couple Married 1 years and still looking for a home need small house or ant unfur nished: no children or pets best of rfcrrneefBox iwbL Plain JDealer MAN wife Lakewnodttes 25 years being evfc'ied man with firm 25 years: ciaartv citior roiinnrr ences desires single halt duplex terrace or lower wnere tms experience won't be repeat rd LA 1 136 Exchange lor Atlanta 5 rnom house for 8 rnom house or apt In Cleveland responsible executive wife and 2 children: immediate occupancy referenegf VL3 WO EMPLOYED Kiie' Wlir 'U licru 'U bmis references excellent 1 rare Ml HERR WQ h10 LA 9253 rlNTKR woufd like 6 rooms or more for family nf 7: good references being evicted: must vacate by Oct 17' reason nw owner remodeling Box 26951 Dealer MOVING STORAGE PACKING RENT IIUCR MOVE" YOURSEL New trucks for tang distance trips Everything furnished but driver Trucks available week ends eves the DRivE rr co Western Reserve Afotinn mrtur? Indus trv: 5 iy week: salary: advancement Universal ilm Exchange 242 layne nr Bnwir nn min salary Apply netsonncl dept Th ox wr A nV A Vn tmourn Ctt VUJ i t' 'r 4 11 iv 1 i it oa nent salary Aopiyin neiion twirh Sen Co X02 Eutlid EN 3U7 biixuGKAinrK im nv 7 nnurs iw ssiet am jvaisw ins Bldg MA STfcNfiGRAPH ER 5 tay hmir wi salary: personal Interview Railta rh twvs Jac Payw STENOGRAPHER: Camitta of composing own letters Jo to Insurance amrwy salary 17 1 month A Experienced: 2MR at tractive hours: salary bonus Vehb Ran Watch CnSlB Standard BMg Purchasing dept: sal day week I psn Mahon to Perry Pane Superior Av? SrRNCK'RAPHER relief operator: Good position for reliable person: saury Superior Di? Ca st ing lj 32 Euclid day fiTHbur week: salary personal interview RKO Radio Pictures Inc 2140 Payne STenograpiiKR JR ibfcAt lunches available: 41 hours salary overtime Box 1251 Plain Dealer STENOGRAPH Slf iORal JOB: lunches 4 1 hours salary overtime Box 1 151 Plain Dealer 1 rent a XeUf rhi YT" Pxnerienced handy wdb I reference 4 wms exchange tor iyix mvov rraiii 1 n'WDIAN: Part tlrtw: cWiE exV enve coupta and East ev eland pmenrd Itay JAtaDlhX CUSTODIAN worV telmhle Part time: Shje preferred CUSTODIAN Owned reliable references ftTDl A ci oluatc wants start in industry ut 2IVM lam Denier man: heensrd Vedoy Plain PARKMAN: Machine shop ftulnmatlc 10 years supervbivn started tooLdi? rmiker Tfox lam lMu 1 A I Tf A NO: St PER VI son 1 1 A2 ft ftfflrH hllta (If U' TYP and' af Paver Coz fe 19ta at Euclid TTIoT: ftapid: gereal office saT ay pp Sts TYPljT BtLtER Ho'jrly ra jH 5 day tr 'ctawntawn SECRETARY nenr Cleveland Socrvtary exiHirt Spanish Secretary engineering terms wretary downtown Secretary downtown 1 alrl $ecfetary 5 lay week Sct'retarv dwniown nay STENOGRAPHERS General h'nogrftphrrs legal Sienogiiipbers Shmmmtnhcr 1 iHrI offlre SlmoErnhrs frs Dl PHONE operators Biller Tvpie Elect romnUe Typist Tviitsts beginners rfenced laundry and iu crt Hl BaVWOkK exwrlfnrrd Ironing and a nu vanair ana cariiue ieiciciHc House unfurnished or furnished desired rpiiters nit A by couptei no Pets: nignest rexerenccs and A Dun Biadstrcet rating: Heights nr Shaker preferred Call CH 1039 from 10 to 6 Line 62 3" 1 iftE iinnTTOht factory work7 hourlv rate Aiax Paper Tube Co lv Superior A aducu Auui'ur: Jiwinic for small suite LA 26 Lad? to in small employee cafe teria salary Apply hers Koeuuta iiu iujiai SHEER hosiery can be sold tmm sour IfAial fOlLT rwyai 256 4th St WOMEN girls full or part (nncnas earns co WOSTaN: 45 55 to cookjn sntainnshta pfwi nnmr am srirtt3 i' While: voix and part ncpT salary uo ooiq GIRL: To assist with dinner and dishes near naker square WA Toman to work in Store prefer experienced sala Pa? ne Aye GIRL to wait on trade in dry cleaning torr xxl salary: steady IMx! Eurtid CaGY'S distributorship for housenold item: high commission OR 7q3 (TR1S: PacIT" stationery steady: hou ly Ute Bmun A Btak lTfM Payne Ave EMALE COmTXtE beauty course erans welcome Euclid Academy of Beauty Culture JjA 227 10 CGSTl Mg Design Inc formerly Darvas Dressmaking uesUmmg sketching Dav ee WTW Bldg 1375 Euclid CH 533 secretarial Training Six month course: tail term Sept 9 day eve Boyd School Wiihamson Buig "42L BE A MEDICAL ASSISTANT rarnegie Institution Inc 32Schofield ACCOUNTING shorthand typing comp tometer: day eve ciasses Wdcox Col Vge 307 Public Sq Bklg MA 2425 STNOTYPk: Take hctottM by mactan rr shnrtnard required tena pe IrsU tutp Mirand! Bldg MA 7bf 1T ETDKRtY lady desires room nnd board private family: near transput tatlon JKhi or Ooulnd 1 SL CHILDREN BOARDED Advffnsrrt hflow bt Itffntfa bv thf Dfbl of (ihto klbDV KAMPUS' Exclusive b'arri limited number of rhlldien AeiL right and taxi service excellent meals Hflkrrst 3O WILL RdARD infant in privata home undrr5 months LA 41Jj RENT HOUSEKEEPINGJEoit) 20TT Apt 3: Uvirat room Mt front porch emtSMAN: Mfrtdle njed rooms Box 333 I lain Dciier I WEST SIDE iising public relfttions $216 5 days Box Plain Dealer SECRETARY: Executive bookkeeper full charge: 17 experience salary S2W Plain Dealer TTARYrENRAPHER: ISxpefn cncpd capable: downtown location 4RD S'jiH) pox 9353 Plinn Dealer done at my i'E 03611 flST home part time office HOjPW WESTERN" RESERVE student colored after school days week ro wp tinnlsl typing office LT Jlo7 Reliable colored gtrr wants work as waitress or soda fountain experienced 21 prefer daysGA TikINEl) college student desiRs position as receptionist afternoons and eves for doctor or dentist SV 13H7 Experience shorthand typing switrn hnard aernunta payable general office 1 sin wo 'SmalT litNULlTWXsnT SHliift HA 7111 IlAIWOHK sr0 taie or IwiaiaUluIO': rr I au rant nlht clwilntt TLlA RLE roloreu woman for xJuywoik i cvperienri GL 6V3o I MIDDLE AGED rolaredTdcGrcs cleaning i or ironing 'Montrocl ol 'L TlDRLV LADYwmikT Bke morning 1 wnik: cleaning of ironing GIRI ne ding friendly service write 1 Salvation At my House foM Bubenson i Dr or call in Person i fiVNDE WASHING done at my home: KT table ru htucwotV 3 days Ing rordittans permanent salary 2on TypIT? 25: downtown Irwr a nee office: rermunent salary tau Mr ridSCcJMA 2QH TVPHTS 3: rrn durtRtn pts wary Uhite Motor tr he Urgently need 7 rvm house in gfrrjf a A 7 A an lT a a a WAMLV nov 01 1 change nice 4 mom house wtn carpeting I and Venetmnbknds SH 2465 fiXECVTiV and 2 employe adulta need house by Ort 1: financial end per nnal references MAMlg or nR TBntTiL trarsTerred te CleveTand per manently desire 0 room bouse or apt A HE r'25 Mr Mam work refe'rcncei' I 'hi tBYsiTrERiiXpenitabTe woman avail able by the hour Sc 1 ft ripnU experienced West side or down town aft 3 Ol llB full charge Box 291w Plain iJcatcr BOOKKEEPER: tfxpertrncvd I 1 1 tMxrS BT'NlJi jick up and deliver (P I 1 it Bit ft Tare Mr tb or In my Bgs EMPLOYMENT EM ALE nnttnued from Preceding (ohimn T0 SrhotH'kl nids hwretary oowniown Meduat secretary Secretary paid) Smvtaiy Secretary purchasing dept Secret arv Maintenance mgr Medical lah technician iTlkclion Manager Physiotherapist registered tiept ItlXl A4U'VJ a Bookkeeper ayflem Oven Secretary legal department 5 stenographer sales engineering 5jy ost Clerk Typist 5 dn v' Secretary plastics field figure minded Jii Tspist cast 5 days Public Stenographer Asst mh SoLKtnry banking secretary loan office young JIM i stenographer purchasine ilept chemist prefer grad da Stafodiral typtxt days vbVm Dictaphone oixTWtar days Iyyisls expcrti need i I'bemrtta high school ile Clerk Typist days Stenographer banking lypiKl relief AVU Recepllonfsl 5 days 122 Dental AM experienced Billeis will train IXntal Ast inexperienced Jk Receptionist of fa 31311 office Part timeDnen iigm typing Mail girl downtown Clarks no tyoir DOROTHV GEE Olio 1 'll 1 IT yftT WlTS? Bookkeeper full charge fo7kkpeiMr4 learn Io Bookkeeper akkeenrr Itaokkerner 1 fliwikkeepcr Rryikkepper 1123 Williamson Bldg 93 3orx) SQ (iROUND fLOuTI ISOog sq ft additional on second floor i rir nnwniiin i hvu vul 1 tn tem: excrtlnt mnditlon i Trrc rntmtAV IK 44R1 Ha 1 AO I iftft ANTHONY CIl 3SSd ANY SIZE ANWHERE nnh SO iTahd'ATbey: 2 floors basem*nt elevator platform Inaustiial No I Klein MA 0292 Snrio sq ground finer: downtown rUCHo 'Ole riivunr OU1U5 spam YE 6003 or MU y22 LIGHT clean room with offices and additional l0C ft storage space 2d flr 943 72 or downtown Mortgage Co salary per mnnent PR 33 HTNCViRAPHER anfl manent 40 hour week: good salary West Side AC 3146 SmalOowntown mfg company 5 day week salary The Thompson Electric Co 1 1Q1 Power Ave STNWRAmER: Gd starting rate and ad' ancement: 5H day week: salary Side Niit' LLlthhU Hh4kh? CTPc7v I a nn vr rwi ni ir nvprUm day weeK Wcatnerhead Co 300 Sl NtkiR A fcx'iM'rien'ccd' 'pefma nent: stcT indu'rtry 66txi Grant Ave near Harvard and 71 'ML4973 STENOGRAPHER Single: must take Ifie accurately: rapid typist salary 1110 Terminal rower niNORAPHER: Experienced mnv utes by co bus and and East Cleveland: gnod salary Call MA CkpTS STENOGRAPHER: Terminal Tower: sal ary permanent: shorthand some book keeping Call Mr Wirk MA 4 164 STl'NOftXPHRTToRal' experience nr ef ficient beginner Give details salary de sired Box 217M Plain Dealer rEft Exceptional beginner good advancement: salary Apply per sonnel dent Tth floor Midland fTTiNOGRttHER: Experienced must be I orderly punctual adverting agency: 1 ffnnd xntarvi 5 riavs MA 51U4 rrrk cn us e3 Waitress £xt ft "4 fi wy vt XVARPEftS? Experienced day of hpu gKw pace rk r4ra stone Kmtung MH1 Co 7i(M btanbm Ate l's RrstaurahU day or nim piv HI aj rm ERIGERAwR ail metal loO lb ea paevy ED 0631 KvC cEme ei lovewac antique Call between JLUX £2 ETnrAmerican Oriental TlNs nnunproDROME bldg 50000 Sq WAREHOUSE or LIGHT MANUACTURING SPACE Centrally Located Available for Lease tn Smsl irm CALL ADAMS WO SS10 LINE 3(b rO nnsnrl izwvr 0 tlnK rnrtrYlSl ijn iMA Lm? 16T 55th opposite Chester Cleveland Clinic desires house 9000 Sq jv cround Hcor: available Oc Call Dr Ensign Desk 21 tnber 15 ll'tR) MJ 11 and wife no chll so ft second fmo' sme 4 hi a i hili tiLiarniein niop 'r Davenports chairs rockers odd beds vanity dresser buffets dining taoies and chairs china cabiret and crmriet suites: mahogany spinet deK 1arw 3 wmg bookcase one large mansany fable ano a fexv library fables hah seats 0 foid screen pedestal and bronze statue: reed settee and rocker kitchen base and cabinets Jam os mirrors picture parkins trunks folding baby carnage batsmet etc tn ne closed out at of West Park shounxsms daily to 5 BV Saturday till noon NEAL SJORAGE CO 15145 Lorain CH4 I DUr I VjIXli iX 1 AL Ieragban bargain S695 BO rOWDrSS BLUE davenport srr atl motif blue striped best chair 25 tt ti 'A 1 noin new clj 111 TTTRACTIVlTprHMe off r' oLET STTLTT rTcolixed nea'r ception room rooms available at nac jwji 25 each 4574 143 St Osbnrm) off Broadway GatfJm ideaToTce sace limited 1 Heights traffic desired 155 27 i5V(r red broadtoom 15xla sox! Sail sxenccraphic rerwre of MAjr flee on Public SpuareCH 0190 (3 £: ndta rood inirirv i working order Hex livl iaDgajT Pkt UtAMUJX i i carat diamond ring carat Sfb 5 diamond fishtail band LADY'S carat diamond ring 25Q i rs Klamnnd ring iS diamond wedding ntis 4 CAliL'R trinen Eves) 262S Detroit ini rvnaar' rtiamnnn sine I 011 I lho: private Cn'T Pd Cf 1 goon salary5 tiays MA 01M TTlcrW'LL General tjoins rrilaMe and future toffta Gnvtau Publish STENOCR A PIOR SWifclIBOAltff OPERATOR: Good Ml I jry society Cleaners 3419 £arnegic Ave SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR: Night work" II to 7 a steady position 1 sHary Se Mr Walker Hotel Olmsted 5w I TCH RO AR noerafor tynit: rnce necessary: office salary Mr Edwards MT R7OO tang distance salary American Tele phone Room 910 7iX) Prospect TELEPHONE operator: relief permanent 1 'Stary uA 70 TELrirTiNE AND ClEIlirAL? Salary Cail Senastian HE RtA TYTHI EWdlM! NOT NrC SARY: pleasant office downtown day week: salary CH 3240 fYPlST: Renumttan nookkerntag machine will tram begmner smary stoadv Nwyman tern (n 7) 12 Si TYPIST: Snare tuna 2 tn 3 days ek: our office downtown 75 cents ler hour Box K31 Dealer TYPisT Also comptometer opcrai or: sai ary Midland Products Co IOpI Mvhwm Ayr aril cc af mus b'lent: gnnd noun and salary Call Mr Grover MA 7STA3 bench full size bed de luxe springs: ex oellent Quality and condition $100 ACJ710 J1911 RED 'davenport and chair mohair good condition Cail after 6 A 2276 2360 Overlook Suite 8 BEDROOM f'Ulte bed spring chest 61 drawers: S49: used 4997 Broadway 15ABY BUGGIES de luxe style: folding a vvc 0 tru chon :5 1 6 4997 Broa way BABY carriage stroller crib rocking I chair leaving town 10201 Yale PO 334 BEDROOM set 5 Piece walnut JpRfon 869T red 4 posfimriTOmXTTuIL SPRING: tan OR 7A43 CRAMER'S REAL BARGAINS! BRAND NEW! EASY TERMS! neon ineH 01 vraw AUKS Ml KiiK raas Dsks ardrooes I WILL IwA noTHTTtoorTTSISiXriri'AV: I 91 st Cull I BUSINESS PLACES OR RENT LOCAN lIUTfcU 07 Hucd new 13x75 available tn A few transient rooms available (ijjvt rental 525 per month located uth wume elevator teoon nT Kr7Jd I Wtj HOME OR AGED INVALIDS WANTED: Modern homtrs ta lor (he subnormal prefer Medina Stat Wayne and Tiwarawns ounlie n' cense required Box aTEpc mipnvaie home wanted fu i'ivnr tjikp ClUet iy nnn iv" wewwi nreterred All 5 iMi X1X mitswU airy with home phere: 2l bour nuiwmg service 1W Khrtmnn HR ta'73 RENT ROOMS ANO BOARD JEoH CKDAft' RD off J5r refined vnung roupie A ft er kA i A'skr rtVELAND ftElGHTS neftrTtunnvunta Ute jjenlhinan I ast el Rveuand: sleeping kOom Hi: Bl MNISSMAV MJ3 'sVl offbuperlnr: Lngr r'lnm Ir I 2 rmulnyrd uenltemtn kifhrn ptlMe phon 7i) Tit) north of sf Clair: Double and 1 iiom newty decotatad men paiktn pi S51 ST IS'S: UsM MW sleeping mom hi 17n7: Siitata Wmng room for ft ft I Ka aol rnr SITUATION MALE ruh' for 1 or KcriUemen TO ANY riHi faveeutive ami mr toj a Man tmVanduKhV Ap 7' 2t years A Ah mr ruena wqt2: ajp mt kmj I VT ft I I a'' I It IjA Al io Sunday or hi'ihtayjh Gazelle Rea tpujant 11 to Vk) PM In nie 'TST' 4J nil Sy ELDRLY eoupte adult daughter urgently1 need 54 rrs bath by Urt 1 cn Wefi HOUSEHOLD GOODS ACjnO" KrTiftNiiON eiTram AULlftLO vCMT? rNrwi TTU7W 170 I QOET REr £Rxi 4 1 'TJr3 I whoWa houteg and tones terma Ur I ja 5 rr nccx 4'1 mod room single uh fl phfiMS 4 nn end la I 1 Wl 9 rtbr: dm a To vh dfflsrrorl ri iu nrrsrTv" 3 time dW KHru r4 tal'W XnltiiliSn VO! NG 11 iy ftr UT reAd TJevT: mWi have open mm 1 salary i i iwiro GIRLS: or sorting and filing naphnts hi photo studio time half tor ovevUnw nn Mip rtor ft TDK HIGBEE CtSThas openings ir sales women millinery nnd Children shoes sataiy Apply WbMEtfTTTo do bakery work: pleasant working C'ltidiitans hourly rate: ataady work Acme Pig 3T4xt negtf (KRLs4VbMEN: Clerking tor Minreii at St Cla tta Loram salary t'lencta a gie tVOMAT Tr 2' or over tor fountain white no Stm or holidays: al artLB)t dinegte GlRLVOMEN Clerking position ilh Ihath 4276 Pearl Rd: salary (TCtincr 34lfLCtnefle Av? ClRl3 White for pressing wearing ap parrl and handkerchiefs piecework Peerless Laundry 1 41 Salarv romtnisston: steady: ready toear WiUinm Kilt CirIs WoMeN lerking poaitton own for store at 35 Wltond: salary etety pry leaner 3411 Carnegie care of chHiuen afitn 1 noons: vicinity Kimmin Lee references Jficr 8 WA 3014 Tor sorting ctatne steady work good nourlv rate Individual Laundry Co 13ifi phdpa Tkewnod Light factory work: hourly rale Cleveland Lctiering Emblem Co bll piwpeei KcnmStt i WIT ft 1 ft ft ft ft ft ft A lrt 1 ftM rM Oh 6 Mir Co nil A'rr j2 St Perma Housework?" experireirrTTates I nr ant Mri uJtQnMA3uO2 TTlfSlKK SS tJlRI college I ra me17nred apt or Rcmmmodailnns private borne tn good neiahhn: hood by (kt 1 Pleap call evenings WAJ57JI NOTICE TO LANDLORDS Rent tn the right people money no object: 4 adults Vail ER Vm VTERANand wife expecting whX 4 1 or room apt nr bouse tarnished or i not Wert oryaa 1 HOTELS i Rvrnrtri rnn ciVau a jy iKHata bath Cake 11 1B ouTTTSKOK minutes from downtown rooms with private hath: altracUve transient rates ofi73 COr Alt LC Detroit clean cumxonaDi uouoie roomsj aaiyf rates iRjs Huron ixui ara in sLElNtT rooms for tent: hot and cold iiyne ft wt ci ur va 2 1903 7u st APARTMENT HOTELS 1 'MV DM A 1 14311 Prnpcct 1430 HOUSES mother would like tonsenlnl mother and child or older woman to share home rent free In exchange for davttme rare of 2 children 1 year and 5 year GA Md7 TRlSfNTSb airU will share with 1 2 girls convenient to an wort 7421 WTCC Muir? mv apt wiiT 'onfrenTaT sM who will care for school boy part time HELPW EMALE TYPIST: or purcnasins aept Last sEI'e i 44 hour week salary Plus overtime Picker Ray Corp 17325 Euclid 1'YpiSfxL CLERK Salary permanent Elliott Electric Co J1S6 23 I Qd(Mt TYPIST Knowledge of shorthand: for real estate office 5 day 40 hours i i iMWntLalaiy clerk: experienced iS days salary Western Ri svrva University JI Wo hu lid CE S7SH 1 TVl'lST to un dillling machine cfow ntown salary forty hours Line 2 $tA 4500 TYP Lk Rkt It wen graduate" k)d future with growing organizaltrin salary 'Iremcoj s70i Kinsman SW HHKJ Subtly and accurate: salary and overtime1 pleasant working conditions KromejCorp b0 72 TYPIST: Experienced accurate: salary hours Arthur McKee Ac co2dU0 hestcr Ave TYPISTS:" IS 5 itay week silo month: give education etc Box 2 Phytt Dealer TYPISTS: Good onnortuntiv to advance oMs days 44 hours good hourly ratedm VprihinilorLCo4MNi2 Sinclair enerai ofiiee girl small of fice East Side: 5 day week good start ing salary GL tYPlST: Statistical work small office! downtown: 5 duy week salary MA ri pili'mTs school grudnale 5 days permanent: sal ary Box 2m0Pifin Dvalviy TvNsl inancial "statement cxporlente: permanent downtow szilary MA 7liHh CiSl ETt lS 25 I ahpea ra nee satai Aiuily after 11 a ra Warner a Mhppodrnme Theater ft ft rt tjs inn 1 1 ae attractive salaiy Apply Keith H)5 Eurhdu Vegetable Vf5SrX Downtown? no Sundays meala: salary: penuanrnt po AITTSEssDS Dav an rnlcTiEriuTr and pad time bixmI sulaiy Muyilowei Douvbnul shoo 27 EuclliL jv WAITRESSES: nr counter work: ages IS to 30 3o to lO hour week salary lhe SsKS Permanent position: salary CHINS rtfhW ST fLAUU WITNESS itourly rate vlu Vnu meals uniforms furnished Giant Co 240 Eucbd Ave WAITH ESSES: ull timeu days: salary meals and uniforms Apply 3 m4 Howard Lake 6i(0 ncra L'viuin ii 1 I salary and meals Apply a ile clerks bramnep lanu noci ci Art a 41U ntns uoinm wntiwih aovea ruoi'i in rn STillTlAHYi'Mcluiwl offwener rt Waukee (Whit: No sun sud 1 week state salary nnd experience Box salary lid and meart the Auditorium a 3221 Mi plain Ilea tar Restaurant rt)2 St Clair iGfnr4l SECRETARY and xienographerT VvncHence WAITRESS: TuU ur irt time Kmirtyj tvoi elrt no foe 'T 150 MML dta rWEK (Wl'r 5Li foTS 1 Uriel 41h WlldiW MPLOYMNT WAITRESSES: Steam table: sandwich Vnlnn Kuta' hoc hour tart meal uniforms MAKO'XCElfiNAtTTTMTmDNS Apply Grnt Co 2l Everriive Clerical Technical Sale WAITREss With nr without exierlene! Special dwrovn in appheanta Ulin Snd I STVir WMtii Muv sn rrmiconi nux tip Boukilr Soda irHl J4 SITUATION MALE T7iniu TO imuxiANr ww or nwrii wSftipt! ntwraTor Siht'iT flr piece dav rate jndenen "Utakv pt 'V'o ru rafiM: ttarh hzittrlv I i Ute hilllf ijisurHnee: A I lRlSS: vvh te trw tOftbwj trntf Ts oabta alfonne drewes AI IRlSs ahts OICE CLERK cashJer Industrial cafe teria: hourly rate meaie Cafeteria teher Bixiy 140 Colt Rd OICE CLERK: 5 day week smalfipfo references required salary Call CE 2100 appointment Typist general office work: 40 hour ww good saiaiy Eu clid pods Inc ME 3ta Office GIRL: General: hih school grad uate: typing filing: downtown a days saiarv Box2U950 Plain Dealer (5KgGlRL: General o'Tice no short hand or typing: salary $15 and meals Box Plain Dealer (JiCE tail white: answer phone: willing to Barn IttHe typing state age gn eitagc spoken Box 2321 Ptoin Dealrr GIR tiericaTw ork typist good ar figures: salary larco Inc IAJMh i no children or pets nr Rnckv Riven up to JlOOj BO 0106 1 HOUSE ruiii vrt'rtiv wuw eluding veterans nesir? irom? un cisl Side references IX) VETERAN Wife and young child aie separated until they can rent a 2 bed room apt or small house unfurnished as' preferred: best of references SW 3ftW LlSSY supply superintendent needs 5 6 nr 7 room unfurnished house or apt: guarantee auiet and best of care no pets or small children references Call CH1655or Price ESTABLISHED old Cleveland residents I desire furnished or unfurnished house or I ant preferably 2 or more bediooms: I hahv 6 months otaLO4767 MEMBER of Cleveland Baseball Club wants to rent apt or house furnished or unfurnished 2 children Call Russ Peters AuditoriumHoteL ARE you interested getting a quiet and responsible tenant? Adults need 6 room house or apt: willing to decorate Phone PR 5000 Krenrel TELlvf HONE "official and wife want 5 or 6 rooms double or single rent UP to si V): Cleveland or Shaker Heights VA 525L GETTING married and anxious to fmH 2 i rnnm nome avt mnnthlv willing to redecorate excellent rare nf nronerty immediate possession or by Ort 13 ME SECXpXRIx senior engineer will pay up to $125 for 4 bedrooms excellent care property will redecorate if needed KE cveteranY 8t Cleveland clinic desires apt or house for family in cluding vear nld child CE baw Line 21 hetveen9 and 430 EXEcUTiV permanently located in Cleveland desires 6 7 room house will guarantee proper care and main tenance Cal 1 CH T95l Lme 27 or rooms for employe widow and child 11 West preferred RELIABILITY food rentaTassured Kir rOUSC BP in me uvun ft naoci man CL 34 fiUlfY of 4 uanta JCrnomTiouse un Turnisnea or imns eu ywuw tonen Eve 2623 Detroit? 4 fevans LAll4enbeimLI91jA terTanwmd Pt 1 fens ronm sets sharpy 5e GENTRY OR ClfTANYTIEr wNto tMd cfoced good ouanr T0 MmsWNTir7' horses stock vehicles skinny vT rsi: 1 GAITD mar 5 'r old wail bred Sa 1 5 oM ery ahta VNtTIAN MJ 1 uk 5 aWA ejrri ca6 pmee rfvAsinra waisuf hpUtiltaTid raPts Tte CLCVtLAMD PIAIN DEALER 71 WE DNESD AT SEPT 18 V4A SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODSContinued from Preceding Column) nr ceUtng firicet on used refrigerofori trathtHg maehixff vaetttim eleatierf type rat ranrrt nanrnrraBntc UMDmvKi bed spr? enil Price Control Board 3 ROOMS' 3185 48 Pieces Brand New Each unit can na bought separately 14 PIECE BEDROOM SEI S79 Bed vanity chest all metal coil BPrirs heavy roll cotton mattress 2 Pillows comfortpe 2 boudoir lamps and shade 2 throw rugs 15 P1ECE LIVING ROOM 89 Davenport and matching chair radio 9x12 rug 2 throw rugs floor lamp and shade 2 end tables coffee table 2 table lamps and shades 19 P1ECE BREAKAST SET $27 Combination dinette and breakfast get sturdy box seat construction chairs ready to finished in any color linoleum rug picce beverage set Out of the Way Less to Pay ACTORY URNITURE CO 49W OPEN EVES OBMSJteftClMk ALL RUGS Axminsters fltons Velvets and Broad looms: irw and used many beautiful patterns to choose from: SS SlOfo EASY TERMS actory Rug Co 4997 5001 Broadway Open dally till 9 Od poslte dark Ave Bridge Line ANTIQUES fruit carved melodeon mir ror love seat rocker side chairs drop coffee table LA ff)2? BABY grant! piano nookcas fireplace set radio dining room vacuum cleaner wicker chairs washing machine electric irons: also hammered silver pitcher and cardlesliek set: electric coffee urn bi rie 114 1 PiainftPld A 1 693 Baby Carriages Spring Gear SlOya Innerspring Mattress 28x52 $895 9210 St Clair 10JU5 VTTAL ArR taerx T5 ll capacity? 1 ik nev 535 TBC xjnHAlR IS DtRK RED PAIWUWV: in terms LN 200f UaVWGRK: experience: colored aiindrtr TMnin Of Ifon DAYWuRK: Gleaning: younx reliable $6 carfare EX 4a3 DAYWORK: References: Sb and carfare reier ences: St carfare IE uli DAYWORK Colored woman experienced lAi Div IDE g'Bpv VES A 4734 GRAND SlOVab: ofi delivery Tedr 5rw yn Unmn pa TMh I'M tkST LTV rAC Rivrrc patxtaj nix? 'AN AWDtfTO fl lATR Sv gas oil or coal nrcTect your self now for the coming have limited stock on hand in rmc sires fc immediate delivery don't wait and be sorry later See our automatic coal heaters ran be set in any room: burns from 2 1 to 36 hours on nne filling easy terms ACTORY URNITURE CO 4:497 5001 Broadway Onen dadv till 9 21 Opposite Clark Ave Bridge Lme HIGHEST quality ranges latest styles Immediate delivery General Home Equipment Co GL NfQ IDA DINER ANNOUNCES SALE Starting Wednesday the ISth 3367 Hollis ter Rd Cleveland Heights hours 11 5 YE 9140 Inlaid Sheraton dining room set consist ing of table sideboard and 6 chairs: a ronm size Oriental rug valve trombone her turn dure and small items ICEfJlSS Kelvmator 8 cu ft 4 door 6 burner Roper stove maple bedroom set kitchen table odd bridge table? and chairs porch glider chair and table Philco radio floor model: large mirror plata glass: Czechoslovakian crystal dirung room fixture ER 2273 KITCHEN SET white with red leather seats hardwood used very little X1012 Thrush Ave up CL 9423 RNEEHOLE desk 350: metal bed com plete S20 8 pc dining room set £20 1407CnRRd LIVING roomT dining room bedroom radio wine Dresden Call after J3677 BVA1 kanrnAWi Iritrhsn ctrtVrt LlUHlUiari UlUk ft I LJi uAn LEASE OR SALE rj 4bI a 42nnn ft mMem fireproof 3 ROOM SET: 5T5Iec marora mo warehouse railroad switch loading dock hair: overstufled occasional ehair end sprmklored large elevator heavy floors table: as unit EX 7607 load excellent value itltTNG ct cost S300 sell £45 bedroom Ken Brvrr pt $43: during sef S35: dresser S10: Den DC er sl0 A S15 7115 st CU1 Living aaverport andT chair re nmijinnKh MUSl'sElL: Davenport" SS: lounge dmmfi room table S5 kitchen table S4: lamrs and shades odd dining room chairs 2 occasirnal tahtas 3: kitchen seta S10: gas ranees high chairs J3 hassocks S2: rugs to 550 rug pads S3: heaters Sri bedspnngs S3: buffer ST: sofa beds Sid: vanity benches 52 these and many more actory urniture Co 4997 Broadway opposite the Clark Ave Bridge line Easy terms no finance com pany to dsal with Open to 9 dally Out of the way less to nay INNERSPRING BRAND NEW ALL SIZES GOLDMARKS share space No 1 Industrial zone Unclaimed reight Inc 2525 9 PA 17 r2 ftf vTf iV Xf from him Uitt "iTrv urlrn tfMMr nr'm and dining room sets chairs lamps a seat Chinese Oriental rvgs size 16 NEW AND USdiIDGS win nr i 3 unfurnished! rrtf TNeRta a trt tn iiuu re iai re re 'Tft ift Aftir olsrt hahv Ritter nv ain iJealcr I lmUlhO sra fliKrt TWNWrsin HO in ymxfn nv taAv nr famh' cnina to Plain vV rtf eVk lorida Box 32W 11ainDealer DA YWOrRT" Cleaning and ironin HE rx IJAYWmK: Expo rtaa i 1 section Cal! Mr Ho(mBpfHL28to OR rentlh Warren of brick build ing about 1500 3 ft: good for sa or light manufacturing Cleveland tclenhTna NA 5982 Call Wallach pRAntmues bric a hrir fine china' man at 13 can Mr wauacn brass: a fine piece to suit ever SECRETARY and stenographer exiwrienee! WAITR not necessary legal office good start 1 rate Mist 4 JI ICi SEt iTt fARf GcnetarOlHee: Young wom an: some experience: permanent anLirv reXL4 SEWErs ror various departmental salary Apply utUvift lhf SEWERS: Singer exi erienro also iesrn 1 cis hourly and wo rate Reserve Sportswear 5713 Euclid SkAVEKS: rtiiwrirneed on draperies and slip covet salary Decmatora Uuik atTw vvnour cxpu nce wntte rwiuriy rate Rninnm I VL1 Ct t'Up cT is oiAi mft 4 tT1: iAftftii i rtM'i 'ainKiuj nMTlimvui ii arv MA S7 SkU iXi: KV hin dtiuhli moi'n dent Tow ch Central ffnti 1 J1 ft ftr Vft Nl ft Al Al I re not necessary hnurl UM bk ftUi SEVUNg machine operator nwM mvtw i loft 'IL SIAvlnG: Women altering drosses roau Kuiw tun pan tune aawxy Lne time YS iM Asststa nl io house nilSliltrt MlillV l' Hx 'LIH TMTfHfl HINE noeraTnra khlriu liiuriv nf liariwiH I NmmiAta TiktM tUlrJ ftStiOl'i 'ERSi Aomen 21 tor retail sclv ice no epenenro necessary salary travel 7M citizens Bldg srtor LSUbY: UftMTiGreTTnST vrinus opportunity Jtw iafok Shoes iftLnrim A SILK and wool finisher! or dry dept steady work gfxl hoym rate West End laundjy Jet'll) Mavluon JfLK TlNlSHftltS food hourly rule nrri iwntts maximum hours uker Cleaning "tsm Carnegie SbD 'I JellJnt "I ary Winion Drug Co 17UV1 MadUon IA 56X5 ft OUNTAIN: Early or ate shift salary meals and unltorms boo Diyg IkiK't IrspLyuL St'DA DuMAjN attendants over 18 will teach salary Apply nearest Gray Drug or 24M Superior wm hh'm un uLERKi Good opnortun iv 5 ilarv Rese Drifo IICM virtmvve 1 iDAOlTNl'AlTMeru: fto exponent needed salary apply after 10 a Superior SODA ill CarTy or ite shTf salary meals and uniforms see Mgr Shawn Drug 'Hotel Cleveland 1 MVNTaTN Pleasant "surround mg: taxwl salary: day work Apply Miller Drug EuchtLAie Mi church WORK COMMISSION MA 2' Stenographers: xwrtericed vurohas ing deutft i hmirly rate: transportation Austin Co U25 222 IV 30U0 Mr Campbell experienced fop rxirtunitg tor advnneement: salary Har 'IVIA fre jH'yooio ftw a overtime Addreotapli MuUitapn co UVfK bbbt re STENOGRAPHER: 5 dar week salary Pius overtime: opportunity tor advanro and mmtnff ern 2 KNITTERS: xpertenred on circular ma gTKNTJnnAPHER BrigKi jr nour chines: hourly rate plus overtime Lion' week: salary mmanrnt Apply Royal KnntnO Wth Inupnre pdlli Ulurnw JWk LIBRARIAN for srhixil branch Expeneiwed library school gradual' saLuj EucUul nent bouts 'Vtrtirn Leserve Public Lihpiry IV 43 ETiNCH COCNIER ORK: an or worn STENOGRATIiEff: Motion picture Indus vv re ft ft 4 ftftl aHianfnnwint an lull or par VIHt SBIrtTV ire in VV 1 fM UMftT Hill i' TA sTsTANT'r'Bome STENud RaDHBB: Chenvstrvr pan or itm uuc waw Box Plain Dealer ru NBRYnrijn i mM i 'p ri enced: high hrmriv rate Gar field laundry 3M ProsuoL ffACHINK OrCRAtOR: No necessarv: vur choke 1st or ki shlfi hourlv rate Harris Prxl ulO an lleliable young girhu whir: rxnrricnve not necessary dat BaKcr rUfhd at KamTm BWt'17l RHUK Mu bn experienced 5 dy xctad sai Ki e8s ng i office Union CumnwM Bhfo houily rate Box lyjlti Plain PtMler rrxM nTRK pm aid' an rtal office beginner saluiy CH 3 ML Miss labaueh MILLINERY 'trimmers cupyists makers high tnecc work rauw Cleveland Hat MILLWERV SAlHSUXbY: EwTlencedi commission 1JS7 Euclid Ave WlTHTRAPH OPERATOR: Exceptional opportunity if ex per ic need salary Mar ford time hnaker Square Salary ptui mmissym4 re RuRSES nurxin4 attendants iwhtaric for n'Rhl dutv: salary malntenanva WindsgHosntal Chagrin I ail "37 RUPEES: Registered and undergraduate salary Call JHE SU NURSEMAID: White: can girK 9 fo: estate own room top wage Arizona in March Box A Independence 0 mothers helper: New count try home lorida in the winter good salary alhTHdS KVRSEMAICT: White pre i er middle ac woman care for month oW baby 4to Uoburn Ave OICE clerk knowledge of typing port tmn permanent salary Um eland Chnic V2f)E 93d ARTHUR CL Me KE CO Yoh are amired nf a steady tenant for your apt by selecting a permanent cm plnvee from our orK inizatinn who de sires furnished or unfurnished living quarters HAt been transferred to Cleveland would like to trade living quarters with sonnione moving tn Milwaukee my ant in duplex 6 rooms modern very de Please write Vaucnan Mc Kinney 4tbl North 40 St Milwaukee Wis lor Cleveland Exchange 3 ronm unfurnished (has Kelvt naton electric stove airvort Vd lige for 3 4 here Call Allen HE after veteran? ana wire tmmeniaie rivnrs ant nr aniall house furnished or unfurnished ho children or pets call Mr alK CH 79ta or Ch 6kk conservative Professional man and wife leouhe 3 4 room ap irtnirnt duplex or small home EmGLNKER: Age oftranii wifodeSTrB 5 roorn unfurnished or furnishtxl apart ment or flat location southeast Cleve land leicphone Bedford VT1ERAN and hridp to ue desire 3 4 5 loom aid nrefer Heights or East Side will consider itnv pmpusiti'in tall after 7 t) 4471) ak rrismA aged couple need rooms bath jut the two nt us unfurnished Box Plain EN NAVY veteran and' wife nec'P unfur np nefi api I child rn MA 14W or d594 engineer and wife no thildieo no pets need 3 4 3 ronm apt or nouse on East 1 1 1 rorently marriecC iirkenfly i nwln 2 4 rnom npt or nous? furntahed i nr unfurnwhCi west sine nr taKewnoi both employed Call VQ 5344 3 A criKhwr wife want? 4 nr 5 rnnm apt or snwll unfui niched prefer Eart fall PR p'0 ulr Driver or Bn 2Q53 Plain Dealer GUtftSx W'HAl we We have no pels no children veteran at tending Reserve Medical School wife working DI 3b81 iBlNKS MC CD executive and wife no TMMVt 4 1 VlTIt I A 7tl VHGNTLi needed: 4 onfuroisEe rUUuTS want 5 6 rocma: 4 working TO 9116 Art er sous: trorr refry PR 5 A kN trt rft SJ a Cftft ft time jvork of a ny kt dEN Lt fjfTITl AN Experienced will experiment and write for food company on publica tion at home MIJ SMb BIsOWASHER kitcwn hfloer retready colored experienced eves only (ail 12 tn 3:30 MU ibfo bRlVR Colored or governess GA "fifTK: ClerR suwrviwfT w' fonce: no typing personable amiable M83 Ct NERAL office and Upmg experienced salary HAND LAUNDRY: Cloth's finished wet wash: nickun delhcr Miss eima band ocsim wi party going to California nr lorida fn winter BoxJ(PlainPfoL norEKEEPR with 4 yrar ota daugh kr employed couple only: permanent Write 62 Carnegi HalL Widow 4hs: home life 1 in adult motherless home more than salary BoxTl Pto inpojlcr nriUS KKEPER: Middle aged small adult 1 famdy good cook: no laundry stay Box 32651 PlalnJ Deafor ps yrirncz nvumi neat and reliable RA btl IRONING curtain stretching in home A 4699 laee washmgand ironing at hnme: references RA g7j LAUNDRESS experienced ironer own homeIftO b327 LAUNDRESS: Experienced: must be regular: 6 carfare PO LAUNDRY: A done in my home fin ih rough dried nr wet wash: A ref ereneeg raH and deliver HE 839 LAUNDRY done in your home S6 and car foreEN 6910 lTi cxrorfoncd wnn in rd et hitsy barney shop Box 429 rtam veaci NURSE: practical: refer term case IE 322? a io hour duty no maternityKE 3hl i PERSONNEL WORK ex teacher college ad isr Rcx2Tt3an Psl house Dr Anderson LA 42irt HOUSES OR RENT (Weil) EXCHANGE CHICAGO New I ranch house rent nr sell nr 3 hedroom house to root want or in ndr irrn i'l 09 CLEVELAND OR 1 Exchange modern Rocky River 6 room house for same mjtavton ED 2762 WANTED TO RENT HOUSES EuP0NT EPR ESENTATI Responsible family 3 ti room houae or apt: can arrange exchange for i room house in Pittwhorgh A WhiUmgsfow MA 316 nr PR fOO HEEP EMALE I Con toned from Preceding Pnel ftfiNtRAL HOl bhWORK Morninss or si hoi'l airt: 1(1 a eek 7 EV 212L CESKRAtnS'lCE's Unrh Mian chancg for advancement: Permanent vm sUKin Jtm iltxiprnswfibourth Bhta CiENERAT in ICE WORK rtalury Cifv Mateiittl oal Jnc 8100 Bessemer A i xirTTaL OmiT A KT77 re re 1 I 1 re I1 rel no MA PXK tnNKRAu OICE: No cx7 rellent salary luc Cushion 5b ll Bit 4040 GENERAL OICE Young alViirouinn downtown Sunday nvurtsi Mtlryx Box Plain Dealer GENERAL oU foday week perma nent salary Cleveland Hospital Service 1900 Euclid Ith floor MA lTEnERAL OICE: Some typing suuhTat figures hourly rale Cleveland Shopping Ntnvsj Hamilton GNEhAL OICE WeasamTsur: roundings? 41 ta hour week s27 6 ws Eueltd RiWl 205 General office ctftKvitiTW nandlng organization: ilxkI opportunity for artvanci'Tnmt jplary all GENERAL OICE: Auto agency: experi ence desired salary kalph Slewart Huk 12516 Shaw TloL work position tor neal ambitious irl attractive starting mtai 2iM schnfield Bldg AsHER: salary na Sundays downtown 1111 heiter ri" CfiVEKNrSS to cure for "younk tgw hi children's home plt'a 'int surroundings brtijl tvn 11 Cl ft Tft' I H'l gANlG'SlllKK UKtU KgsSTOfEir ATOR: Hourly rate plus bonus Locke MacMne Co 71 SL HaNd ShWRftS? Vcwni coats suTIT piecework: guaranteed minimum Ptiniz BiiHlcrman 1974 hj off EucM HAND sevrors la train for nutlmery worTT jsattafactory hourly rate while learn mg CtevelanOLrtlJk 24 to HOSTESS 21 to 30 onnoriunity forad vaueement: salary loUl bLR lu5 Euclid 4th floor EtfEErEit 'UNDER rJXPRl ENClI: OWN KlKirt BAftl GUUD SA tART fl 1774 tin I iPk Pt Whit! auvrlanri nighls: $25 week all HIU SEWORff: (Jeneraf white roan) radio bath foam rooking assist 1 child good salary WA 31w7 fOr'ShTxTrcnennTl scnocl nwn room and bath: stay references A052 1 HOUSED OR KT White: IlgfrCiTnes: pleasant home own room on 2d: refer nrsc 'P lti 7 fjftl sEUohK: Genetai nnTUundry adults 2 children on ear hnei prefer references S' OJEA 12AI inVsEWDRKrGeneral: while 2tW: ex petieneed I child: no laundry or cook references: $25 Eli 2215 HOUSEWORK: Upstairs nd 1S 4O home mahts cspenenccdi I2Ui Sliakvn DR OfBO CiIYK 5auuTta no Yau nd ry uf me more than salary Box 2UXd I lain Dtatatu ir istay 'light general: ito rooking or washing refer pnr ranuj IvK HoUAVoRlv: fexperienctu no" mikinkT no laundry slay 3 nights references DX 771d ORE'" 'cnUral launder no coi iktns 2 in family stay nights 29S0 Berkshire Rd AW nbllSMWTdvi Gcnwal w'STte rollar: b' days: rpme nights: adults: small iious near ramd no Uijntjrv DR 23121 HOUS'EWORK' Xxceltant ralary white: no laundry or heavy must like IlOVSEWORK: In quire Bundle's hoods ISsdl'g St Clair orrhui jlOtlSEWORh! No washing near Shaker Rapid and car line 2 adult own room hstiV stay EiC3T HuuseorRT snvHl family ex 1 pertence reference lovely room and bath no salary hll (to7P HOUSEWORK: Good plain cook: laundry sent out: 3 ndulta: prefer stay refer nnroa or A Ml HOUSEWORK! Generali nxxn apt Shaker squareb assist re 1 child no laundry stay 3 nlhta515 JlTtTsEWfikKrUlHtP "nr Ja panese Ameri can no cxkm References ex permneed sulj xJ5 YE 2biM HdUsEWORK: fi tri general rood pay lovely rnnra: new home Lail 10 a in 4 J5" Mril REWORK GENffAXtMTAT nUhls: no laundry or heavy cleaning TOP WAGES YE Xwtaf twin wTiT children: no heavy laundry stay or home nights ER OVCC ft General: laundry or Ihtirsdav Sunday off Refer eneCft ay LU WRlteOleht nV hvy rbaW or rooking staynight rA fltsb SfewMifr nwc room and bath stay fiOUstAVUKKu White fort: no washing or 'ronins referenevsj BO 401Y In sm tll nursing home: salary and mtatenanlV ull or Part Ume room bath: line LA 44fm dependable ri 'ung vote person 5 4ay week A 5316 HiWEWORK: "No laundn cnoking expertanced: irfererire LO work and nwe of chib ren naljtry 3( IVfavTS' wear: ull time: marr Anfov Kmidovment office Wm Baylor die shop WANT 1500 3000 sq ft Ml will rent or lease EN 324 RENT OPiCE5 AND DESK ROOM rofpsslonai office rroms and bath: steam heat Parma business center: uiU' lease RASER INC 910 Guardian BMg GHfrry 6213 2000 SQ AVAILABLE NOW Euclid 69 St Blds Desirable tor sates or executive offices MR NE MA 44fB PROSPECT 4TH BLDG Basem*nt rrom Ifix22: street entrance: well ventilated: nnd for oLro I 'Qqm rrn5jT7 rt 91 ORLP RD Corner NW View: 2 adfohune nfflroaj suitable for doctor or any other oro ffccon nr nusiness Ipirohnne PR lli WANT TO RENT APARTMENTS I WANTED TO RENT HOUSES( cmtlmied from reezing Column1 Conrfnited from PrerMint tolunuif liMX 1 1 IOUSES APARTMENTS Whv bother with Tim? and Expenses nt advertising your Apartment or Home? List vur Vacancy with us and only OUR Tvpe Professional employees will be referred to jou Mr Harrington CH 5870 i I erguson Co 2 3 or 4 bciIrooin modern apt or bouse by district large corporation best of references enter into long term secondary to type of location CH 2499 3 rooms or more Want load or part load to references riiunci ptat? rar to CaHfomtoi J1EQ1OQ ft I SPEC! XL storage SI 25 oer room errou veteran now Nela arki Groat Lakes Storage Moving HE Qim TO LEASE OR LEASE 80000 SQ Washington 1) 7 STORY MODERN IREPROO BJDG SPLEMD1D LOCATION 90 Days Possession The entire building is offered to a Na tional Organuahnn on long term lease at Reasonable Rental WRITE OWNER Box 20849 Plain Dealer I HEL EMALE SALESGIRLS: lev and gin store aSfary (to mu can on phone wneaimans iiu Pinspect SA I SG irffS for n2TT0c store IfteaTywork: Hilary full time Tavlnr variety Stole 6714 St Glair SxLsaiHM' d'tot: sal try and commission David 734 urlid Ave SxrUSGiRL Steady pustHoh: salary Nut Shmtct 6ul Prospect SALESGIRL hr jr girdle iintPbraa snlary Loehnr's fi The Arcade Mihnery drpl goodtlaiit' commissions: good working con ditions oster rocks RXS25 Carnegie Ave usnADPn uir or part 'time saT arycommission sears Roebuck A Co Mil i rorgp Avg popular price "tires shop good hours: salary Peggy 1 to Public Square SALES LAD I rh ine clientele' expeiienco ladies a uwjrel: salary Mary Louise Inc 1241 Huron Rd SALLsTftAIHLh for hosiery aniCIfogcrta gotxi salary plus romnusaion Clear Sylk 1 Public Square SAfSuADfrlb uTT patCIjmeTalary ani commission Astor's Wp22 ui'lid SALLblAbY Wedding Tept liave open ing for an experienced salesgirl good salary oster rocks Inc 10325 car LLvLA BY "ttjme "Turnwhing rvadv tcH wear and arccMnries full and Part Kftiime aliry tni TtiJlyr Son Go Sai I SLA DY' iLtariewelfy liberal sahiry: permanent tio experiencenerxied Spicks Il7irt Buttoyc SALEsLADIs: iness deiit "nohpd vTvv tout just need a 'd hot exwt I instar wlta Incrjn'i2o tarncgif Ave SXLEftXWMN for inillmvry readv to wenr afoall wuies exmicn not nee essaryLjuH time satai IlaltiS Urox SALESWOMAN competent tn serve fine salary Awlv The nwU jt Hubhaid Lrt Judid to aruT noun to 73ii Kwud Lo 103 rose ami steam la Me glTGiU hourly rate meals uniform furnished AX' re vo 240 Euclid Ave Cb ifc'riS rec xrererej Trnrr I refc'ftre 1 tv i vzv i i it vm i eitrec experienced: stay! tor A 4 working conditions good hourly TPL' Jtafoi'UU SELRE rARY GeneralOfflce: Young wom an some experience: permanent salary Printa RiedcfiTtan 1974 61 SEi RL7 AR stenographec: o(7 lire salary Iman Commerce Bldg MA 4269 Sb KfcTA TA 7ount 7rM kxeeutue type Rirl nlfn good salary chive land srhinil nf Art GA Km KERS: Whde ack salt In cacs ex ppivn unncwiry hourly rate 4 to 12 Union Salt 65 a XTR AND SAlAD Pleasant wk: salary meals Apply Mr Erb of antry womans Shaker tocaVon mis nr STOUER 1373 floor PASTRY a Experijenced rolU and cvn c'rsid Mrndav salary Tne 26yi0 Lwam Ave asTRi worjer Waite: meals uniforms salary Mills jVr KR TYPIST Experience not necessary 5 day week fralary hew Amsterdam CgstMlULj CH 60 NTH PRESS TORS: Over 21 years 24 omfl: jae and De nn MH3 ranknn Blvd RECEPTION IST PUT: fteasaat down town 4 future permarrot Euciid ffr r5 a TTs A Experienced sal ary rommisxxm J317 Euclid Ave Cafoera experwwed srn Vlay week: hourly rate maa tos jGuenthr HE 441 Salad aT 1'5rti matoriXw Irwi: tafa'j rinsed Monday The Gables SALAD Ma sttary ur form SOUrR no ma STORE TTdoSU 57x60: AVE Mop xv mav nivinp krev ALL HIA LUSK T1ALL or light mtl rerere reret rerere Othlt ret I 14 1 41 I VI IM re WANT TO RENT BUSINE SS PLACES Dr STORE ROOM: East Side preferred suit able for retail general merchandise Box 31739 Plain Dealer LORIST would like desirable location in Cleveland Heights Hast Cleveland or (O yo PW SALIHS nsrnt rroutres fiW in sq fl on ground floor for display and space Inndinj dork desirahle CallMA 2 bi RENT ACTORIES WAREHOUSES SQ Centrally Incafed PR steam heat WAREHOUSE 80000 SQ WANTED URNISHED APARTMENTS stdlM 2 larae wrmklered: re ieam hrot: central location VETERAN sales representative national unutaRD POPE ly known corporation wife and son need nUWArtAJ i 2 hedrnom furnished apartment HIPPODROME BLDG £Ii44Q? mroiaTCij gooq lenaniR reum i i erences Call Mr Turnock 2U0J)ri EXEuiiTiVSTctjufoe quiet both employed urgently noed 3 or 4 room ant Heights East Cleveland or near 103 Call Miss Mack A CTTCrXn Case student and employed wife desire 4 rooms: no children: no pets responsible: prefer vicinity of Case Please rail GA l'HP KV AL officer and wife both employed desire 2 3 rontn furnished apt call 1 pmi ma LMJL lint the Cleveland Clinic re "ft rere urgently need furnished spu pi rt re riRMkTR' marine officer and bride desires furnished ant or flat in Cuvahoea oun iMhlHAMlAL drauhrs shock abnner iiiwmnraw re (T IVftrelVV hreorrt KfnlR Sftp 11 'wnntln wn nel pav roll college graduate I reft ft jtftl 7 1 re 1 rfft 1 GTfIUK' VfrRl: General with future I joumj veteran wdl roiisifor sates can TTl AR 3 eves week hour (all ih 41 ilUr 'tacri nT AcJxTiT s' fj rG cal maintenance ronr etioft buying scnooC Xir ronstdrr anv type Sat rnpioyinent Box sTLrt plain Dealer Sd'TArY I'swvfKrbtM prrienee veteran must relocate Lie' Ud Pox H'n Dcdter rsCRATER hands want Prt lme eves Sat and TlMEKEEfiU Pay roll shoo expert pneed 227 Traffic position heaver Ilin wwnt veteran: experienced college Box Plain Dealer Traffic MA'nAGER or assistant avail abta now expert on all transportation 21 plain Dealer UNION 407 truck driver highway traitor nr rlht 2W SV MA XfXN anU orV Sunday onto ottlrrhnp dnvimt or wha naa 04 Bore VA "wTth ar (iMTreTTTalrsma Phin i Wn WO to BLIND1 atudent "Do "JVuPX vrarit wiik i future on the job train 1 transrortation telephone pi ivikgis rm tng ptcierrno 'SiXiuUr man ft Mrere re rtnvo in i' riH issr ivn nr nra: vuii 1 111110 aii reire re ia a uuAiuin tre ureft ziiaii ani in i tn iphipi Ir nark LJIWW A 4llo I' xT I Aftrna rruim ill hoard i Inr Mww wwk lumrto rate UAftu ban(y: private ouar I Eichler ft Botiuli Plain ralrc Cfl or omr Pntwn availble re fk hUHrin in vui nwwiu sw i neuners 661 Maili St Jtodfordtoi Light parking and assembly work no experienee necessary to 30 wne 'Doan Mfg Lorn 1 (H00 WDMAN: '4 to salary Apply Mr Drechsel Great Iaakes Box Cafe teria 7373 Wentworth WiLL Cljltsrwhite wilTeantto Jays hourly Ohio onlection Lisbon BI EvinsAve oft SB kni GIRLS wnite: tor light manufavtunng work: hourly rate steady Gt neial Book Binding Supej ior ClRLrt White wanting good home help in office asstet housework laundry adults: Sun and eves freeLA ni'RL: or general ofnee ork typing and shorthand salajy Atlas Mfg wriman jn 1 executive capacity salary discussed call MA 5LM COLLEGE graduate unm for roitoriat work position permanent sai dt Cleveland Clinic 2ta0 hr 93 fflRLS: White fo 30: hand work rot i ton drosses: hourly btantey red Co 2i73 4 A ATTRACTIVE openings in 3 ofour depts in the mfg of photographic paper nout Grant rhottLrodi1991opetroit TTinf EKikinz in nut shop da no LiJlilft Wfti 'A in iui re ft ft no experience neces sary nourv IRTYwOrK: io p0 and carfare refei ratepcriodiraLraiscs 1317 experience EX 4967 ms 3 rMEN or Wrphone AND CARARE good salary The Ohn Bell Telephone Tw to SA fiAYwfifiK: an3 carfare child i laady same Box h3NlrllnHpvftte MAYThLD HEIGHTS Room for roffortL Mvounf person: privileges J' bQ ret 4 a niltry gardening: best of ref ront mrrr GWh' Wtatg Mr Bony Rout I entrance xa rius uu at tWrrVr'TnTrrie4nro'mfortebtal children no peta desire 3 or more Sl2STC i 'Lnlraw: twin toats nwv fmnis bed or unfurnished house town prefer nriL ai fn' WhangcU Box JJH 1 am S'fifXlUtee*tswTnrc ge oriSe sPvfrn lAKt)ta KsKifAKE SW Tc jAwY loam: I ar Untan car 11 nr private RADm Prentkman 1 Suite grjWlSiT noOM for' Call XV A M7 WEST SIDE TTTOS' SleepinK room for 2 girls local lAKfcWOOli HUT? Vyandotte taTge front for man tn foe an nt adult hcimej bro a a op i uixttUy TakWi'MTfti 'Sleeping worn for rntl'mAn airfield OW 1 a XA 4rr I 'S rff Rockport: Bm for 2 men single tjcds: private VTExV RD 'otf Scranton: mrtG IMhiV 14 home: 2 girt or emutan unro npar tar reft'ronecs a Rnom own entrance man VluL MP afipr 4 i WTnd liE jiATvI aX'D een ices for employed fori or ftturtenL AL tltoi uikchnd Ave GENTLEMAN: Sleeping room and garage near cat EXRGtf rteepms room breakfast If ired: near Uram ar bu 190 WANT ROOM ROOMMATE BOARDTRi'rT)R'2 RtXDlS HATH iaia Shike? Heights If tmK'tbte reference Box Kto flam Rfr7t7nd'borfor employes I daughter IT In LC A 11 wrtgtll cnnni stuueni Iin a iututr? Un recft nd SU V9 groc Motz14tuiirtnr re ft re re re 1 rerere tA lrV I VCl C' I kTt iXrt io re Are UL nTYSaTl I I CHS th OO Mllta woman general: man to handy man' drive in exchange for room: nr near Ulifton Blvd Write Box oSrt grod f'Tbf cSvhiii htfbr mumbling and nacTI JtvvLiL wVi mg 40 hour wtx'k i IQ Lre va Hable VW Box 21 133 1'Hln 1 tea MAN wnte fulrr art time TO nUhM wiifi private itn pi WANT HOUSEKEEPING Ch raav neeus uuu rerere Dnv o7tu plain ueaier room Box 3QSo0 rlainJL)ro icl APARTMENTS OR RENT (Eaill EXf HANi CLEV fctAND CHICA have 4 ronm apt Shaker Height desire mm sot suburban CMcecn write particulars Box 17Jil Plain nee SrSmjTahfT h'al low rental on rapid for 2dr00u in Gevetand Heights or Shaker Box 2b0ol Plain Dealer is WRAN Wife tTcxchare small apt for nr apt with 1 or 2 bed rnnms: references MV 105 WANT TO RENT APARTMENTS YOUNG engineer and orme oe nu nxim and kitchen tet Side prefer! eu 1 OR 276h after 5 SmpIo fHi permanent ma ture couple need unfurnished apt or house no children no oets COUPLE wants 2 4 room apt furnished nr unfurnished: no children or pets 17 COt PLE wants 2 3 nr 4 room apt no children or pets: good references XSU 03f2 re re VETERAN AX'D EAMIIri Need apt East Side Call MI "2 'M 5 ronm unfurnished house or apt: nn peta references MX 2T2 VETERAN and wife want 3 nr 4 rnm apt: no pds or rhtdren: urgent Lail fi 5 Mrs DonelamMA EErUTTVTantTS employed adult wd apt by Ort 1 best financial snnal refeemces MA MIS or DR 1 VETERAN "DESPER ATELY Need? 4 or mnre rooms as he wan to live with wife andbaby AC it OPINED middTe aged widow warns 3 4 rnnm apt Height preferred reference WA 3733 I NE veteran and fe would like apt furnished nr unfurnished nr 4 room house references PO6fM6 SkCrtAftGE 6 room apt in Detroit simitar house or apt in Cleveland Can MA 7S13 ES1RABLE yntmg rounte chndreru no nets need small apt defence CE VETEMaN employed and Wife needS at uafumlsned rooms Pvto i I EMplZYED rnupte need pt tn if I.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 5863

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.