Gates of Askr III - Jbee (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Why Do All Good Things Come To An End Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: Breakthroughs Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Eggs in One Basket Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Making Amends Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: No One is Lost (I) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: No One Is Lost (II) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: No One Is Lost (III) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: No One Is Lost (IV) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: No One Is Lost (V) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: No One Is Lost (VI) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Establishing Positions I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Establishing Positions II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Establishing Positions III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Establishing Positions IV Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Establishing Positions V Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Drawing Lines in the Sand I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Drawing Lines in the Sand II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Drawing Lines in the Sand III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Terms of the Heart I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Terms of the Heart II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Terms of the Heart III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Headwinds I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Headwinds II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Headwinds III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Headwinds IV Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Piercing the Veil I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Piercing the Veil II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Piercing the Veil III Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Mock Battles With Paper Hearts Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Enclosure I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Enclosure II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Open The Future Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Open The Future II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Endings Are Just the Beginning Of Something Better Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Why Do All Good Things Come To An End


Opening, Winter's Festival Event.

Main characters that appear
Major: Joyce (Summoner), Bruno, Ranulf
Mentioned: Alfonse, Sharena


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Pulling up the hood of her coat to block the chill that clung to the winter’s night air, the summoner pushed her way through the crowd. The streets of the Capital were bustling with and alive to festival goes that Winter’s Day Eve, and heroes from all across the realm had come home to take part in the festivities, playing games and giving gifts. Even the young Princess of Embla had joined them after finding peace between the two warring nations. The summoner had said her farewells to Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena, after spending the evening on a wild goose chase after the Sharena claimed to have seen a winter envoy that looked like their long lost friend Zacharias. The summoner sighed as she left the square alone. It had been a few rough months for all of them, and it will be the first time back to her own place in a long time.

The summoner nervously tightened her grip on her bag. She had told her friends a slight lie when she said she would return to her home in the city, but it wasn’t her house in Askr she had planned to go to, but her home world. It's the first time she has gone back to her own world in years, and she didn’t plan to come back. With a heavy heart she turned down a dark alley, pretending to walk in the right direction a couple blocks before it would be safe to backtrack across the city and towards the city’s main gate, taking a wide berth around the festivities taking place in the city square.

Sighing sadly as memories of her time in Askr swarmed her mind, she tried to push any doubts from her heart. She was torn about going, but she just couldn’t see a way forward in this world. The thought made her chuckle, remembering that those were the same words he once told her…

Lost in thought, that was when she spotted a familiar figure in the darkness, surrounded by a small group of children handing out gifts, a festive hero that had wandered away from the city center. She stood in disbelief at the sight of their long dead comrade Bruno dressed in winter’s gear. Sharena was right! He was at the festival this year… The Summoner contemplated asking the Emblain prince why he had gone to such lengths to avoid them that night. But in the end she turned on her heel to leave. It wouldn’t matter if she had asked anyways, she wasn’t going to be here in the morning to let her friends know whatever she had found out the summoner reminded herself as she walked away.

“Ah! Summoner!”

She froze, when she heard her title called out in the night. Now she had become the one that wanted to slip into the shadow unseen. “Yeah?” She muttered, pushing back her hood and turning to greet their otherworldly guest.

“I wanted to apologize for avoiding you this night…oh…” Bruno’s sentence fell short when he reached the summoner and gazed down at her.

“What?” Her brows crossed in confusion, she really didn’t have time for this tonight.

“It’s just… In all my travels I have never met a lady summoner of your age.”

Her jaw dropped, his words like a kick in the gut. “What is that supposed to mean?” She snapped at him.

The prince staggered back with a yelp, quickly recognizing the error in his choice of words. “No, no!” He waved his hands defensively in front of him. “I do not mean it in an ill way. In fact it’s refreshing! To meet a summoner closer to my own age. So many are still so very young, and inexperienced, you never know what you are going to get when you arrived to a new world-”

“It’s fine, forget it!” She cut the prince off, not wanting to waste anymore time in the pointless conversation. “What do you want?”

“Right.” Bruno nodded, straightening his stance. “The night grows late, and I have wasted much time hiding from your Alfonse and Sharena. I still have this sac of gifts to deliver. I was in hopes that as this world's Summoner you would like to help me with this.”

Annoyed, the Summoner sighed, crossing her arms. “And just how many more gifts do you need to give out?” She asked knowing the answer before she even asked.

Bruno dropped the sac he had with him on the ground with a thud, and pulled out a rolled parchment from beneath his breastplate, unrolling the list of names. “All of-”

“All of them.” She spoke over him in a dry tone. “Of course. Why am I not surprised?”

“You’re not?” He let out a relieved breath. “I am glad to hear that. This mission will go much smoother with your aid, Summoner!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” She sneered, snatching the parchment from his hand. “Come on, Zach, let's get this over with! One more mission for the road!”

“Bruno, will be fine.” The prince tossed the large sac effortlessly over his shoulder. “And what should I use to address yourself? Or will just “Summoner” suffice?”

“Joyce.” The Summoner shrugged. “Just Joyce.”

The summoner blew a slow breath across the surface of the hot broth she raised to her lips, cradling the warm cup in her shivering hands. The herbal aromas stung her nostrils, and she winced when the bitter drink hit the back of her throat.

“Exquisite!” Bruno proclaimed after downing the hot liquid in one go. “The unique notes of mountain grasses, and pine needles, infused with what one can only assume is… bog water…”

Joyce scrunched up her nose as he spoke, wondering if they had the same soup.

“No, no, I’m sorry. I can’t pretend.” Bruno placed the cup down on the counter, pushing it away from him. “That was utterly disgusting, I truly apologize for having lied, but it is unbecoming of a prince to speak ill of other world’s delicacies.”

The summoner laughed loudly for the first time in a long time as she looked up at the mortified prince. “No, you’re right. It’s pretty gross, but where else am I supposed to take you at three in the morning?”

Their mission went a bit slower than Joyce would have liked, she now wondered if she would even make it to her world before the sun was set to rise. But she didn’t regret stopping to warm up with a cup of soup after they had left the castle, leaving the gifts Bruno had for Alfonse, Sharena, and his sister Veronica in their rooms. She smirked thinking back on events. “I can’t believe you barged into the Queen’s bedroom like that! I was so scared they were going to catch us if she woke up!”

“You were scared?!” Bruno exclaimed, his brows raising from behind his mask. “Who knew that the door to the royal water closet would have been switched with her majesty’s chambers in this world!” He cradled his face in the palm of his hand.

“I guess it’s the little things that make our worlds unique.”

“Indeed. And the Summoner, of course! I have never met a Summoner so bold that they would leave such lewd artwork on their prince’s face while he slept.” Bruno added with a chuckle, “I can tell your world is further in the timeline compared to my own. The Order of Heroes is stronger, and my sister is… happy. You have done a good job here.”

“I can’t take full credit, I had a lot of help.” Joyce said quietly with a heavy heart, recalling all the memories of her time in Askr, both good and bad.

“Regardless, I envy the Bruno of your world.”

“Don’t.” Joyce muttered under her breath thinking back on the death of his counterpart. “I barely kne- know him.”

“Oh. You two are not close?” He sadly asked, dropping his shoulders.

“No.” She shook her head. “This is probably the longest conversation I have had with, well… any version of you. Sorry.”

“No need to apologize.” He shrugged. “To be fair I do not spend much time with the summoner of my own world. Too busy traversing the other realms looking for a cure to my family’s blood curse.” Bruno cleared his throat hesitating briefly before he continued, his voice soft, but hopeful. “Do you know how to break the curse here?”

Joyce bit her lip, and shook her head again. It was forbidden to share too much information with those in a different time than their own. But Bruno had seen Veronica, he could sense that she was different in their world, and Joyce couldn’t blame him for wanting to speed up the process, for her sake and his.

“Alas, I understand you can not say. This will be a path that has no short-cuts for me.” Bruno chuckled, and gently took her hand in his, raising it to his lips. The warmth of his touch radiated and spread to her cheeks. “And with that I must bid you farewell, Summoner Joyce. I had a most joyous and unforgettable evening with you.”

“So soon?” Joyce gasped. “I mean the festival lasts for another few days. It would be a shame for you not to join us!” She blurted out completely forgetting her plans to leave Zenith that night too.

“Yes, I’m afraid that before I was summoned to join your world I received some disturbing intel from the borderlands. An unknown dark presence has descended upon a small inlet of Askr.” Bruno grimly spoke, his brows stitched behind his make.

“Embla…” Joyce cursed under her breath, her fingers curling into a fist.

“No, it landed in Askr I said.” Bruno nonchalantly corrected her. “I fear for what this could mean for our already strained nations. My sister needs me.”

“Of course. I understand.” Joyce swallowed the lump that sat in her throat as she watched him walk away. It was what she feared, and he didn’t have much time left. Bruno’s life would be cut short cruelly by his own god Embla in under a year. She choked back tears, she felt so hopeless. It wasn’t fair, he doesn’t deserve to meet a fate like that. For Alfonse to carry the guilt he did for what happened, but it wasn’t her place to disrupt the natural flow of time. To change their future. But heroes had done it in their own worlds, why should Zenith be held to a different standard? Joyce was tired of feeling helpless, besides, after the year she had, she had nothing to lose.

“sh*t.” she muttered, knowing what she was about to do could doom her. But she just couldn't stand the thought of losing someone else that year. “Wait!” She cried out, running after the Emblain Prince, her voice piercing the silent night. “Don’t go yet!”

“Joyce?” Bruno stopped, catching the tearful summoner in his arms. “What is it?”

“I lied, we did lift the blood curse from the Emblian royal family in this world!” Joyce blurted out, opening a floodgate of emotion that she had bottled up over the past few months. “The dark presence that you plan to investigate is your god Embla! She plans on laying waste to all mortal realms!”

“Cease this, Joyce.” Bruno tightened his grip on her shoulders. “You know far too well you should not be sharing this information with me.”

“You don’t understand. Embla can control you and anyone that carries her blood. She’ll make you and your sister her puppets! She will make you do horrible things!” Joyce continued, ignoring his pleas. “Embla will force you to fight us, she will fool us into thinking you can stop her, but you won’t!”

“YOU must stop this!” He firmly told her in a stern voice, his jaw tense.

“No, you’ll die!” Joyce finally blurted out, she gasped, there was no turning back now. “I’m sorry, but I won’t let that happen again…”

Bruno grew quiet, his grip turning limp as he let his arms fall to his side. “You shouldn’t have told me this, Summoner…”

“I know.” She shamefully averted her gaze. She wasn’t sure what came over her, she shouldn’t have cared, she barely knew him.

“But what is done, is done.” He steeled himself. “I will take my leave now, and face my fate without fear.”

“Wait, wha?” Joyce gasped as she wiped the tears from her face. “Didn’t you hear what I just told you?!”

“Yes.” Bruno nodded slowly. “You said there is a cure for this blood curse my family carries, and if the cost of this cure is my life. Then I am willing to pay whatever steep price that is for my sister.” He bowed as he continued. “Thank you for your concern, Joyce. I will make sure not to squander what precious time I have left.”

“You don’t get it.” She frowned coldly at the prince. “Your death felt pointless. Veronica defeated Embla herself, and lifted the curse. You didn’t achieve anything.” She twisted the truth a little, and her bluntness could have been mistaken for cruelty, but she was tired, and didn’t want to beat around the bush. “I’m just offering you a choice. And you don’t have to stay in the castle here, I have a townhouse not too far from here you can camp out in. Look, You don’t even have to stay in my world. You can go anywhere you want! You just don’t have to be a part of that fight, skip it. The Order, and your Sister, will be fine without you!”

“How can you be certain?”

“I can’t.” Joyce sighed. “What happened here, may not have the same outcome in other worlds. What you want to do with the information is up to you.”

“Dritt…” Bruno growled an ancient curse word under his breath, one she was only familiar with hearing whenever Anna was having a bad day. “Perhaps it will not hurt to stay a few days to assess the situation.” Bruno faced her with new vigor, giving her a slight nod of his head. “Lead the way to this townhome you speak of, I humbly accept your offer.”

“You do?” Joyce was surprised to hear his answer. “I mean… of course! Right this way!” She awkwardly stumbled over her words, her stomach falling at the thought going back to that house she had abandoned so many months ago. She had planned to return to her home world that night, and the last thing she expected to happen was to step foot back in 1606 Fljót Street.

Pushing the fence gate gently, Joyce tried to minimize the shrill sound of the old hinges that used to bring her such joy. It meant she was home, she was safe, but now it was a sound she had dreaded to hear again. With the sun starting to peek over the horizon, casting soft light of the early morning she could see how unkempt the garden had become. It wasn’t the same, she wasn’t ready to be here yet, and as she pushed the old key, that seemed to feel heavier than normal, into the lock on her door. She was tempted to give into her fears and toss the key over to Bruno, running away into the sunrise.

“No. You can do this, Joyce.” The summoner quietly told herself as she flung the door open. She had already caused too much trouble that night, it would be cruel to abandon Bruno after dumping all that awful information on him earlier that night.

“Did you say something, Summoner?” Bruno asked, stepping over the threshold into the dimly lit space. It was the first time that they spoke to one another since they set off from the small soup cart.

“No. Sorry, about the mess. It’s been a few months since I have been here.”

Six mouths to be exact, and Joyce felt a ping of sadness as she passed his room, and the remainder of the memories she had sealed inside. She couldn’t bear to look at the locked door, and she inhaled a long breath in through her nose before she led Bruno to the front living room. “You can stay in the bedroom upstairs, I’ll just sleep on the couch here tonight, and head back to the castle in the morning or something.”

“I truly hope I’m not putting you out?” Bruno asked in a concerned tone. “I do not intend to be an inconvenience.”

“Oh no, I have a room at the castle I can use. So you can stay here as long as you want.” Joyce informed him, wandering down the hall and past the iron winding staircase that led to the second floor bedroom. Joyce entered the kitchen, the soft glow of the Muspell stone in the brick oven guiding her way. “I know it’s a bit early, but I think I need a stronger drink than coffee.” She flung open the cupboard door and grabbed a bottle of wine. “You can join me if you want.”

“Thank you. I will take you up on your offer. I do not believe I’m going to get much shut eye now.” Bruno entered the kitchen, and sat down on the island, reaching up and removed his mask. “Blasted ornament begins to become irksome after a while. You don’t mind, do you?”

Joyce chuckled as she poured them both a glass of dark wine, filling the vessels to the brim. “Don’t worry. It’s not the first time I’ve seen your face.”

“Really?” Bruno raised his brows in astonishment as he raised the glass to his lips, drinking the potent wine quickly. “So I have to inquire. What was it like? My… funeral that is.”

“I didn’t make it.” Joyce drank from her own glass trying to ignore the disappointment on the prince’s face. She was hoping that the subject wouldn’t come up.

“Oh…” Bruno stared down into his cup, spinning the glass slowing on the table.

“It’s not that I meant to miss it. It’s… just something came up.” Joyce quietly spoke, the memories of that night flooding back. The dread she felt when she walked through the door to find Ranulf’s bags in the hallway.

“Joyce?” Ranulf came bounding down the iron spiral staircase, slowing his step, and hesitating when taking the last few. “I thought you would be at the funeral this afternoon?”

“I was just on my way, but I had to stop by for…” Her words left her, she couldn’t even remember what it was she had needed to pick up. She looked down at the bags, and then locked eyes with him, a sense of fear taking over, she knew there was something off. “Are you going somewhere?”

Ranulf nodded his head slowly, swallowing the ball of nerves caught in his throat. “I have decided to go back to Tellius. I can’t stay here.” His voice cracked as tears welled in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

Joyce slumped her back against the hallway wall, it felt like the world stopped spinning, but she was too numb to react, his words washing over her. “I don’t understand. Did I… do something wrong?”

“No!” Ranulf cried out, he rushed to her side, and pulled her into his arms, holding her tighter than he had ever done in the past. “Don’t ever think that.”

“Then, why?” She meekly asked, too overwhelmed to push him away.

“After our last few battles with Embla, I realized that I’m not ready to give up who I am. I don’t want to stop being able to protect the people I care about.” Ranulf softened his embrace, tucking wisps of her hair behind Joyce’s ear, his touch gentle as ever. “I can’t move forward with you if I have any doubts about what I want in life.”

“You swore that you knew what you wanted.” Joyce felt her stomach drop, and her heart break. “Besides, how can you be certain you’ll change your mind?”

“I can’t.” Ranulf sniffed, pressing his forehead against hers. “Maybe there is a timeline where it works out for us, but I’m just not brave enough to find out. If I come to regret what I have done someday I would hate myself If I took my frustration out on you. It’s not fair for either of us to live like that. It’s better if I’m not here.”

“Ookay…” Joyce pulled away, and tossed her keys into a nearby dish. She hadn’t realized how hard she had gripped the small iron item until it was no longer in her hand. “When do you plan to leave?” She steeled herself for his answer, rubbing out the imprint of the key that had formed in the palm of her hand with the ball of her thumb.

Stunned, Ranulf stared at her quietly for a moment. “That’s it?” He made a small confused shrug. “You’re not going to fight me on this? Get mad, break something. Scream, or cry?”

“Is that what you want?” She shot back, a hint of bitterness in her words. “And if I did, would it even make a difference? Seems you’re pretty confident in your decision now.”

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, choosing not to answer the question. “I’d planned to stay the evening to make sure you were taken care of. But-”

“I’m good, thanks. You can go now if you’re ready.” Joyce interrupted coldly, trying to avoid any eye contact, and pressing her lips together, as she built emotional walls so he wouldn’t see how hurt she really was.

“Yeah, maybe that might be for the best.” Ranulf bent over, scooping up his bags, and tossing it over his shoulder. “I’m going to be at the barracks for a few hours to tie up any loose ends, if you need to talk, get anything off your chest before I go, that’s where I’ll be until midnight.”

Her silence spoke louder than words, Joyce didn’t respond, still in shock that he was actually leaving, and there was nothing she could do about it as she listened to him unlatch the front door, and pull it open. She felt helpless.

“I really am sorry, Joyce.” Ranulf sighed as he took one final look before he walked out of her life, and shut the door softly.

“Yeah... Me too.” She whispered to no one, slumping down on the lower step of her staircase, and sitting quietly as she watched the ray of sunlight move across the floor, disappear as it became night, and reappear on the other side of the room when the sun rose again. The hours flying by like minutes, only alone with her thoughts that swam in her mind.

It wasn’t until her gaze rested on the beautiful bouquet of flowers that had now represented a promise broken that something snapped inside of her. An anger and frustration she had suppressed earlier that evening began to bubbled towards the surface. Joyce rushed across the small home, picking up the bouquet, and tossing it into the room that they had shared together. The vase shattered as it hit the floor. Every inch of the space held memories she didn’t want to look at, and she slammed the door closed behind her, locking the door when she left.

In her rage Joyce moved without thinking. She stormed out the backdoor, and down to the canal, clutching the key to the locked room in her hand. It was only when the cool morning air hit her face that she realized that it was slick from tears. Joyce choked back her cries, chucking the key as hard as she could into the water that flowed through her backyard, and collapsing to her knees on the dock. The rest of the morning was a blur in her mind, she had gone back into the house to pack up Breidablik, and a few other belongings, and headed to the castle, where she had stayed every night since Ranulf left.

“I don’t know why I’m even telling you any of this…” Joyce shook the dark memories from her head, and finished the wine in her glass. “We just met.”

“I’m sorry to hear your sad tale.” Bruno had sat quietly as the summoner unloaded her emotional baggage upon him. “I guess it is true what they say. All good things must come to an end.” The sadness in his tone reflecting his own dire situation.

“No, it doesn't have to.” She sternly told him, slamming her glass down. “I won’t let you die for no reason. Nobody needs to parish if it can be helped!”

A startled Bruno gave a reluctant nod in agreement. “What should I do now?”

“Just make yourself comfortable. I have a few weeks leave from work, so no one should be coming by to bother you. I’ll go grab some supplies from town this morning, and I’ll be back in the afternoon!” Joyce bounced up from off her seat with new vigor. Thoughts of leaving that world far from her mind. She had renewed purpose in Askr now, and she didn’t want to let him down the same way she had been in the past. “Don’t worry. I promise you that, and Bruno, I always keep my promises!”


"Why Do All Good Things Come To An End" - Nelly Furtado

Chapter 2: Breakthroughs


A blast from the past shows up on Joyce's doorstep, and threatens to unravel her plans, but turns out to be a blessing in disguise, and helps her to overcome her recent breakup.

Characters that appear
Main: Joyce (Summoner), Bruno, David (Lif's Former Summoner)
Mentioned: Alfonse


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Stretching out on the floor in the warm afternoon sun, Joyce raised the book she held above her face again. One of the many light novels that she had borrowed from Nina, and had yet to give back. She had decided to keep an eye on Bruno, and spent her days reading by the fire in the small living room she camped out in. The last few weeks had flown by, with absolutely nothing of importance happening. And that was just the way she preferred it.

Bruno continued to stay at her house on the canal in the old castle town, and to her dismay he had filled his days creating a homemade gym within her bedroom. But the summoner did not dare raise her disapproval of his little gym, because she could keep Bruno alive, and safe, as long as he stayed there. Instead Joyce would spend her mornings walking the markets to keep from hearing the loud clangs, and thumping of weights being used from the upstairs floors. By the time the afternoon rolled around, and she returned home, Bruno would always be in the washroom freshening up. Giving her a small window of peace and quiet before he would start training with his tome.

Joyce smirked as she began another juicy chapter, the soft sound of water running in the background signaling that she would not be disturbed for at least another half hour. She bit her lip, her thoughts wrapped in the lustful words on the page. A sweet romance turned spicy, and sparking ideas she had not had in months. Joyce reached to undo her pants, her fingers fumbling with the top button as a loud knock sound at her door, causing her to drop the book on her face with a yelp.

“Damn it!” She cursed at the word on the pages, tossing the book to the side in frustration. The knocking at the door continued again, but louder this time. “Hold on, I’m coming…” She grumbled crawling to her feet and strolling down the hall to the door, opening it to find the last person in Askr she would ever expect to be there. “David!?”

“Hiya, Joyce!” He wore a sh*t-eating grin ear to ear behind the fluffy lined parka hood.

She stood in shocked silence. Her mouth gaped open. It had been a few years since she had seen the former summoner from Lif’s world. The very one everyone loved and fawned over. There wasn’t anything David wasn’t good at. He was smart, funny, charming, oh, and a doctor, and a talented tactician, who could also sing, and breakdance, but what was stupid, perfect David doing standing on her doorstep?!

“Well, I was given permission to visit Alf- I mean Lif, and your Alfonse asked if I could check up on you.” David seemed to have answered her question by reading her mind as it returned from her tailspin. “Something about us being from the World of Steel, so I would have a better idea of our “customs” for getting through a break-up, or something. His words, not mine.”

“So he told you what happened…” Joyce shamefully looked away. By all accounts David was Ranulf’s friend, not hers. She couldn’t understand why Alfonse would send him.

“Yeah, I’m sorry to hear about it.” David’s smile faded away. “I always said he was a stupid cat.” he shook his head in disappointment, before he continued. “Anyways, Alfonse wants me to report back my findings by the end of the day, so I brought the best of Kelly Clarkson, and a pint of ice cream!” He happily held up a portable boombox in one hand, and a small bag in the other. “Now wouldja let me in? I’m freezing my nuts off!”

“OH!” Joyce’s eyes widened, and she swung the door open inviting him inside. “Sorry!”

“So this is the house?” David pushed back his hood, and shook off his coat. His golden blonde hair had grown shaggy and long since she had seen him late, the back pulled back in a small rattail. He pushed up the sleeves of his sweater exposing a glimpse of the storyboard of tattoos that ran up and down his arms she had always been curious to hear more about. “Nice bookshelf.” He nodded towards the small wooded piece as he passed the living room and followed her to the kitchen.

“Thanks.” Joyce smirked, knowing that unknown to him that was the house warming gift given to her by Lif. “So how is he? I haven’t gone to see him since he went into hiding.” The last time she had saw Lif was when he went to kill Alfonse, and accidentally stab David with his sword. The Order had spent months hunting him down, and she had only heard reports of the lethal swordsman’s capture. She was told he put up no resistant. It was as if he just sort of gave up, and they proceeded to lock him away in depths of an Askran prison.

“He is the same as always. Just sits there, completely unresponsive. I just can’t get through to him, but I appreciate that Alfonse has let me try at least.” David’s words felt heavy, and he changed the subject to lighten the mood. “Hey, what’s with the couch cushions on the floor? Making some sort of fort?” He teased, his happy smile returning.

Joyce’s eyes widened when she remembered Bruno was in the house. “I have a guest staying over who’s using the bedroom...” She grew quiet trying to think of a good excuse to get David to leave before he found out about the Emblain Prince she was harboring.

“How about that other room we passed? Don’t you have an extra room?”

“I can’t.” She nervously looked towards the bathroom Bruno was in across the hallway that had grown quiet since David's arrival. “I kinda locked it, and threw the key away in the backyard.”

“Well, maybe you can get it back once the snow thaws.” David suggested with a shrug.

“I threw it into the canal…” She shamefully admitted still focused on the bathroom door.

“Yikes…” He grimaced in response to the news, thinking for a moment. “Well, we could still fish it out in the summer, find a big magnet! And hey, it’s a good excuse for swimsuits!” He devilishly rubbed his hand together.

“That sounds like a good plan!” Joyce lied, and jumped when she heard a noise coming from the bathroom. “Well, you can see that I’m good here, you don’t have to stay and babysit me!” She quickly tried to usher David up and out before she could get caught.

“Joyce?” Bruno called out, waltzing into the kitchen as he pulled a tight undershirt over his chiseled bare chest. “I’m afraid that I have used the last of your wonderful hair soap.”

“Oh boy…” The summoner swallowed hard, her face becoming flush. “It’s called shampoo.”

“Bruno?!” David exclaimed, his Cheshire cat grin spreading across his face as he turned his teasing gaze on the summoner. “So this is your guest? You sly dog.”

“Indeed.” Bruno nodded his head, un-phased and oblivious, his voice regal and proud. “Joyce has been kind enough to let me stay with her after she informed me of the events set to occur in my timeline. She has been gracious enough to give me a choice to stay here in her world until the war is over.”

“Oh, has she?” David's playful tone turned to suspicion as a single brow rose on his forehead, having fully known that what she had done was forbidden.

“I can explain-”

“I’m David!” He turned attention to Bruno, extending his arm in a friendly handshake. “I’m also a Summoner. But from another world.”

“Two summoners in the same Askr?” Bruno chuckled in delight. “I do not believe I have ever encountered such a thing before!”

“Well, our worlds fates have become quite entangled. Joyce summoned my Alfonse as Lif, but then he trapped her then boyfriend in my world, so Joyce here tracked down some ancient dimension god and convinced him to bring back everyone in my world so her boyfriend would get lonely.” David puffed his cheeks to catch his breath, and slowly blew the air out. “Did I get all that right?” He turned to a completely mortified Joyce who sat quietly in shame. It sounded so stupid when it was present like that, but she couldn’t deny that it was all true, and she slowly nodded before he continued to boast. “Anyways, my Zenith is very different from the others. In fact, the Bruno of my world is actually the King of Embla. Since Veronica has moved on as Thrasir now.”

“Interesting, my mind has never played with the idea of ever ruling Embla before. Veronica is the one that should always rule. I’m terribly sorry to hear this news about my sister.”

“Don’t be. Queen Sharena, and King Bruno are wonderful rulers. Our nations, and Zenith as a whole, is at peace. There are no wars anymore in my world. It’s like we are on a completely separate timeline from the rest of you.” David proudly explained before his attention turned back to Joyce, clicking his tongue. “Speaking of, what war are you heading into, Bruno?”

“I believe if Joyce is correct the god Embla is set to invade.”

“Well, if you do go back to your own world I hope you are ready, because I’ve read the reports, that’s a tough one, isn’t the right Joyce?”

“Oh what kind of ice cream did you bring?” Trying to avoid the question, Joyce awkwardly grabbed the satchel David had brought, pulling out the cold tub and laughing nervously when she read the label. “Rocky Road! How fitting…”

“Oh, I’m ready.” Bruno puffed out his chest, and curled his arm as he created a tight fist. “The cold hand of death will not find me this time. I train everyday, and since it is too chilly outside I have built my own equipment in the bedroom upstairs! One-hundred sets a day-”

“No way! I knew you were jacked, bro, but I didn’t know you took the lifestyle that seriously!” David excitedly jumped to his feet. “I’m a bit of a fitness fanatic myself. What’s your personal best?”

Bruno smirked, unconsciously flexing his pectoral muscles as he spoke. “There is no joy in telling you, how about I show you?”

“Heck yeah, bro! I’ll bring some tunes!”

“Hey, this isn’t ice cream!?” Joyce stared down at the strange off-white substance sitting the pint she had opened. “It looks like cold oatmeal…”

“It’s iced oat milk, I made it myself! I just reused the container after Sharena was done. Best to reuse it rather than throw it away, right?” David grabbed the portable boombox he had brought with him before he dashed out the room to follow Bruno.

“Figures…” She grumbled under her breath remembering he was vegan, and a little obsessed with creating healthy foods for people to sample. “Stupid, perfect David saving the world again!” She dug a spoonful of frosty goo out of the container and sniffed it.

“Oh, and we're going to have a little talk about you-know-who later, okay?” David called down to her from the stairs as he happily jogged upwards.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever…” Joyce pouted as she slammed down the fake ice cream on the counter top, the irksome sound of barbells hitting the floor starting again, mixed this time with the annoying upbeat music from the mid 2000s.

The snow beneath the summoner’s boot compacted with a satisfying crushing sound. Joyce breathed a sigh of relief, plumes of vapor flowing around her head. Wanting to escape the noise of the house she decided to bundle up with her heavy winter coat and thick wooly hat to take a walk around the yard, finding herself near the bank of the canal. The bright sun forced Joyce to squint as she stared out over the frozen water, trying to come up with excuses to tell David, or different ways to spin her side of the story so that he would keep her Bruno secret from Alfonse. Her gaze sadly drifted and as she was going to turn to head back inside to face David’s interrogation her eye caught a strange green flash from within the ice not too far from the shoreline.

Joyce’s heart skipped a beat, her thoughts shifting to the green stone keychain attached to the key she had thrown into the water, and she had to get a better look. Hopping down the snowing bank and towards the shoreline, she slowly slid a boot out onto the ice, testing the strength one inch at a time. Nothing cracked or gave way, and she eased her other foot out, taking her time as she slid across the ice and further away from the safety of shore.

“So far, so good.” Joyce muttered, holding her arms out to keep her balance as she continued to shuffle across, and easily reached the area she had spotted the flash. Dropping to her knees, Joyce quickly dusted away the loose snow with her mitten revealing the lost key with its loop hooked haphazardly on to a branch of a large log just beneath the surface. She quickly weighed her options, biting her lip as she stared at the key mocking her. Joyce knew the more sensible plan would be to slide her ass back to shore, and wait until summer to take the small row boat out and dive down to get it. Or….

Joyce quickly pulled out the dagger she had tucked away in her boot and began chipping away at the ice’s surface with the sharp tip. She tried to keep her aim stead, huffing and puffing as she stabbed at the ice over and over again. Joyce let out a triumphant laugh when she finally busted through the few inches that had frozen over, the water rushing up to fill the hole she created, soaking her gloved hand.

“sh*t!” Joyce yelped in surprise and pulled the wet glove off, rubbing her exposed hand as she peered into the hole, spying the key just below. “Okay, I only have one shot at this…” She steeled herself, bracing for the cold bite she was about to feel and Joyce gritted her teeth as she plunged her hand into the dark watery hole, sinking her body down onto the ice until she felt the cold embrace seeping in around her upper arm.

She gasped, the air she sucked in stuck within her lungs, she held it unintentionally. The sensation of fire shot up her arm, taking hold of her mind. Joyce’s arm felt like it had been set ablaze, but she pushed past the pain and continued to wave it around under the water, flailing until she finally felt something hard hit her fingers, and she desperately grasped it, yanking her limb from the icy flames and toppling over onto her side. Hot tears froze as they rolled down her cheeks, her mouth twister in a silent scream as she tried to catch her breath.

Joyce rolled onto her back a loud cackle escaping her throat. The pain began to subside, the burning replaced with numbness, and she sat up, cradling her arm, the wet sleeve of her coat heavy on her lap, her raw red hand still clutching the key she had lost. It was hers again. Her chance to claim that room and make it her own. She had earned it.

“Joooyce?!” David's concerned voice carried from the bedroom balcony and across the ice.

“It’s okay! I got it back!” She called back, raising her arm and dangling her prize.

“What are you doing? You shouldn’t be out there, it’s not safe for man or beast!” Bruno called out, waving his hand as he beckoned the summoner back in the house. “Take small, slow steps to cross the ice, you should be fine.”

“NO! Lay down flat, Joyce!” David shouted in panic, drawing out Bruno’s instructions. “Spread your weight out on the ice! We’ll be down to help shortly!”

“I’m okay, David!” She tried to call back as she watched the duo disappear back into the house. Joyce shook her head, she had never seen David overreact before, and went to push herself to her feet.

A sickening crack sounded out, echoing over the ice. Her stomach dropped as a second loud snap carried in the still air, and she noticed the water quickly rising up from the hole she had created, inching closer to her knees with increasing speed. The slab of ice she had been on started to tilt, and she did what David had told her to do, flipping onto her stomach, and trying frantically to crawl towards the shore before the water could reach her.

“Do not fear! I am quite the accomplished skater!” Bruno declared, reaching the bank first, and he promptly tore his shirt in two, tossing the tatter pieces to the ground. “I can go out there and retrieve the summoner without issue!”

“Not to one up you bro, but I think it’s best that I go out there. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm lighter than you.” David dropped a long boating rope he found near the dock at Bruno’s feet. “I’m going to tie this to my waist, and once I get a hold of Joyce you can pull us in, get it?”

“Yes, I understand.” Bruno nodded in agreement, picking up the slack line, and finding his footing.

Crunching down David spread himself carefully across the ice. “Don’t move, Joyce, I’m coming.” He called out to her, beginning to crawl as fast as he could across the weakened ice.

Joyce felt the icy cold water flood beneath her. The boots she wore became waterlogged and increasingly heavy. “David, I’m sinking!” She managed to squeak out when he reached her. The difference in level of her ice slab was more noticeable as he extended his arm down towards her.

“Take my hand!” David demanded.

Joyce struggled to reach over, frightened that if she moved too much she would break right through. “I can’t reach…”

“Use your other arm!” David snapped at her, stretching out his fingers. His expression softened when he realized what she continued to grasp. “Joyce, look at me. You don’t need that. It’s not worth it. You're stronger than you realize. I know you are.”

Joyce whimpered, as she tightened her hold to the key. She wanted to believe him, but she continued to hold on to her doubts.

“Don’t believe me.” David told her like he knew what she was thinking, his bright blue eyes caught the sunlight, and a crooked smile formed at his lips. “Believe in yourself.”

Groaning, Joyce uncurled her fingers around the key, letting it slide down the ice, and back into the dark water. “Stupid, perfect David would say the stupid, perfect things!” She grumbled under her breath as she reached for his hand, and felt his warm fingers grasp her arm.

“Gottcha!” David exclaimed, his grip around her are like a vice. “Hold on tight, don’t even think of letting go!”

“O-okay.” She nodded, her teeth starting to chatter against each other.

“Bruno!” David called back bracing himself for what would come next. “Pull us in!”

“Right away!” Bruno began to yank the rope one hand over the other, grunting with every pull as brought them closer to shore with incredible speed.

Joyce felt her body being pulled from the pool of cold water, and dragged roughly across the ice. She winced when David and Bruno pulled her up the bank by each arm, sitting her on the rocky edge, shivering and too cold to move.

“There you go!” Bruno proudly exclaimed, wiping beads of sweat from his brow. “I shall go run Joyce a hot bath!”

“Not yet.” David stopped the prince, and began to dole out instructions as he pulled Joyce’s coat off, and wrapped her in his own parka. “First we have to get her out of these wet clothes. Then we can work on raising her temps.” David continued to take charge of the situation as he pulled off her boots, and stripped Joyce of her wet clothes, glancing up at Bruno. “Can you run back inside, gather as many blankets as you can, and meet me in the kitchen with my bag?”

“Consider it done!” The prince trudged off, shirtless yet steadfast.

Joyce pulled David’s parka closer around her shivering body, and tried to suppress her chattering teeth. “B-but, I’m so cold-d, a b-bath would be nice-”

“Once I’m satisfied you are out of danger, then you can take that hot bath.” David scooped her up into his arms on the edge of the bank, and began to carry her up the hill towards the house.

“No, It’s okay, I can walk!” She meekly protested, Joyce hated appearing so weak in front of him, even if it was a lie.

“You’re still in shock.” David disregarded her request, pushing the backdoor open with his back, and entering the kitchen, perching her on a bar stool.

“Here is your bag, David, and I have a few wool blankets from the bedroom. I do not need them.” Bruno wasted no time retrieving the items that were asked for, and he watched from the side as David wrapped Joyce’s bare legs in a blanket, and replaced his parker with a large throw. “Whenever I am cold I just do one hundred sit-ups.”

“Really?” David only half-listened, pulling out a long glass thermometer from his bag. “Here, under the tongue.”

“Yes, really. A little trick I learnt while sleeping outdoors on my travels.” Bruno continued to boast, raising an eyebrow when he watched David pull a pocket watch out, and place two fingers against the summoner’s throat. “Ah, what are you doing to Joyce?”

“Taking her temperature, and monitoring her heart rate. Hypothermia is no joke.” David explained without looking away from the watch, his foot tapping to each beat by habit. A smile crept over his lips as he looked up. Pulling the thermometer from Joyce’s mouth and quickly looking at it. “But it looks like we are out of the woods. Luckily you weren’t in the water for too long. Bruno, If you can start that bath now that would be helpful.”

“Of course, and you will have to tell me more about your healing methods, as someone who dabbles in the medical arts they are quite fascinating to observe!” Bruno happily scrolled out the kitchen and down the hall.

“I’m sorry.” Joyce mumbled as she watched David pour a flora smelling oil from a glass jar and began massaging the arm she had used to retrieve her key.

“That was pretty thoughtless of you Joyce.” Without looking up he continued to rub the oil in stimulating the circulation. Lingering on the tips of her fingers and up her arm, trying to warm them and ensure the blood continued to flow correctly.

“But, I just wanted to…” She shrugged trying to find the right words to express how she felt and why she went out on the ice. “I don’t know, find some sort of closure-”

“I don’t want to hear it.” David swiftly cut her off, his blue eyes piercing through her, his brows stitched with disapproval. “Not only did you recklessly risk your life, but also ours. There is nothing in this world, or the next world, that is worth throwing your life away like that.”

“But I-”

“For someone who is trying to preserve a life you have a funny way of doing it.” He continued not giving an inch for her to get a word in. “You need to be more careful, Joyce. This isn’t a game. Trust me, I know what happens when you… misstep.”

Joyce was at a loss for words, and watched him quietly as he worked on her arm in silence. It was clear his thoughts were elsewhere now, far from her kitchen. David’s happy-go-lucky, calm and cool demeanor had fallen away, and this was the first time she had ever seen him so stern, and serious, and it started to show his age. They had never spoken about Hel's invasion. The horrors that he had been through, or what had gone wrong for his world to have fallen. What he had done wrong… She had put David on a pedestal so high it was hard to imagine him ever having fallen so low.

“The water is ready!” Bruno popped his head in the doorway cutting through the awkward silence like a knife.

“Thanks, Bruno.” David muttered, shaking the fog from his mind, and unwrapped the blanket cocoon he had created around her. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.”

He put on a brave smile as he helped to the bathroom, and Joyce thought of asking him if he wanted to talk about his past, or even anything, but in the end she didn’t know how to start, and kept her questions to herself, saying nothing at all as he shut the door.

Shaking out her blonde waves after drying them in a towel, Joyce pulled on some old baggie training sweats she had “borrowed” from the Order.. She felt exhausted, and all she wanted to do was crawl onto her make-shift floor cushion bed, wrap herself in a few layers of blankets and fall asleep by the fire. But first she had to deal with David’s questions, and face the fact that this could be the end of the line for Bruno.

Joyce opened the door, and found the duo chatting amongst themselves in the kitchen. She had heard some strange bumps and bangs while she was in the tub, and she had expected them to be upstairs lifting weights again. “What was all that noise about?” She sheepishly sat down.

“Ah, well, I told Bruno about the key you were trying to retrieve from the canal, and he got an idea…” David nervously laughed.

“That’s right!” Bruno jumped to his feet, grinning triumphantly, and led the summoner to the hallway. “There is more than one way to open a locked door!”

“What did you two do?” Joyce questioned suspiciously until she saw it. Her mouth dropped open. The door to the locked room sat leaning against the opposite wall. “Oh…”

Joyce hesitated, and swallowed the ball of nerves sitting like a lump in her throat. She could hear Bruno talking about taking the door off of the hinges, and pulling it off the frame.. The entrance to the room was wide open, and it felt like an old wound that had been viciously reopened, and she just wanted to patch it close again.

“Sorry, he just seemed so proud of the idea, I couldn’t say no” David whispered, startling her out of her trance, and taking her hand in his, leading her into the old bedroom. “It had to be done anyway. You’re not getting that key back.”

David pulled Joyce into the dim room. It felt like walking into an ancient tomb, and she looked around quietly, letting a long heavy sigh out. It was strange to see items she had so cherished scattered around broken, and covered in a thick layer of dust. The beautiful plants hung from the ceiling were dried and dead, and the light filtering through the windows dull, blocked by filth. It hurt to see all the sights that reminded her of a happier time in such disarray.

“What a wonderful space!” Bruno stretched out his arms wide and admired the room. “I can just envision all the different uses for this room once the trash is removed! Joyce, your weights can go here, and the light pouring in from this window would only emphasize your glorious muscles!”

David chuckled as he watched, knowing full well this was not what the summoner wanted to hear at the moment. “Hey, Bruno, do you think I could have a second with Joyce here?”

“Of course!” The prince nodded, taking his leave while he continued to make plans as he strolled down the hallway. “I shall go find some cleaning supplies and disposal bags so we can get started!”

Joyce sighed again, and plopped down on the old bed that sat under the bow window, a plume of dust rising around her. “I’m sorry that Alfonse dragged you into this mess.”

“Don’t worry about it! Truth be told, my world has been pretty dull lately.” He sat down beside her, waving his hand in front of his face to waft away the rising dust. David paused for a moment, before he addressed the elephant in the room. “You know Alfonse is going to worry about you being alone out here after I report what happened here today.”

Her eyes widened as a wave of hope washed over her. “You mean you’re not going to tell him about Bruno?”

“No, I’m not.” David pressed lips togethers as he shook his head. “I trust you’ll do the right thing to fix what you’ve done.” He clicked his tongue, and gave her a stern look. “Just do it quickly. Alfonse is wound tighter than a top these days, and he is not going to be happy when he finds out. Which he will. Sooner than later.”

“Sending Bruno back doesn’t feel like the right thing to do.” Joyce lowered her gaze sadly. The thought of just giving up, and sending the prince back to die didn’t sit right with her.

“I never said you should take him back.” David chuckled as he nudged her with his shoulder, flashing a cheeky smirk. “Besides, maybe there’s some unspoken interest that needs further exploration between the two of you?”

“No!” Joyce gasped, taken off guard, her face flushing a deep red. “I am not interested in that, and… I’m just not ready to trust someone like that right now.” She stopped, and looked through the open doorway, adding in a hushed voice. “And he’s kinda a himbo…”

“Sounds like the perfect candidate for a fling without strings! To get you back in the saddle!” He laughed as he stood up, stretching his arms high above his head, and letting them drop to his side. “Hey if you don’t want to hit that then maybe I will!”

“No!” She protested, not that she would be jealous, it just wasn’t a good idea for anyone to be involved with Bruno since his future was still unknown. “I don’t need this issue to become a bigger mess than it already is!”

“Fine, I’ve gotta head back to my world now anyways.” David gave her a mischievous look, a twinkle in his eye. “But first, I’m going to have a chat with that new Camilla I spotted in your barracks before I leave. See if she wants to have a little sparring session with me before I leave!”

“You’re insufferable!” Joyce cried, throwing a pillow at him.

David was able to dodge the projectile as he dashed out the door into the hallway as a cloud of dust exploded when the pillow hit the wall. “Hey, don’t hate the player, Joyce!” He continued to tease as he pulled on his coat.

“Don’t touch my heroes, David!” She bounded out the room after him, his uncanny ability to get under her skin had returned in full force.

He lifted his hands in front of him in defense while giggling. “I kid, won’t. Cross my heart.” He gave her an endearing look, as he traced a finger over the left side of his chest. “I’ll come back for summer, you can be my wingman, and we will get you back on the dating scene!”

“We’ll see.” Joyce lent against the doorframe, his good mood was infectious, and she was tempted to ask him to stay and hang out with them longer. But once again, different words came tumbling out of her mouth. “Thanks for stopping by and bringing lower forms of ice cream.”

“That’s it?” He pouted, holding his hand over his heart. “I’m hurt.”

“Oh, and saving my life, I guess.” Joyce rolled her eyes with a smirk she tried to restrain.

“You’ll be okay.” David opened the door and pulled up his hood, pausing for a brief moment as he looked back at her. There seemed to be something on his mind he wanted to say, but he just smiled, and shook his head before he began to trudge down the small walkway through the snow, calling back to her. “Just keep doing you, Joyce!”

Joyce sighed as watched David leave, listening to him whistle a familiar tune she recognized, but could not place. When she could no longer hear him, she closed the door, shutting out the cold winter air for the day and turning to see Bruno come walking down the hall carrying a mop and a bucket of soapy water.

“Ready, summoner?!” He sat the bucket down, and began to rip off his shirt.

“Why did you do that?” Joyce stood in awe, and confusion.

“I didn’t want to get it wet.”

“But you’ve ruined it anyways…”

“We have rags now.”

“I guess…” Joyce chuckled as she took one of the torn pieces of clothes and set to work, whistling the tune she had heard from David, and cleaning up the last pieces of her old life, but her thoughts focused solely on her new friends.


"You Got It" Roy Orbison

Chapter 3: Eggs in One Basket


Spring Festive Event

Characters that appear
Major: Joyce, Bruno, Alfonse, Sharena, Soren
Minor: Fae, Michalis, Minerva, Grimas
Mentioned: Ishtar, Sabar


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Are you certain about this, Joyce?” Bruno pulled at the white frills along his sleeve, with an apprehensive look over his shoulder as they entered the festival square. His long fluffy rabbit ears swung with each step. “Making an appearance at the festival when we are attempting to lay low. We are taking quite a large risk.”

“It will be fine!” She waved him off with a confident flick of her wrist. “I mean we already met a Spring Bruno in the past so seeing you at the festival wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. You’re worrying too much.”

Joyce was ecstatic to get out of the house for once, and enjoy the spring weather. She grinned wickedly as they walked past the festive decorations of large painted eggs, and under bushels of carrots hanging with pastel pennants high above them. Heroes sat along the walkway on stacked hay barrels, their chatting voices drowned out by the loud pushy merchants trying to sell their cheap wares. Joyce didn’t want to leave Bruno at home, and It took a lot of convincing to get him on board with attending this year’s Askran Spring Festival, but she finally prevailed, and was confident in her plan to pass him off as a slightly different hero.

“This venture does not sit well with me.” He frowned, his brows stitching together behind his mask. “However I am willing to put my faith in your decision. Perhaps it is this attire that is making me so on edge?” He tugged at his collar in frustration. “It’s just so… restricting!”

“No!” Joyce stopped dead in her tracks to chide the buff mage who had a strange habit of tearing off his clothes in the heat of the moment. “Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT damage that outfit.” She angrifying prodded her pointer finger hard against his chest to stress she meant business. “It’s a rental, and I want my deposit back!”

“How absurd. I would do no such thing to a garment with such fine needlework!” He scoffed at the notion, and continued to walk, disregarding her hand and turning up his nose at her. “By the way, where is your festive costume?”

“I ah…” Joyce staggered over her words, quickly trying to come up with the perfect lie. “I didn’t have the funds to rent two! I’m not made of coins, Bruno!” She defensively threw up her arms, unwilling to share the fact that she indeed had a Spring Festival bunny outfit sitting in her closest. However, when she pulled it out to try it on the other day, the tight little number that once fit like a glove was now just a bit too snug in all the wrong places, and Joyce didn’t want to talk about it.

“Okay, look sharp!” She spotted the Askran Prince and Princess across the square amongst a group of Heroes from the Order, all decked out in their springtime bunny attire. Joyce tugged at Bruno’s sleeve to get his attention, wanting to brief the mage before the duo spotted them. “There’s Alfonse and Sharena! All you have to do is act like you were just summoned today, and this is your first time in my Askr, capish?”

“Ca- what?”

“Bruno! Joyce!” Sharena was the first to spot the pair, and her arm waved wildly above her head to get their attention as she rushed over, throwing herself into the summoner’s arms and squeezing Joyce as hard as she could.

Alfonse’s face lit up as well when he saw Bruno with Joyce, and he was close behind his sister, keeping a controlled pace, but eager to reunite with his old friend. “It seems that you are faring well.” Alfonse followed up Sharena’s hug with his own. His embrace was not as tight, but just as warm and meaningful. The three had grown much closer over the last few months. Each coming to support each other in their time of loss. “I’m happy to see you smile again.” He whispered, not quite ready to let go just yet.

“Same.” Joyce agreed, part of her missed being at the castle with the prince and the princess. They had become family to her after spending every moment together, repeating the same safe cycle every day. Morning, noon, and night, filled with tears, laughter, and healing. Until the day came when she finally decided to leave. Joyce told her friends everything was fine, she was ready to be on her own, and wanted her space again. But the truth was she knew her friends were ready to move on, but she wasn’t, and she wasn’t sure if she ever could move forward. So Joyce planned to let them go, she recalled sadly, putting on a brave smile as Alfonse pulled away.

Alfonse bowed deeply towards the Emblain Prince. Hiding well the mixed emotions he would have felt in that moment. Acting like nothing had or ever would be wrong with this meeting. “Oh, and welcome Bruno, it is an honor to host you at the Spring Festival once again.”

“The honor is all mine, Prince Alfonse.” Bruno placed his hand on his chest as he tilted his head respectfully.

Sharena hooked her arm around Joyce’s and pumped her fist in the air. “Are you two ready to have a hopping good time?!”

“We sure are!” Joyce wet her lips, scanning the festival for interesting vendors, perhaps ones with a specialty in confectionaries. “Do you have any suggestions for us, Sharena?”

“The Askr Spring Tournament, of course!” The princess hopped to the side and lifted her large decorated egg triumphantly into the air, high above her head, the light from the bright sun bouncing off the facets along the shell, sparking like fire. “And this year's mystery prize is truly a sight to behold!”

Like moths to a flame the heroes that overheard crowded around them in awe, mesmerized by the shiny egg, curious to know what Spring secrets it held. Joyce stifled a snicker, remembering the time Soren and her won the tournament, and the prize ended up being 24-hour assistant service from yours truly. Joyce quickly put a stop to that prize for future events, and the prize had been the same hollow-out chocolate egg every year since. “I don’t think we have time to take part in the egg hunt this year.”

“Well you’re in luck! Because this year we are having a different competition!” Sharena hopped on one foot, kicking her other leg back, and winked. ”An egg race!”

“Egg race?”

“Yup! Everyone will have to run a race across the gardens while balancing a singular egg on a spoon!”

“Fantastic!” Bruno declared, clapping a heavy hand on the summoner’s shoulder. “This sounds like a great opportunity to work on our- er I mean my core strength.” He stumbled, quickly releasing Joyce, and backtracking his choice of words to create an air of anonymity between them.

“Sure does…” Joyce shrugged and pretended to let out a long disappointed sigh. “Too bad you need to have a costume to participate, and shoot, I don’t have one at all!”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” A cold voice informed Joyce from behind, a rapping of slender fingers along a leather bound tome. Joyce didn’t need to turn around to know who it was, but when she did she was met with the same familiar unamused stare, the edges of his mouth dancing in the slightest of smirks when their gaze met.

“I have your old bunny outfit from the last egg hunt we had together on hand just in case someone needs a spare.” Joyce’s assistant, mentor, and closest hero, Soren, relished in her misery, and never turned down an opportunity to put her in her place.

“Greeat…” Her shoulders rolled forward in defeat, knowing full well there was no way to worm out of this one.

“EGGsellent!” The princess cheered, tossing the giant egg to a surprised Alfonse who barely caught it, and pulling out a clipboard from thin air. Sharena snapped her fingers and summoned a quill to her hand with a bobblehead rabbit attached to the end, which bounced fiercely with each movement. She touched the tapered tip to her tongue before lowering it to the parchment, scribbling as she spoke. “I will sign you both up to compete! So hop to it! And go get your costume from Soren, and when you get back we will get the race started!”

Joyce looked longingly to the vendor stalls as Soren led her away from the square and to the Grand Pavilion. “What happened to your spring costume from last year you spent all that coin on?” He inquired, ushering her towards the dressing rooms.

“It doesn’t fit right now.” Joyce bitterly confessed, unable to lie to him, but refused to dive into details.

“Figures.” Soren coldly told her, unzipping a large suit bag that hung on the white wood walls. “You have been stress eating a lot more lately. It’s a good thing I planned for this.” He handed Joyce her old bunny suit from years ago, but the thoughtfulness of his actions didn’t take away the sting of the words that rang true.

“Wow, my knight in shining armor…” Joyce sarcastically muttered as he pushed her through the swinging, saloon doors of the small room to get dressed.

“Actually, I was hoping I would get a chance to speak to you alone today. I have something of great importance to ask.”

“You’re not going back to Tellius, are you?” Joyce paused as she undressed, waiting with baited breath.

“No, I’m not leaving. Askr is my home now.”

“Good!” She gave a relieved sigh, and continued to pull up the white fluffy bunny suit. “I would have foddered you myself if you tried to leave.” She threatened, zipping up the oversized, onesie. “So what is this about?”

“Bruno.” Soren handed her the large rabbit ears over the doors.

“I summoned him this morning.” She laughed nervously, and slid the floppy ears on to her head. “Pretty lucky, am I right?”

“I know you’re lying.” Soren’s eyes narrowed into slits as he peered over the doors at her. “That you’ve been hiding this hero at your house for months.”

Joyce’s eyes widened in a panic, and she quickly grabbed Soren by the arm, pulling him into the dressing room with her. “Shhh!” She sneered, using a hushed voice as she interrogated him. “You’ve been spying on me?”

“Please, do you really think Alfonse would allow you to leave the castle without monitoring your every move to ensure your safety?” He roughly pulled his arm away, fixing his spring robes she wrinkled.

“Alfonse knows?” Her stomach sank at the thought of him finding out about Bruno.

“No, not yet. All reports have gone through me first.”

“Oh good.” She collapsed against the wall in relief, blowing air out through her cheeks.

“Why is he here, Joyce?” Soren gave her a puzzled glance. “Have you two entered some sort of… romantic relationship?” He spat the words out in disgust.

“No!” She defensively held her hands up, shaking her head.

“Because, and I am the first to admit that I held no love for that Laguz, but I always knew it would not end well.” Soren coldly continued his rant, shaking a slender finger at her. “I will not hold my tongue as I did before, and I do not approve of you starting up something new so soon -”

“Soren stop, it’s nothing like that!” Joyce sighed, her arm falling to her side. She knew only the truth would satisfy Soren. He could see through even the smallest lie she told. “I ran into Bruno at the Winter’s Festival. I felt bad about what happened to him here, and in a moment of weakness I decided to tell him about what awaits him in his own world. About the war with Embla, and… and how he dies.”

Jooyce…” Soren growled her name through clenched teeth, his dark burgundy eyes set a blaze in fury.

“I know, I messed up.” She glanced over the doors to ensure nobody was around to overhear. “But maybe we can help him! We can save his life!”

Soren closed his eyes and he began to rub his temples, a tell Joyce was all too familiar with when he was trying to deflect an oncoming headache. “Alfonse is going to be furious when he learns this.”

“He doesn’t need to know!” She continued to push her agenda, and downplay the seriousness of the situation. Deciding that if she could convince Soren to work with her, then she could smooth everything over. “You and I can fix this! With your brains, and my… my pep?”

“Pathetic.” He scoffed and gave her a disappointed look before he pushed through the swinging doors, turning his back to the summoner.

“Soren, Please, don’t go yet!” Joyce desperately snatched at his sleeve again.

“Let go of me.” Soren effortlessly brushed her off of him with inhuman strength.

“Wait, stop!” Joyce steeled herself, and in a last-ditch effort she commanded the mage to abide by her request. “As my assistant I forbid you to speak to anyone about this! It’s now a C.S.I! Confidential Summoner Information!”

Soren paused, letting out a long disappointed sigh, and approached the summon with no emotion. “First, that’s not what ‘CSI’ stands for, you really need to re-review your SOP. And no, that does not stand for Summoner’s Open-snack Privileges.” He scolded the summoner, his eyes becoming small slits of suspicion and intimidation. “And second, you have not been reading the correspondence I sent to you during your leave, have you?”

“It’s on my ‘to do’ list.” She confessed, shrugging it off as unimportant. “What’s the big deal?”

A look of pity washed over Soren’s normally expressionless face. “I’ve been transferred. I no longer hold the position of Assistant to the Summoner.”

“What?” Joyce cried out, stunned by the news. She stomped her foot, and clenched her fist in anger. “They can’t do that! I won’t allow it!” There was no way she was going to let this slide. She pounded her fist into the palm of her other hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you back!”

“It’s not up to you.” He straightened his back, and rapped his fingers along his tome. “I’m working as Prince Alfonse's Assistant now. He pulls rank. I’ll give you until the end of the festival before I inform Alfonse of my findings.”

Joyce felt her temper rising, all concern for Bruno welfare flew out the window, and she was solely focused on this betrayal. “But I thought we were friends!”

“We are. You know I only want the best for you.” Soren tried to choose his words carefully, knowing how much she hurt in that moment, but stayed firm in his decision. “However, I also want what’s best for me. Working for the Prince’s right hand is an excellent opportunity, and I won’t be guilted into turning it down.”

Joyce turned her nose up at him as she crossed her arms. “A friend wouldn’t throw the other under the bus just to move up the ladder!”

Soren shook his head tiredly. “Joyce, I have no idea what this ‘bus’ is, but I was offered the position months ago. Your shenanigans have nothing to do with the promotion.” Soren’s exhaustion with the conversation, and frustration with the summon began to bubble up through the cracks of cold demeanor. “Please tell me you don’t really expect me to spend the rest of my days counting your orbs, and cleaning up your messes.”

“Gee, when you put it that way, maybe you’re not fit to work for me!” Joyce sneered, and angrily turned her back to the mage. “So go work for Alfonse, but you better be out of my office come Monday!”

“Actually, it’s my office now. It’s your junk that has to go.” Joyce didn’t have to turn around to see that Soren took great pleasure telling her this, and she clenched her teeth as he continued to egg her on. “See you at the competition, Joyce.” He snickered, adding before he strolled away. “Oh and don’t forget Breidablik.”

Joyce dropped her fury for a brief moment, curious about what he knew. “Huh, why would I need Breidablik for an egg race?”

“You know how heroes get in a tournament.” Soren smugly taunted her without looking back. “And you’re going to need all the help you can get.”

She gave an insulted gasp, her anger returning like a flash in a pan. “Better watch your back, Soren! I just pulled a knife out of mine with your name on it!” She cried out, uncaring of the heroes who stood by and quietly watched the scene unfold. Joyce, huffed as she turned red, and she glanced around to the whispering crown. “Damn it…” She cursed under her breath, her good mood turning fowl as she stomped off towards the gardens, trying not to follow Soren too closely behind.

The summoner squeezed her way through the crowd and found Bruno alone on the stony pathway, waiting in a sea of other heroes that stretched along the perimeter of the garden’s edge.

“Ah, Joyce, your spring attire is quite…” He paused, pursing his lips in thought. “What’s the word for it? Cute?”

“Save pleasantries.” She regretted coming to the festival now, and she reached down and pulled at her fuzzy pant legs, tearing off each one and kicking them away. If Soren was right, which he always was, she would want as much mobility as she could get, and the baggy, stuffy bunny suit would only hold her back. “Help me rip these off.” She held out each arm for Bruno to do the honors. “We have a problem.”

“Oh?” He swiftly yanked at the lengths of fabric, releasing them from her costume in one singular motion with ease. “What happened?”

Her eyes narrowed when she spotted her target in the crowd. “See that mage over there? That’s Soren.” She nodded in the mage's direction while she explained, strapping her holster tightly around her waist. “We need to take him down. Make sure he doesn’t blab to Alfonse about you after the festival.”

“That should not be a problem if we work together.” Bruno scratched his chin, and co*cked his arm under the other as he took stock of the situation. “However, you do not seem like the type to partake in needless violence? Are you certain you want to do this?”

“You’re right. He’d probably kick my ass anyway.” She puckered her lips to the side in displeasure. “We need to figure out a way to keep him quiet though.”

Just as she finished her thought a golden spoon with her name etched on the handle materialized in front of her nose holding a single brown speckled egg. Gasps of astonishment rolled through the crowd around her as each hero received their egg in the same fashion.

“I hope you are able to craft a sound strategy while on the move, Joyce, because the race is about to begin!” Bruno smiled as he picked up his spoon carefully reaching for his tome with the other hand.

Joyce jumped as the explosion of cannon fire ripped through the air above, shaking the trees and announcing the start of the race. “Crap!” Joyce snatched her spoon from the air as it began to fall, trying not to let her elbow be bumped from the heroes that began to rush by her and onto the green grass of the gardens. “Let’s split up, and meet on the other side of that pond, behind the rock feature!” Joyce instructed as she began to walk slowly towards her objective.

“Understood!” Bruno called out to confirm, before he disappeared, washed away into the crowd.

It wasn’t long before the heroes taking part in the race began to use their combat skills to get a leg up on the competition. Joyce carefully pulled Breidablik from its holster, gripping it tightly in one hand, and focused on balancing the egg on the spoon in the other.

Flashes of greens and blue lit up the sky and the tree’s leafy canopy around her. The crash of metal scraping against each other, followed by cheers of victory, mixed with screams of defeat as heroes began to drop their eggs. Rolls of thunder filled the air, and cracks of lightning made contact with the ground in front of her. Tearing up the sod, with chunks of soil toss into the air. The hero Ishtar commanded the field in this early game. And Joyce found a bush to hide behind, protecting her egg from flying debris, and rethink her course of action.

She watched as a small group of heroes rushed the mage only for the front line of their collective to succumb quickly to her magic. It wasn’t until the mercenary, Sabar, broke through, and managed to get the jump on the Ishtar, bumping her hand with the hilt of his sword, and causing her to drop her spoon. The egg cracked at her slippered feet, and she was taken out of the competition swiftly.

That’s when Joyce decided to make a break for it, and she didn’t stay to see the aftermath of the battle. She held her breath as she picked up her pace towards the far end of the pond, trying not to get blasted by the spells being casted around her, and pointing the barrel of Breidablik towards the open field, firing wildly in a series of small pot shots to keep people away from her.

Joyce gasped, and almost dropped her spoon as the small divine dragon waddled out from under her, causing her to stumble and cutting her off. “Fae! Move!” She refrained from blasting the small dragon, reminding herself that she would only receive the wrath of Muspell if she had hurt the dragon child.

“I’m going to win, Summoner!” Fae clucked with an excited hop, the egg on her spoon precariously rolling around on the edge before settling back into the center. “Papa Muspell said he is going to take me to the park if I bring him the grand prize!” She cried out as she continued to waddle without a care in a zigzag formation into the woods.

“Yeah, good luck with that, kid.” Joyce shook her head, muttering to herself, making her way to the rock by the pond she had planned to meet Bruno at.

“Ah you have made it!” Bruno whispered, crouched down to stay out of sight. The sounds of the battles growing closer. “What delayed you?”

“I was stuck behind a little chicken.” She kneeled down to join him, finally breathing a sigh of relief. “What is that stench?” She scrunched up nose. At first Joyce thought it might be the pond from the winter’s thaw, but the strange sulfur smell was growing stronger with every breath.

Joyce jumped in fright as a hero with fiery red hair collapsed in front of where they were hiding. Michalis’ face twisted in sheer horror, and he screamed as he began to wipe raw egg from his brand new bunny suit. Trying desperately to get the gooey substance off of his body.

“Are you okay-” Bruno began to ask, reaching out his hand until the putrid smell of death reached his nose, and he gave the summoner an uneasy glance.

Michalis’ sisters, Minerva, and Maria rushed over to their brother's side, their spoons no longer in their hands, both had been eliminated from the tournament. Minerva stopped, her face turning pale as she backed away in disgust from her wailing brother. “IT’S ROOOOOTTEEEEEN!” She cried out grasping her nose, her announcement creating panic among the masses.

Joyce peeked out from behind the rock to see chaos explode within the gardens. There were heroes on all fours being sick to their stomach, others retreating in fear of being struck by a stinky egg, and then the lone few who were brave enough to use this discovery to their advantage, threatening to break their eggs on others if they didn’t give them what they wanted.

“Someone replaced our racing eggs with ones well past their prime!” Bruno held his spoon away from himself, his hand slightly shaking.

“Let’s go!” Joyce stood up carefully, trying to keep her spoon as steady as she could. “The finish line isn’t too far away, if we run, we can make it!”

Bruno nodded as he followed her lead, speed walking behind her. “Focus on your core, Joyce, and everything will work out -” Burno stopped, a defeated gasp escaping his lips as he looked down at his chest, and the spoon he held fell from his limp hand. “NOOoooOOO!”

“Bruno?” Joyce spun around to see the Emblain Prince had been hit by a stray egg. His face turned sickly green, and he collapsed to his knees.

“I can’t breeeeath!” Bruno clawed at the compromised fabric he wore and began ripping it off in a panic. His bare chest heaving as he cried out holding the tattered pieces of his attire in his hands above his head. Eggs continued to soar all around him, and he began to shoot them down, using his tome to deflect them in a rage.

“My deposit...” Joyce whimpered, the potent smell bringing tears to her eyes, and she decided to continue on to the finish line without him.

Joyce walked as fast as her feet could carry her without dropping her spoon. She smiled when she saw the edge of the garden on the other side of a hill. It didn’t appear as if anyone else had made it this far yet, and the air smelt clear, clean of any rotten eggs that may have dropped in the area. Not only was she going to get away with not smelling like a dumpster fart for the rest of the festival, but she just might win this whole event! At least that’s what she thought until she reached the top of the hill only to find a party of Grimas laughing on the other side, gathered around Soren and trapping him from making a retreat.

“Little worm doesn’t think he’s sh*t sinks! Always giving us the crap missions around here” Grima laughed holding up an egg threatening to crush it on Soren’s head. “Well, we will see who stinks after this!”

“Soren! Get down!” Joyce was quick to act. She sprinted towards Soren tossing her spoon away and loaded Breidablik with her egg, firing the small stink bomb towards Grima, and hitting her directly in the middle of her face.

Egg goo and shell splattered in a magnificent explosion as it made contact with the Fell Dragon. She screamed in rage, and dropped to the ground, rolling in the grass, and thrashing about. The other Grimas turned their wicked gaze towards Joyce, holding up their baskets of rotten eggs, and began pelting the summoner with them.

Joyce winced, clutching her fists and holding her breath. She felt each egg crack, and splatter as it made contact with her body. The goo dripped down her bare legs and added more and more weight to her already heavy, fur costume. The Grimas showed their summoner no mercy as they unleashed their fury onto her. Cackling when they ran out of animation, and walked away.

She dropped to her knees, and collapsed on to her back when it was finally over. The smell of eggs overwhelmed her, and made her head spin. Laying in the cold grass, Joyce stared up at the bright blue sky above, fluffy clouds floating by as she contemplated her life choices up until that point.

“Joyce?” Soren blocked out the sun, standing over her with his spoon in one hand, and a handkerchief covering his nose with the other.

“Go on, Soren, you deserve this win.” Joyce pressed the back of her hand against her forehead as she dramatically waved him away. “You were the best Assistant to the Summoner a Summoner could have asked for. Or, as I like to say, an A.S.S. for short…”

“Get up. Stop being so dramatic.” He grabbed the summoner’s hand, and pulled Joyce to her feet. “You know I do want to help you. We can start by splitting the grand prize, and decide where to go from there. After all, I owe you one.”

“It’s a deal!” Joyce happily accepted, following him towards the finish line, pick at pieces of broken shells caught on the fur of her costume. “I’m sure glad you’ve come to your senses. Alfonse really can’t find out about Bruno. Not yet at least.”

“I never said I wouldn’t tell him.” Soren coldly informed her, concentrating on balancing his egg.

“Huh? But we just had a bonding moment!” Joyce caught up to him as he neared the finish line. “I saved your life!”

“You saved me from a hefty cleaning bill.” He stayed focused, and unwavering. “My life was hardly in danger.”

“Soren, please.” She managed to get in front of the mage, blocking his path, and dropped to her knees, clasping her hands together. “I’m begging you.”

“Joyce, stop-” Soren tried to warn her.

“I know what I did is forbidden, but please, please, please give me a chance!” Her eyes burned from the strong smell wafting up from her outfit. “I won’t ask you to help, all I’m asking of you is to not tell Alfonse…”

“Don’t tell Alfonse what?” A curious voice interrupted from behind the summoner.

“Alfonse!” Joyce looked up, wiping tears and egg goo from her face. The prince, followed closely behind by Bruno and Sharena, standing side by side.

Alfonse helped the summoner to her feet, the look of curiosity replaced by concern when she hesitated to answer. “Joyce, what aren’t you telling me?”

“It is fine, Joyce, I know you tried your best.” Bruno handed her a towel, and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “If you do not confess your sins, I will.”


"Burn" Ellie Goulding

Chapter 4: Making Amends


sh*t hits the fan.

Main: Joyce (Summoner), Bruno, Alfonse, Sharena, Soren, Líf


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I honestly can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Alfonse stared out the dusty glass of the long paned window in his office, clutching an old tome about the divine rules, open to a passage he had been reciting to them. The low afternoon sunlight casting a soft halo around his frame. He hadn’t said a word while he listened to Joyce’s confession, but his emotions spoke volumes through his body language. Clenched fists, and a tightened jawline. Alfonse’s quiet, controlled temper was always more frightening than his outburst, and he turned towards the summoner with a pained glare. “How could you do this to us?”

Joyce quickly caught the single tear that rolled down her cheek with the back of her hand, trying her best to stay strong, and stick to her principles, but the disappointment in Alfonse’s voice pulled at her heartstrings. Sharena slipped her hand into Joyce’s and gave her an encouraging smile. The summoner tried to search for the right words to respond with, but her mind was in a tailspin. The smell of rotten dried egg that still clung to her costume made her feel ill, and her silence was noted loudly by the irritating scratching of Soren’s quill as he took notes behind her, distracting her from defending her actions, and Bruno’s life.

“The Summoner is not the only one to blame” The Emblian prince stepped forward, and stood beside the summoner. Bruno and Sharena had accompanied Joyce to Alfonse’s office after her slip up in the castle gardens. “It was against my better judgment to take her up on the offer to stay in your Askr, but nonetheless I accepted it.”

“No. It is only natural to take that course when faced with your own mortality.” Alfonse moved across the room, and behind his large oak desk. Stacks of ledgers, organized neatly into towing piles that made the surface look more like a metropolis of the World of Steel than a workspace in Askr. He dropped the tome in front of him, waving his hand across the pages. “This is why rules have been established in the first place.” Alfonse sucked his teeth while he thought for a moment. “How many people know about this?”

“I believe the only people that know are present here. Soren looked up from his work, dipping the tip of his quill into an ink well before Joyce could say a word. "And Volke, whom I have enlisted as my eyes and ears, and witnessed Bruno at Joyce’s home in capital.”

“Good.” Alfonse opened the top drawer of his desk, and pulled out a set of iron keys, before striding across the room and handing them to the mage. “Pay Volke whatever he wants from my personal treasury to keep the information to himself.” Alfonse placed his hands on his hips and eyed the others in the room as he continued to perform damage control. “Is there anyone else?”

Joyce bit her lip and shook her head, her eyes widening when Bruno began to speak. “What of the young man that visited in the late winter?” He scratched his chin. Joyce was hoping Bruno would have forgotten about David’s short visit. David had covered for her, and she had no intention of dragging him into another one of her messes.

“David?” Alfonse sighed, pulling one of the ledgers off of his desk, and opening it as he shook his head. The prince pulled a small pencil out from behind his ear, and began writing out orders as he spoke. “I thought I could depend on him, but he needs to be reminded that he is a guest here, and his visits are conditional.” Alfonse ripped the page he was working on from out of the ledger and handed it to Soren, pointing at it with the end of the pencil. “Put a freeze on his privileges in Askr, and restrict access to our world from others. I can’t risk anyone else learning of this. Especially not the royal council.”

Soren nodded as he neatly folded the instructions Alfonse gave him, and tucked them away into his satchel. Joyce watched bitterly, and wondered if Soren actually preferred this sort of work to what she would have given him on a day to day basis. Maybe he didn’t enjoy her company after all, and she was just another job that was assigned to him.

Bowing respectfully, Bruno cleared his throat. “With your permission, Prince Alfonse, I shall leave this world at once to avoid creating any more trouble.”

“No.” Alfonse dropped his ledger back onto his desk as he made his way over to Bruno, Joyce and Sharena. “You have been masquerading around as a Spring Envoy, and your departure before the festival is over may be cause for suspicion. I want you to continue to take part in the festivities under Sharena’s supervision.”

“No problem!” Sharena squeezed Joyce’s hand once again, looking over at the duo. “I’ll make sure that this will be a festival you two will never forget!” She forced a brave smile, trying to lift their spirits.

“I’m not finished yet.” Alfonse’s tone was stern as he stared daggers into the summoner. “Bruno and Joyce, neither of you will not be permitted to leave the castle grounds for the duration of the festival. Once it is over, Joyce, you will continue to stay in the castle until I decide otherwise, and I will escort Bruno myself to the gate of his own world. I will bear witness to your departure.”

“Alfonse, no!” Joyce squeaked out, her voice finally returning. “He’s your friend!”

“He’s not my-” Alfonse temper flared, stopping himself and walking away to compose himself before he continued. “The Bruno of this world is dead, and there’s nothing you can do to bring him back.”

“I know, but this isn’t fair!” Joyce let go of Sharena’s hand following the prince’s steps across the office pleading to change his mind. “We have the power to change this-”

“Fair?” Alfonse sneered, turning to confront the summoner hot on his tail. “The heroes of the Order and I spend so much of our time and energy protecting the people of Askr, and you just invite the wrath of the gods to our doorstep because, on a whim, you think that the loss of one life isn’t fair.” He scoffed in frustration, shrugging his shoulders as he tried to understand her perspective, but coming up empty. “How selfish of you.”

“The gods don’t care!” Joyce stood her ground, now was the time to convince Alfonse that her plan could work. She just needed him to listen. “And even if they did, it’s not the first time we have fought them! You and I can-”

“Enough! I don’t want to hear anymore!” Alfonse raised his voice as he shut her down. His jaw tightened as he took a long breath, as he broke his gaze from Joyce's and waved his hand in the direction of the others in the room. “Everyone, excuse yourself. I need to speak to the Summoner alone.” He instructed returning to the window, leaning against the stone frame to collect his thoughts. The bright light no longer filtered in through the glass, replaced with only the soft orange rays of the setting sun disappearing into the dusk, making the room became cooler, and darker as her friends left her side.

Joyce waited for Alfonse to speak his mind, to give her hell. She deserved it after all. But his silence drew out as he continued to stare out of his window. She didn’t know what to do, and she shifted her feet nervously. “Alfonse, I’m sorry-”

“I know you are.” Alfonse gave a defeated chuckle when he turned to her. He was not amused, he was exhausted, and his gaze went through her as he walked past Joyce to the small table beside the couch. Snatching the crystal bottle with one hand and pulling the cork out with the other, he poured dark liquid into a glass tumblr. “You are always sorry, but your apologies aren't going to save you this time. It is not the gods we need to fear, but those who follow them. The ones that enforce their laws, and if the wrong people find out about what you've done they will push for an execution.” Alfonse spoke these last few words into the glass as he titled it and his back, draining it in one motion.

“They can’t!” Joyce gasped, her fingers finding the ancient weapon in the holster. “Breidablik chose me as the Summoner.”

Alfonse grimaced and ran his fingers back through his dark shaggy hair, without looking at the summoner. “And Breidablik will choose another when you are dead.”

Joyce felt her stomach drop. The consequences of her actions in the past had never been this dire. She had been in life-threatening situations before in battle, but never within the borders of Askr. This was her home. This was where she felt most secure, and now her safety net was ripped out from under her, and she began to be fearful for her own life.

Sensing the summoner’s panic, Alfonse sighed, and took her hands in his. “The council in Askr is afraid of you because they can’t control you. You are unpredictable, foolish, and worst of all…” His expression softened, the anger fading away, leaving only concern mixed with pride for her. “You blindly follow your heart in your decisions. You will move mountains, and resurrect whole worlds for the ones you care about. Which is why you will always be my Summoner, Joyce.”


The prince tightened his hold on the summoner’s hands, his serious eyes latched onto hers. “But we have to pick our battles carefully here, Joyce. I will be king soon, I have to step-up and play politics if I want to continue to protect the people of Askr as my father did. Which means I can’t go off and play hero with you all the time. I need to rule by the rules, and by extension, so do you.”

Joyce stayed quiet as Alfonse pulled her close, wrapping her in an embrace, and resting his cheek on her head. Every year he grew taller, stronger, more sure of himself and his direction of king. She hadn't changed’, and she wondered if could follow him, and play by his rules.

“Tell me you understand.” Alfonse quietly asked, the strength of his embrace not waning . “I can’t lose another friend.”

She nodded her head against his chest, and slipped from his arms. The sun had completely set now, leaving them in the dark, with only soft white light of the moon, leaving a faint outline of items in the room.

“Good. Go get washed up, and return to your quarters.” Alfonse returned to the bottle he set aside, Joyce could not see how much he poured into his cup this time, but by the sound of the liquid sloshing around the cup, it was more than the first drink. Alfonse made his way towards his desk, his mind focused on the events ahead of him. “I will make sure dinner will be served to you this evening, and we will touch base again in the morning before any festivities take place.”

Joyce heard the squeak of the armchair as Alfonse flopped down at his desk. She wondered if he planned to do any actual work or just sit there in the dark. The thought of asking him if he wanted her to turn the knob of one of the oil lamps on crossed her mind, but in the end decided against it, and silently took her leave, taking care not to make a sound as she latched the door behind her.

“Oh Joyce, were you able to talk him out of it?” Sharena dashed over to the summoner from across the firelit corridors. "Please tell me you could!”

“I’m afraid not.” Joyce let out a long sighed, she felt like she could breathe again, after leaving the suffocating atmosphere of Alfonse's office “He’s still adamant on Bruno returning to his own world.”

“How could he?!” Sharena clenched her fist as her face twisted in frustration, grinding her foot into the stone floor of the hallway.

“Do not fret, Princess, all is not lost.” Bruno, patted Sharena on the shoulder in comfort. “I still have the upper hand thanks to Joyce. I will return to my world with a new perspective of my path in life.”

“Still!” The princess pouted, and crossed her arms. “My brother is being a silly fool refusing to aid you!”

“He has his reasons.” Joyce touched Breidablik again, thinking back to what Alfonse said. Not only was Bruno’s life on the line now, so was hers.

“I wish there was something I could do to help!” Sharena’s face lit up and she slammed her fist into the other. “Hey, maybe I can start a petition! If I can get enough heroes to support Bruno-”

“No.” Joyce stopped the princess. Alfonse was right, no one in Askr could find out about what she had done. “That will just make things worse, and I don’t want to drag you into this, Sharena.”

“The Summoner is correct. Pushback will only cause more issues.” Bruno supported Joyce with a brave smile. “Besides, I for one would like to spend the last few days here in peace. Perhaps I can spend some time with Veronica. To see my sister cured of our blood curse will bring me courage for the future.”

“I’m not sure if that is the smartest idea.” The princess furrowed her brow in thought. “Veronica took your death pretty hard, and I don’t know if she would be ready to see you here and now.”

Joyce's eyes widened at the thought, as Bruno sadly sighed. “Ah, I see.”

“But! There is a Spring version of Veronica that has been summoned to the festival too!” Sharena exclaimed with a happy wink, always quick to lift anyone's spirits when they are down. She offered Bruno her arm. “Why don’t we visit her for dinner?”

“That would warm my heart, thank you for all the kindness you have shown me, Sharena.” Bruno slipped his arm with her, as she led the way, only looking back to seeing the summoner still standing in front of the office deep in thought. “Joyce, will you not join us?”

“I have something I need to do. I’ll catch up with you guys in the morning! Say hi to Vero for me!” Joyce called back to the pair as she began to jog down the corridor in the other direction. Sharena’s words stirred an idea. Alfonse might not be able to help her, but there was a chance someone else could. Joyce smirked as she mentally worked out her plan, whispering another apology that would never reach its owner. “Sorry, Alfonse. I can’t lose another friend too.”

The soft pings of water dropping into a bucket echoed off of the damp stone walls, and Joyce slowly slid the large iron key into the lock, taking care to not make any sound as she pushed the heavy jail cell door open, and quickly closing it behind her. Only the soft light of a single candle at the end of the long corridor guided her way. She had slipped past the guard only after she laced his drink with enough drugs to knock him out for a few hours, however, Joyce was not confident in her crafting abilities, even though she followed the recipe to a tee, she had to be prepared that the guard could wake up at an moment.

Earlier that evening the summoner made her preparations, and began to put her new plan into motion. After she had washed up and eaten, Joyce worked on the correspondence she wanted to send to Embla. If there was anyone else in Zenith that might be interested in helping Bruno, it was going to be Veronica. Joyce waited for the midnight bell to chime before throwing on her black cloak, and sneaking out of her quarters making her way to the alchemy shop to pick up what she needed, and down to the Askran dungeons. Quietly spiking the guards drink as he went to preform his rounds.

It was now around two in the morning, and Joyce only had a couple hours left before the guards changed their shifts, leaving only a small window to plead her case, beg for help, from the one person she trusted the least in Askr. She stood over the large pile of dirty rags that sat in the corner, motionless. Only those who knew what resided in this cell would realize that this dark mound of garbage was in fact once a hero of the Order.

“Líf?” Joyce nudged the mound of rags with the tip of her boot. It had been over a year since she had seen the General of Hel, and she would have preferred to have kept her distance, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and she couldn’t go anywhere else for help. “Líf, I have a deal for you. Wake up.”

The pile of tattered rags sat still. She had heard rumors that Líf had been but a mere husk of his former self, given up all hope, and completely shutting down. “Hey… get up!” Joyce hissed through her teeth, trying not to be too loud, but the swordsman’s lifeless body remained just that, not even stirring a little bit. She snapped her fingers impatiently in front of him. “Hello? It’s your Summoner talking, and I have a mission for you!” Joyce lent down grabbing what appeared to be the hood of the cloak and yanking it back. “Damn it, you useless bag of bones-”

Joyce yelped as she felt the vice-like grip around her ankle pulling her leg out from under her, and knocking the summoner to the ground. Líf’s red eye flashed in the darkness, and he lunged at her quicker than she could react to defend herself, pinning her down and wrapping her claw like fingers around Joyce’s throat. “You.” He growled, his right eye pulsated in fury, a black empty hole in his other socket where she had gouged out his left one during their fight at the gate of his home world. Blue wisps of vapor escaping with every syllable he snarled. “Your vile words can only bring pain, and suffering.”

“Wait…” Joyce choked as she struggled under his weight, and scratching at the back of his hands, a hopeless endeavor since he felt no physical pain.

“You, who only cared for me when it suited your needs. You, who only pretend to be my ally, my friend, to control me. You ruined everything!” Líf’s eye flared as he recalled their past together. “There is nothing in this world that you can offer me that will satisfy me more than squeezing the life out of you right now!”

“What… about your… freedom?” She squirmed beneath his body, and could feel his broken ribs against her chest, and tried kicking him off in desperation.

“My freedom is an illusion as long as you live.” He growled, tightening his grip. Líf had blamed her and Ranulf for his downfall. For rejected his plans to become king of his old world, and making her his Summoner, for running him out of the Order, and for accidentally injuring his former summoner, David. “Not until I watch your bones become dust in my hands, and these stone walls lay in ruin around me will I ever be free of you.”

“Líf, I… need you..” Joyce whimpered, tears welling in her eyes as her mind spun, and her body became weak. Her last bit of strength used to reach up and push aside his dark hair that fell carelessly across his face. “Please… You’re the only one I have left…”

His eyes widened, and his grip loosened around her neck. For all the physical strength he had, Líf’s curiosity would always be his weakness. “What about that beast of yours?”

Joyce gasped as fresh air rushed into her lungs, coughing between words. “Ranulf’s… gone.”

Líf let her go, and sat back on his knees. “Dead?” There was an air of astonishment in the way he asked, perhaps with a little disappointment that he wasn’t the one that gave the final blow.

“No.” Joyce scrambled to put space between them, reaching the bars of the cell door, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. “And I don’t want to talk about it.” Her neck ached as she swallowed, and she knew she would have to come up with a ridiculous tale to explain the bruising by the morning.

“What about Alfonse?” He shot her an angry glare, his eye becoming a slit as he said the prince’s name.

“Trust me, if I could go to someone other than you, I would have.” Joyce used the iron bars of his cage to pull herself up, leaning on them for support.

Líf scoffed, the vapor enveloping his face as climbed to his feet, towering over her. “What do you want?”

“I need you to deliver this letter to Princess Veronica in Embla.” Joyce reached into a hidden pocket within her shirt pulling out a small sealed envelope, and offered it to him. “After that, you don’t have to return to me, or to Askr. Run away, Líf, you can use any of the gates to escape this world.”

“How can you be sure I won’t just toss your letter away once I leave the castle, and make my escape?” Líf snorted and snatched the letter from her hand, turning his back to her as he began to slowly pace the small space.

“I can’t. But I’m all out of options, and I don’t have a better plan.” Joyce muttered, looking through the bars and down the dark corridor towards the single candle where the guard slept. Her attention returned to Líf when she heard the sound of parchment unfolding. “Hey!”

“You’ve broken the Alfaðör laws.” Líf chuckled under his mask, more amused than his counterpart who had learned of the same information earlier that day. “Really outdone yourself this time, Kiran.”

Joyce was taken back to hear the old Summoner name she had once gone by, realizing Líf was not present to learn of her real name. Which was rich, Joyce thought, he was the only one that knew it was a fake name, but he kept her secrets to himself, even after their falling out. “Joyce.” She quietly corrected him, wondering if things would have been different between the two if she had trusted him more in the past. “I use my real name now.”

“Joyce, I see..” Her name rolled off his tongue as he gazed back down to the letter he held, gently folding it up after a moment of quiet reflection. “Why do you think the Emblain Princess will come to your aid? If I recall correctly you two were not exactly friends.”

“The Veronica you knew is gone now.” Joyce hesitated about going into details about the war against the Emblain God, but she had to keep him interested in this mission. “She’s changed. The Blood Curse Veronica suffered from has been lifted.”

“Truly?” Líf’s eye widened again, his timeline had known nothing of these events, and he had been in prison for theirs. Cut-off from any news of the outside world. “Remarkable.” He mused to himself quietly. “Tell me more.”

Joyce knew he would do this, Líf’s thirst for knowledge was always a consent, but a distant cough warned her that her time was running out. “Look, you will have plenty of time to learn about what happened once you are out of here, but our window of opportunity to do that is growing smaller the longer we sit here and chit-chat. Do you want the job, or not?”

“Pushy, as ever.” Líf snorted and he looked down his nose at her, tucking the envelope into the pocket of his tattered cloak. “ I accept. Your letter will be delivered to the Princess, and that, Joyce, will be the last mission I complete for you.”

“Good.” Joyce sealed her fate as she pushed the door to his cell open, and waved a hand to usher him through, watching him stiffly limp across the threshold. She was putting her life in Líf's hands, the one person who she knew she shouldn't. “Let’s get this started.”


"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" Lorde

Chapter 5: No One is Lost (I)


The festival has come to an end, and it's time for Bruno to go home.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Summoner), Líf, Bruno, Veronica
Minor: Lucina, Reinhardt, Eliwood, Xandar, Seth, Gordin
Mentioned: Innes, Cordelia, Jeorge, Faye, Sanaki, Tailtiu


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Drawing her finger tip along her bedroom window, Joyce traced the path of the rain drop that ran down the cold glass. Watching as workers dismantled the festival structures from a distance. The morning gray and drizzle, a reflection of her own mood. It had been a week since she had sent Líf to Embla with a letter asking Princess Veronica for aid, hoping the princess would want to help her brother just as much as Joyce had. A hope that was lost when the summoner did not receive an answer. one of two things must have happened, Joyce decided. Either Veronica feared the gods wrath, and refused to get involved, or Líf never delivered the letter in the first place, choosing to double cross her out of spite. Joyce sighed, whichever the two, time had run out.

The day had come. Alfonse and Bruno set out towards the Emblan Prince’s home gate well before the sun rose that morning, and Joyce chose not to see him off to say goodbye. The summoner was tired after a week of pretending things were okay, but she couldn’t bear to see Bruno go, and she didn’t know how she was going to be okay with her position in Askr again. They had all put on a brave face during the festival, but when the song and dance was over she had barricaded herself in her room. Turning further inward with everyday that went by, eroding her hopes to save Bruno’s life.

Her attention turned to a flock of crows flew past her window, startled by a group of Askran soldiers marching into the courtyard below. The party was led by a few of her own heroes that wore very serious expressions on their faces. Joyce’s gaze followed them as they crossed the yard and entered her wing of the castle.

“That’s weird.” Joyce muttered to herself as she made her way across the room, hastily moving for her bedroom door, and grabbing Breidablik cradled in its holster, and pulling the belt around her waist. It was normal for heroes to come and visit from time to time, but never with Askran soldiers, and her thoughts went to Bruno’s escort party, and she wondered if something might have happened enroute to the gate. Perhaps they became stuck in the mud? She snickered in spite as she reached for the knob only to be yanked backwards roughly.

Joyce's gasped cries were muffled as a large gauntlet quickly covered her mouth, and an arm wrapped around her shoulders, lifting her off the ground and pulling her into a darkened space as she fought to free herself from her intruder.

“Don’t make a sound.” The low raspy voice instructed, his grip loosening as he slid the wooden frame of the tapestry closed. Sealing them off from the bedroom. A hidden hiding spot that even Joyce had no idea about. Soft light filtering in between the wharfs and the wefts of the fabric that concealed them gave him shape. His damaged eye now covered with a black and gold leather patch, his smelly old fur cloak, which was torn and rotting replaced by a new set of armor. A well tailored suit that covered his broken rib bones, and more of his unusual parts.

“Líf-” Joyce's eyes adjusted to the dark. The swordsman placed his finger to his face mask, hushing her as the door to her room swung open, and Askran soldiers flooded in to her private quarters.

“The Summoner isn’t here.” Lucina her brows furrowed as she inspected the room clutching her lance. “Perhaps she has gone to the kitchens for an early lunch.”

“This isn’t sitting right with me.” Reinhardt was close behind, he gazed at the paperwork stack on Joyce’s desk and frowned. “Our Summoner is a good person. Perhaps a bit silly, but she would never hurt anyone. Why would the crown issue a warrant for her arrest?”

Joyce felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she peered from behind the tapestry, safely hidden, but only feet away from those who searched for her.

“I know. I don’t like it either.” Lucina pursed her lips, resting her hand on the mage’s shoulder. “But orders are orders. I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding. Come, the sooner we find Joyce the sooner we can get to the bottom of this!”

With a heavy heart, Reinhardt nodded as he followed Lucina out of the summoner’s room, closing the door behind him.

Líf waited until the sounds of boots shuffling across the stone floor faded. “Let’s go.” he whispered, looking down the dark narrow corridor leading away from her room.

“I’m not going anywhere with you!” Joyce hissed through her teeth. “I should’ve screamed, alerting them, and turning you in!”

“Go ahead." Líf stood unfazed, peering down his nose at her. "But if you recall, I’m not the one they are looking for.”

“What is going on?” She pushed for an answer. “Why didn’t I hear back from Veronica?”

“What did you expect her to do? Storm the castle? Engage in open warfare in the middle of a festival?” Líf scoffed and rolled his eye at the summoner. “The Princess chose to wait until her brother was less defended. Let’s just say I’m sure Bruno's escort party was in for a little surprise this morning.”

“Veronica rescued Bruno?!”

“Yes.” His answer curt as he spied through the tapestry on high alert.

Joyce’s eyes widened in astonishment, her hopes lifted. Veronica responded, and Bruno would get his second chance. Líf had not deceived her, and delivered her letter just like he said he would. However her joy quickly was replaced with confusion. “But, then why did you come back?”

“To get you out of Askr. You don’t really think Alfonse isn’t going to piece together that you are the one that reached out to the Princess?” Líf nonchalantly informed her, pulling out a tome, and conjuring a magical ball of soft red light in the palm of his hand. “And it seems like Veronica has already made her move, and word has been sent to the castle. It is up to you which path you will take, Joyce. Come with me and be reunited with your friend.” Líf raised out his arm, using the light he held to guide his way into the darkness. “Or, stay here and face your punishment.”

“Well, when you put it that way… Wait up!” Joyce panicked as she scuttled up behind him, trying to keep close enough so as not to lose him in the dark. “What is this place anyways? Do you know where we are going?”

Líf silently nodded. “These are the royal secret passages of Askr. A network of tunnels that contact all the royal chambers, as well as the Summoners. They are meant to be used when members of the family need to move secretly through the castle, however, there are many false turns, and dead ends. One needs to be certain they know the way when they enter the tunnels.”

“What? How come I didn’t know about this?”

“If I had to take a guess, I suspect Alfonse thought you might use them for throwing parties, or worse…”

“I would not! Well…” Joyce took offense at first, pondering the use of the tunnels after. A super secret clubhouse would be fun, but she quickly changed her mind again. “No, no. I would be too scared of getting lost.” She traced her hand on the walls as she followed, every so often the cold stone would open up to another path, the pitch black beaconing to be explored. “Where do they go anyways?”

“Everywhere. As a child I would sneak into them after lights out, and spend the night mapping them out in my head.”

“Wow, sounds… thrilling.”

“It was essential. If the castle was ever under attack these tunnels were our only escape.” Líf gave a heavy sigh, as he recalled his past. “When I was young I would have nightmares about the castle being attacked by ghoulish monsters and demons. I would hide in my room, and wait, praying that my father would come for me, but in the end I was forced into these corridors on my own. Every night I would spend endless hours, lost, searching for my family, with only the sound of the creatures clawing on the other sides of these walls. They frightened me so much.” He stopped as he shined the red beckon down another tunnel, disregarding it and moving forward again, only to take a sharp turn and down a long set of stairs. “That’s when I decided to overcome my fears by ensuring I would not get lost. When I had finished memorizing the routes the dreams stopped, I was no longer frightened.”

“Of the tunnels, or the castle being attacked?” Joyce questioned without thinking.

“Perhaps it was an early premonition that my Askr would fall.” Líf lowered the red light that danced in his hand, the glow emphasizing the sadness that reached his eyes when he thought about the events that took place as the last Prince of Askr in his world. “Either way, even with the knowledge of these passages, there was no escaping my fate.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that…” Joyce softly apologized for dredging up old memories, the sound of water flowing nearby growing louder.

“It’s fine. I accept my past now. I can only move forward.” Líf stopped, the stone path coming to an end in a thick tangle of woody vines. “Here. This is the hidden falls run.” Líf squeezed through a broken hole in the wall, offering his hand to help Joyce navigate the gnarly nest. The stones slick and mossy from the water flowing right above them, and they left the tunnels through a hidden passage behind the waterfall. Líf led her down to a small row boat, tied off on a log. “This river will take us through the King’s Forest, and around the capital. From there, we ride on horseback to the Embla border.”

“Does this river connect to the canal?” Joyce sucked in a deep breath of fresh air, relieved to be out of the maze of stone, and on the other side of the castle walls. The thick canopy of the forest sheltering them from the light rain. “Maybe we should hide out at my place instead!”

“That’s… a terrible idea.” Líf shook his head in disappointment.

“It’s much closer, and we could hide in plain sight!”

“Get in the boat, Joyce.” He waved his hand towards the vessel as he gave her a short unamused command.

“You know the saying, when you've lost something it’s always in the last place you check!” Joyce climbed into the small boat taking a seat in the bow.

Líf untied the rope, tossing it to her, casting off and he stepped in the boat and sat on the middle seat. “Except your house is the first place Alfonse will look.”

“If you say so.” Joyce snorted, and crossed arms, watching him adjust the oars. “So where did you get your new threads? Veronica, right?”

“Quiet, now.” He sneered over his shoulder, ignoring her question.

“Is someone coming?” Joyce crutched down as low as she could in the small boat as she peered around at the trees in concern.

“No.” He snickered to himself at her reaction. “I just wanted you to stop talking.”

“Jerk.” She muttered under her breath. “Well, you look, and smell, better anyways.” Joyce smiled as she paid the prickly swordsman a complement and turned to look into the clear water over the side of the boat. The river bed speckled with all sorts of interesting wildlife rushing past her as the shadow of the castle grew smaller with every stroke.

Joyce began to nod off, the slow repetitive steps of the horse lulling her to sleep. They had abandoned the small bow and taken to horseback several hours ago. Her head cracked back as she snorted herself awake, hitting the back of Líf’s chest who steered the horse from behind. If he had noticed, he said nothing about it, the same brooding silence that had accompanied them for the majority of their trip.

She looked around in a daze, the dense forest growing sparse until they reached the edge, and the trees gave way to a rocky field. Long yellow grass, decorated with boulders, their surface marbled with moss. The cool breeze indicated they were growing closer to the Embla border. “What time do you think it is?” Joyce rubbed her eyes, the bright rays of sun trying to break through the gray clouds that no longer shared their bounty.

“Just after midday.” Líf carefully scanned the field before nudging his steed forward, and weaving between the rocks along the path. “It won’t be much longer until we reach Veronica’s encampment.”

“Then what happens?”

“That is up to you to decide.”

Joyce gritted her teeth. She normally would have Alfonse, or Soren to bounce ideas off of, but she was alone on this mission. Siding with their former enemies, and she was the one that had to figure a resolution out on her own. The thought frightened her. “Will you leave after we reach Embla?”

Líf was silent, and before he could reply a bolt of lightning crashed in front of them. Not once, but twice, startling the horse, and Joyce gasp as animal reared back. Líf’s arm clutching the reins, pulling them taught and gaining control over his mount again as the horse circled on the spot.

“What was that?” Joyce cried out, trying to comprehend what just happened. She knew it had been raining, but she would hardly consider it a storm, and lighting doesn’t strike twice in one spot…

Joyce squinted as she looked towards the horizon, spotting a few figures on a hill. She recognized the archer as Innes, a hero from her Order, and it wasn’t long before she heard a high pitch whistle, and felt a sting across her upper neck, followed by a low thump as the arrow lodged itself into Líf’s chest. Joyce touched under her jawline where the pain was located, looking at her hand in shock, the tips of her fingers slick with blood, but nothing to be concerned about. “I’m okay, it’s just a scratch.”

“Askran riders." Líf dug the heels of his boots into his steed, turning the horse away, and pushing it into a sprint. "It’s an ambush! Get Breidablik ready!”

Joyce tightened her grip on the saddle, trying desperately to maintain her balance as the horse galloped beneath her. The noise of the hoofs deafening, mixing with her own thumping heart beat. Her fingers fumbled to unlatch her weapon’s holster, pins and needles pickling in her limbs as adrenaline spread through her body.

“Halt! Return The Summoner to Askr, or face the consequences!” Eliwood swiftly caught up to the duo. Their combined weight holding their horse back. Reinhardt, not far behind the Knight of Lycia, their white and golden Askran armor blinding in the light. The mage held up his signature tome, Dire Thunder, and with a flick of his wrist called upon his power to rain bolts of magic, crackling through the air, and busting up the ground in their path, forcing Líf towards Eliwood with Durandal drawn and ready for their clash.

“Hold on!” Líf pulled Éljúðnir from its sheath, and yanked at the reins, steering directly into the knight, their swords crashing into each other violently, the high pitch sound ringing across the open field. Each swordsman taking turns swinging at each other, their steeds neck and neck as they pushed forward across the field.

“Líf, in the sky!” Joyce cried out, spotting the Pegasus knight Cordelia above them, her lance ready for a strike. Joyce froze in her seat, unable to move.

“Use Breidablik!” He slashed at Eliwood, keeping him at bay. “Do it now!”

“I can’t…” The summoner whimpered, the flier starting to swoop down on top of them.

“You must!” Líf growled in her ear, dodging a second blast of lighting, the sod and rock from the field raining down on them. “Push your feelings aside, they act not as your friends right now!”

“No, Líf, I can’t feel, or move anything…” Joyce mumbled, the pins and needles she felt before replaced with a cold numbness. “Something’s wrong…” She slurred her words as her eyes became heavy, and her body limp, slumping over as she began to slide from the saddle.

“Joyce?!” Líf loosened his grip on the reins as he managed to catch the summoner, pulling her back up. The horse they rode began to zig zag away from danger, panicking as it dashed about. Líf tried in vain to gain control of the horse again, the mount slowing to a trot. Eliwood sped past Líf, looping around them and dashing to slash at his undefended side, as Cordelia charged from above, blocking any escape. Líf thought all was lost, but with the border just in sight, he was ready to dismount and take them both on foot. He steeled himself ready for the fight until a hail of arrows began to rain down between him and his attackers, detouring their assault.

Líf whipped his head towards the borderlands, a small group of heroes from the Order led by Princess Veronica carrying out her orders. Jeorge and Faye firing arrows, Sanaki and Tailtiu casting their spells to push the Askran heroes back. Xandar and Seth riding out to meet him.

“The Princess’s camp is just ahead!” Xander swung his axe to keep Cordelia at arms length. He pulled at his reins as he rode up beside Líf, circling him, and pointing towards small tents in the distance. “Get the Summoner to safety!”

”Leave the rest to us!” Seth called out as he changed past them, chasing after Eliwood, and pushing him back.

Líf nodded, kicking his horse into a sprint towards the border, the summoner’s limp body resting against his arm. “Hang in there, Joyce. I’m not going to leave you.” He confided softly, speeding past the Emblan guards at the encampment entrance, and slowing the horse when he spotted a familiar face. “I need a medical tent!”

Gordin yanked his head up from his work, his eyes widening when he saw the summoner, and he quickly pointed further into the camp. “That way!”

Líf pushed his mount into a gallop, following the young archer’s direction, coming up on a large white tent with Bruno standing outside, giving orders to healers as they rushed around giving aid to others. The Emblan prince did a double take when he spotted the summoner slumped in Lif’s arm, reaching up to help her down. “She needs a healer.” Líf swung his leg over the saddle and dropped down with a hard thump.

“What happened to Joyce?” Bruno carried her into the tent, Laying her down gently on a cot.

“I’m not sure.” Líf followed close behind, sliding his sword back into its sheath. “She lost consciousness all of a sudden.”

“Is the Summoner okay?” The princess stormed into the tent, rushing past Líf, and kneeled down beside the cot, her large gown spreading out like a parachute around her. “I left the battle to Xandar as soon as I received word that Joyce was injured.”

Bruno’s eyes furrowed in confusion as he inspected the summoner, searching for anything that could explain her current condition. “From what I can gather there is nothing physically wrong with Joyce other than this scratch under her cheek, but it is nothing serious.”

“Scratch?” Líf’s eye widened, and his gaze turning downwards, reaching for the arrow that still protruded from of his chest, and yanking it free, glaring at the arrowhead, a bright white substance coating the iron point. “Damn it!” Líf snarled, snapping the arrow in half with one hand. “Cold-Stone Mountain Viper.”

“Are those not deadly?” Bruno glanced up at Líf in a panic.

“If bitten in the wild? Yes.” Líf carefully placed the poisoned arrow down on a side table, wrapping it in the cloth. “However, the venom can be harvested and mixed with the pollen of Askran Winterbells. The pollen neutralizes the deadly effects, but keeps the proteins that paralyzes the vipers victim. It becomes a rare, but potent immobilizer.”

“That arrow was meant for both of you..” Bruno frowned as he cleaned the summoner’s wound with a sponge soaked in alcohol.

“Yes. However they did not take into account that this mixture would have no effect on me.”

“Why would Alfonse do such a thing?” Veronica slid her hand into Joyce’s, her tone did not hide that she was cross with her Askran counterpart.

“It was a strategic move.” Líf explained, shifting his weight as he drew his conclusions. “The antidote to reverse the effects comes from a fruit that is currently out of season. However, it is grown in the Askran Greenhouse all year round.” Líf shook his head, rubbing his temples with one hand, an old habit that never died. “Alfonse will force us to turn over the Summoner, and surrender Bruno in return for aid. It might seem cruel at first, but a slight discomfort for the Summoner in return for a peaceful resolution would seem worth it. It’s what I would have done if I was in his position too.”

“So it’s over then.” Bruno’s shoulder sagged, and he climbed to his feet, pacing in frustration as he thought out loud. “Are you sure there is no other solution?”

Veronica shook her head at her brother sadly. “Embla does not have the same resources that Askr has. We are still in the process of healing the nation after our civil dispute.”

Bruno pleaded to the Princess, not wanting to give up just yet. “Perhaps there is a healer from another land that we can recruit?”

“I’m sorry, Bruno, I’m afraid we will have to comply, for Joyce’s sake.” Veronica looked at the summoner in disappointment. “I will arrange the paperwork for our official surrender, and have the correspondents sent to Alfonse in Askr.”

Líf’s eye widened as he mulled over Bruno’s words, sparking an idea as he looked down at the summoner. “Wait, Princess, give me twenty-four hours to bring back the antidote.” He snatched the bundled arrow and concealed it in his cloak.

“You don’t mean to risk infiltrating Askr’s Castle again?” Veronica gasped, her brows stitched in concern. “Surely they would have heightened security after today’s events.”

“I do not intend to set foot in the Askran capital of this world.” Líf turned on his heel and quickly exited the tent.

The Embla siblings exchanged worried glances as they chased behind the swordsman together. “You will risk going to your own world?” Veronica called out to Líf’s back. “It’s too dangerous, that gate will be guarded by Askran soldiers, not to mention how unstable it is!”

“Lord Líf, permit me to accompany you on this journey. I am well versed in traveling to other lands, and can be useful in a fight.” Bruno covered his heart as he bowed formally. “It is the least I can do to thank you for helping us.”

Líf adjusted the saddle of his horse as he spoke, fixing the belts and checking the buckles. “I appreciate the offer, but no. I must go alone. If anything were to go wrong there is a chance you would become stuck there as well.” Líf paused, his expression softening as he turned his attention towards Veronica. “I leave Joyce in your care, Princess. Please, keep her safe and warm, speak gently to her. Tell her tales of the old world. Even though she does not appear awake, she is, and can hear what we discuss around her. She will like the company.”

The Princess forced a brave smile, as she clutched her fists. "I promise not to leave her side until you return."

“You seem to have a great understanding of botanicals, and their effects.” Bruno aided Líf climb his mount. “In all the years I have know Alfonse I wasn’t aware he had such an interest.”

Líf pulled at the reins, and sat taller in his saddle. His words were prideful as he recalled a happier time. “In my former life, the Summoner and I spent many a day studying in the Greenhouse. He wanted to explore the remedies of my world, put them to good use. I guess his enthusiasm for the subject rubbed off on me.” Líf sadly looked off in the distance, the memories overwhelming him. “All I ever wanted was to build a better world with David, but in the end I only hurt him. I am no longer welcomed in my own world, however, if there’s a chance I can get what we need from there I must take it.” The swordsman nodded goodbye to the siblings before he whipped the reins, stirring the horse into a gallop through the encampment, speeding towards the one place Líf feared to go the most. Home.


"No One is Lost" - Stars

Chapter 6: No One Is Lost (II)


Lif returns to his own world where he begins to remember his past.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Líf (Alfonse), David (Lif's Past Summoner)
Minor: Volke
Mentioned: Joyce (Summoner)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The winds howled as they whipped over the brushes of the moors, rushing clouds casting unpredictable patches of shadow as they blocked out what was left of the soon to be setting sun’s light. Líf had dismounted early, leaving his horse in the woods, and navigated the moors on foot. A dangerous venture for most. Those who did not know the way would quickly find themselves up to their necks in mud unable to escape on their own, sinking into the darkness... however, he knew the paths to take. He had spent many long days and nights evading capture by Askran soldiers by using the moors as his defense.

Líf climbed the stone staircase that wrapped around the platform towards his home gate. The stone arch held together with timbre scaffolding and a prayer, forever broken and scarred by a battle that took place here not too long ago. The lifeline to his world that wouldn’t take much to sever, forever separating the two realms. Líf cautiously stepped up onto the platform. The only sound was the low ethereal hum of magic that pulsed through the stone. He had expected there to be guards here, but it seems that the Prince of Askr had other plans.

The sound of small rocks breaking off the cliff side and scattering across the stone ground caught his attention, and he turned away from that direction knowing it was just a decoy. Líf braced his stance, and gripped Éljúðnir by its hilt. “Alfonse only sent one to defend the gate?” He snorted, trying to bait his enemy out from hiding. “Fool. An assassin sent to kill that which is already dead?” Líf's eye narrowed into a slit as he scanned the area for movement, or sounds in his blind spot. “I hope they paid you well in advance so you could enjoy your riches before I end you here and now-” He froze as the cold hard touch of steel pushed against his cheek, just under his good eye, threatening to dislodge it with one quick stroke.

The stench of smoke accompanied a deep, snarky voice that mocked him in Líf's ear. “I don’t need to kill you. I just need to limit you. It would be a shame to spend the rest of your long days in the dark.”

Líf gritted his teeth, out of the long list of fears he harbored, returning to a state of darkness was at the top. He slowly unwrapped his fingers around his sword, keeping his tone calm. “An assassin with your reputation wouldn’t hesitate.” Líf questioned out loud, hoping to bargain with the money hungry assassin. “What do you want, Volke?”

“You’re seeking out an antidote for the toxin used on the summoner, correct?” Volke pushed the tip of his dagger piercing the surface of the swordsman's cold skin.

“Yes.” Líf took care not to nod in fear of pushing the dagger deeper.

“Now, the prince paid a pretty penny to make sure you didn’t make it to this gate.” Volke pulled the dagger away and slid it back into his sleeve as he stepped back into the shadows of the cliff side. “However, you seem to have allies in high places who have matched that sum and more. They want to see you succeed in this mission.”

Tension melted into relief as Líf turned to the assassin to know more. “Who?”

“That I can’t tell you.” Volke reached into his jacket and pulled out a vial filled with a white substance, tossing it to Líf. “Here, take this. It’s a larger sample of the poison used than what you will find on the arrow tip, it should speed up your progress on creating an antidote.” Volke pulled out a pipe, the light from the flame illuminating his face as he lit it. “You have until morning before I report back to Askr, and they will send heroes that are not as easily paid off as me.”

Líf examined the vial as he held it up to the light, pinched between his thumb and finger. This would be a huge boon he thought, but the question of who had paid to send it still ate in his mind. “I… don’t know what to say. Thank-” Líf gazed over to where Volke leaned against the cliff only to be faced with wisps of lingering smoke evaporating into nothingness. Volke had already vanished, or at least gone from sight, and Líf turned his sights on the gate.

Tucking the vial into his pocket, he stepped towards the glistening mirrored pool suspended between the stone arches. The last rays of sun turned the magical gate orange and violet before setting below the hillside, and Líf walked through the gate, exiting onto the other side, the gate once again set a flame as the sun rose on the opposite horizon, signaling the start of a new day.

Taking cautious steps across the stone platform of his old world, Líf sadly took in the sights. There were no cliffs or moors, just a field and a long widening road. He felt an air of familiarity, but also like he was a complete stranger to this land. Joyce had brought them all back to save her companion. His gaze rested on a dark blood stain on the stone. A stain that he caused, and it pained him to think about it. Joyce was the one to restore his world, without any checks or balances, and all he did was tear a hole in it. He wanted to kill her for taking his glory, but in the end he only hurt the one person he cared for most. He was no longer the crown Prince of Askr, he was a villain here. A cancer that did not belong, and needed to be cut out.

Faint music and the sound of gravel being crushed under heavy foot falls pulled Líf from his thoughts, and he hurried to find shelter behind a nearby tree. Somewhere to stay out of sight until the danger passed by. to be caught before reaching the greenhouse would surely be the end of this mission.

The music grew louder as the traveler came closer, cresting over the hill and jogging along the gritty road. The runner stopped at the stone gate to catch his breath, and Líf froze. It was his past summoner David that stood before him, pulling up his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face, revealing the gnarly scar Líf had given him the last time they had crossed paths.

Líf felt an ache in his head that he had not felt in a long time as he watched his former friend in silence. The memories of their past bubbling up to the surface of his mind. People, their voices, echoing in his head as each viscus bubble popped like that of a tar pit. The good, the bad, and the event that he had buried so deep in that pit, rising to the top. That night he dared not remember, the night his world had all come collapsing down.

“He shoots! He scores!!” David cheered tossing another crumpled up piece of parchment into the wastebasket. “The crowd goes wild!” He cupped his hands around his mouth, mimicking the roar of a grand coliseum as he spun wildly in his chair. The sounds he made echoed off the glass walls of the Askran greenhouse, mixing with the music that played from some odd device David had brought from his home world. He claimed that the ‘plants would enjoy it.’ when setting it up.

“I take it your current research wasn’t quite a… “slam dunk?” Alfonse smirked, looking up from his paperwork, proud of himself for using a reference of the World of Steel. His summoner had shared so much with him over their year together. David kept nothing back, a true friend through and through, and the prince was grateful for him.

Pushing back his short blonde hair with one hand, David sighed as he crossed the floor of their little study space they had carved out amongst the trees and plant life. Rows of small pots filled with all types of plants lined the walls around them. The summoner walked up to a ball kicking it in such a fashion that it popped up into his arms without bending over. “Nope. Another dead end. Man, I thought I was close too. I just don’t want to go into another flu season like the one we saw last year.” David bit his lip in frustration, and squeezed the ball between both hands. He often spoke of his career in the medical industries, but much of it had gone over Alfonse's head. “Back to the drawing board…But the samples we asked for from Hrid will be arriving from Nifl later this week, so there’s that to look forward to.” He bounced the ball from one hand to the other off the floor, his long summoner’s coat swung back and forth, and the sleeves rolled up exposing the vivid artworks that ran up and down his arms. Stories of his life in a world only the prince could dream about, and he never got sick of hearing David recount the tales.

“You’ll figure it out, you always do! ” Alfonse confidently reminded his summoner, as he turned back to the parchments laid before him. “Why don’t you take a break, go for a walk around the gardens. You just need to get a new perspective.”

“Yeah… Like the perspective of heroes in skimpy swimsuits.” A devilish grin spread across David’s face, and his blue eyes sparkled as he mischievously moved his brows up and down.

Alfonse laughed as he looked up at his friend wagging the end of his pen at the summoner. “You know if you spent as much time practicing your swordsmanship as you do chasing heroes you wouldn’t be stuck in the backlines with that bow of yours.”

“Hey, I like Mr. Pews! And I’m getting pretty good at shooting from horseback!” David snickered standing tall and spinning the ball on one finger.

“Good, that’s progress, because you can’t rely on Breidablik all the time.” The prince stressed, Alfonse was still young, but he excelled in the leadership role, and longed to take charge to grow the Order to become stronger, and by extension the Summoner’s skills. “I still think you should try to improve your close combat abilities. You’ll need them someday.”

“And I think you should work on your social skills!” David was quick to change the subject tossing the ball over his shoulder without a care, he strolled over and straddled his chair rolling up to the prince. “Starting tonight! A few of us are heading down to the hot springs this evening. Wanna join? I promise you will not be disappointed!”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Alfonse shook his head, and rubbed both temples with one hand. “I would hate to hear the rumors about the future King of Askr gallivanting around in his ‘tighty-whities’ at the springs with half-naked heroes.” He sighed as he gazed down at his paperwork, waving his hand above it. “Besides, I want to keep working on this formula reversing the effects of The Rite of Frost. We owe it to Princess Fjorm to try and find a cure for her sickness. She sacrificed so much to help us win the war with Muspell.”

“I know. We’ve never faced anything like that before” David’s face turned stern, remembering their battles in the realm of flame. He shook the negative thoughts from his mind and forced an encouraging grin as he slapped Alfonse on the back. “But don’t worry, we’ll be ready next time!” He quickly stood up tossing his bag over his shoulders. “Sure I can’t change your mind?”

“No. I’m sure.” Alfonse bowed his head, a large part of him wanted to join in the fun, but the hot springs were no place for the future ruler. His father had already chided him for his decision to join the Order of Heroes, and this would just add fuel to the fire. “Have a good night, and I’ll talk to you in the morning-”

“Afternoon?” David interjected with a sly smirk.

“Fine, the afternoon, but promise me you won’t be breaking any hearts. I don’t want any more drama when we meet to go over these tactics-”

“Oh I think you mean when we head out to the summoning stone?”

Alfonse gave a disapproving frown. “David…”

“Come on. You said it yourself that I could use a break.” The summoner pushed to get his way. David always had a way of making his idea sound more appealing than it was. “You could too! Get some fresh air, summon some heroes, maybe have a picnic? You can still do those, right? You can show me some sword moves too! Call it a training session!”

“Okay, okay!” Alfonse laughed as he threw up his arms in defeat, pointing the end of his pen again at his friend. “But only after we’ve gone over those battle notes I want to get through.”

“Deal!” The summoner quickly agreed, striding for the exit before the prince would be able to change his mind. “See you later Alf-igator! Don’t stay up too late!” David called out with a lazy wave as he escaped down the hallway.

Alfonse continued to work late into the night, his mind pouring over the knowledge he held about the ancient gods and their rites. Seeking answers but only to come up with more and more questions about Fjorm’s illness. If only there was a way to ask these gods themselves the prince pondered as he nodded off in his chair.

A commotion in the hallway startled Alfonse awake, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. How long had he been asleep for? He wondered, noting the lantern on his desk had burnt itself out, leaving him with only the full moon shining above as his only source of light. Staring up at the moon he determined it had to be past two in the morning, another shout from the hall, no, several shouts, and the sound of weapons shook him from his drowsy thoughts. It sounded like there was a battle taking place just outside the greenhouse. Alfonse’s blood ran cold as his world began to make sense again, and he ran to the exit to the greenhouse.

Alfonse gasped as his boot slid out from under him, and caught the frame of the door to steady himself. He looked down to see the stone floors slick with blood, and the prince gazed down the hallway. To his horror, bodies slumped along the walls and across the floor. Alfonse eyes widened in disbelief, and the sound of whimpering came from a soldier that sat, leaning against the wall nearby. The prince rushed over crutching down besides the young man, his wounds too massive for any healer to fix. The soldier was in shock as he stared at the gaping hole in his gut, trying to push back the intestines that spilled out to his side. Alfonse grabbed his bloody hand holding it in his to try and comfort the dying man. “What’s happening?”

The young soldier gazed up at Alfonse with tears in his eyes, recognizing the prince in an instant. “My Lord? Run! You must escape!” The young man clutched Alfonse’s hand harder. “The Realm of the Dead has invaded Askr!”

“Realm of the Dead?” Alfonse repeated in confusion, the sounds of battle started up again further down the castle corridors. “Where’s my father?” He shook the soldier in a panic as the young man grew quiet. “Where’s the King?!”

“The King, and Queen… both…It’s too late… The castle… has fallen…” The soldier’s eyes rolled around unsure what to focus on as his hand found his wound again and became still as he spoke his last words. “Askr belongs to the dead...And we all go to join them.”

“No…” Alfonse whispered, his fear taking hold, his chest becoming tight. The wails of the living being extinguished, mixed with the howls of the damned. “David…” The prince’s eyes widened as he snatched the sword that lay beside the deceased soldier. “Hold on, I’m coming!”

Alfonse charged through the castle hallways, running through any undead enemies he came upon with his sword. He ran from wing to wing with only the nightmare of finding his country men dead, and the castle crawling with the undead. Alfonse Busted violently through their lines with just his sheer determination to make it to the Order’s barracks and find his Summoner and his friends alive.

Covered in sweat and debris, the cold air of the night itched Alfonse’s cheek, and he finally arrived at the barracks. The prince groaned as rushed at the undead guards that stood outside the front doors, knocking the first one down and stomping the heel of his boot down, breaking its skull. He then rammed the tip of his sword between the other guard's ribs, and twisted the weapon in every angle, cracking the bones as much as he could, and grabbing it’s grotesque face, smashing it against the stonewall of the building, snuffing them out for a second time. Alfonse's chest burned as he heaved for breath, forcing his aching body to continue forward in the Order's main hallway, unlatching the heavy wooden door and pushing it open.

The room was quiet and still. Alfonse felt his stomach turn as the stench of blood hit him. The moon light from the front door flooded the space, revealing the large amount of scattered bodies, belonging to the heroes he had grown so close to, that laid between the massive stone columns. The sight was overwhelming. Alfonse clenched his teeth, and his eyes burned as he held back tears, slowly making his way through the twisted armor and weapons, the floor pool in blood. “No, no, no…” He muttered softly as his heart skipped a beat when he finally spotted what he dreaded most. David’s Summoner’s coat continued to shine in the darkness, and Alfonse's sword hit the floor as the tears spilled over Alfonse's cheeks as he stood over his dead friend in disbelief.

Alfonse's brief moment of mourning was quickly cut short as screams coming from the barracks center courtyard cut through the silence like a hot knife, and he rushed to see who it was. If he could save at least one person from this nightmare tonight then the pain would be worth living through, the prince told himself as he limped towards the courtyard, using the sword to steady his steps.

“Death comes for us all.” A tall gaunt, old woman held Sharena up by the collar of her night gown, dropping the princess like an unloved doll that she wanted to throw away. “There’s no point in keeping the location of the crown prince from me.” Hel, The Sovereign of Hel mused nonchalantly, lowering the edge of her scythe and slipping it under the princess’s chin, lifting Sharena's eyes to meet her cold gaze. “Your fate has already been decided, would you rather not have some close company on your journey?”

“Monster!” Sharena wailed through choked sobs, digging his fingers into the soft soil beneath her. “Even if I knew, I would never tell you where my brother is!”

“Foolish girl, can’t you see you’ve already lost?” Hel snorted, looking down her long pale nose at the princess. “It’s really just a question of how much time it will take for the end to consume you. How much pain can you endure until it's over?”

“Stop!” Alfonse called out as he reached the courtyard, his last shred of hope for the future reignited by the sight of his sister. “Please, let Sharena go.” He begged, exhausted from the fighting. “I’ll give you whatever you want!”

“Alfonse, no!” Sharena cried out not wanting to bargain with someone who could be so cruel. She turned to her brother, her eyes becoming wide when Hel brought her scythe down on the princess, taking her out with one swipe of the blade. princess's body slumped over with a soft thud on the ground, her cries forever silenced.

“S-Sharena?!” Alfonse froze, his body trembled uncontrollably, he had only enough for one last tear to shed for his sister. “Why would you do that?” He whimpered, too tired to comprehend what was happening. “I was ready to give you anything…”

“Don’t you know? It’s you that I want.” Hel smirked as she strolled towards the prince, pinching his face with her long spindle fingers. “It’s your pain, Alfonse, your suffering, your anger that I truly want.”

Alfonse felt the ground under his feet growing soft, he tried to step away only to find he could no longer move his feet. The world melted beneath him and before his very eyes, turning into black tar that oozed from some unseen location, and he was going to drown it.

Holding his head in place, Hel forced him to look at her as she continued to speak, he tone unwavering. “That delicious sick feeling that only comes from a pure heart becoming utterly hopeless.”

Hel’s eyes bore down on Alfonse, and she dug her fingers into the soft flesh of his cheeks, ripping his skin apart. His cries of pain were replaced by spattered gasps as blood filled his mouth. The agony blinded the prince as he felt his body further sinking into the world around him. Hel’s voice only echoing in his mind as his last breath left his body, and he lay motionless, suspended in the darkness that encased him.

“I will feed off your mortal wounds as they fester, and the flesh rots from your bones. Until you only know madness, and malice rules your mind. Only then will you be born into death, rising as my General. My servant, and you will walk the world again, you will have your chance for vengeance.”

His eyes burned as they opened again, and he had no idea for how long he had been in that state of decay. Days, months, years most likely. He stepped out from the darkness, and looked down at the body he no longer recognized. He felt nothing but hate for those who stood in his way, and he rose with new determination to restore what he lost.

Hel stood waiting for her newly risen General, welcoming him to her army, and offering him a deal. “A chance to take it all back again only if you can balance the cohort of the dead, Líf.”

Líf reached out and lent on the tree for support, his focus returning to the present, and the ache in his head began to subside. His eye burned, and he touched his cheek. A tear? He stared at his wet finger tip in confusion. His gaze raising to find David standing only a few feet away, wearing a worried expression on his face. Líf clenched his fist and looked away in shame. “I’m so sorry-”

“Don’t be.” David sternly told him, quickly striding over and throwing his arms around the large swordsman pulling him close and embracing him tightly as he could. “Welcome back buddy.”


"Murder in My Mind" - Kordhell

Chapter 7: No One Is Lost (III)


Lif and David reconnect, until they are found out by Lif's sister.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Líf, David (Lif's Past Summoner) Sharena (Lif's sister)
Mentioned: Joyce (Summoner) Alfonse


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“You do not… resent me for what I have done?” Líf felt the words catch in his throat, the embrace of his former summoner overwhelming.

“Bro? No worries, 'twas but a flesh wound! It’s all good.” David jested with an easy smile, his lighthearted attitude turning serious as he scanned the area for others suspiciously, and pulled Líf back behind the tree. “But, you really shouldn’t be here. We were informed of your escape and everyone is on the lookout. The happy reunion is going to have to wait until the heat dies down.”

“I can’t leave yet, I must get to the greenhouse.” Líf shook his head, touching it softly, a dull ache lingering within.

“The greenhouse?” David’s brows stitched together in worry. “What for?”

“Summer’s Sun Fruit.”

“Summer’s Sun?!” he took a step back in surprise. “That’s used to counter the side effects Cold-Stone Vipers Venom. Which wouldn’t affect you. Did something else happen?”

“Yes, Joyce has been poisoned with the toxin.” Líf produced the small vial from his pocket that Volke gave him. “And I only have twelve hours before I must return to her world with the antidote.”

“Joycie needs help?!” David’s eyes widened into saucers, and a look of determination washed over him as he snatched the vial from Líf’s hand, and shoved it into the pockets of his running shorts, trudging off towards the gravel road he had run up from. “Then what are we standing around here for, let’s go, there's no time to lose!”

“‘Joycie’?” Líf rolled the nickname over his tongue in surprise as he caught up with David with his long strides. “I didn’t know you two were close.”

"Pffft. We're not!" David’s face twisted in embarrassment, and he backpedaled quickly, trying to act casual. "I just… owe her one, you know.” David shook off the comment with a shrug, changing the subject as they continued down the road. The morning sun climbing higher in the sky. “Why didn’t you just get the fruit from the greenhouse in her Askr anyways?”

“Alfonse and the Summoner are no longer on good terms, and we have no access to Askr’s resources. Joyce is currently in the care of Princess Veronica on the borderlands.”

“Oh no.” David grimaced, picking up his pace. “Alfonse found out about Bruno, didn’t he? That explains why my plans to visit were canceled at the last minute. I assumed it was because of your jailbreak!”

“You knew about Joyce breaking the Alfaðör laws?” Líf raised a quizzical brow. “I thought you said you weren't close.”

“Well we hung out once not too long ago, but nothing special happened!” He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. “Had a good workout session with Bruno, saved Joyce from drowning in the canal. We had a heart to heart, no biggie!”

“But you’re not close, got it.” Líf chuckled as he teased his old friend, falling back into their same old banters.

“What? It was the least I could do after she brought me and this whole world back!” David threw out his arms stressing his point, his laughter trailing off to easy silence, both enjoying the moment until David continued softly. “Actually, I was visiting to check up on you.”

“You were?”

“Yup. I made a deal, well, more like a trade with Alfonse. I would share some of my medical research with him in exchange for a meeting with you.”

“I don’t remember you coming.” Their pace slowed to a crawl as they spoke.

“Really? Can you recall how long you were in prison for?”

“I remember being out in the woods, and then coming to when Joyce came to make a request of me about a week ago.”

“Alf, you were in that cell for almost a year...”

“That… can’t be.” Líf’s eye widened as he look at David with disbelief.

“That’s what I figured. At first I just assumed you were ignoring me, but the longer you were quiet the more I came to realize something was off. Like literally turned off.” David continued to press for more answers, his mind always trying to work out and try to understand the world around him. “How long have your episodes been going on for? Blacking out like you just did this morning under the tree.”

“I’m not too sure. Time has little meaning to me now.” Líf glanced up at the boundless sky as he tried to gather his thoughts. He had a suspicion that there was something going on with him, but it was hard to gauge exactly what it was on his own. “If I had to take a guess, sometime before coming here and seeing you and this world again.”

David grew quiet and led them off the road, and into the brushes of the gardens that trail to the back of the castle. “What happens during blackouts?”

“Mostly I just wake up and continue on like nothing has happened. Other times it’s like a dream, but instead of fantastical adventures, I am reliving memories. Like my past life is leaking into my present.” Líf gritted his teeth as felt a twinge of pressure in his head when he recalled the scenes. “What do you think it is?”

David blew air out his cheeks, with a defeated shrug. “If I had to take a guess, it’s gotta be something neurological, if that’s even a thing that still works...” He gave a sincere chuckle as he pat Líf on the back. “I’ll be honest, my field of expertise hasn’t ever included the undead before. I tend to try and help my patients stay pretty alive. So I’m not sure what advice I can give you, but I’m a pretty good listener if you want to talk about it!”

“I’ll keep that in mind... No pun intended.” Líf half-joked, happy to have David by his side again, even if it was only for a few hours.

David met Líf’s gaze with a smile of his own, changing the dark subject as they made their way through the gardens and towards the greenhouse. “So, how did you bust out of prison?”

“Joyce set me free in exchange for the delivery of her letter to Veronica, informing the Princess of Bruno’s existence in their world.”

“Ah, she used a good old fashioned guilt trip to help Bruno.” David shoved his hands in his pockets, checking to make sure the vial was still there. “Not going to lie, I’m surprised you followed through. I thought you and Joyce hated each other.”

“I am still contracted to my Summoner, regardless of how I feel.”

“That sounds like the simple answer, but not the whole one.”

“The truth is the friendship between Joyce and I has never been on solid ground.” Líf explained sadly, recalling past events with the Summoner. “We both selfishly used each other to get what we wanted, only to end up hurting one another in the end.”

“Then why help her?”

“Joyce had no one else. She said she was alone, and I know what that’s like. She was the only one who tried to help me when I was alone, so I want to do the same. Besides, I have nowhere else to go. Eir watches over The Realm of the Dead with the aid of Order ever since Ganglöt fell, and I am not welcomed here. I have no interest in wandering the worlds aimlessly for the rest of my days.” Líf paused looking up at the tall glass walls of the greenhouse not much further in the distance. Joyce had carved him out a place there, trying to make him feel like he belonged, and he had let her down. “She always believed I could do good with the time I had, that I had a place in her world even as I am now, but Old habits die hard, and I broke her trust. She once thought I could change, and I want to prove to her I can now. Like it or not, my fate and hers are intertwined, much like ours were in the past here. There will always be a part of me that is bound to Joyce, that still wants to follow her, and still cares for her wellbeing.”

“Yeah,” David smiled softly as he sighed, lost in his own thoughts. “same…”

“Oh?” Líf raised a suspicious brow, beginning to suspect something more going on than what was being told.

“What?” David’s face flushed red as he tried to dodge the question as he pointed to the side of the greenhouse, and jogged down the hill. “Here we go! One of the window panes was broken wide open, and they haven’t fixed it yet.”

“I wonder how that happened.” Líf’s eye narrow in suspension in David’s direction.

“Darn kids again.” He laughed nervously as he pushed back the hedges to revealed the hole, broken glass scattered around the ground. “Must have busted it while tossing their ball around in the garden!”

Líf snorted, and followed David into the greenhouse. “I feel like I have heard this story before when the window to my office was broken...”

Líf stared down at the notes he was working on about the Rite of Frost still lying on the desk covered in a layer of dust. A wasted endeavor, he thought to himself, now that he knew the truth. The frost god’s curse was only lifted by the one who placed it. Líf snorted as he nudged the broken pottery shard with his boot, glancing around his old workspace in a neglected state. David had admitted that he didn’t have the heart to work in the space, and decided to move his apothecary upstairs to the loft he had built directly above, blocking out the majority of the light that used to filter through the trees above, and entombing their old life in shadows. A sad monument to the last prince of Askr.

The sound of music drifted down from the loft above, with the soft tapping of David foot as he worked on the antitoxin for Joyce. It shouldn’t take much longer Líf thought as he continued to wait below, trying to stay out of sight. Líf inhaled deeply, the scent of life was always sweetest in the greenhouse, and it relaxed his mind. He had looked at the dried and dying plants that lined the wall, and could tell that there was an attempt to keep them alive, but some of the more picky specimens were not receiving the attention, or light, they truly required.

Líf spent his afternoon tending to them as he waited, trying to restore them to their past glory. Repotting each one with fresh soil, trimming, pruning, and pinching off dried leaves, and properly watering or mist them with his old atomizer. Taking extra time when he came across a particular plant that had taken root in the middle of the room. One of his favorites, Askr’s Beacon. A small tree-like shrub, with small flowers that only opened in the at night, the soft white petals would illuminate its surroundings and many travelers planted it along trails to avoid getting lost at night. Líf had spent a large part of a year cultivating a grand version of it, and many city folk would come at night to see it bloom during a full moon. He touched the closed flowers on the branches and wished he could see them open again. Líf considered taking one of the clippings of the plant, and trying to grow a second one somewhere in the woods once he had returned. He had not come across many of them in Joyce’s Askr, which always pained him a little bit.

“Okay, let’s go!” David called out from above, pulling Líf from his daydream as he bounded down the stairs, pulling on a parka, and throwing a knapsack over his shoulder. “If we leave now we can get to Joyce’s world before the sun sets here.” He tapped his wrist watch, holding it up to his ear. “Which means we will have a couple hours before the sun rises there, giving us the cover of darkness to get to the Embla encampment.”

“You plan to return with me?” Líf watched as David ransacked the space, shoving more equipment into his bag, and random items into the side pockets of his cargo pants, and large jacket.

“Yeah! I love you buddy, but there’s no way I’m trusting you to administer this antidote to her. I've tweaked it a bit so it will work faster, but tt takes practice to use even in my world, there’s no way you’re doing it correctly here on the first go! It’s out of your depth.”

“You shouldn’t have done that.” Líf grunted, David had a habit of creating and using methods from his own world, leaving the rest of them in the dark. A factor that probably seemed appealing to Joyce’s Alfonse hence why the prince was so willingly to make a deal with David. Giving him the freedom to come and go as he pleases. “I’m afraid if you align yourself with us, Askr will consider you an enemy.”Líf shook his head, making sure David knew there would be consequences to his actions. “Alfonse will take away your privileges.”

“Bro, my privileges are already toast. What more can he do-” David’s words trail off when he comes face to face with Queen Sharena, blocking his path. She was wearing a scowl on her face, and her arms crossed as she stared daggers in their direction. “sh*t…” He cursed under his breath, his bag sliding off his shoulders.

Sharena frowned as she held up a letter. “I just received word warning me I might find you two here.” Her golden crown, and bright, streamlined white gown caught what little light still filtered in the room as she stepped inside, the only sound in the hushed space was the click of her heels as she walked. “Does anyone care to explain what’s going on, and why my peaceful countryside is crawling with Askran soldiers from a different world?”

“S-Sharena-” David stuttered only to be quickly shutdown.

“Not you.” Sharena snapped as she put up her hand silencing the ex-summoner, her glare never once leaving Líf. “Why are you here? You were forbidden to ever return to this world.”

Líf looked upon his little sister fondly. She had matured to be a great ruler, and he kneeled before her, lowering his head, and recognizing their positions now. “My Queen, the summoner of my… current world, requires medical treatment that can only be found in Askr.” Líf kept his gaze low, and his tone respectful. “The Askr of her world will not give us aid-”

“Yes, yes. I know. Get up!” Sharena gave a sassy snort as she folded her arms again. “Prince Alfonse has explained it all in this letter. I have half a mind to put you both in the blockade for dragging me into this. What Joyce has done is a serious offense!”

Líf slowly climbed to his feet, his gaze continued downward. “I do not deserve your mercy.” His brows stitched in pain as he recalled how Hel had snuffed out Sharena’s life right in front of him. “I let you down-”

“Hush now. Look at me.” Sharena's tone was soft as she reached up and latched her fingers on to the armor that covered his face, forcing him to meet her concerned eyes that was paired with a bittersweet smile. “When did you become so tall, brother? You promised we would grow together.”

“Sharena…” His sister's name caught in his throat as she embraced him, her warmth radiating through his cold bones, filling him with a long lost feeling.

“Wait?” David fearfully asked, clutching his bag like a shield. “You’re not mad?”

“Mad? No. I’m livid!” Sharena quickly stepped towards the ex-summoner, flicking him on the forehead. “Once again your shenanigans are threatening my peace, David!” Sharena huffed as she straightened her flawless gown. “However, Joyce needs our help, and I have never been one to turn my back on someone who is fighting for what I believe are the right values.”

David grimace, as he rubbed the red welt on his head. “So, you’re letting us go? Or...”

“Even so, it’s too dangerous.” Líf sighed as he glanced up at the sun, its rays flashing through the lofty branches of the greenhouse trees. “I have run out of time sooner than expected, and we will not be able to get past those soldiers at the gate on our own.”

“Oh just leave them to me!” A cunning smirk grew across Sharena's face, as she placed her hands on her hips proudly. “Just because we no longer have the Order of Heroes, doesn’t mean Anna and I can’t still put up a fight!”

“If you can get us to the gate, we can lose them in the moors on the other side.” Líf began to strategize out loud.

“Sounds like a plan.” David nodded, throwing his backpack on again. “Just let me grab Mr. Pews and I’ll be good to go!”

“You still refer to your bow by that name?” Líf’s shoulders rolled forward, and shook his head in disappointment.

“What?” David scrunched up his nose in offense. “Everyone gets a cool weapon with a name. Why shouldn’t I?”

“A weapon’s name is sacred. It is earned through trial and tribulations, and is passed down over the ages.” Líf folded his arms as he lectured. “You can’t just wake up and name some random equipment that was assigned to you from the training yard shed.”

“Ah, excuse me. Every weapon has to start somewhere!” David scoffed, turning up his nose. “Just because you weren't the first to use ‘Arcane… Engineer, or whatever it’s called, doesn't mean I can’t start my own legacy!” David smirked as he stood his ground “Mr. Pews will be used by some great hero one day, you’ll see!”

Líf rolled his eye, his tone thick with sarcasm.. “Oh yes, I’m sure there isn’t a hero in Zenith that wouldn’t be thrilled to wield a bow called Mr. Pews…”

Sharena tried and failed to stifle giggle by covering her lips. “It warms my heart to see you two reunited again.” She took a hand of each of them into her own. “I do hope we will see each other again, but the reality is that there is a chance that Prince Alfonse will destroy the gate in retaliation. David, you hide your feelings well, however I know where your thoughts have been as of late, but are you sure it is worth the risk of being cut off from this world?”

“Yeah, I want to help any way I can.” David nodded bravely, with a sparkle in his eyes. “Besides, the whole peace thing is getting a bit… dull, no offense.“

“None taken. You are a tactician through and through.” Sharena laughed again. “But, be sure to pack what is important to you then.”

Líf shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have much time…”

“It’s okay.” David quickly scanned the room, his eyes lighting up and snatching one of the clippings Líf had made from the Askr’s Beacon, wrapping it up in a damp cloth. “A little piece of home, to light our way!”

“Here, And I want you to take this.” Sharena pulled at a chain from around her neck, lifting it off and over her head. At the end, their father’s large golden ring, and she placed it delicately into Líf’s hand, closing his fingers around it. “It’s too big for me.”

“Your Highness…” Líf was at a loss for words as he gazed down at the ring he thought he would never see again.

Sharena pulled Líf into her arms again, resting her head on his shoulder. “In return I want you to always consider yourself a part of this family. I’ll always be your sister, Alfonse, and you are welcomed here.”

“Thank-you… Sharena, I will never forget this.” He felt his eye burn again, a strange sensation he dare not will away, or question how one of his state could produce a tear. All Líf knew was he had found love again, and he didn't want to let go of it again. “Wherever I end up, I vow to work towards upholding your values for the rest of my days.”

“Aw, you guys!” David groaned as he threw his own arms around the two. "The gang's back together!"

“Enough!” Sharena cried, pushing away. “You don’t want to make your Queen cry before a battle. It's bad luck.” Sharena wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand, sniffing back tears as she composed herself, a determined look flashing in her eyes and she held up a clenched fist. “Come now, it’s time for our god-dragon, Askr, to choose which side he is on!”


"Turn Up The Love" - Far East Movement Ft. Cover Drive

Chapter 8: No One Is Lost (IV)


Bruno and Veronica watch over the Summoner as they wait for Lif's return.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Veronica, Bruno (from another world)
Minor: Joyce (Summoner)
Mentioned: Lif, Alfonse, Sharena


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The soft glow of the lantern light flickered violently off the tent’s inner walls as a moth dared to fly too close to its flame. The low hiss of its small life being snuffed out falling on deaf ears, the Emblian royals too consumed within their own tasks that night as they waited for Líf to return to their encampment with news of his progress.

‘And when I awake I will fight by your side. No contracts required.’ The lonely princess told the Divine Dragon before she went to slumber, and the Divine Dragon promised the princess that she would be there when that day came. The End.” Veronica sighed as she closed the heavy book, sliding her slender fingers across the leather cover. The princess had known the story from front to back, but it always sadden her when it came to the end. Veronica knelt beside the Summoner as she laid in her cot. Seemingly asleep, but awake, trapped by paralysis. The princess kept her promise to Líf to keep Joyce company, reading to her all night, and talking to her softly. The princess reached over and placed her hand on the summoner’s, whispering so only the summoner could hear. “Just like I will stay by your side when you awake soon.”

Veronica forced a brave smile, trying not to look at the sands of time that fell in the hourglass. It was well past midnight now, and she was growing uneasy with each minute that dragged on, the General of Hel and the antidote nowhere in sight. If Líf did not return by dawn the princess would have no choice but to return Joyce to Askr. It would be selfish to keep the Summoner in this state any longer, even though the idea of doing so to cripple the Order, and level the playing field between the two nations had crossed her mind. Veronica pushed such political thoughts from her mind, and began to tug at Joyce’s wool blanket, tucking her further in to keep her warm on that cold night as she hummed her favorite ballad from her childhood.

“Like the heroes from the pages. Like the stories of the ages.” Bruno sang the lyrics rhythmically to the tune the princess started. Surprising the young woman from her thoughts.

“You remember?!” Veronica turned quickly where she knelt, wide-eyed and astonished.

“Of course.” Bruno smirked as he checked the vessel of water he had set over a flame to boil. “The heroes of Elyos have always held a special place in your heart.”

“I thought the Summoner might enjoy listening to a few of their tales.” Her eyes gazed fondly on the leather bound book resting in the cot.

“I’m sure she does. As do I.” Bruno nodded proudly as he spooned dried leaves into a small pot, and poured the hot water over them. He placed each cup carefully on a silver platter and lifted it as he turned to Veronica. The familiar sounds and aromas put the princess at ease. “Tea?”

“Yes, thank you.” Veronica pushed herself to her feet, taking a seat at the small table nearest Joyce’s side. She watched Bruno lay the tray in front of her, taking the seat on the opposite side, crossing his legs, and leaning back in the chair with a long sigh. Suffering from fatigue after their long day, they waited for the leaves to steep, releasing its blessed caffeine which they both yearned for to fight their exhaustion. Veronica found the longer she spent with this version of Bruno the harder it was to separate him from her true brother, and she found herself confessing thoughts she would normally have kept to herself. “The truth is, I figured that if Joyce knew their stories she might be able to summon them to Zenith someday… so I may meet them in person.”

“If that is your goal, then you are correct, this would help.” Bruno reassured her. He had spent much of his early life within the Askran borders, and knew their stories well. Veronica’s brother never spoke to her about his time there, and by the time she came to know the truth of his past it was too late, and her brother was gone. Unable to share what she desired to know. What was it like to live in the land of openness, their people, their values. Alfonse, and Sharena, what were they like when they were younger? And as if Bruno could sense the questions that lingered on her mind the prince began to share without any persuasion. “The Askran Archive has a vast collection of hero legends and epics from many different worlds. Many scholars can happily spend their lives pouring over their tales. I think you would rather like it in the library. If the tales of old are true, and the heroes that are called to Zenith are tied to the Summoner’s heart desires, then I don’t think it hurts to nudge Joyce in the right direction, and introduce her to new stories and people." Bruno paused his tone turning serious. "It has been centuries since Embla has hosted a Summoner within their borders, you stand on the cusp of new age. A chance to usher in a fresh beginning for this nation, do not shy away from your role, as Imperial Princess. It is not any less important than Prince Alfonse’s. It will be up to you to educate Joyce moving forward.”

“It has always been my dream to have the Summoner with me at Castle Embla.” Veronica rubbed the palm of her hand and cast her sights downward at the empty teacup. “I am nervous I will not be able to do her justice since our resources are so little compared to Askar's.”

“You will be an excellent guide. I have spent the last few months living under the same roof of the summoner’s humble home. Joyce may seem odd at first, but she has a kind heart, and so do you. You two will get along just fine.”

A smile crept across Veronica's lips. “I do hope that Joyce will be willing to share more about herself with me too. I look forward to hearing stories from her world!” The princess gasped as she caught herself and looked away. Embarrassed for entertaining such a whimsical idea, and she tried to cover her pale cheeks as they flushed a rosy pink. “I’m sorry, you must think I'm a fool for holding on to such childish fantasies still.”

A delighted chuckle escaped Bruno as he looked on with admiration. “Not at all. You always had a difficult time making friends, and it brings me so much joy to see you opening yourself up to others.” Bruno’s smile faded as he looked down at his lap, pressing his chin into his neck, shame etched across his face as he fingers fiddled with one another. “I’m the one that should be apologizing for placing you in this situation. I’m afraid that because of me there is now a wedge between Embla and Askr.”

“No, it was my choice to respond to Joyce’s call for aid.” Veronica shook her head in disagreement, leaning forward in her seat as she stood by her decision. “And I do not regret it one bit.”

“Do not think me ungrateful for all that you have done, Princess, but… why did you choose this path?” Bruno’s brow arched as he glanced at the princess from the corner of his eye, his tone conflicted. “It is one that not even the pure-hearted Prince would tread.”

“Because, I did not want your sister to suffer the loss of her brother like I did.” Veronica answered confidently. She had no doubts about the course of the actions she took that day. “My brother sacrificed his life to gain the upper-hand in the war with Embla, and gave me the only cure known for this curse of ours. I know that you would do the same.”

“Yes.” Bruno pursed his lips as he gazed at seemingly nothing, drawing in a deep breath as he steeled himself. “I have read the historian’s summary of the past war that occurred here. I am prepared to pay the ultimate price-”

“It was selfish of him!” The princess brashly cut him off, raising her voice for the first time since they had met, and startling the prince. Veronica frowned as she continued, her brow knitted in disapproval. “Bruno spent his whole life searching for a cure, and threw it all away for a quick fix without any thought about the grief he would cause for those who cared for him the most. I will never forgive him for making that decision for me.” Veronica spat, before trying to regain her composure, her words spilling out from an open wound that had not healed.

Bruno stared wide-eyed silently as he let the young woman speak her mind. It wasn’t just her hair, or her clothes that had been changed over the last year, this Veronica had grown in experience and confidence. Striving to be a better ruler, and friend, to others around her.

The princess nodded her head as she gazed upon the summoner in the room. “Joyce is on the right track. If you stay here in our world for the duration of the war in your world with Embla, the God of Closure will not be able to possess you. Leaving your sister to be the one to administer the Yggdrasill key like I did. The outcome will be the same, save for the fact that your life will be spared.”

“But then I will be left with this curse on my own…” The words caught in Bruno's throat as his voice cracked, his strong façade fell away and was replaced by his insecurities. “I grow weary of these intrusive thoughts.”

Veronica leapt to her feet, trying to fight back her own tears. To see Bruno in such pain, broke her heart, and she fell to her knees in front of him, clinging to his legs as she sobbed into his lap. “If you are strong enough to end your life for someone you value, then you are strong enough to fight off these demons for the same reason!” She cried, tears wetting the tops of his knees as she pleaded. “You can spend the rest of your days in Embla, and away from the Askran bloodline. Stay by your sister’s side and guide her. It’s all Veronica has ever wanted!” Veronica sniffed quietly, trying to close the flood gate she had briefly allowed open. “Your sister needs you to live, Bruno. I need you…”

“Veronica…” Bruno had never seen his sister so emotional before. The difference between this Veronica and the one of his world was like night and day, and he lovingly caressed her head to comfort her. His heart filled with the hope that he might still have a chance to see his own sister this way too someday. Free of her enclosure and curse.

“Please, if you give us a chance, I vow I will continue your search for another cure.” Veronica turned her head up, her cheeks irritated by months of pent up tears. “Joyce, the heroes she summons, are my friends now as well. I know they will help too. My brother gave me this life so I may help you.” Veronica hugged Bruno’s legs harder, her face filling with determination. “Please do not let my brother's sacrifice be for nothing...”

“I can not deny a heartfelt request from my sister, even if we are not of the same world.” Bruno bowed his head respectfully, and placed his hand over his beating heart. “I do not want your sacrifice, here and now, to be in vain either. I will do as you ask, as long as it does not put others in harm's way.” He kindly smiled as he watched relief wash over the princess, her tense shoulders that carried the world relaxing as her grip softened. Bruno picked up his napkin and dabbed Veronica’s swollen cheeks. “Now, please, dry your eyes, sister. The tea is growing cold.”

“Yes, brother.” Veronica replied naturally, without a thought. The tired princess allowing Bruno to guide her back to her feet and into her seat again.

“Would you like to hear a story?” Bruno forced a brave smile, and broke the melancholy quiet as he poured black tea into each of their cups. “Perhaps the tale of the two Elyos princesses that went camping? It was your favorite if I recall correctly.”

“Oh yes.” As if breaking from a daydream, Veronica watched her brother fondly, the realization that all her hopes and dreams were just within her grasp. She only had to reach out and take the opportunity presented to her. “However, if I may make a second request for something different?”

“Of course! What would you like to hear?”

“Can you tell me stories about your time spent in Askr?” A joy swept across Veronica’s face, excited to hear something new, something that was once forbidden. “I wish to know more about Princess Sharena, and Prince Alfonse’s childhood. This subject was never one you were able to discuss with me before.”

“I would be delighted and honored to share those tales with you, sister, and I think the Summoner might enjoy them too.” Bruno nodded towards Joyce, more than happy to oblige, and indulged the princess’s every whim again just like their younger days. “Where shall I start?”

Veronica raised her teacup up to her face as she closed her eyes, allowing the strong aromas to wash her away like they had always done in the past. “From the beginning, as always.”


"We Used to Wait" - Arcade Fire

Chapter 9: No One Is Lost (V)


David and Lif attempt to get back to Joyce with the anti-toxin.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: David (Lif's Summoner), Lif, Alfonse
Minor: Queen Sharena (Lif's Sister), Commander Anna (Lif's Anna)
Mentioned: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Okay folks! This is it!” Anna heaved her axe over her shoulder and into the ground. The blade of Nóatún sinking into the soft earth. The commander hopped upon a tree stump to announce her next orders to the soldiers she led that evening. “The Askran army isn’t going to make their move until they see their target.” She swung her arm and pointed at Líf without looking at him. “And when they do, that’s when we will block their advancement! Our goal is to ensure that David and Al- Líf make it through the gate unharmed, and then we can keep them busy as long as we can!” Anna punched her fist with her other hand, gripping it tight as she ground it into her palm with a devilish grin. The excitement of a long lost battle pumping her up.

Sharena paced in front of Anna gripping her lance, Fensalir. Her long regal cape trailing behind as the polished metal crown she wore caught the light. “Tighten your green arm bands to make sure they do not fall off.” The Queen of Askr addressed the soldiers, reaching over and testing the green cloth on the nearest recruit with a tug. “It’s our only way of knowing who is friend, and who is foe.”

“Right. Squad one is with me. Let’s move out!” Anne stepped down from the stump, picking up Nóatún’s handle and swinging it over her shoulder with a grunt. She turned and eyed the soldiers over where her weapon rested. “Remember, as far as they know we are just here to escort the Queen for her rendezvous with their captain. They do not expect a fight, but they won’t back down once things kick off!”

The sun sat low in the sky that was streaked orange and pink, the blazing orb getting ready to say it's farewell for the day, and tuck-in below the horizon. The small group of soldiers followed their Commander down the gravel path that led to the gate between their world and the other. A buzz of anticipation lingering in the air, born warriors, living in a time of peace was no life at all, and many of them were eager to feel a clash of weapons against each other outside of the training yard once more.

“Feels like old times, doesn’t it?” David mused, his sights set ahead of him. A quiver of arrows strapped under his backpack, and a longbow gripped in his hand.

“Yes.” Líf agreed, the disgraced Askran prince and his fallen summoner walking side by side again. “But don’t let your guard down. You haven’t seen a battle since the Silent Dragon of Valla restored you and this world. The heroes you will encounter in Joyce’s Order are stronger than the ones we led before Hel’s invasion. Do not underestimate them.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen a few of them sparring during some friendly matches on my visits.” David let out a long sigh, and tilted his gaze towards the empty sky as he recalled his time in the other world. “To be honest, I felt a bit clueless. I didn’t even recognize half of them.”

“Just stay close, and follow my lead.” Líf watched David from the corner of his eye as they continued to march. “If things go downhill, promise me you won’t be a hero. You’ll retreat back to Anna, and Sharena.”

David scrunched up his nose with disapproval, choosing not to respond. His hand unconsciously touching his satchel, the contents of the bag forefront of mind.

Líf stopped, leading David off the path a few feet. “I know you want to help Joyce. You feel like you owe her for seeking out Anankos and convincing the First Dragon to bring you back, but you were given a second chance to live your life, the worst that will happen to Joyce is Veronica is forced to concede to Alfonse’s wishes.” He tried to speak common sense to his old friend.

The former summoner watched the soldiers march past them as he unenthusiastically shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Yeah, yeah of course.” David muttered, blowing off Líf’s warning.

“David...” Líf growled, reaching for his friend's shoulder to grip his friend’s attention, something he had not done in years. The overwhelming sense to protect the former summoner returning to Líf. “I don’t want you to lose your life again. This mission isn’t worth it.” Líf’s red hot gaze bore down into David’s as he stressed each word. “Tell me you understand.”

“I understand.” David swallowed his pride, and gave a sincere nod without hesitation. Whether he liked it or not, Líf was right.

The duo joined the march in silence, trying to push past that their outlooks were in conflict with each other. Líf’s words, a reminder of their past failures, and Daivd began to second guess if they were in fact ready for this. If he was ready for this? Or was he just indulging his desire to relive acting as the Order’s tactician again. David glanced around him, this wasn’t the Order he marched with. His world had been cut off from the other realms, his Breidablik lost to the ages. He was no Summoner, and there was no chance to summon heroes here anymore. His world, and himself within it, an outlier that should not exist. They were only here by some random dumb luck. Some girl wished her friend wasn't alone, and here they were. An odd blip in the system that could never be replicated again. David knew he should be thankful for being caught up in it, but he couldn’t deny he missed what he once had. The challenge of laying out a strategy before the battle, the victory of a successful plan, and friendship he had forged with the heroes he had summoned. There was no going back to that life, and it was up to him to figure out what he wanted to do with his second chance within this life.

“There they are.” Anna’s voice rang out over the boots shuffling on the ground, alerting everyone to pay attention to the task before them, and pulling David from his melancholy thoughts. “Keep your cool. We don’t make a move until they do.”

Sharena caught up with the duo, her small squad hot on her heels. “Once we get you two to the gate we will try to hold them off as long as we can.” Sharena flashed them a youthful grin, and David wondered if she had missed this more than he had.

Over there! Target in sight! A voice sounded the alarm from ahead, warning them that Líf had been spotted by the enemy forces.

“Well, that happened sooner than expected.” Sharena gave a disapproving frown as she watched Anna’s squad crash into the Askran army from another world, blocking Líf from their sight.

“Prepare yourself, Daivd.” Líf wrapped his fingers around the hilt of his sword, just about to pull it from its sheath until Sharena stopped him, placing her hand on his forearm.

“No. Leave the fighting to us.” The Queen of Askr gave him a fearless nod, readying her lance in both hands, and taking charge. “You two focus on getting through that gate. Good luck!” She nodded as she jogged off ahead of them to join the fray.

“Got it. Let’s go buddy!” David swatted Líf’s chest with the back of his knuckles, not leaving him time to protest as he sprinted into the brush along the side of the road, and towards the gate in the near distance. The ground was uneven and rocky, and it wasn't before long that Líf caught up to David with his long strides, and overtaking him in the race. The former summoner grimaced as long grass stung as it whipped at his skin, but he pushed forward, staying in Líf’s wake as the swordsman broke through the bushes with ease. David ducked as he heard arrows scream overhead, and they both took cover behind a nearby tree. He squeezed the grip on his bow, contemplating using it to fire a few shots back, and peeked to scout out the archer trying to put them in his sights. David gasped when he recognized a few familiar faces from his past. “That’s… Innes! What’s that prickly bastard doing here? And there’s Lucina, a-and Seliph! Oh, they don’t look happy…”

Líf pulled Daivd back just as another arrow whistled by, slicing through the trunk's bark like butter. “They are not the heroes you knew, don’t let the nostalgia cloud your mind.”

“Keep moving!” Sharena called out to them, Fensalir colliding with the Exalt’s Princess’s shield. Going toe to toe with Lucina as she led her squad to push the heroes back, keeping them away from their target. “We got this!”

David watched Líf sprint out from behind the safety of the tree, and he was quick to chase, not wanting to be left behind again. If the swordsmen had given a command to follow, he did not hear it over the sound of metal crashing into one another, and the painful shouts of battle taking place only a few feet away. The sun was sinking rapidly in the sky, casting long shadows on everything it touched. The gate had never looked more beautiful at sunset, the magical glittering pool sparkled in the low light, and he pushed his legs harder, reaching the stone platform before Líf had, climbing up the ledge, and turning back to his friend to celebrate his triumph. David’s glee to have reached their destination first, quickly died out once he spotted a Pegasus knight swooping down at Líf’s back. “Look out!” He managed to warn the swordsman at the last minute, and Líf was able to dodge the sneak attack. Cordelia landed her steed between them, its giant feathery wings spread out between them, cutting off Líf’s path to the gate.

“You won’t escape me this time!” Cordelia tossed her firefly mane of hair, pointing her lance at Líf. “Not so tough without your Archanean archers around, are you?”

Líf grunted in disgust as he pushed himself to his feet, slowly pulling his sword from its Sheath. “Éljúðnir cares not for the weapon you wield. They all break the same across its blade.” Líf’s eye flared as he lunged towards the Pegasus knight, his sword singing as he came in contact with Cordelia’s lance.

The ferocity of Líf’s strike knocked Cordelia’s Pegasus off balance and forced it to the skies again. She looped her steed in a circle to regain control, and prepared her lance for another attack, frowning down at the swordsmen who was becoming a thorn in her side. “Now you’ve angered me…”

“Say hello to my little friend!” David sang out from behind, firing a warning shot at the knight in flight. His arrow grazed Cordelia’s pauldrons, the sound startling her Pegasus into a panic, and forcing her to retreat further back.

Climbing up onto the ledge to join David, Líf gave him a look at disapproval. “Seriously?”

“What?” David shrugged nonchalantly. “I can have a cool battle quote too!”

“I don’t even know what you are talking about.” Líf snorted, turning his nose towards the sky.

“Stop bickering you two!” Sharena furrowed her brows, as she scolded them from afar, her squad becoming smaller as the enemy Askran group gained ground on them. “Get through the gate!”

Líf shook his head as he began to argue back, never one to back down easily. “But, it didn’t even make sense…”

“Alf, come on!” David cried out as he made a mad dash to the gate. Its magical pool between the arches flaring like it was on fire as the last light of sun shone towards it. David held his breath as he leapt through the pool, the cool morning air chilling his heated cheeks hit his body like a cold bath as he stumbled into the other side. The rising sun’s rays now blocked by thick gray clouds, and the sounds of battle turning into complete silence, save for the howling winds over the moors in Joyce’s world. “That was a close one…” David blew out his cheeks, letting out a long sigh of relief, he could feel the familiar thud of his heart beat as he pressed his fingers under his chin, and looked at his watch. He had only lost a few minutes between worlds, and he wondered how long it would take Líf to cross through.

“You weren’t meant to make it this far…” A figure lent against the rocky cliff side sighed loudly, their face cloaked in shadows, but their familiar Askran garb told David all he needed to know.

“Alfonse! Come on, you know me, man.” David had always gotten along with the Alfonse of this world. They were both eager to learn from one another, and exchange knowledge. There wasn’t a reason why they could try to work this out with words too, come to an agreement, David figured, and he took a friendly step forward. “Let’s talk about this first. We can come to another deal.”

“I’m sorry, David, I do not want to fight you.” Alfonse stepped out into the light, his movements seemed unbalanced and slow. Dark circles under his tired eyes, and his armor unkempt, his overall appearance bedraggled. “However, it is my duty to uphold the Alfaðör's laws.”

“A-Are you okay?” David hesitated to approach any further. “You look like you haven’t slept in days…”

“How can I when my Summoner chooses to disobey, and throw my generosity back in my face!” Alfonse snapped, roughly pulling Fólkvangr from its sheath, as he ran a hand, and pushed back his messy hair. “I need you to surrender now, and I will do all I can to see you receive a fair trial, and Líf a swift execution.”

“Dude…” David froze like an animal caught in headlights. He had never seen Alfonse this upset before, and it terrified him. He knew the prince was cold and calculating when he wanted to be, and David was unsure how he was going to reason with Alfonse in this state. David had no desire to fight, nor did he want to let Líf down.

Alfonse interrupted the former summoner’s thoughts, dragging the tip of his sword along the ground. “No words? I will assume your answer is no then.” Alfonse swiftly swung his heavy sword, lunging towards David. Fólkvangr coming down on the bow David clenched as he used it to block the mighty blow.

David gritted his teeth, and dug in his heels. He was strong enough to hold back Alfonse’s brute force, but his long wooden bow was a different story, and David’s eyes widened as he watched polished yew begin to crack and splinter.

“Do you yield?” Alfonse snarled as he applied more weight to the bow with his sword.

“L-Let us help you, Alfonse…” David dropped to one knee trying to ease the pressure. The bow he loved so much was the only thing keeping the blade at bay finally crying out with a sick snap. The wood barely held together now.

Alfonse backed off, letting his sword arm fall to his side. “If you want to help me, send Joyce back to Askr.” He barked, rubbing his dirty cheek with the back of his sleeve.

Shaking his head calmly, David climbed to his feet. “I can’t do that. Joyce can decide for herself if she wants to return to you once she’s no longer paralyzed. I won't make that choice for her.”

“That’s a shame. I truly considered you an ally, David. You and I could have built something really great here in this Askr.” Alfonse sadly mused, slowly raising Fólkvangr again and pointing it at David. “But don’t worry, I vow I won’t let you suffer when you fall this time.” The prince’s eyes narrowed as he lunged at the former summoner, tempting to deliver the finishing blow without any hesitation.

David didn’t close his eyes or flinch in that moment. Never again. He thought to himself. Never again will I turn away. He squeezed his bow. I will look death in the face, and not fear its cold embrace. David’s heart skipped a beat, and his breath escaped him. Just when he thought it was all over, a flare of violet light blinded his vision.

“Don’t be so quick to throw that dream away.” Líf blocked Alfonse’s attack with Éljúðnir, their swords colliding at the last minute. Líf used his incredible strength to push Alfonse off, causing him to stumble and fall backward.

“I should have known that you had a part to play in this! Alfonse scrambled to his feet again, just barely able to keep his balance, and using his sword to lean on. “You should have run for the hills when you had a chance!”

“And miss a chance to laugh at the gods?” Líf snorted in amusem*nt, moving closer with outstretched arms. “Go back to the castle little prince. Return to your perfumed lords and politics if you are so afraid of challenging the Alfaðör.”

“You of all people should know the horrors that the gods can rain down on us. Yet you still encourage Joyce down this path of folly. Not only is Askr in danger, so is she.” Alfonse pleaded as he clung to his beliefs and his sword to keep him upright, exhaustion taking its toll. “I know you care, Líf, do the right thing and return the Summoner to Askr.”

“No. I believe in Joyce. I choose to stand beside her, and carry out her will.” Líf shook his head as he continued to move forward to confront his counterpart in this world. The version of him that always seemed too perfect, yet now, Líf felt pity for this prince. He no longer wanted to cut him down for what he had, but instead Líf wished he could remind Alfonse of all the things he could lose if he continued this fight. “There was a time you would not have hesitated to back Joyce in whatever silly idea she might have conjured. Search your heart, Alfonse, you know this is true.” Líf lowered his sword, and offered his free hand to Alfonse, a move that surprised both of them. “It’s not too late, Alfonse. Join us. Learn to laugh at the gods again too.”

Alfonse stared at Líf’s outreached hand in shock, his eyes darting away in shame, anger replacing the later emotion" “The time for childish adventures has passed. I actually had to grow up and run a country." He spat as he reached over and smacked Líf’s hand away. "Unlike you.”

“If you were a true leader you wouldn't cower behind your position and would support Joyce’s decision. A strong Summoner requires a strong leader.” Líf scoffed as he turned his back to Alfonse, only looking over his shoulder to deliver one last jab at the prince's ego. “Maybe it’s best for her to stay in Embla since you just don’t have the balls to follow through yet.”

“Give her back!” Alfonse cried as he lunged at Líf like a madman, with his sword held high. “Joyce is not your Summoner!”

Líf was quick to respond, blocking every wild blow the prince unleashed on him. “I’m not the one keeping Joyce from you.” Líf shoved Alfonse back once again, trying to knock some sense into him, determined to finish this confrontation without violence. “You are doing that all on your own!”

“Alf!” David cried out, tugging at Líf’s arm from behind, their back against a gate that began to spring to life. “We gotta go, they're starting to come through the gate.”

Líf stared daggers into Alfonse, and slid his Éljúðnir back into its sheath, instructing David in a low voice. “Head for the moors on my signal.”

“Give it up! It’s a twenty foot drop to the bog below.” Alfonse demanded, showing them they had no other options as long as he stood in their way. The winds whipping at his cape. “There’s no escape this time.”

“Don’t be so sure of yourself.” Líf gave a low chuckle, he stretched out his arm toward Alfonse, preparing himself for the power he was about to use. “I’ll open a way.” Líf mused in delight as his fingers closed around an invisible object in the palm of his hands, creating a tight fist, and digging deep within himself, tapping into the the old magic that his decedents had gifted him with. The power of Askr's blood, God of Openness, the ability to reverse that which is closed. Soft blue light escaped from the cracks between his knuckles, and he quickly pulled his arm back, his torso twisting with it in one smooth motion.

Alfonse watched in confusion as seemingly nothing had come of this move, until his mouth formed a silent ‘oh’, and he looked down to see his shield begin sliding off his arm. “H-huh…” Alfonse whispered in astonishment, the buckled straps of his armor all had been undone, and he dropped his sword as he struggled to keep his parts of his uniform in place.

“David, escape down the stairs while I de-trouser him!” Líf cried out as he stormed towards the prince. Alfonse’s attention focused on his failing garb. The swordsmen took hold of each side of the prince’s pants and yanked them down in one smooth motion, knocking Alfonse over in the process, and dragging him across the stone platform as Alfonse screamed in confusion. Líf continued his assault, by pulling each pant leg down and over Alfonse’s boots to ensure the amount of time it would take for the prince to recover would be increased. “David, go!” Líf shouted at his friend, and watched David dash for the stone stairs that led down to the moors, dodging Alfonse’s arm as he tried to grab at his leg to stop the former summoner. “Just know, I take no delight in this action.” Líf lied, as bowed his head, the clear victor in the moment, and turned his back swiftly on the desperate prince, following David down the stairs.

“Fools! Get back here!” Alfonse seethed, only able to watch as the duo disappeared out of sight as he lay half naked on the stone platform.

David stopped when he reached the soft ground at the bottom turning back to see Líf trampling down the winding stairs, two steps at a time. “Did you just really-”

“This way.” Líf continued past him without missing a beat, the sounds of soldiers and heroes alike crossing over into this world. “And I don’t want to discuss it.”


“Get down, and keep focus. We are not out of danger yet.” Líf cut David off, pushing his friend down to his knees, and taking shelter against the stone wall out of sight from the top of the cliff where the gate sat. “I can take a few arrows, but you'll be a sitting duck if we attempt to cross the moors with Innes here.”

David squeezed his bow in frustration, he gazed out over the moors, its mucky depths blocking them from escape. “We’re trapped then. If only we had some sort of cover…” His words trailed off as a strange sensation overcame him. A shiver ran up his spine, and he could feel an aura pulsated from the ground below. As if some unknown force drove his hand David pushed his fingers into the damp cold soil, the feeling growing more intense, and a soft glow began to emit from the bog water before his eyes, quickly followed by a fog that seemed to come from nowhere. The white mist enveloping the moors in a thick cloud. “D-Do you see this?”

“We’re in luck!” Líf grabbed David’s arm pulling him to his feet, and along the muddy path, taking care which way they went, zig-zagging through the mossy ground, and lichen covered rocks. They could hear the shouts of confusion from the gate behind them, and Alfonse commanded his soldiers to find them, but no one dared attempt to cross the moors in this weather. “Stay close, the air is as thick as Kris’ soup. It will be easy to make a mistake-”

“Not there!” David grabbed Líf’s arm, pulling him back before he made a grave error. David could see the pathways of water, illuminated by the aura clear as day, and the dark trail of solid earth that led into the tree line of safety. “The woods are there!” He pointed confidently, and moved towards them with ease.

Líf raised a quizzical brow as he watched the former summoner navigate the moors on his own, but followed him silently into the forest. The trees towered over them, still as the dead, but coming to life as more and more animals began to stir that day. David didn't know how to put what he experienced into words, and kept what happened to himself. If Líf was suspicious of David, he did not press the matter, choosing to make a different assumption.

“Thank Askr for sending that morning fog. We would not have escaped without it.”

“Yeah…” David sadly agreed his attention turned to his broken bow, he still gripped in his hands.

Líf sighed as he watched from the corner of his eye. “If you would like to keep using that bow, I can ask Jeorge to help you mend it- Mr. Pews.”

“Thanks.” David gave a tired smirk, as he wrapped his bow around his shoulder. “Hey, can you show me how to you did that-”

“No.” Líf scoffed with his curt reply. "Let's move faster, the horse is just up ahead."

“Come on...” David whined, pushing the question he already knew the answer to. “That was the sickest pantsing I’ve ever seen!”

“No!” Líf’s voice echoed through the trees, startling the sleepy creatures along the forest floor. The two old friends continued to walk side by side, much like that morning, much like old times again, but on a new path, and in a new Askr.


"Sail" Awolnation

Chapter 10: No One Is Lost (VI)


Veronica prepares to surrender the Summoner, until Lif arrives in the nick of time.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Veronica, Burno, Lif, David (Lif's Summoner)
Minor: Reginn, Otr, Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner)
Mentioned: Alfonse


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The tip of the quill slowly moved over the parchment, spreading the final lines of ink that sealed the fates of those she cared about. Veronica’s hand hesitated as she pushed herself to finish her signature on the document that lay in front of her. Surrendering the Summoner and Bruno back to Askr. The silence of the pen, creating a somber mood in the tent. The Emblan princess gazed sadly at Joyce who continued to lay in her cot motionless, hoping the summoner would magically recover that very second on her own. Veronica squeezed the pen in her hand, wondering why Líf was unable to return with what they needed before the sun rose that morning. Her time had run out, and Veronica had no choice but to comply with Alfonse’s wishes.

“Don’t worry Princess Veronica, my Gullinbursti is outfitted so Joyce won’t even feel a bump on the journey back!” Reginn pipped in with a crooked smile, trying to reassure Veronica, and soften the harsh reality of the situation. The Princess and former Prince of Niðavellir had been sent by the Order of Heroes as impartial convoys to retrieve Joyce and Bruno. “My brother and I will ensure that Joyce is returned to Askr safely!”

Ótr snorted in disgust, rolling his cool cold eyes as he folded his arms standing near the tents door flaps, ready to spring to action if the enemy camp turned on them. “I am not your brother… Your brother in this world is dead.”

“Ótr!” Reginn spun around hard, shouting at the uncaring young man who seemed to enjoy that his comment hit an unpleasant nerve, the tent falling silent once more.

Covering his mouth as he cleared his throat, Bruno addressed their guests without wavering. “You do not have to chide him, Princess Reginn. He does speak the truth.” The Emblan prince laid a hand on Veronica’s shoulder as he steeled himself. “And we are not as fragile as others might have you believe.”

Veronica stood up from her chair, her stoic nature demanding the attention of those in the tent. “Bruno is correct. This is nothing more than a bump in the road. We will not be apart for long.”

“My apologies, Princess, I didn’t mean for it to come across like that! it’s just…It’s… just..” Reginn stumbled over her words, the inexperienced princess that had a whole nation shoved onto her lap after news came to light that she was the only true ruler of Niðavellir. Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked upon Veronica, and the floodgate opened as she poured her heart out. “It’s just not fair! Why does Ótr get to stay here with me, but Bruno doesn’t?!”

“Don’t be a child!” Ótr spat as he glared at Reginn as she wiped her face with the back of her hand. “You know the conditions for a festival envoy are different. If they are not- Hey!” He cried out, his words getting caught up in the tent flap that unexpectedly been tossed open, smacking the former prince in the face.

“This way!” Líf ushered David into the tent with urgency, aware of his late timing.

“You imbecile!” Ótr growled, throwing back the canvas flap, red faced from anger, taking a threatening step towards the new arrivals. “How dare-”

“Ótr!” Reginn hissed, trying to rein in the hot-tempered young man, blocking his path and pushing him back so he would not get in the way.

“You’re back!” Veronica’s cold demeanor melted away upon seeing Líf, her hopes returning as she skipped over to greet the swordsmen, stopping in her tracks, her face twisting in confusion as a stranger followed, pushing past her with a determined focus on Joyce. “Who is this?” She demanded to know, ready to attack if she felt they were a threat.

“It’s okay, Veronica, this is Joyce’s friend, David.” Bruno gently explained over the princess’s shoulder as the tent sprang to life, the occupants crowding around the summoner as they watched David pull up a stool beside the cot. “He is very knowledgeable when it comes to the healing arts.”

“Hey, sleeping beauty, we have to stop meeting up like this.” David quietly spoke to Joyce as he pulled items out of his bag and laid them by her side. Gently moving her arm as he cleaned the area where he planned to carry out the procedure, and began to carefully inject the antitoxin into her arm. Ignoring his gawking audience as they watched in awe as he continued to speak to her softly. “I would much prefer to take you somewhere nicer. We can get dinner, watch a show, take a walk along the beach-”

“Joyce can hear every word you say.” Líf snorted dryly as he interrupted his former summoner. “She’s paralyzed, not unconscious.”

David froze, his cheeks turning two shades redder as the embarrassment reached his face. “I-I knew that…”

“I thought you said he was knowledgeable?” Veronica frowned as she whispered to Bruno, not trying to mask her concern. “Are you sure we should trust the Summoner’s care to this strange fellow?”

“David is the summoner from my former world.” Líf answered the question swiftly, nodding his head respectfully towards the princess. “He is trustworthy. I assure you princess.”

“That’s correct.” Bruno chimed in as well, his tone more proud, and full of wonder as he dived into more information about the curious summoners. “They are both from the World of Steel, and have an understanding of the universe we can not fathom.” Bruno continued with a sparkle in his eye. “I have had the pleasure of working with him in the past. He is quite impressive regardless of his strange way of speaking.”

The tension quickly faded from Veronica’s expression as she herself began to ponder out loud, her own curiosity piqued. “Ah, it never occurred to me that Joyce’s quirks were a result of her home world. I didn’t know all the summoners were so odd!”

“They’re not all like this. My summoner does not share their whimsy.” Bruno chuckled, as he continued, rubbing his chin as he compared the summoners to his own back in his world. “He is very young, but much more serious. Yes, Joyce and David are… different, but in a good way!”

“Guys, we are sitting right here.” David huffed without looking away from his watch, his tone snarky as he mumbled to himself. “Jeez, I might as well be paralyzed too...”

Ótr snickered loudly from the back, amused by even the slightest discord, but Reginn quickly shushed him quiet iwth puffed out cheeks, and silence returned to the tent as they all watched and waited with baited breath.

“How long will this take?” Veronica nervously looked at the sands of time that sat on the desk becoming more distressed as the process dragged on. “Our camp is well enforced, but I would still feel better if we returned to the castle soon.”

“The Princess is right.” Líf nodded in agreement. “As much as I hate to admit it, Askr does have the upper hand, and Alfonse knows we do not plan to return the Summoner to him. He has run out of patience, and will not hesitate to act soon.”

“The antitoxin is in!” David happily reported, as he pulled the needle from the summoner’s arm, wrapping a cloth around the site, and began to tidy his equipment away. “We just have to wait for it to take effect. It might take a few hours before she can communicate with us.” He let out a long sigh as he turned in his seat, addressing the others face to face for the first time since he arrived. “Unfortunately it’s not going to be a quick recovery. Joyce will still struggle on her own for a few days, and will require continuous care until she regains the feeling back in her lower limbs. It will be a few days, maybe a week, until she is back on her feet.”

“Very well.” Veronica pursed her lips unhappily at this news. “I will order a coach to the capital for the Summoner. We transport the Summoner once she awakens.”

“Alfonse’s camp is not far from the border, hidden on the other side of the mountain pass. If Líf is correct and Alfonse already knows you do not plan on sending Joyce back with us, he will be here before the Summoner wakes!” Reginn cried out in a panic, rushing over to Veronica. “Let me take her to Embla right now! Our Gullinburstis will be much faster than a coach! And we can have both Joyce and you back at the castle before lunch is served!”

“Reginn! You give our enemies valuable intel and offer aid?” Ótr snarled as he tried to pull the Niðavellir princess back. “Are you out of your mind?”

Reginn pushed him away, only to catch the outcast prince off guard as she stood up to him. “Ótr, in this world I am not your little sister. I will be Queen of Niðavellir, and promised I would be neutral in this quarrel. The information and resources I have are mine to decide how to use them, and I choose to hear Joyce out before I fight to send her back to Askr unwillingly. If you want to go back to the Order and warn them I will not hold that against you, but please keep in mind that if you leave now…” A mischievous smile crept across Reginn’s face as she squealed in excitement. “You will miss out on the delicious ‘Get-Well-Soon’ lemon squares that I plan to make for Joyce once we reach the castle!”

“L-Lemon Squares?” Ótr mouthed the words, his eyes wide and mouth salivating at the offer. He clicked his tongue in annoyance once he returned to his sense of self, his face twisting when he decided to give in. “Fine, I will do what you ask! But only because my contract is with the Summoner. Not you, or Askr.”

“Thank-you, brother!” Reginn gleefully sang as she threw her arms around Ótr’s shoulders and squeezed him tightly.

Ótr’s eyes bulged from his head, and his face flushed in anger as he fought the Niðavellir princess away. “Get off me! I’m not your bro- forget it!” He spat, roughly pulling back the tent flap. “I’ll go out and get our Gullinburstis ready for the journey to Embla. The roads are rocky and I want to make sure seiðjárn gears will be able to handle the terrain.” Ótr grumbled as he stormed out the tent.

Reginn snickered as she thumbed the tent exit over her shoulder. “I’d better go with him to ensure he doesn’t sabotage anything. He might be easily swayed by sweets, but he’s still Ótr, and I wasn’t born yesterday!”

“In the meantime I will begin to pack our items.” Bruno watched Reginn leave, turning to Veronica in a hushed tone. “Are you sure you will be okay to ride in that… thing, with-”

“Yes.” Veronica picked up the parchment she had been working on, and held the corner over the flame. “I know the former Prince of Niðavellir can be deceptive, however he would not be fool enough to try and double cross me.” Her eyes shone as she watched the contract to surrender Joyce and her brother burned up in flames, letting the last smoldering piece flutter to the ground. “If Ótr does, he will quickly find himself on the wrong end of a black hole before he ever reaches Al-”

“Alfonse!” Joyce gasped as she bolted straight up in her cot. “Where’s Alfonse?!” She shouted, angrily ripping at the blankets that covered her. Swinging her legs over the side in a blind rage. “I’m going to kick his scrawny ass once I catch him! How dare he-” Joyce yelped as she quickly collapsed like a house of cards as she tried to hop up onto her feet. Her legs giving out from under her. “sh*t… He’s such a dick!” She cried out, her face in the dirt, the others in the tent too shocked at the sight to move in and help.

“I thought you said it would take a few hours?” Líf muttered, as he eyed David suspiciously.

David scratched the back of his head as he chuckled nervously. “I guess I didn’t account for the rage induced adrenaline pumping it through her system faster than normal...”

“Oww…” Joyce groaned on the ground, her burst of energy dwindling, her strength failing.

“Come Summoner.” Bruno casually pulled Joyce up by the back of her collar, hooking his arms under hers, and effortlessly picking her up and sat her back on the cot. “Let us prepare you for the journey.” He began to wrap large wool blankets around the summoner's legs, and cocooning her body. “It can still be quite cold in Embla at this time of year, and we don’t want you to catch a chill.”

“I will inform Princess Reginn that the Summoner is awake, so we may be on our way as quickly as possible.” Veronica picked up her tome, holding it close to her side. “Master Líf, what are your plans moving forward?”

Joyce squirmed within the thick blankets in a panic to look at Líf. “You’re not going to leave are you?”

“No, I vowed I would stay by your side and see this through to the end.” Líf held his hand to the left side of his chest, and tilted his head. “However, I will ask to take some time away to return David to his own world safely.”

“What?! No way!” David cried out in protest, jumping to his feet.

“Are you sure?” Líf eyed his former summoner with concern. “I can not promise this will end well for us here. Including you.”

“I can’t go back now, besides, we don’t even know if the gate is still standing!” David argued, stuffing items into his backpack. “Plus, you could use all the help you can get!”

“And David promised me dinner!” Joyce snickered from inside her blankets.

David froze, his face turning pale. “You really did hear everything…”

A devilish smirk spread across the summoner’s lips as Bruno picked her up from the cot, and carried her across the room. “Hey, what's the most expensive restaurant in Embla?” She giggled as David let out a defeated groan, the palm of his hand meeting his face.

“It is settled then.” Veronica wore an amused smile as she made her announcement. “All of us will head to Castle Embla immediately. We can rest and regroup. Prepare ourselves for the oncoming storm.” Veronica turned on her heel, her head held high as she led the group out of the tent.

“Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye to you, Bruno, before you left yesterday morning.” Joyce shamefully confessed as the two brought up the rear, the prince carrying her to Reginn’s Gullinbursti. “I just felt so… lost at the time, but that’s no excuse for acting like a bad friend.”

Bruno shrugged it off with a chuckle. “Not to worry, Summoner, everyone feels that way from time to time, even myself as of late. However, because of you I now have my… sister and many new friends to help guide me now.” Bruno gazed forward proudly at the group at gathered in front of them.

“You’re right.” Joyce smiled, her eyes followed his gaze, and she happily watched Veronica and Ótr coldly stare each other down, and Reginn proudly showed off her Gullinbursti to David and Líf. A buzz of excitement crackled through the air as they sent to embark on the next leg of their journey. “We will never be lost as long as we stick together, and continue to keep them close by our sides.”


"Goodbye, Horses" Q Lazzarus

Chapter 11: Establishing Positions I


Joyce is on the mend while staying in Emba's Castle, and it's time to start talking about recruiting new heroes to their cause, but there's just one problem...

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner) Veronica, Burno, Lif, David (Lif's Summoner)
Mentioned: Alfonse


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Embla Castle. Home of the God of Closure, The Cursed Directive, Blood Rituals, and Askr’s enemy. For years Joyce had been taught to fear this place, but now that she was here, walking the halls among the citizens of Embla, it wasn’t as scary as she thought it would have been. In a way it reminded her of her first few days in Askr. A mysterious stranger in the land, no familiar faces, and people would gawk and whisper excitedly as she walked by. Joyce had felt so unsure of herself in those early years, but now, she could hold herself up high. Knowing that she was the Summoner of this world, a powerful and kind ally to the people of Zenith, no matter how great or small a problem was, she was there to fix it.

The scent of early blooming lilacs filled the air, and Joyce gazed out over the beautiful gardens. Bushes of flowers of various varieties dwarfed the stone walls, and children laughed as they played on the lawn in the afternoon sun. Embla was far from being closed once you were inside. The people were kind and friendly, perhaps a bit more reserved than those in Askr, but they were not the evil, cold-hearted folks Joyce had thought them to be. If there was one word to describe the nation of Embla as a whole, it was elegance.

Joyce tossed her blond waves behind her shoulders, and straightened the long sleeves of her tight black gown, with gold trim and burgundy wine accents, a belt adorned with a scarlet jewel sat low on her waist, a new holster housing the ancient relic Breidablik clung to her hip. The Summoner’s outfit of Embla. The cloth was extremely soft and covered almost every inch of her body. She would have felt like a prude in such a dress if it was not for the fact that in the right light the dark fabric became sheer and a little revealing. The Embla garment tailor made to fit Joyce’s form was long and trailed slightly behind her, but not so much that the cloth immobilized her in any way. it just dancing along the surface of the ground around her, making her feel graceful for the first time in a long time. She felt strange in such regal clothing. The only other dress as fine as this she had owned was a gift from a dear friend that long since returned to their home world, and she wished he was by her side to help guide her in her current mission. She really could do with some good schemes in her back pocket right now, Joyce mused to herself.

The summoner picked up her pace when she noticed she had fallen behind as she tried to keep up with the Royal Embla siblings. It had been her first day out of the infirmary’s care since arriving by gullinburstis one week prior, and even though she was back on her feet Joyce could still feel the effects of the toxin in her body making her a little unstable, off balance when she moved around and interacted with items. A bump here, a spilt cup there, Joyce worried if it would ever get better. Concerns she did not speak of. It had only been a week, she kept reminding herself, as she laughed off her accidents as being clumsy in front of her friends, and carried on with her day. It was nothing significant enough to trouble the others during this time of conflict.

“And this is where I would imagine you will spend most of your time while at the castle.” Veronica snapped Joyce from her thoughts when she abruptly stopped at a large highly polished wooden door, and turned on her heel to face the summoner, lifting her hand in front of the gold plaque. The old Emblan words etched into the metal unknown to Joyce.

“My bedroom?” Joyce half-jokingly took a blind guess, as she lent over trying hard to decipher the ancient script, and failing. The summoner regretting all the language lessons she had skipped in the past.

“The War Room.” Veronica exchanged an apprehensive look with Bruno before she turned the handle of the door down and pushed it open. “Embla’s military headquarters.”

“Do not fret, Summoner, we will show you to your chambers after we take care of some business so you may rest.” Bruno ushered her in with a kind smile.

“That’s okay, it will be good for me to be out of bed for a while anyways.” Joyce’s words trailed off as she followed the princess into the massive chamber. Rows of Embla’s banner hung from the high ceilings, and light poured in from the tall windows filling the space without need of flame from the two fireplaces. On one side of the room a maze of high-back chairs, crowding around multiple sets of board games ready for a challenge of wits. A giant wooden table sat in the middle of the room, the crown jewel of war and strategy. A fully realized three dimensional carved map of Zenith with Líf and David standing at it's side, deep in discussion about one thing or another.

Small livestock grazed over the fields, and tiny trees rustled with every draft in the room. Actual flowing water in the small winding rivers, and you could see miniscule life everywhere you looked. There were even wisps of clouds floating through the wooden peeks of the oak mountains jetting out from the surface of the map. Joyce could not contain a smile as she stepped up beside the former summoner to admire map, and caught the two off guard.

“Whoa…” David let out softly after he turned his head twice when he realized it was Joyce, and took a moment to watch the summoner as she lent over and inspected the small lively group of forma toy soldiers that waited for simulation orders. “Pretty cool, right?”

“Yeah!” She exchanged excited looks with David. She had only seen forma figures used during games in the past, and never in this format before. Joyce noted the large incantation, and ring of rocks the encircled the table's legs, magic flowing through the wood and bringing it to life. Whoever had created the spell must have been a grand mage indeed. Magic is expensive and taxing to keep up for long periods of time. Something like this map would have cost Embla dearly.

“Welcome back, Summoner.” Líf nodded his head as he placed his hand over the left side of his chest.

“Thanks!” Joyce chuckled, as she straighten herself up, placing her hands on her hips, her eyes drifting over the terrain. “So, whatcha planning here?”

“We have been fortunate enough that Líf and David have been leading the efforts to defend, and counter, the attacks from the Order of Heroes.” Bruno moved a small flag with the Askran coat of arms to a fork in the road.

“Attacks from the Order?” Joyce shook her head in disbelief. There’s no way she could believe that her heroes would cause harm unprovoked.

“Yes.” Veronica's tone was serious as she weaved a trail along the map with her finger, the path lighting up with her every touch. “They have been using heroes to disrupt our supply lines so Askr can still operate under the ruse of being a peaceful entity with Embla. Trade continues between our two nations, however there is an increase in checkpoints, and hastily approved road work. Creating long and dangerous detours. The attacks have been more passive aggressive, however the people of Embla suffer nonetheless. I want to put an end to it.”

“Well, you have me now! We can push them back!” Joyce proudly hammered her fist into the palm of her other hand. “After all, you can’t lose a fight if you have a Summoner!” The room fell silent as Joyce looked around. No one else appeared to share her enthusiasm, and Joyce’s confident smile faded.

“That’s absurd.” Líf scoffed.

“Come on man, she’s just joking.” David scolded the swordsman, flicking Líf's chest playfully with the back of his hand.

“No, I’m not.” Joyce felt her cheeks flush, a familiar tightness in her chest. Anxiety creeping its way in. “That’s what Anna used to say. As long as the Order had me around, they could never lose.”

Líf snorted as he stifled a hard laugh, and David stared at the summoner in disbelief.

Bruno covered his mouth with this fist as he cleared his throat. “Well, the Summoner is one half of the whole. What I believe Anna means by this is ‘the Order can’t lose as long as there is a Summoner to bring heroes to Zenith.” He tilted his head as he laid his hand on Joyce’s shoulder. “It is the heroes you summon that make the Order stronger.”

“Oh…I see.” Joyce meekly mumbled, her former confidence shattered, and she wanted to disappear, become one of the small formas that strolled around the map, and crawl into a hole to never be seen again.

“Hey, don’t feel bad!” David piped up, forcing a goofy smile as he tried to lighten the mood. “I can see how that’s confusing.”

“I don’t feel bad!” Joyce snapped back in frustration, the last thing she wanted was his pity. So what if the Order’s success was not due to her presence, they still needed her, she reminded herself to regain some of the confidence she lost. “So, you just want me to summon heroes for you?”

“Yes.” Veronica was curt and to the point. “The heroes that have settled in Embla are spread too thin. They are all currently working on missions across the land. If we want to show Alfonse that we mean business we will need more help.”

“But I can’t just snap my fingers and make them appear.” Joyce crossed her arms and she shifted her weight. “We’ll need to visit rune locations, harvest summoning resources. However, the last time I checked the Cavern of Dreams and all of the summoning runes were in Askr.”

“The summoning resources will be simple enough to obtain.” Bruno lent over the map near the small Emblan Castle, and opened a little door built into the mountainside. A rainbow glow emulated the dark hole, he reached in pulling out a singular orb, and placed it in Veronica’s hands. “Embla hasn’t hosted a Summoner in a long time. Our mine may not be as rich as Askr's with these resources, but the orbs have built up over a long time in our Caravan of Dreams.”

“As for the runes.” Veronica mused as she rolled the small colorful orb from palm to palm, walking along the length of the table. “There are not many in Embla, and they resided along the borderlands of Askr, and into the mountains. There is also the issue of the heroes they produce. If the legends are to be believed, the heroes that have been summoned from these runes can be… questionable.”

“Questionable?” Joyce scrunched up her nose. “Like how? The heroes that come out suck or something?”

“Hold up. No, no, let's back it up for a moment.” David intervened, with a perplexed look on his face. “When you say ‘the orbs have built up over time’ just how many are we talking about here?”

Bruno scratched his chin as he looked up at the banners hung from the ceiling, drawing out some calculations in his head. “By my estimate there should be a few hundred-thousand stored in caves along the mine shaft.”

“What?! Wait, what? That’s like… I could have-” David’s eyes widened, as he took a few steps back. His words becoming hung up on each new thought that raced in his head as he counted wildly on each finger, before turning to Líf and blurting out loud. “Did you know about this?!”

“It wasn’t a secret that Embla had their own Cavern of Dreams.” Líf shrugged lazily as he drawled on. “But the amount of orbs they had stored within it? That information has been closely guarded by the Cursed Directive for years, there was no way for Askr to have known for sure.”

“Why didn’t we just ask and borrow from them?!” David cried frantically, waving his arm out. “Bolstered our armies to stop Hel’s invasion!”

Unwavered, Líf let out a long sigh and shook his head. “We could not have foreseen what was to happen to our world, nor do we know if having more heroes would have made a difference.”

“Is a hundred-thousand orbs a lot?” Joyce casually lifted a brow as she watched David’s erratic behavior. “I really don’t know, Soren always managed the orb count for me. I just pulled the trigger.”

“Is it a lot? I-I can’t believe what I’m hearing…oh I’m going to be sick.” David croaked, his eyes darting from each person in the room in disgust, as he started to become pale, wiping beads of sweat that began to form on his forehead. “I need to sit down.” David stumbled back, flopping down on a nearby chair and burring his face into a pillow with a long groan.

“Is David going to be okay?” Joyce whispered as she tugged on Líf’s cape.

“He’s fine.” Líf curtly answered without looking at the former summoner.

“I will have the Mine Captain start to send shipments of orbs to the castle. Once they arrive we can set out for the runes. It’s just a matter of choosing which site to travel to first.” Veronica pushed the topic, ignoring the sudden outburst.

Bruno plucked up a small forma soldier from the edge of the map and plopped it down near a set of rocks. “This one is closest to the castle, however, it is the most obvious choice for us to use. We should consider that Alfonse will have posted heroes to guard these runes, and prepare to see battle if we go there.”

“A fight before we are able to recruit more heroes to our cause is not optimal.” Veronica pursed her lips in disapproval. “We are too few.”

“So, if we can’t beat them physically, let’s outsmart them!” Joyce piped up, an idea forming in her mind. She picked up the small forma soldier, and tossed it up in the air confidently. The small figure cried out in alarm softly, flailing wildly before she caught it again, dropping it on a high peak. “There’s a set of runes up in these mountains. I’ve been there once before in the summer! The path can be treacherous, but Alfonse might not expect us to seek it out, and we could avoid battle with the heroes. It would be worth the risk!”

“Brave the snow and wind to summon some heroes, and gain the upper hand?” Bruno rubbed his chin in thought, his other arm behind his back. “It could work with the right preparations, and once carried out the heroes obtained would make securing the other rune sites easier.”

“Exactly!” Joyce sang with conviction, and she began to point at other runes to hit after. “The more heroes that we can summon in the mountains, the faster we can take control of the other runes to summon more heroes!”

“Very well.” Veronica rolled the small orb she had been playing with across the map. “I will have Bruno consult our most knowledgeable mountaineers, and we plan to disembark for the mountains in a few days' time.”

“The mountains?” David barked loudly as he lay in the chair, listening in the conversation. “No way, nuh-uh, downvotes! That’s a terrible idea!” He hopped up to his feet from the chair and rejoined the group, looking a little worse for wear. “I’ve been to that location too, and it’s bad news, especially at this time of year. It’s still going to be wicked cold up there, and with the spring thaw, the snow will be melting during the day, causing slush and running water along the pathways. On top of that the temperature is going to plummet at night, bringing on a flash freeze and creating sheets of ice where that water was running. Think of the logistics! How are we supposed to get our team, and crates full of orbs up the mountain in those conditions? It’s fine for a quick spark off the back of a wyvern, but to pull off a long session to maximize the amount of heroes we pull, it’s just not feasible.”

Joyce rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, becoming snooty. “Okay, what’s your suggestion then?”

“Hit up the closest site that Bruno pointed out.” David coxed the small forma soldier gently onto his hand, carrying it across the room carefully, and laid his hand flat on the table to let the little figure hop off at the set of rocks it started at. “Yes, Alfonse will have seen us coming from a mile away, and there will be battle, but at least we have home field advantage. Plus our backs won’t be up against a stone wall if something goes wrong. We can quickly retreat, regroup, and hit them again! Since it will take longer for Askr to send reinforcements, we can chip away at them until we control the site. Then you can spend as much time as you need to summon heroes, Joyce.”

Joyce clicked her tongue, and she stood silently opposed to his idea.

“David is correct. The runes in the mountains will be a lengthy and gruesome mission, with very little benefits.” Líf looked at the two summoners he now stood between. “The location of the Embla runes along the borders are more familiar to our fighters, and will be easier to defend once we claim it. That is our safest option.”

“But then we will have to fight the other heroes, and that’s not something we want to do!” Joyce fought back, feeling her temperament slipping.

Bruno nodded. “I agree-”

“Thank you.” Joyce smiled up at the prince coyly, happy to have someone in her corner. Only for that happiness to be ripped away as he continued.

“with David.”

“What…” Joyce murmured, looking at Bruno in desperation, as her arms fell loosely to her sides.

“His strategic suggestions have been a boon to our operations while you’ve been in the infirmary’s care, Joyce. The advice he has put forth is sound.” Bruno defended his decision calmly to back the former summoner. “We will not be able to avoid clashing swords with the Order forever. If we don’t act now they will continue to choke our nation’s supplies. David has my full confidence and support in moving forward with his plan.”

“Are we all in agreement then?” Veronica dryly asked, growing weary of the conversation, her sights set squarely on the last hold out, and applying pressure with her gaze alone.

“Yeah, sure.” Joyce mumbled as she puckered her lips to the side, trying not to say out loud what lingered in her mind. “We’ll go with… David’s plan and use the closest runes.” The words left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“Good. I am glad to have that out of the way, Bruno and I will begin making preparations for this mission.” Veronica spun on her heel, her long dress floating around her small frame as she strode across the floor, taking hold of the handle to a door the was not the one they had used to enter the room. “Now, if you would be so kind as to follow me, Summoner, I shall show you to your chambers. They are in fact attached to this space to make your life more convenient.”

“My chambers are here?” Joyce quickly followed the princess, her curiosity piqued. “I just assumed I would be bunking in the barracks with everyone else.”

“Nonsense! When Embla hosted a Summoner they always stayed within the castle walls.” Veronica disappeared between the walls and into the dark space that lay beyond the War Room.

Joyce followed into the darkness, her eyes trying to adjust to the lack of light. “I don’t want to put anyone out, are you sure there’s enough space for me to stay here-” Her words trailed off, she could not believe her eyes as sunlight flooded the room, after Veronica pulled back the long drapes. “Holy sh*t…”

The room was bigger than the last, and every inch was richly decorated with elaborate carvings in wood or marble. Red velvet wrapped the furnishing, and the floor was covered in a plush rug that sprawled across the floor. A large canopy bed sat in the corner, her belongings from Askr, cleaned and folded on the bed’s edge. A stone bathtub that could fit a group closed off by a rock walls, steamed in the opposite corner. Joyce hesitated as she looked around in stunned silence. A large desk surrounded by stacks of books was on the other end of the room near the door to the hallway, across from the office area a couple of couches facing two fireplaces to relax in front of. “I hope this will suffice!" Veronica glowed, having been looking forward to this moment for a long time. "I have already had your items brought here from the infirmary.”

“Wait, this is the Summoner treatment in Embla?” David gawked as he looked around the room in amazement, opening cupboards, and compartments, and playing with every object he could get his hands on as he darted between each of the spaces with a goofy grin plastered over his face. The wonder of the space re energizing him after his early bout of sickness.

“Interesting.” Líf pondered, as he also wondered in on his own time. He noticed the book shelves in the office and made his way in their direction, his voice echoing as he drew further away. “I have heard stories of the Summoner’s Chambers of Embla, but this is nothing like I'd pictured.”

“You will find this to be one of the larger rooms in Embla castle.” Veronica proudly smiled at Joyce, hooking her arm around the summoner’s and leading her around.

Bruno trailed behind the two, listing off the details. “If you require more privacy there are walls that slide out from this cupboard here. The water is piped up from the lower hot springs, so feel free to soak anytime you wish. The kitchenette has a Stone of Muspell, so the stove will always be hot and ready whenever you feel the need to nourish yourself but do not want to walk to the kitchens. There is a desk, and a small library for when you need to work without any disruptions.”

Veronica stopped in front of the bed, and swung open the doors of large wardrobe that sat beside it. “I have taken the liberty to pick out a few garments for sleeping or when you want a more casual appearance.” She gleefully pulled out a frilly nightgown, and held it up for Joyce to see.

Joyce felt her head spinning, as she looked around, her heart raced in her chest. “I can’t stay here!” She blurted out finally, overwhelmed by the decadence.

“You are not happy with your room?” Veronica’s smile faded, and her eyes retreated to the floor in shame. “I knew it could not live up to Askr’s…”

“No!” Joyce realized the error in her words and she held up her hands in panic. “I mean, Yes, this room is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like this before! It’s bigger than the house I grew up in!” Joyce gently took the gown from Veronica who held back tears, and wrapped a comforting arm around the princess's shoulder. “But, it’s just too much.”

“Is this real silk?!” David found the canopy bed, and ran his hand down the drapes.

“Stop touching things!” Joyce hissed at him through her teeth in mid conversation, turning back to Veronica with a kind smile. “And my room in Askr is a lot smaller than this…So I don’t really need a room this big.”

“I’ll bunk here!” David flopped back onto the bed laughing, ignoring Joyce’s earlier pleas to stop.

“Get off!” Joyce cried out at David as she dropped the gown and rushed over, clawing and pulling at his boot angrily until it came off as he kicked her away. “You’re going to break something, and I can’t afford the rent or to replace it!”

“I understand now.” Veronica covered her lips with her fingers as she giggled softly in amusem*nt. “Don’t be silly, Joyce, the Summoner is much too significant to be staying elsewhere, no payment is needed. Here you will enjoy the comforts that someone of your position is entitled to, so you may focus your efforts on more important matters. Is it not this way in Askr?”

“No, Askr values equality of social classes.” Bruno began to explain to the princess, picking up the nightgown and placing it back into the wardrobe. “Even the Queen’s Chambers are no bigger than what is necessary to complete her day to day tasks, and the head tailor’s quarters are larger. Space that is provided depends on what you require to complete your role and support the people of the nation. In Askr the Summoner pays their fair share to stay in the barracks, just like the other heroes.”

Veronica touched her chin as she mulled over Bruno’s lesson on her own. “The Queen lives no differently than her people?”

“More or less, that is correct. Perhaps this is something you would like to learn more about in the future, Veronica?”

“I would, but for now I do hope that you will reside here, Joyce.” Veronica cleared her throat, hooking the attention of the summoner who still struggled to get David off the bed. “Our ways are not the same as Askr's, and we must uphold the status quo for now. Change takes time, and Embla clings onto tradition. The court might take offense if you were to turn this room down for something more suited to your needs. The Summoner’s Chambers has sat empty for far too long, and I would like you to breathe life into it once more. Even if it’s only temporary.”

“O-Okay…” Joyce stammered, dropping David’s boot with a loud thud, too exhausted from fighting, and giving in to Embla’s demands.

“Is this the complete history of Embla?” Líf rushed over holding a tome up in his hand, an air of excitement over the treasure he had found. “Do you mind if I take some time to read over this here?”

“That would actually be preferable.” Bruno nodded. “I would have asked you to keep an eye on Joyce while we attend meetings. I’m afraid that none of you have been cleared to sit in on these briefings, and we must go alone. Joyce will also need a guide while we are away, and I want to make sure she will not overexert herself so she is well rested and fully recovered before we leave.”

“I really don’t need a babysitter-”

“That should not be a problem.” Líf cut her off, as he flipped through the pages of the book he held, her words falling on deaf ears. “We will not let Joyce out of our sights.”

“Great…” The summoner muttered, starting to feel more like a one of those small forma soldiers with no will of her own. Tossed and pulled around on the map, at the mercy of grander beings that looked down at her from above.

“Come on, Joycie, it won’t be that bad!” David pulled on his boot and hopped out of the bed. “After we get you settled in, maybe we can show you the kitchens! Get you some supplies for this place!”

Joyce’s stomach unexpectedly growled in response. The thought of food had not yet crossed her mind that morning. “I guess that’s a good idea.”

“We can figure out some more vegetarian options!” David laughed as he followed the others across the room, rubbing his gut as he stretched in anticipation.

“Oh boy, can’t wait!” Joyce sarcastically lied through her teeth as she watched the former summoner walk out of earshot, and she was finally able to utter the words that danced on her tongue. “Stupid perfect David…”


"Hounds of Love" - The Futureheads

Chapter 12: Establishing Positions II


Joyce questions her position as Summoner, and finally speaks her mind.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner) Lif, David (Lif's Summoner)
Mentioned: Alfonse


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The sounds of tings and clangs softly drifted up as small swords clashed together. Joyce frowned as she watched each Embla soldier crumble to Askr’s, the strategy she had imputed into the War Room’s enchanted map failing… again. Over, and over Joyce watched them brutally fall. Forcing them to play out every ridiculous idea she could think of, trying different combinations of weapon types and movements, but nothing she used had been successful.

Joyce gritted her teeth in frustration, she was had tried her best to create a strategy for their next battle, but in the end it was David’s suggestion that had been approved. It took the former summoner little to no time to whip up a solid plan of attack, and even though he didn’t need her thoughts or opinions he continued to pester her about it. Asking her questions that he already knew the answers to, inviting her to attend meetings, and trying to keep her in the loop. however the more David pushed to include her the more it became blatantly obvious that she didn’t have a clue how to run a proper campaign on her own.

Finally, annoyed with David, Joyce had opted to hide from the former summoner. If she couldn’t outsmart him in the field, at least she could in the castle, and Joyce had spent a better part of the morning in the last place he would look for her, huddling up, surrounded by boring dusty books, deep in the Embla census library. Only returning to the War Room in the afternoon, and grateful to find it empty for the first time that week.

The summoner curled her fingers, creating a tight fist and slamming it down on glowing sigil to make the little forma soldiers take action again. Joyce tried in vain not to glance at the file that sat at her side, a copy of David’s strategy for securing the summoning ruins. She knew she should be running the simulation of this, to memorize her part to play in the operation for tomorrow, but she just couldn’t plug the info in. It was a reminder of her shortcomings as a tactician. Hard proof that she had relied on the heroes of the Order to plan and carry her in battle.

Joyce hated this feeling of being useless, and she knew she was nothing without Soren, or Claude now. Líf had always told her she could not compare with his past summoner, but his words never held any weight, until now that David was here in the flesh. Showing her up at every chance he received, rubbing her nose in his stupid perfect game plans. In a huff, Joyce turned on her heel away from the table of little formas that couldn’t, and she strode across the room to the door that joined her personal chambers, letting out a long winded sigh as she entered, the soft noise echoing down the long space.

“Giving up already?” Líf’s gruff voice echoed back, his dark form hidden in the shadows as he read on the couch in silence. “Not surprising.”

“I knew it was too good to be true…” Joyce muttered, but at least it wasn’t David. At least with Líf she had nothing to hide. Their toxic relationship had always had a way of exposing the worst in each other, and he was probably the only person in this world that truly knew who she was. Joyce wasn’t always the happy, smart, but silly summoner that the others made her out to be, and Líf had never bought that act. He knew how she could be cruel, spiteful, and manipulative as well. She never had to hold back, or close herself off like she did with the others. Joyce could be herself around Líf, creating a level of comfort she shared with him that she didn’t want to admit to even her closest friends.

“So, where’s David?” Joyce snorted as she swept up a small cluster of grapes from a colorful basket of fruit, and flopped down on the opposite couch. Rolling her eyes as she plucked a berry from its stem. “I’m surprised he’s not here, he practically lives in the War Room now.”

“David should be back soon.” Líf informed her without looking up from the large tome that rested in his lap. “He went with Bruno this morning to the Cavern of Dreams to take a census of harvest numbers after the last haul. We need to make sure that we can sustain future summoning events with the current rate of orb production.” He paused briefly, his attention drifting towards reading her reactions and not the words on the page in front of him. “David was looking for you to join him, but gave up after he wasn’t able to find you.”

“f*ck…” Joyce swore softly under her breath, rolling a pump grape between her fingers. The one place she did want to visit was the Cavern of Dreams. She was curious to know if it was as wondrous as the one in Askr, with its opalescent stalactites, and rainbow mineral veins. Did the orbs in Embla look the same she wondered? Now she had missed her opportunity to find out, all because of stupid David.

“You are deliberately avoiding him.”


“You're threatened by David. He is your counterpart from another world. It is only natural.”

“I could care less.” Joyce lied as she popped the grape into her mouth casually.

“Oh really?” Líf closed the tome he held slowly before pushing her further. Each word a calculated incision into her ego. “It doesn’t bother you that he is better at your job, and everyone is beginning to rely on his opinion and not yours?”

Joyce crushed the grape between her teeth, her silence speaking volumes in the quiet room.

“I know what it’s like.” Líf sighed, plumes of light blue mist escaped between the crevices in his facemask. “When I arrived in your Askr do you know what I saw when I looked at Alfonse? I saw my former self. Happy, loved, he had everything I had, and I wanted it back. But you can’t take what’s not yours. He did not steal my life. What he had belonged to him, and built that himself.” He pushed his long fringe to the side, covering up his eye patch, and his singular dark red eye bore down on the summoner. “Do you know what I see when I look at him now?”

“Depending on what side of you he is standing on, probably not very well.” Joyce maliciously snickered as she ripped off another grape.

“Very funny.” Líf sarcastically snorted, ignoring her jabs before he whole-heartedly continued. “When I look at Alfonse today, I don’t see a rival, but someone I can learn from. I have spent far too long chasing after a life that is not mine. I do want what he has, but in order to achieve this for myself I must work on those skills and bonds for my own. Use Alfonse as the blueprint so I may achieve my own goals. He drives me to the life I want to lead. Such as this conversation with you as an example. This is not something I am accustomed to anymore, but I am willing to push these boundaries to better myself.”

“Wow Líf, I’m really impressed.” Joyce whispered in awe as she leaned towards him, a wicked smile crept across her face. “Tell me, was your grave just as deep as you are?”

The light faded from Líf’s eye as they stared at each other with little emotion. “Bitch.” Líf muttered dryly as he reopened his book, and returned to reading.

Joyce wasn’t offended by Líf’s crass response as she sat on the couch listening to him turn the pages. This is what she really wanted, deep down inside she didn’t want Líf to better himself. Their best conversations had always been the silent ones, and she didn’t want that to change. Besides, if Líf did better himself, then she would be the only monster left in Askr.

“I’m back!” David eagerly burst into the room from the corridors, and quickly shut the door behind him.

“What the Hel, this is my bedroom! You can’t just barge in here unannounced!” Joyce angrily cried out as she watched David saunter across the room towards them. “What if I was having a bath?”

“Nice.” A goofy grin spread across his face as he shook off his coat, tossing it on the desk.

Joyce sneered as she snatched the pillow beside her, and crushed it up to her face, stifling her screams with the velvet cushion. “You are the worst!”

David pushed up the sleeves of his old worn sweatshirt before dropping down onto the couch close to Joyce causing her to bounce wildly as his body weight displaced hers. He happily smacked the ledger he held with the back of his hand. “So I have the orb forecast here, and it’s pretty exciting!”

Joyce scrambled off the couch as quickly as David had sat down, retreating from the living room area after throwing her cushion down in a huff.

“Hey, where ya going?” David twisted in his seat, hooking his arm over the back of the couch. “Don’t you want to know the results?”

“I’m not interested.” Joyce nonchalantly shrugged off his inquiry.

“Well, you should be.” David scoffed, his frustration with the summoner started to show. “You need to know these things, Joyce.”

“Why? When you’re doing such a good job for me!” She spat back, inching towards the joined War Room to get away.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” David vaulted over the back of the couch, giving chase across the room, only to be met with a door being slammed in his face.

Joyce quickly locked the door with the iron key she had in her pocket. She knew she let her emotions get the better of her, and she wondered if maybe she had gone too far this time. David was an ally after all. She just had to put up with him for a little bit longer. Wait out the storm, and then he could go back to his own world. Joyce inhaled a deep breath, her fingers still clutching the key’s handle as it stuck out the door. She knew she should go back, smooth things over with a fake smile, but she just couldn’t do it. David was different.

“What did you mean by that?!” David cried out as he took long strides across the War Room, having gone the long way around through the corridor.

“You’re so annoying!” Joyce tried not to panic as she fumbled with the key in the lock, her fingers failing in strength. She finally managed to unlock the heavy bolt, and threw open the door to her room, escaping inside as she shouted back at him. “Leave me alone, David!” Normally any other sane hero would have left her be by this time.

“No, I’m not letting you sweep this under the rug like everyone else does.” David fired back in hot pursuit, pushing his way into the room too. "What's with the attitude? If I’m doing something to piss you off, Joyce, I want to know what it is so we can fix it before going into battle together tomorrow!”

“This is what I mean. You’re such a know-it-all. Always doing the right thing, always so perfect!” Joyce flung her arms out as she let her emotions run wild. “All week it’s only been about David’s plans, this. David’s strategies, that. Nobody even asks what I think anymore.”

I’ve been asking you what you think every step of the way!” David’s eyes were wide as he jab his finger into his chest. Not willing to even give her an inch of excuses to use. “But you keep icing me out of every conversation! What do you want me to do? Somebody had to take charge, you sure as sh*t didn’t.”

“Oh please, don’t pretend you don’t love it.” Joyce sneered, her eyes becoming slits, all the words she kept buried over the past week spilling out. “You are practically Alfonse’s wet dream come to life. You might as well take Breidablik from me and get it over with. You’re clearly a better Summoner than me!”

“There it is.” Líf’s deep voice interjected as it echoed across the room to them as he continued to read.

“Can it, Jell-O shot!” Joyce barked back, feeling attacked on both fronts. She had finally lost her cool and proved Líf had been right all along. She was threatened by David. She knew he was better than her, and she was afraid he would take her position.

“Is that what you think? That I want to replace you?” David’s face twisted in pain as he spoke her thoughts out loud, he looked like a puppy that had just been yelled at, as he shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t want that at all. I’m not trying to step on your toes, Joyce, but I’m also not going to sit by and let you get yourself killed out there either. I just wanted to help you. Hang out with my best friend again. Kiss a few heroes…” He let out a long sigh as he ran both hands through his hair and blew out his cheeks. “Good grief, that's all that this is about!?”

Rubbing her numb fingers with her hands, Joyce looked away in shame, and she knew she was in the wrong, that she had treated David unfairly. It wasn't him that she was truly upset with. It was herself. She was disappointed in how she had spent her time in Askr. Always so wrapped up in her own drama, and never bothering to learn what she really needed to know to become successful as their Summoner.

Joyce watched David, slumped down on the couch, lost in his own thoughts. She could tell he wasn't as mad as he was hurt by this whole argument. “I’m sorry, I thought I was a good tactician, but it looks like I just relied on Soren and Alfonse to do all the hard work… I guess it just didn’t bug me as much until it was you that took over. We are supposed to be equal, but we’re not. Not yet at least.” Joyce confessed, and she began to mull over what Líf had spoken about earlier. How he decided to learn from Alfonse instead of trying to take from him. Joyce timidly approached the former summoner, her voice small as she pushed herself out of her comfort zone. “David, will you help me become better at understanding and creating strategies?”

“For real?” His eyes lit up at the proposal, tension melting away.

“Yeah.” Joyce bit her lip as she shifted her weight from leg to leg, swallowing her pride. If Líf could do it, so can she, and she took a deep breath. “I want to learn and become a better Summoner.”

David sat for a moment watching her, a smile crept across his face. “Wait here. I have an idea!” David rushed back to the War Room only to be gone for a few minutes before reentering her chambers again, a large wooden game board in his arms. “Asgardians Pawns! It’s a great way to wrap your mind around strategies on and off the field.”

“What? No, I hate that game.” Joyce scrunched up her nose in disapproval as her eyes followed him as he crossed the room, placing the game on the coffee table, and sitting down beside it. “Alfonse tried to teach me to play when I first arrived, but he gave up after a week.”

“Well, that was your first problem.” David chuckled as he began to set up small forma heroes along each side of the board. “Alfonse is a terrible teacher when it comes to strategy games. He’s not going to teach you how to beat him. Deep down inside, he hates losing.” David outstretched his arm towards the summoner, beckoning her to sit with him.

“Really?” Joyce’s eyes darted towards Líf as he scoffed and quickly looked away, refusing to engage.

“Yup! That's when I went to the one person Alfonse could never beat, his mom!” David bolstered as he watched Joyce slide in beside him, their recent blow-up fading into the past. “Queen Henriette had me play a few matches with King Gustav as she sat beside me, and taught me everything she knew. I never lost a match again!”

“Lies!” Líf’s voice rang out as he tossed the book he was reading to his side, and he slid down the couch and sat in front of the board, rearranging the pieces on his side. “I don’t recall you winning during our match at the Bridal Festival.”

“You won on a technicality.” David casually shrugged, savoring the raise he was still able to get from his old friend.

“Being clocked unconscious midgame for standing someone up at the festival altar isn’t the technicality you think it is.” Líf snarled as he crossed his arms. "I was winning that match, and you know it."

“You almost got married at the Bridal Festival?!” Joyce’s jaw dropped as she looked at David in astonishment, the lesson becoming more exciting than she thought it would.

“T-There was a miscommunication, it wasn’t my fault!” David’s cheeks turned a shade of red as his past actions were dug up. “Look, nobody's perfect, can we just focus on the game?”

“Fine.” Joyce sighed in disappointment, as she looked at the forma heroes waiting for her to give orders. “What should I do?”

“I want to gauge how much you actually know.” David sat back and gestured to her to go ahead. “So make an opening move, I’ll jump in when I think you need it.”

“Okay...” Joyce picked up a random hero and quickly moved it forward.

Líf snorted as he wasted no time pushing one of his own heroes forward and attacking hers with ease. “Child's play.”

“See, I’m no good at this!” Joyce grumbled as she tried to get up and leave.

“That’s okay! It’s just the first game.” David caught her arm as he gently pulled her back down. “Give it another go!” He gave her an encouraging grin as he nodded towards the game.

Joyce huffed as she gave in, her fingers lingering over a hero as she tried to come up with a strategy to catch Líf off guard. A smirk caused her lips to turn upward. She had an idea, and she quickly scratched up the same hero as her first turn and moved it forward to the exact same spot.

“Why would you do it again?!” David cried out as he watched Líf destroy the hero without a second thought.

“I thought I could fake him out...” Joyce whispered softly.

Líf lent back in his seat with an arrogant chuckle. “You better have packed your burn cream, David, because I will be on fire soon!”

“Oh, this is going to be a long night…” David groaned as he ran his hand down his face. "But, we learn from our mistakes, right?" He nodded as he reached over and took Joyce's hand in his own, guiding it over the heroes as he explained each of the moves he showed her.

Joyce didn't argue for once, she didn't shut down. She found herself content in listening, interested in learning. She had let her friends leave her behind when they moved forward in their personal growth earlier that year, but she would be damn if she would let Líf do the same. Líf was stuck with her, they both were she decided then and there, but instead of dragging them down to her level, she swore she would raise to theirs, and become the best Summoner they ever had.


"Black Sheep" - Metric

Chapter 13: Establishing Positions III


Joyce, Lif and David head out to summon a few heroes.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner) David (Lif's Summoner)
Minor: Lif
Mentioned: Ranulf


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


“Yeah…” Joyce shamefully admitted as she pulled at the green stone hanging from her necklace, sliding it along the chain back and forth. A gift from Ranulf, made from part of the stone he had come from. She kept it in Breidablik’s holster and wore it during summoning for good luck. Joyce had not put it on in months, but today she needed to feel extra lucky to mask the sense of dread she had upon waking that morning. A feeling that deepened as they reached the outskirts of the forest on their way to the summoner ruins. Joyce brushed it off as pre-battle jitters, but there was a bad feeling that she just couldn’t shake, and it was starting to show.

“Good. That means you’re taking this seriously.” David replied sitting under a tree, pouring the map in his hand, and jotting down notes along the margin.

Joyce, Líf, and David had splintered off from Veronica’s army that morning, and trekked around the far side of the forest. They had planned to access the summoning ruins from the back while the Embla forces baited the Askr soldiers away to the fields in front. It was risky, and Joyce knew they would encounter a few heroes guarding the ruins, but with Líf as their unmovable wall they would have a chance to summon a few heroes before being overwhelmed and forced to move off. Even if they were able to snipe at least one hero to help it would be a boon to their cause.

The summoner paced, gazing over at David as he continued to work. He kept checking his watch that lay across his knee. A chunky old thing that looked like it weighed a ton. The kind of watch that seemed to have a dial for everything, not just time, but direction, and temperature. She didn’t understand how it could still work here in this world, and gizmo made Joyce's head spin, and she scoffed silently as she began to pace again. Líf had told them to wait where they were so he could go ahead and scout the area further in. It had been a good hour since the swordsmen had left, and Joyce was becoming concerned. She looked at David from the side of her eye, and wondered how he could remain so calm at a time like this. “You don’t seem nervous.”

“I just have more experience keeping my emotions in check.” He muttered without looking up.

“From what, med school?” Joyce snorted sarcastically, crossing her arms. “Look, David, you haven’t seen the same battles I have here, maybe you’re the one not taking this as seriously as you should.”

David looked up from his map, the slight expression of pain in his eyes let Joyce know she might have hit a nerve with her last comment, but instead of lashing back, and speaking what was on his mind David held his tongue and returned to his notes. Sighing as he focused on the task at hand. “Let’s just quickly go over the plan again while we wait for Líf to get back.”

Joyce gazed out through the dense forest, only the sound of battle in the far distance carried through the trees. “He should have been back by now…”

“Give him time. You have to be able to adapt and react in any situation in the field. Even the most well laid plan isn’t going to play out perfectly.”

“Then there’s no point going over the plan again.” Joyce shot back as she began to push her way through the bushes, trudging off in the same direction Líf had earlier.

“Hey! Wait!” David panicked as he quickly shoved his belongings into his knapsack, scrambling to grab his bow and equipment as he chased the summoner through the woods. Finally catching up with her with a loud huff. “You can’t just go off on your own like that!”

“What happened to adapting, and reacting to any situation?” Joyce looked back with a cheeky smirk, having found an old beaten path to follow through the woods that seemed to grow darker and denser the further they pushed forward.

“Just stay close, wouldja. This place is giving me the heebie-jeebies.” David shuddered as he whispered, spying suspiciously at the trees. The path was narrow but he managed to stay almost glued to her side, and he grabbed her arm, pulling them to an abrupt stop. “Hold up… What’s this?”

Joyce followed David’s gaze and noticed strange whips of jet black smoke wafting beneath the underbrush. “It looks like remaining traces from Embla’s dark enclosures…” She recalled the first few days of their fight with the God of Closure, and the parcels of land they had encountered trapped in the blackness. Joyce pulled at the green stone as he remembered how even some of her closest friends had been caught up and trapped within. She can’t imagine what it was like inside, Ranulf would never talk about it, but she knew it was bad. “I think there’s a town not too far from here that was one of her targets during the war. The darkness might have spread out over the lands as it dissipated for the central concentration?” She pondered as she watched David kneel down and blow gently into the black substance. The gas billowing up and away. “A lot of country folks went missing in the area after. This might have something to do with the disappearances.”

“Well, look at Sherlock Holmes!” He chuckled as he cranked his neck to look up at her, satisfied that the smoke was just that, and nothing more.

“I can have my moments too, you know!”

“I know.”

“Come on, let’s keep going.” Joyce bravely pushed forward, wafts of smoke lapping at her skirts as the fabric gazed at the edge of the path. “The trail is clear. Just be careful where you step in the overgrowth.”

“I don’t know, Joyce, I don’t like this.” David begrudgingly followed, adjusting his knapsack, and clung to his bow. “The further we go the thicker this sh*t gets. I can barely hear the sounds from battle anymore.”

“Do you think it’s over?” She asked in astonishment, her thoughts returning to what they had set out to do that day. “We haven’t even made it to the summoning ruins yet, we need Veronica to hold out a bit longer.”

“No, I think they are still fighting, it’s just whatever this… darkness is, it’s creating a barrier between us and them.” David’s brows came together, perplexed by their environment. “And it’s not just that. I can’t hear anything else either. No birds, no insects. It’s just not right for this time of year-”

“There he is! I found Líf!” David’s comment fell on deaf ears as Joyce shouted excitedly, glossing over his concerns of their surroundings and rushing along the path until it opened up into a small clearing. The swordsman stood like a statue, unmoving in the middle. Joyce’s pace became a crawl as noticed there was no response. “Why is he just standing there?”

“Oh sh*t!” David pushed past her in alarm, dropping his belongings at Líf’s boots, and rummaging through his sack. “It’s happened again!”

“What happened?!” Joyce latched on to David’s shoulder, and shook it violently. “What's going on? Wake him up!”

“I can’t, he’s not asleep.” He brushed her off as he pulled a small flashlight from his bag, quickly shining it back and forth over Líf’s eye. “I don’t know how to describe it. He just keeps… shutting down every so often.”

“Shutting down, like a machine?” Joyce’s eyes widened in shock, and she tugged at her necklace, unable to grasp anything else for comfort. “F-For how long?”

David clicked the flashlight off, as his arm fell to his side, a grim look washing over his face. “Sometimes minutes, sometimes months...”

“Months?!” The word barely squeaked out over her lips when they heard a branch crack loudly in the forest. Their heads both pivoting towards the noise at the same time. Signs of life outside their own they had not encountered in the forest up until that point. “David… Something’s coming…” Joyce’s hand latched tightly onto his coat once more. Low moans and guttural growls, and the sounds of brushes being pushed aside drifted towards them.

“f*ck it.” David cursed softly, he pushed his bag between Líf’s boots on the ground, and his hand found Joyce’s, leading her away from the clearing, tugging hard as she hesitated to leave Líf behind. “Leave him, we need to hide.”

“But-” Joyce started to protest, but the menacing noise from the woods was quickly growing louder and she followed David into the thick brush.

“There.” David pointed at an old dead tree, the trunk hollowed out from years of decay. He quietly and quickly urged Joyce to squeeze through a large fissure in the tree. Sucking in himself in, David followed suit, pulling his body through the narrow crack in the trunk, packing the tree with their bodies tightly against each other face-to-face, too close for comfort. She felt the rough stubbled along his chin brush against her forehead, but she did not complain. She knew for as uncomfortable as she was in the moment, he was more so with his size.

Holding her breath, Joyce dared not look around the dank trunk they hid in. She felt cobwebs latch and pull at her hair, and the wood smelled of rot. Every time they even slightly shifted their weight bits of damp wood to crumble away on top of them. Joyce knew it had to be full of bugs and other creepy creatures, and she feared that she might lose her composure if one dared to come too close. Her skin crawled as she stared out towards Líf, waiting with baited breath for whatever made those awful noises to reveal themselves.

Joyce felt David tense up, and pull her closer to his chest. He had spotted them first. It wasn’t an animal like she had thought. It was a group of people, yet something was off about them. Their movements seemed uncoordinated, ridged, and unfocused. Stopping to gaze at nothing, then recklessly lurching forward again with each step. They groaned as if in pain, yet none of them did anything to help one another. And then it hit her, almost as quickly as the smell did. These people were dead.

Their clothes were dirty and in tatters, some were missing limbs, their flesh dripping from their bones. Like the risen that the heroes of the world of Awakening had spoken of. Reanimated corpses, they must have been dead for months roaming the forest on their own, and she gasped, when it occurred to her that these were the missing people that had been reported after the war, and she brought her hand up to cover her mouth as she tried to withdraw further into the tree, but there was nowhere to go.

Minutes dragged on, and they both stood together in shocked silence watching the horde of undead filter through the trees and stagger across the clearing. The creatures paid no mind to Líf as he stood there motionless. Perhaps they didn’t even know he was there, or they saw him as just another obstacle in their way. The swordsmen had always told Joyce that the smell of life was stronger to him than the scent of death, maybe the horde saw Líf as one of their own, but with that train of thought, could they also sense David and her. Perhaps it was their scent that brought them to the clearing. If David wasn’t scared before, he was now, and she could feel his heart pounding loudly next to her ear press against his chest. Joyce took comfort to know she wasn’t alone in her fear, and they stood tightly clutching one another as they watched the horde slowly melting back into the woods. Even with the group out of sight, the pair stayed completely taut and motionless in the tree until the silence of the forest returned.

“Let’s go.” David sprang back into the action, ripping much of the bark off the tree as he scrambled out of the trunk, and quietly making his way back to the clearing.

“sh*t, what do we do?!” Joyce hissed, as she followed closely behind. “That whole group went towards the summoning ruins!”

“Keep your voice down.” David growled, and he picked up his knapsack and swung it over his shoulder. “This is getting out of control. We need to retreat. Come back with more allies.”

“No! I’m not leaving empty handed. Let go!” Joyce pulled her arm away, as she stared out into the woods in the direction the horde went. “For f*ck sake, with Líf like this, I’ll have even less heroes then what I started with today!” She unlatched Breidabliks holster, and pulled the divine weapon out, holding it at the ready as she made up her mind. “I’m going to the summoning ruins. I’m pretty sure I can take the horde out on the way. You just have to stay out of my way because I'm not very good at controlling it's blast wave. David, stop tugging! I’ve made up my mind!” Joyce whipped around to push David off only to find that he was still inspecting Líf, trying to rouse him from his unconscious state.

“I’m nowhere near you…” David’s words trailed off as they locked eyes with one another. Both realizing that they were not out of danger yet. David’s eyes widened as he noticed wisps of the black smoke dancing around the summoner’s feet, wrapping itself up and around her body. “Joyce!” David lunged towards the summoner just as the darkness ensnared her.

“Wha-” Joyce cried out as her feet were pulled out from under her body, and she came collapsing down with no time to react, or adapt, hitting the ground hard. A flash of pain radiating from her forehead, followed by complete darkness that enclosed her mind.


"Life's What You Make It" - Talk Talk

Chapter 14: Establishing Positions IV


Joyce is captured by the darkness, and David comes to face someone from his past.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner) David (Lif's Summoner) Anankos
Minor: Lif


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

David clenched his teeth as he tightened his grip, struggling to hold onto Joyce’s forearm, his hand sliding further along. “f*ck!” He dug his feet into the ground, and found a nearby tree root to anchor himself down, in hopes the darkness that kept the summoner in its clutches would give up. “Joyce, wake up!” He cried out in hopes that she would be able to help his efforts by fighting back. He noticed a trickle of blood ran from her temple and along her cheek, the aftermath of when she was knocked out, and he knew she might be out for a while.

The dark smoky tendrils refusing to let go of the unconscious summoner, crept further along her body and tried to shake David loose like a dog with a toy, treating him more as an annoyance than an actual threat. “Damn it…” He snarled, his grip weakening, slipping over Joyce’s limp hand and down Breidablik that was still clutched in her fingers. David tightened his grip around the barrel of the divine weapon, praying to anyone, any god that would hear him to give him the strength to not let go. The cold metal along Breidablik began to grow warm and vibrate softly beneath his grip, and David gritted his teeth, as tears reached his eyes, the strain in his arm setting his joints on fire, but he held tight, and to his relief he felt the joyous give as he was able to gain ground. “Joyce, I got you-” David’s celebration was cut short as he watched the summoner’s fingers slide off the trigger, her hand falling away from Breidablik, and a light flashed throughout the clearing, blinding David, and felt his arm break loose of its struggle as the tension disappeared, the power he had thrown into pulling knocking his body backwards as he lost his unworldly tug-of-war with the darkness.

“Joooyce! ” David shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice cracking as he became short of breath. He stumbled as he tripped over his feet, wasting no time as he tried to chase the darkness by following the sickening sound of underbrush rustling, and branches breaking as it dragged the summoner into the woods towards the summon ruins and the monsters that lurked in the trees. Still clutching Breidablik in his hand, David rubbed his burning eyes as his vision slowly returned, dancing bright spots disappearing as his surroundings came into focus again. His breath caught in his chest as he realized he was no longer alone with Líf in the clearing. A slender man with a long white coat stood between him and the woods where Joyce was taken. David’s skin crawled as the man turned to face him, a menacing, low rolling laugh escaping his malicious grin.

“Who would have predicted that my former self would have left us such a wonderful gift. An anchor to a new world.” The man took a step forward, his long slender fingers pushing back his large hood, letting locks of azure hair fall past his shoulders. His blood red eyes sparkled like jewels as he drank in his surroundings in delight. “A world connected to all others! Well done my vassal. Together we will lay waste to all humanity. Not just in this world, but in all of them!”

“W-Who are you?” David stuttered, remembering he still had Breidablik, and he quickly tucked the divine weapon into the waist of his pants, hiding it from sight beneath his coat. Whoever this man was, David would be damn if he let him take Joyce’s weapon without a fight.

“You don’t remember, David?”

The former summoner’s heart skipped a beat as the stranger referred him by name, and he felt his blood run ice cold.

“The night you sat alone in the dark. A sniveling destructive mess on the edge of snuffing out your own light. A foolish and futile attempt to rejoin those you cared about. The guilt you carried after failing to protect your Askr. Eating away at your heart.” A wicked, toothy smile stretched across his face. “How delicious.”

“Shut-up!” David’s eyes widened, and felt his chest tighten as this man dredged up painful memories of his personal past. “You can not have known that! No one does, except…”

“Yes, I was the one that found you.” He drew himself closer, his piercing red eyes baring down on David. “Plucked you out of your well of despair.”

David shook his head in disbelief. “No. Where is Anankos? The one that brought me back. That voice I heard was kind and caring! Not whatever, or whoever you are”

“I was a fool.” He snorted in disgust, his long slender finger grasping David's cheeks with a vice-like grip, and forcing the former summoner to look up at him. “But that voice is long gone now. No longer is my vision clouded by my bleeding heart. I can see clearly now. My mind is finally free, and I know how ungrateful you are human. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn't for me. I made a mistake. You shouldn’t be here… You should be back in your own-”

“Enough!” David shouted, knocking the god’s arm away, and stumbling back. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“The gate that bridged your two worlds was meant to stay broken. If it had I would not have been able to access this world. This is what happens when you don’t follow the divine rules." Anankos scoffed as he sadly shook his head in disappointment. “That is the issue with mortals. The downfall of humanity is that they are untrustworthy, unpredictable, and… messy. But don’t worry, soon we will cleanse the universe of that little problem.”

David slowly took another step back, trying to keep composed as he inched himself closer to where he had left his bow near Líf’s still feet. “I’m not helping you, even if you did bring me back. You’ve lost your mind.”

“Thankless human.” Anankos growled. “You have no idea how lucky you are that I have need of your divine gifts. You will use that weapon you’ve hid to summon me the fodder I desire so they may carry out my annihilation of humanity. Like it or not, David, a part of me flows through you. You belong to me.” A wicked smirk curled at the edge of god’s mouth. “You have felt it before, haven’t you? You can sense the dragon veins beneath your feet.”

David froze, trying not to let the surprise he felt reach his face. The strange phenomenon he had been experiencing since returning to Askr finally had a name, but he was not willing to accept what Anankos was telling him quite yet. Right now he needed to calm down, and stop this mad god from carrying out his plans. David tightened his fist and focused his mind. His bow was just in reach, he just needed Anankos to look away, to put him at ease. “You’re not going to get very far with me. This Breidablik isn’t mine. It's nothing more than a paper weight in my hands. I can’t summon anymore even if I wanted to.”

“Not a problem. You have already been chosen. Divine weapons are not as fussy as you mortals make them out to be. They yearn to be wield, just as humans yearn for companionship. Once I crush the Summoner’s heart under my boot, I can force the divine power of that Breidablik to be transferred to you. And you are a better fit. Joyce is a greedy Summoner. Bending divine rules for her own selfish desires. It doesn’t matter who drowns in her wake. How do you stand it? Who allows this to continue?” Anankos sighed as he tilted his gaze towards the sky. “It is my fault for indulging her whims, and not putting her in her place sooner. Stomping her out when she presented herself to me, made her request. It is my mistake. It’s only fair that it is my duty to correct the situation, and stop her here and now from making more messes.”

David quickly snatched his bow and a few arrows from his knapsack as Anankos pondered his thoughts to the sky. “I won’t let you hurt Joyce.” David swiftly pulled back the string, the arrow head pointed at the mad god’s head, and let loose.

The arrow squealed as it cut through the air, its target unaware as he continued to keep his sights on the blue dome above. The wood the arrow flared brought orange and turned to dust as it passed through an unseen barrier, and Anankos smiled, as he lowered his eyes towards a stunned David. “You really didn’t think that could hurt me, did you?” Anankos chuckled as he turned his sights on the woods in the direction of the ruins. “Just sit tight, David, this won’t take long.” He nonchalantly clasped his hands behind his back as he strolled down the narrow path. “Here come some new friends to keep you busy while I clean up my mess.”

David’s vision quickly shifted away from Anankos and to the edge of the woods, the brushes giving way to the horde of undead. The former summoner had been so focused on the mad god that he had not noticed the group of creatures filtering back towards the clearing. Falling over one another in excitement as found new prey. “sh*t!” David cursed as he lined up another shot, and fired the arrow into the first undead creature that stumbled out of the woods, hitting it right between the eyes, and knocking it back off it's feet.

The horde’s chorus of snarls and groans grew louder as the undead filed into the clearing, twenty or so decaying, grotesque creatures all after one thing. Their movements were rigid as they stepped, unbalanced as they tripped over their own tattered clothes, and often slipped on their own flesh that slid off their bones. David ran towards his pack that sat at Líf’s feet. He Knew he could handle a few of them at a time, but this many all at once? He only had a few arrows left. Not enough to take down an entire group.

Pulling back another arrow, David fired it into the group, toppling the creature closest to him, and buying the former summoner a little more time as the undead that followed collapsed on top. “Hey, buddy!” David pulled back an arrow, looking at the unresponsive Líf from the corner of his eye. “This would be a really good time to snap back to reality!” He cried as he reached into his pack for another arrow, but only found air.

David’s eyes widened as panicked began to take hold of him. The endless horde with their snapping exposed teeth inching closer, forcing him to retreat back into the tree line, stumbling through the bushes. David swung his bow back and forth in front of him to keep the creatures at bay. Knocking their outstretched limbs as they desperately tried to grab him, and grunting as he used the blunt end of his weapon to jab one in the eye.

“No! It can’t end here, I don’t want to go back!” David growled as he fought off the creatures, but was quickly becoming overwhelmed on all sides. He used the length of his bow to guard against them as they cornered the former summoner against a tree. "Peeews..." David gritted his teeth as he watched the bow began to crack under the creature's weight as he tried to keep them at arm's length. David grunted as he struggled, their jaws snapping wildly, each one coming closer to taking a chuck out of him than the last.

A blood curdling scream echoed out through the forest, and David froze. Dread in the pit of his stomach began to rise, he know it was Joyce. Anankos must have found her, and his mind raced as he tried to think of a way out, a way to somehow reach her. To protect her, and everyone else from that mad god, but there were just too many of these creatures.

“Please, I can’t… lose everyone again…” David hung his head as he begged to seemingly no one. His arms grew tired, and the bow began to splinter once more. David’s eyes welled up as his hopes faded, and tears flowed over his cheeks, falling as he tried to choke them back. The tears making a soft pings as they hit the cold metal of Breidablik’s handle, still tucked into his waist-band below. David’s breath caught in his chest as his tear-filled eyes gazed on the divine weapon. David felt something stir inside that he had not felt in years, but it was different this time. Breidablik didn't just call to him, but begged to wield him, and without thinking David’s hand quickly found the weapon’s trigger and he lifted the barrel up towards the creatures that had trapped the former summoner, letting the magic of the divine weapon flow through him once more. “Joyce, I promise I won’t lose you either!”

The light from Breidablik cut away at the horde like a hot knife through butter, and David was quick to regain control over the area. One by one he struck each undead down with precision. Racing through the wood as fast as his feet could carry him, David felled each group of undead down with a quick blast of light. They were no match for the divine magic that flowed through Breidablik, and their flesh boiled and sizzled as he plowed through them. Laying waste to anything and everything that stood in his path. David's eyes widened when he reached the summoning ruins and he finally spotted Anankos and Joyce. The mad god held the summoner up by the throat, a cruel smile formed on his lips as he looked up at her as she clawed desperately at his hands to let her go.

A thick wall of dark smoke seeped from the cracks in the ruin stones all around them. Whatever this darkness was, it wanted Joyce at the ruins, and David had never seen anything like it before, but it did not detour him from his next action. Without skipping a beat, the former summoner silently marched up behind Anankos, pointing Breidablik’s barrel at the side of his head and firing it without any second thought. The divine power tore through the god like it had for so many before Anankos. There was no exchange of words, or any questions that needed answered. His only thought was to protect Joyce, and bring death upon the god. There was no escaping Breidablik's light, and the mad god’s headless body quickly collapsed beneath him, taking Joyce down with it.

“I got you.” David caught the summoner’s upper body before she could hit her head again, easing her to the ground safely.

Joyce grabbed her throat, as she coughed and gasped for air. Her eyes moved along the mad god’s body, the puddle of blood growing larger beneath them. “Is t-that Anankos?!” She covered her mouth as she gagged as David pulled her to her feet.

“Don’t look, don’t look.” David tried to keep her calm, and clasped his arm around her waist, ushering the summoner away from the ruins and menacing darkness that flowed from the rocks. "I'll fix you up once we get you to safety."

“Did you do all this?!” Joyce’s voice cracked as he pulled her quickly along the path, and through the carnage, his hand tightly clasped around hers. “How…” She whimpered as she tried to wrap her mind around what she was seeing.

David let out a long and heavy sigh as they returned to the clearing, and he slowed his pace to a crawl. His chest ached and he realized he didn’t know how long he had been holding his breath for. With downcast eyes David slid Breidablik into Joyce’s hands. The outer metal shell still warm from being used. “I’m sorry, I-I panicked, and I didn’t have anything else. I promise I’m not trying to take Breidablik away from you-”

“It’s okay.” Joyce forced a brave smile, realizing that he needed her support more than she did in that moment. “You were just adapting to the situation, right?”

“Yeah.” David slowly nodded, the tension leaving his body, being replaced by exhaustion. He glazed back at the ruins, remembered the dark smoke, and a chill ran up his spine. David knew he had to push through his fatigue, they weren’t safe yet. “Look, I know you want to summon some heroes, but we can’t stay here.”

“No, you’re right. I don’t think I want to be bound to any heroes that come out of this place anyways.” Joyce slid Breidablik back into its holster strapped to her hip. “Veronica wasn’t kidding when she said that they were questionable…”

“We’ll have to send someone back to get Líf.” David hustled to gather up his broken bow, and knapsack. “There’s no way I can get you both out at the same time.”

Joyce silently agreed as she followed David back down the path they had come from. Away from the ruins, and the clearing. Away from the piles of death that he created. “How long have you known you could still use Breidablik?”

“I didn’t…”

“You risked your life trying?” Joyce gasped as her eyes widened. “What if it didn’t work?!”

“Then we would have both been dead.”

“But you could have saved yourself!”

“No!” David quickly turned to confront the summoner, pain etched on his face. “You don’t understand. I’m nothing without… I-” His words kept catching, and getting hung up before they could reach his voice, and he stuttered as he tried to make it make sense for her. “Joyce, I-”

That’s when they both turned, a voice drifting in the leaves. But not the groans and cries of the undead. Their friends, calling their names. Joyce’s face lit up as the sound of help grew closer. “It sounds like Veronica and her team have been victorious! Come on, let's meet up with them, we’ll have a group go fetch Líf!”

“Wait, Joyce?” David didn’t move to follow, his tone serious. His thoughts lingering on what Anankos had told him about transferring the power of the divine weapon. “Can we keep what happened back there between you and I? I don’t think it’s a good idea to share what we know now. Not even with Alf.Tell them that you were the one able to defeat that horde of risen.”

“But I’ve never been able to use Breidablik with that kind of accuracy.” Joyce frowned, her apprehensive showing in her eyes. The summoner’s lies had always had a way of biting back one day. “Alfonse would know it’s a lie if he was here, but Veronica and Bruno would have no reason not to believe us... Okay, I won’t tell them it was you, least not until you say it's okay..”

David sighed in relief, weight lifting off his shoulders. The last thing he wanted was for this news to reach the wrong person that he could also use Joyce's weapon. But maybe it was a one time deal, he thought to himself, and he would never have to do it again. At least that was his hope. David tried to push the thoughts of the future from his mind as they walked down the path and towards their friends. “You know, if you cleaned it more often I’m sure you would be able to handle it better. I could tell how gunked up you've let it become!”

“Cleaned it?” Joyce's voice was small and inquisitive.

“Don’t tell me you've never-” David’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What did you think the long brush was for?!”

“You mean that toilet brush-" She abruptly stopped talking, her eyes darted away as colour rose to her cheeks, trying hard to cover up with a lie. "I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“Joooyce…” He groaned as he dragged his hand down his face.

“Look, it’s not like it came with a user’s manual or something!” Joyce barked back, folding her arms in frustration.

“Once we get back to camp you’re sitting down and cleaning it. You’re lucky it hasn’t blown up in your face yet!”

Joyce frowned in silence as she trudged along the path, a anxious look in her eyes.

He sighed when he realized what was bothering her. “Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it, but you’re doing all the work. I’ll just watch and instruct you, okay?”

“Thanks.” Joyce’s frown curled into a smile, and she picked up her pace so she could keep up beside him. “I promise I won’t let you down!”

David chuckled softly under his breath, as he slowed his step so they could walk together. She was silly to think she could ever let him down, when she was the one that lifted him up. Besides, Breidablik chose him today. Not as its summoner, but as the one to protect its summoner. And that was a promise that he was willing to uphold for the rest of his days.


"Bullet With Butterfly Wings" - The Smashing Pumpkins

Chapter 15: Establishing Positions V


David and Joyce grow closer.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner) David (Lif's Summoner)
Minor: Lif


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The sounds of crickets chirping, the thick scent of incense wafting in from the south, and the sand mixed with the rocks prodding against his stomach as he lay across them. David took stock of his surroundings as he rested his eyes. He had been there for almost two days, laying flat in his cold nest tucked in the mountains, and his body screamed to feel movement again.

No, he reminded himself. If he moves he’s dead or worse. Captured and jeopardizing the mission is not an option, and he pushed his desires from his mind.

David exhaled slowly as he reopened his eyes, finding the target he had been watching, and setting them in his crosshairs. The opportunity he had been waiting for had finally come. His target’s family were now in the other room, and the target was in the right spot. David held his breath as he pulled the trigger, and he felt the weight of his weapon push back in his arms. The soft sound of death launched from his hands as he watched with bated breath as his target quietly fell out of sight.

Closing his eyes once more, David focused on the sound of the crickets, trying to block out the screams of the target’s family that carried towards him from a distance. Screams that would forever haunt him to this day. A constant reminder of why this will be his final mission. Or so he thought.

David felt himself jerk awake, his body sore and stiff still from today's events at the summoning ruins. “I fell asleep?” He groaned as he tried to sit up in his chair. The last thing he remembered was instructing Joyce on how to clean Breidablik as they sat in her tent. “Sorry.” He rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands.

“It’s okay.” Joyce smiled as she continued to fiddle with something on her lap, pulling a needle attached to a long piece of thread as she mended a tare in his coat. “You needed it.”

“What time is it?” David felt his empty wrist in confusion and looked for his watch, finding it beside a finished Breidablik on the table that sat between them and a fresh platter of bread accompanied by some dried fruit and nuts.

“It’s pretty late. I hope you don’t mind that I’m fixing your coat. It’s the least I can do for you helping me with Breidablik.” She continued to work, pulling the thread again as it began to grow shorter with each pass, and nodded to the try of food. “Bruno brought you some dinner if you’re hungry.”

“I don’t mind.” David grabbed a handful of salted almonds, and tossed a few into his mouth. His gaze inspected the divine weapon that sat on the table gleaming in the soft light of the candles. “Breidablik looks good, I’m surprised you finished it on your own!”

“Once I got started, it’s like I just knew what to do.” Joyce shrugged nonchalantly, as she used a small pair of scissors to cut the thread, and checked her work closely, running a finger of the stitches.

“Breidablik’s funny like that, isn't it?” He lent back in his chair, and clasped his hand together in his lap, savoring the nuts in his mouth. “Did you learn how to mend jackets the same way?”

“No. Sakura taught me.” She wore a sad smile as she rolled a ceramic thimble with small pink flowers between her fingers before she placed it back into her sewing kit. “I’m not as good as her, but here!” She roughly tossed his coat at him to catch, an attempt to hide how much she had missed her friends back in Askr.

David caught the coat in one hand, and looked down to check out her work. The stitching could not have been more perfect. He could tell she cared about her work, even if she was trying to tell a different story. “Not bad, not bad. I have some socks that could use your talents too!”

“Gross, no!” Joyce giggled as she scrunched up her nose.

“It was worth a shot.” David chuckled as he closed his eyes again, listening to the crickets. There was no other sound in the encampment. The whole mood of the camp had been quite somber since they had failed to summon any heroes from the ruins that day. However, he was pleasantly surprised that Joyce wasn’t as upset about it as he thought she would have been. He knew she had her heart set on getting new heroes to aid them, but she seemed more happy that no one was hurt after today’s events. David smiled to himself, just when he thought he had figured her out, she did something unexpected, catching him off guard. He had found her occupying his thoughts more and more these days, and he knew he was toeing a dangerous line by hanging out this evening, but He didn’t want to go back to his tent yet. There was nothing there but nightmares to keep him up, and a lifeless corpse to talk to after he offered to look after Líf’s unresponsive shell of a body after they had carted him back to camp.

“Bruno was asking questions about what happened today.” Joyce broke the silence he had been enjoying, and he watched the look on her face become anxious as she recounted what he had missed earlier. “Questions I don’t have the answers to. He wonders how I wasn’t able to control Anankos after he arrived. I didn’t tell him that he wasn’t bound to me. I don’t get it myself. I’ve never had a hero that was able to null a contract on their own. And I wasn’t even near the summoning runes. How did he even get here?” Joyce shook her head in confusion, her brows stitched with concern. “You had a chance to confront Anankos, what did he say to you?”

David blew out his cheeks as he tried his best to explain. “He said he had a vassal here. He used their tie to push his way in.”

“A vassal? Lilith?”

“Maybe? He did mentioned someone else…”

“Corrin? But if that was true, something like this would be more common. We’d hear about it from other worlds. It doesn’t make sense.”

“No. He said it was me.”

“You?” Joyce raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

“I know it sounds crazy, but the Ananokos we met today was the same one that helped you restore my Askr. I think whatever divine power that Ananokos used to bring me back here it somehow became a part of me. Woven into the fabric of my being.” David shifted in his chair, leaning over, and resting his arms on his knees. “Have you ever heard Corrin talk about dragon veins?”

“I think so, yeah.”

“Well, I think I can sense them now too.” He lowered his voice as he confessed. “I might have even used them without really knowing it.”

“If that’s true, that would be pretty incredible!”

“Is it? I mean, if he used me to get to this world. Others might be able to do the same. What would have happened if we weren't able to stop them?”

“We’ll cross that bridge if it ever happens.” Joyce pulled herself up from her chair, clearly not as shaken up by his news than he was. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Nobody from our world has powers outside of Breidablik. At least not that I’m aware of. What you experienced could have been the power of this place, and not you.” She plainly told him, as she picked up a towel and placed it around the handle of a kettle that had been sitting over the fire. “It’s like Alfonse always tells me. ‘The simplest conclusion is most likely the correct one.’ It’s just a coincidence that it all happened to you at once.”

“You’re probably right, I’m overthinking it.” David sighed as he leaned back in his chair once more. “Or it’s wishful thinking. Maybe, I do miss being a summoner, something… special.”

“Don’t be silly, you are something special!” Joyce flashed him a bright smile as she snatched up tea cups, placing them right-side up on the table. “You’re the smartest one here by a mile, and you alone turned the tides in our favor. I could not have come as far as I have if it wasn't for you, David.” Joyce begins to pour hot water from the kettle, a pained look on her face as her hand flinched, and the pot tilted on its side, hot water spilling all over the table. “sh*t…” She cursed angrily as she quickly tried to mop up the water with the towel, making things worse in her frustration.

“Hey, it’s okay. Leave it.” David was quick to jump in and help. He watched her from the corner of his eye with concern. “You’re still feeling the effects from the toxin aren’t you? I thought your recovery was a bit faster than it should have been.”

Joyce rubbed her hand, trying to downplay her injury as David rummaged through his knapsack, producing a small glass vial. “It’s not that bad, and I didn’t want to bother anyone, there’s already so much going on.”

“Here. I know it doesn't smell great, but it will help loosen your joints.” He unscrewed the topper, and drizzled a few drops of ointment to the back of her hand before he began to gently rub the oil in. “You should have said something. I can’t read your mind. Okay?”

Joyce quietly nodded her head in agreement. “But, you don’t have to fuss over me.”

“Stop, I want to fuss.” David grinned, as he held her hand and continued to rub in the ointment. “It’s what I’m good at.”

“What aren't you good at?” Joyce snickered softly in jest.

David’s motion’s slowed, as he took a moment to think. He wasn't good at a lot of things he wanted to be good at. He couldn’t carry a tune for the life of him, and whenever he took a photo it would always be blurry, but those were things he could work on. Improve himself if he just kept at it. The one thing he wasn’t good at? “Letting go…”

Joyce’s eyes widened, and her cheek flushed a soft pink as she gently pulled her hands away, turning to sit back down, and trying to quickly changed the subject. “Who in the Order taught you to fight like you did earlier? I’m sure they didn’t teach you that in med school. Your attacks with Breidablik were so precise, and coordinated. I really need to learn how to do that. I feel so… out of control when I use Breidablik.”

“Unfortunately, there was no one that taught me how.” David secured the lid of the jar back on, and placed it on the table next to her. “Before I went into the medical field I was in the military.”

“Really?” Joyce gasped in astonishment as she continued to rub her hands.

“Yup!” David grinned as he poured them both a cup of tea each. “Both my parents were too. So I spent my childhood bouncing from base to base. I didn’t really know anything else, so I joined quite young, rose the ranks pretty fast. I was a good shot, Joyce. Like, really good. With a scope, there isn’t anything I couldn’t hit at a thousand meters away. So I guess using Breidablik came naturally to me.” He proudly lowered himself into his chair, and raised the cup to his face, blowing on the hot drink. “If you want, maybe we can train a bit together? See if that will help with your confidence using Breidablik.”

“I’d like that.” Joyce kindly smiled, and picked up her own cup. “What made you leave the military?”

David hesitated as he drank his tea, he didn’t think she was going to ask him to talk about his past.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t pry-”

“It’s okay, I just haven’t talked about it in a long time.” David brushed it off, and pressed his lips together, unsure how much he wanted to share, or where to start. He was worried about what she would think of him after she found out what he had done. However, if she could accept Líf and his past, why not him. He sighed as he made his decision. “There’s no good way to say this, but my job was to take people out, and not just soldiers running at you in the field, forcing you to defend yourself against them. Not like here.” David paused, his brows stitched together, he could feel himself growing angry when he thought back on his past. “I was a sniper, but it wasn’t like how they painted it in the movies. I didn’t go after evil masterminds, or dirty politicians and traffickers. You know, people the deserve it, but it was always regular folks working for the, quote-unquote, 'wrong side'. It was always skilled workers that were linchpins to their operations. They were normal people trying to do their jobs for their military groups just like any normal day, until they happened to step in front of my barrel, then…” David raised his arm as he made a gun out of his hand, and pretended to shoot it, a soft sound mimicking an explosion escaping his cheeks. “Lights out. We have the advantage now.”

“You? I can’t imagine you doing that...”

“Do you believe in cosmic karma?”

“No. I don’t know. I never really thought about it before.”

“That’s a good thing. You don’t have something heavy weighing on your mind then.” He forced a brave smile. “I think there’s only so many lives you can take before you start to lose a bit of yourself. Chipping away, piece by piece. They tell you it’s for the greater good, but after spending forty-eight hours, stalking, and lying in wait as you watch your target before silently removing them from existence, you start to wonder who the real monster is.”

“David, don’t think like that, I know you didn’t enjoy hurting those people!”

“I didn’t hurt them, Joyce, I murdered them…I destroyed their loved ones' lives!” David felt himself growing more upset as he talked about it. The memories of their screams surfacing in his thoughts. “I’m not sure what your definition of a monster is-”

“Not you.” Joyce quickly cut him off as she reached over and placed her hand on his, he didn’t even realize it was trembling until she stopped it.

“Anyways, after that last mission I applied to transfer over to the medical program and didn’t look back. Devoted myself to helping people. Saving lives, not taking them.” David sniffed as he reined in his emotions, chuckling at himself. “Sorry, if it was too much information, I didn’t want to sugar coat it for you. I wanted you to know the truth about me.”

“That is a pretty powerful backstory.” Joyce grinned as she tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood. “I bet that tale got you laid by quite a few heroes in your time!”

David frowned as he shook his head. “I’ve never told anybody here about that part of my life. Not even Alf, he wouldn’t understand.”

“Why tell me?” Joyce scrunched up her nose in confusion. “We barely know each other.”

David hesitated, a swarm of butterflies invaded his stomach. He jumped out of his chair and paced away, running his hands through his shaggy hair, and clasping his hands behind his head. “I’m going to regret this…Okay.” He blew out his cheeks, as he turned to face her, blurting out his words as if that would help settle his fluttering insects inside. “I like you, Joyce! I like-like you, like, a lot.” David let out a long sigh, as stunned silence filled the room.

“You ‘like-like’ me ?” Joyce’s eyes squinted as she sneered as she repeated his words.

“sh*t, I’m such an idiot.” He groaned into his hands before quickly snatching up his coat, and striding for the tent’s door. “I sound like a damn kid again!”

“David, don’t go!” Joyce jumped to her feet, catching his arm before he could leave. “Hey, I'm sorry, that came out wrong! I thought it was very sweet, really!”

“I’m an idiot.” David clicked his tongue, unable to look her in the eyes.

“It’s been a long time since I've had this kind of situation with another person, and I didn’t think you saw me like that… I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. Maybe… you’ll let me make it up to you?” Joyce ran her hands up and long his forearms as she drew herself closer to him. “Is this okay?” She whispered as she brushed her lips against his, daring him to come closer to her.

“Joyce…” David breathed her name as he dropped his coat and wrapped his arms around her small frame, pressing his lips on hers eagerly. His skin tingled under each touch, washed in pleasure as she pushed her body against his. David chuckled in giddy anticipation, tucking a soft curl behind her ear, as he nudged his nose on hers. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this…” He sighed as his mouth found her again, parting it open and letting her in.

“I want this now too…” Joyce purred as her hands found the buckle of his belt, yanking it undone, and fumbled with the button of his pants with a sly smirk.

“Wait, wait.” David’s breath hitched as his hands found hers, stopping Joyce from going further. “Not like this.”

“What’s wrong?” She gasped in concern as he pulled himself away.

“This isn’t a good idea.” He growled, torn by his actions.

“Why not?” Joyce frowned.

“We are in the middle of a conflict, and you said it yourself that you weren't ready to see anybody again!”

“But it’s just for fun!”

“Exactly! I’m not some hero that has been summoned to Askr. And I don’t want us to be just another fling.” David sighed, as he took her hands in his. “I want more out of whatever this is. I want to do this the right way, so no one gets hurt.”

“What now then? We can’t just forget what happened right now.”

“How about this? You don't have to forget it, we’ll just hit the pause button.” He squeezed her hands, their eyes locked on one another's. “When everything settles down, and it's time to part. Ask me to stay in this world with you. Tell me that you want to explore what this could be, and I will. We’ll take things at our own speed. No expectations.”

“David, I-”

“Don’t say anything now, save what’s on your mind for later, okay?”

Joyce nodded without a word, disappointment lingering on her face. David sighed as he leaned in and placed his lips on her again. Just one last time wouldn’t hurt, he thought, just a little more he told himself as he succumbed to his own desires again. His mind only swimming with thoughts of her. “Nope! Noo.” David ripped himself away, as Joyce whimpered softly. “You almost got me there, again…”

“But, you could stay a little longer and we could just chat, like before?” Joyce bit her lip innocently.

“Yeah right. Sorry, but I know that’s not going to happen.” David chuckled at her, and pulled his coat on as he quickly as he could, turning to leave without looking back. “Good night, Joyce!”


David pushed his way through the tent flaps, the cold night air hitting his hot skin like a slap in the face, and he smacked his forehead in disgust. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…”

“You reek of sweat and ointment.”

“Líf!” David jumped, and spun around on one foot to find his friend waiting for him outside in the shadows of the tent doors. “Come on man! Don’t scare me like that!” David chided him angrily. “I’m glad to see you’re better, but you almost gave me a heart attack…”

“I could hear your heart racing before I startled you.” Líf snorted as he sauntered up to David. “You must have been training hard with the Summoner. What exactly were you teaching her this time?”

“How to dodge a good time...” He mutter under his breath.

“Don’t let Joyce take advantage of your kind nature, she does need to learn on her own too- Where are you going?”

“The showers.” David grumbled as he stomped off into the night.

“At this time of night? The water will be freezing cold.”

“That’s the idea!” He sarcastically called back over his shoulder, clutching his fist in frustration as he started to regret all of his decisions that night. He should have just shut up about his past, and had a fun night with the Summoner. What was he thinking? David groaned loudly into the night. “Stupid David, stupid!" He began to ramble. "Why can’t you just let go, and have a good time? That’s who you should be… Why do you always have to do the right thing, and be… be so perfect!”


"Counting Stars" - OneRepublic

Feeling a bit low energy these past few weeks, I might take some time from this, but if you want to stay connected I do record and post my FEH summoning vids here!

Chapter 16: Drawing Lines in the Sand I


Alfonse discusses the current state of the Order Soren, while Joyce and her team try to take a well needed summer vacation.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Alfonse, Soren
Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's Summoner), Lif, Bruno, Veronica
Minor: Reginn, Otr


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Prince of Askr crouched down as he opened the heavy lid of his trunk to unpack his belongings, half-listening to Soren drone on about summer events. Alfonse rummaged with one hand through the contents of the trunk trying to mask his foul mood. He was not fond of the beach, the gritty sand, and the sticky heat, but he disliked even more that his mother had sent him here after being temporarily dismissed from his courtly duties and banning him from any hard drinks. “A vacation to clear his head.” The Queen had suggested after receiving wind of his botched plot to force the Summoner to be returned to Askr.

Deep down Alfonse knew his mother was right, even if he would never admit it to her. He had gone too far, and had become too comfortable in drowning his problems in a glass. He felt his mind spiraling down a path he had worked so hard to avoid. He had warned Joyce not to get close to the heroes, to learn from the lesions of his past. He had lost Zacharias twice now, and the one person he thought he couldn’t lose was gone too. His chest tightened as he moved the items around in the trunk, searching for the last friend he promised he would trust.

Alfonse froze as his knuckle hit cold glass, and the sea breeze filtering in through the mesh tent doors sent chills up his spine. The bottle he had smuggled in his luggage before they left the castle. stolen from Joyce’s home when they searched the townhouse after she went missing. It’s not like she would have ever known it was gone. It didn’t belong to her after all. Alfonse sighed in relief, quickly tucked the bottle back into its hiding place, and retrieved his arm, shutting the lid as he returned his attention to the mage who gave his daily report.

“Have you had a chance to look over Ash’s findings from the borderlands?” Soren questioned as he rapped his long fingers against the file he held. “According to her there was a very strange occurrence at the summoning runes. It might be worth sending heroes to the site for further investigation.”

“I haven’t had a chance, I’ll look into it when I return to Askr.” Alfonse lowered himself down on the top of the trunk lid, changing the subject as he crossed his arms as if to protect the treason beneath him. “How are we faring with the tempest vortex without the new heroes we would normally have at this time of year? I also noticed that there aren’t as many heroes on the beach…”

“Yes, it is true that there are not as many heroes joining the Order on the coast this year, the tempest vortex has not proven to be an issue for those that have volunteered their services. But, it is unfortunate that we will be missing out on this summer version of Shez this year. I hear he has been a real boon for most worlds.” In a rare occurrence Soren’s eyes lit up as he pulled a report out from a file and handed it to the prince. “The good news about our drought in heroes is that our stocks in summoning resources have never been healthier.”

“You are still monitoring the orbs?” Alfonse’s voice became higher at the end in surprise, and his eyes gazed over the report. He had never seen such numbers since Joyce had arrived.

“Joyce left Askr before she could name someone to take over my old position. I have taken it upon myself to continue my old duties so nothing would be lost in the confusion. Somebody had to do it.”

Alfonse sighed as he handed the report back. “You’re right, thank-you for stepping in where I clearly should have. I have been so consumed with how to get Joyce back to Askr that I completely forgot about those tasks. My last attempt was a blunder of epic proportions. It’s no wonder that some heroes have followed Reginn’s example and have left the Order! Our forces are slowly unraveling at the seams, and it’s all my fault.” His voice drifted off as he lowered his gaze. He never meant to hurt Joyce, he just wanted a quick resolution to the problem. “I should have listened to you when you voiced your concerns on my plan when I had the chance. How can you still support me as you do?”

“If you are capable of making one mistake, then you are capable of making more.” Soren spoke frankly, a slight smirk dancing on the corner of his lips. “Your greatest one was not heeding my advice, and we both know you won’t do that again.”

“How humble of you.” Alfonse sarcastically muttered, and pushed the meeting forward, trying to wrap it up quickly. The treasure hidden in the chest calling to him. “Any luck questioning the heroes that have visited the castle? There must be another Askr out there that has run into similar issues with their Summoner. We can’t be the only ones.”

“If they have run into problems with their Summoners they are not openly discussing it. Which is not surprising since we are keeping the news that our Summoner has left the Order quiet as well.”

“So we are on our own then.” Alfonse frowned, he wasn’t ready to give in yet. “There has to be a way that I can make her listen to me. Bring her back to us…”

“Good luck with that.” Soren snorted as he turned to leave. “In my experience there has only ever been one thing that Joyce has listened to. Her stomach.”

Alfonse quietly watched the mage slip through the tent doors. Alone at last. He jumped off the trunk, and quickly threw open the lid. Diving into the articles of clothing until he found it again. Alfonse took a deep breath as he pulled the bottle from the trunk holding it up to the light. The amber liquor caught the rays in the clear glass, and an idea began to form in his mind. “No, there is another that she will listen to.” Alfonse placed the bottle on his writing desk, pulling out his quill pen, and a piece of parchment. He smirked at the bottle as he sat down, and began to write a letter to an old friend.

“I think I’m dying…” Joyce moaned as she lay motionless in the dry grassy field, her skin coated in sweat and pieces of debris from the hot winds whipped dirt around her. Her arm flopped across her face, covering her eyes in front of the blinding sun above her. “Leave me here. Go on without me…”

“Come now, Summoner, the headwaters are not much further.” Bruno chuckled as he bent over, pulling the summoner up to her sandal feet. “There I promise that you will be able to quench your every thirst in the glorious waters of Embla!” He smiled as he pointed forward, his tight white t-shirt threatening to give at the seams.

“Askr is not the only nation that can celebrate summer.” Veronica joined them, a wide smile plastered on her face, a large brim hat casting a long shadow over her small frame, donning a matching purple sundress. “You will have the vacation to top all vacations while you are here!” She pointed in unison with her brother, her silken red beach shawl tied around her shoulders floating around her.

“If I had known the journey was going to be this long I would have just drawn a bath at the castle...” Joyce groaned as she pulled at her sweaty cotton shirt and shorts desperately trying to get some air flow against bathing suit as it stuck to her skin.

“Damn…” David panted as he and Líf caught up to them, followed closely behind by Reginn and Otr. They all were dressed in summer casual clothes, ready for a day of playing in the Emblm waters. But so far they had spent a good half of the day hiking through the mountainside. “I’m sweating in places I didn’t know I could sweat…”

“Disgusting.” Otr snorted in disgust as he strolled past the former summoner from another world.

“Keep it up buddy, and you’ll find your gas tank full of sugar.” David grumbled back, uncaring about hiding his growing distaste for the dvergar prince.

“I have no idea what you’re going on about, but I don’t like your tone, low-born.” Otr sneered, emphasizing the words he chose to address the foreign summoner.

“Otr!” Reginn cried out as she caught up with her brother, trying to quell his knack to stir up trouble.

“Your plan wouldn’t work, David.” Líf sighed nonchalantly, unaffected by the heat pelting the rest of them. “The gullinburstis do not run like the machines of your world. The “fuel” Niðavellir use would fall in the realm of seiðjárn. More magic than your technological science. The use of sugar would have no effect on them.”

“Oh yeah, then how exactly would one sabotage a gullinbursti if they wanted to?” David smirked menacingly as he eyed the prince from behind him around shades. “You know, for science.”

“I don’t know what you two are plotting over there!” Otr spat as he whipped around to confront the two. “But if I catch any of you scum even near my gullinbursti I won’t hesitate to introduce you to my axe-”

Without notice Líf grabbed Otr by his collared shirt, lifting the short prince off the ground as he brought the squirming axeman closer to his gruesome face. “Touch David and I will remove every bone from your body, spread them out evenly on this very plateau so they may bleach in the sun. Then when they are as white as the snow of Nifl I will decorate my horse with them.” Líf’s eye flashed a bright red as he growled his words, a glimpse of the hatred and madness that continued to bubble just beneath the surface of his mind.

“Dude!” David cried out as he latched his arm around Líf’s and tried to force the iron wall to let Otr go. “Chill!”

“Hey! Enough!” Reginn pulled at her brother’s arms, managing to rip him from Líf’s grasp and tearing Otr's summer shirt in the process. The swordsman's attention returned to David, as his friend snapped him out of his trance. “Let’s take a walk!” Reginn yanked her brother away from the group as he snarled a few choice words under his breath. “This heat is really getting to everyone…” she mumbled as she pushed her brother along.

“I thought Embla had a cooler climate.” Joyce sighed as she cupped her hand along her brow and shaded her eyes, squinting as she glanced up at the cloudless skies, the bright white orb beating down on them as they continued to trek along as a group. She had never felt so close to the sun before, it was unnerving. “Even Askr doesn’t get this hot.”

Bruno covered his mouth with his fist as he cleared his throat before taking the time to proudly educate the summoner about his country. “Embla is cooler than Askr in most seasons, however, in the summer the temperature can climb quite high. Especially here in the mountain plateaus where there is little coverage.”

“All I know is as soon as we get there I’m jumping into those waters and not getting out until the end of summer!” David wiped the sweat from his brow and flicked the drops from his fingers to the ground with a shake of his wrist.

“Oh, you won’t want to do that.” Bruno frowned.

Joyce scrunched up her nose in confusion. “Why not?”

“Well, take a look for yourself, Summoner.” Bruno stopped, turning to the travelers with a bright smile as he gestured to the grassy area in front of them. “We have arrived.”

Joyce and David exchanged concerned glances as they crept closer to where Bruno pointed. A small trickle of water bubbled up from of a pile of rocks, pooling into a shallow grassy stream no deeper than one's ankle.

“That’s it?!” Joyce gasped in surprise.

“sh*t, I don’t care.” David muttered as he kicked off his sandals, and began unbuttoning his shirt. “I’m going in even if I just lay in an inch of water!”

“I would advise against that.” Bruno shook his head as he warned the former summoner. “You’ll be covered in Embla bloodsuckers within the half-hour.”

Joyce pouted as she watched the parasite riddled water and her dreams of a relaxing summer vacation both flow away down the stream. “Then how are we supposed to cool off?”

“It’s quite simple. Observe.” Bruno grinned as he stepped into the water. “Wet through! And wring!” He declared as he tore his T-shirt off, bending over and soaking the cloth in the stream. “Wet through.” He repeated as he pulled the wet shirt out and twisted it as he held it above his head, water pouring down over his face and along his muscular chest. “And wring!” Bruno laughed in relief the group watched him in horror.

“Pay no mind to my brother.” Veronica giggled, removing her large brim hat, and pulling out a small pot that was hidden in the dome. “You may also use a vessel.” She crouched down, gently placing the rim of the pot against the trickling water and slowly filling it up before handing it to Joyce.

The words caught in Joyce’s throat as she stared down at the murky water in the pot. “Y-You just dump water over your head all summer?”

“What else is there?” Veronica tilted her head, a blank expression washed over her face.

“Where does this river go?” David asked in a panic as he stretched his neck to peer out further over the plateau. “It must get deeper somewhere!”

Veronica touched her finger to her chin thoughtfully. “I believe it filters through that mountain range and drains into the ocean on the other side.”

“The ocean?!” Joyce and David gasped together in unison.

The young princess nodded and cast her gaze longingly towards the mountains. “It is the same beach that the Order visits every year.”

David flipped the circular lenses of his sunglasses up and away from the frames, his eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, hold the phone.” He grabbed the princess by the shoulders desperate for more information. “So you do have a beach?!”

“Yes.” Veronica pushed the former summoner off gently as she began to explain. “However the only access is only over those mountains, or traveling through Askran lands.” The princess frowned, a tone of sadness filling her voice. “Embla is unable to use their side of the coast. Whenever we have tried to claim those lands we were swiftly pushed off. It has always been too hard to send reinforcements, and not worth the effort.”

Joyce casted her gaze downwards in shame, realizing that she and her heroes were the reason the young princess had never known the joys of the beautiful beach she had become accustomed to visiting every summer. “Veronica, I’m so sorry…”

“Fliers!” Reginn cried out, waving her hand above her head wildly as she and Otr sprinted towards them. “Askran Fliers are on their way!”

David groaned in disbelief, already exhausted at the thought of engaging with the enemy. “How did they find us?”

“Prepare for battle.” Líf jumped into action, his fur lined cape swinging around his legs as he turned to give orders. “Joyce, stay with Veronica and Bruno. David, ready your bow”

“Wait, who is it?” Joyce asked, shading her eyes and trying to make out the shadows in the sky.

“Does it matter?” David questioned grimly as he pulled the string of his bow from one point to the other, using the ground as leverage, and checking the strength with a quick pluck of his finger. “If they attack us, hit'em back!”

The voices of one of the riders carried towards them on the wind, “Look! It’s the Summoner!” and the flies began to make their descent.

Joyce pursed her lips as she anxiously stood by, only able to watch. A knot of dread tightening in her gut as the riders grew closer. The large wings of a wyvern blocking out the sun.

“Can you take down the wyvern lead?” Líf asked David as he pulled his sword from it sheath, his eye unwavering from his target.

“Yup.” The former summon confidently nodded, flipping the lenses of his sunglasses down to shield his eyes from the sun, and raised his bow and arrow, pulling back the string in one smooth motion.

The group of fliers dropped lower and began quickly gliding towards the group. Líf squinted his eye not from the light but from the anticipation of engaging in battle once again. “Fire-”

“No! Wait!” Joyce lunged towards David, grasping his arm and yanking it back. He grunted in surprise as his arrow flew wildly in the wrong direction. Catching him off-guard as they both toppled down to the ground together. A rush of air washed over the group as the wyvern flew overhead, passing over them without attacking and landing in the soft grass behind them. The rest of the riders followed their leader, an assortment of Pegasus and wyvern touching down one by one. Joyce’s eyes widened as she let go of David’s arm and sprinted towards the riders.

“Joyce, get back here!” David cried out as he scrambled to his feet, red faced, and using his bow as support.

The wyvern leader slid off the back of their beast, shaking out her long red hair. She wore only a dark red bathing suit covered up by a long black silken bathing coat. Her legs took long elegant strides as she sauntered over towards the summoner.

“Cherche!” Joyce cried out, trying to hold back tears as she leapt into the hero's arms. Hugging her old friend for the first time in a long time. “I missed you so much!”

“Calm yourself, Summoner! I missed you too.” Cherche giggled softly under her breath. She gently patted Joyce on the back, her nose twisting in disgust when she touched the summoner's clammy skin, as she raised an unamused eyebrow. “Why are you so… slick?”

“Let her go!” David huffed as he caught up with her, and brandished a small dagger from his belt. the rest of the summoner’s group hot on his heels, prepared for the worse.

“No, David, it’s okay!” Joyce jumped in front of him, shielding Cherche from his threats, and trying to save David from picking a fight he could not win. “Cherche is not here to attack us, She’s my friend!” Joyce smiled as she gently took the dagger away, tucking into her satchel. “She isn’t here to fight!” The summoner’s joy faded, as her confidence in the situation faded, turning to the wyvern rider cautiously. “Well, I think so, right?”

“Certainly.” Cherche giggled again, as she kindly smiled at the summoner. “We have no intention of quarreling with you today.”

“Then why have you come here?” Joyce questions softly, praying the answer wouldn't cause any issues for the group. The day had already taken a toll on all of them.

“We were on our way to the beach celebration!” A light hearted voice piped in as Tusbasa skipped over, sweeping up Joyce’s hands into her own and squeezing them in excitement. “Oh you should come, Joyce! I’m sure there’s enough of us to ferry you all over the mountains. It will be so much fun! You’ve missed too many festivals this year. Everyone will be so, SO excited to see you!”

Joyce’s eyes widened at the thought, she longed to go with them, but that wasn’t an option anymore, and she stumbled over her words as she tried to work through her emotions. “I-I can’t just go to the Askr Summer Celebration after leaving like I did… Can I?” She looked back at her small, weary Emblan party.

“I would advise against it.” Líf slid his sword back into its sheath. “However, half of that beach is in Embla’s territory and we do have every right to use it.”

Joyce looked at Veronica, an idea forming in her head. “Maybe Embla can have their own Summer Festival on the beach?” She smiled as she watched the princess’s eyes light up at the suggestion.

“But what if Askr tries to push us off?” David frowned at the thought. “We’ll be stuck with our backs against the cliff face. No escape route. Do not pass Go.”

“Worry not, my squad and I are willing to guard you against any Askran blow backs.” Cherche proudly declared, and flicked her long hair behind her shoulders. “Everyone deserves to have a peaceful summer vacation, regardless of whose side they are on.” The wyvern leader bowed her head slightly as she spoke. “I would like to officially extend my services to you and your team, Summoner.”

“Oh me too!” Tusbasa squealed as her fist pumped the air. “I want to be a part of the Embla Summer Festival this year!” The singer gasped as she latched onto Veronica’s small arm excitedly “Do you like concerts, Princess? We can hold a big one! The best one yet!”

“Concerts?” Veronica repeated softly in surprise and awe. “For Embla? I would very much like that.” The princess smiled and tried to suppress her joy, as Tusbasa giggled in amusem*nt.

“And, this might be a good opportunity to show Askr that we are not afraid of them, nor are we willing to back down.” Bruno chimed in, happy to see his sister’s reaction.

“The coastal ruins are located in the water, and belong to no one nation.” Líf noted, analyzing the pros and cons of making the trip. “We could also summon more heroes to our side. Strong ones at that.”

Most of the group all seemed to be in agreement about going to the beach, and Joyce knew she should be happy since it was her suggestion, but there was a different issue that nagged at her mind. “But, I am scared about running into Alfonse, though.” She looked away in shame as she scratched her arm. “I don’t know if I can stand up to him if he’s there in person..."

Líf scoffed in disgust. “I used to dislike going to the beach. I wouldn’t intentionally be here unless there was good reason. Which there never is.” He snorted and shifted his weight.

Joyce knew Líf was right, Alfonse hadn’t made the trip to the beach in years, but she was still uncertain. Joyce glazed over to the one last hold out who had surprisingly yet to agree to go. “What do you think, David?” She quietly asked, truly wanting to know his opinion for once.

David was quiet at first, taken aback by the question that had been asked of him, but then a gentle smile formed at the edge of his lips and he softly answered so only she could hear. “I think you really want to see your friends again, Joyce, and if doing that will put a smile on your face again then it’s worth all the risks in the world.” He chuckled as he noticed the summoner's cheeks turning a deeper red than they already were from the heat, and He shrugged as he looked out over the dreadful plateau trying to save face for both of them. “Besides, we could all use a little real R&R right now.”

“Okay.” Joyce nodded, satisfied that everyone was on the same page, and turned towards the wyvern rider. “Cherche, we accept your offer!” The summoner declared proudly, whipping around and pointing her finger at Bruno. “Now, where’s the beach?!”

Bruno, never one to miss a chance to peaco*ck, he puffed up his chest with a grin from ear to ear. He stretched his arms above his head and flexed them as he pointed towards the mountain range. “Thataway, Summoner!”


Sorry for taking such a long period away! Thank-you for your patience!

"Band On The Run" - Wings

Chapter 17: Drawing Lines in the Sand II


A confrontation along the beach shore.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Alfonse, Soren, Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's Summoner), Lif
Minor: Sharena, Bruno, Veronica, Cherche


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sliding off the saddle and down the side of the giant wyvern Joyce landed in water with a splash. The cool ocean coming up to her hips as she dug her feet into the soft sand. She reached up and took Cherche’s hand, helping down off her mount.

“Many thanks, Summoner.” Cherche smiled, she turned her head towards her beast. “Go on Minerva, be back at the beach by sunset.”

Joyce watched the wyvern happily rear its head back as it stretched out its mighty wings above, showering them in salty drops of water before effortlessly diving into the ocean and swimming away as if the waves were no more than updrafts on the winds.

“Gah, I hate flying” David grumbled, his pale face bobbing on the surface as he floated by on his back, waiting for his stomach to settle after a bout of air sickness. “But this was totally worth it!”

Joyce looked back to the rest of the crew, spying Líf stopped just short of the water, sneering out at the open ocean in disgust, and Bruno leading a timid Veronica to the shore's edge. “Veronica! Don’t be scared, come on in!” Joyce called out to the young princess. “It’s not too deep here.”

Veronica slowly entered the water, guided by the more worldly Bruno. She inched her way over to the summoner, stopping to brace herself with every small wave that collided with her body, giggling after it passed. “This is the ocean, Summoner?” Veronica mused softly. “It’s much wider than I thought it would be.”

Joyce and David laughed as they exchanged satisfied glances. The summoner felt her limbs and mind relax as she lowered her body into the water, finally able to let go of her troubles, and watch them drift away with the tide. She smiled to herself as she was more than content to monitor her companions from the sidelines. Her new found friends embracing her old ones. It made her feel proud that she was the one that brought them together. Joyce wondered as she laid back, letting her body float to the surface, if they would join her if she asked nicely so she could capture the happiness she felt in this moment and keep it with her always. It didn’t matter where she was, the summoner realized, all that mattered was that she was with them. Her friends were her home now.


The summoner sat up quickly upon hearing her name called out, looking around in the confusion. She planted her feet into the soft sandy bottom as she stood up, the water flowing quickly over her wet form. Joyce gasped, her eyes widening in surprise as she spotted a figure running down the shoreline, waving their arms in the air frantically above them. she knew their party would attract the attention of heroes from the Order, but she didn’t think she would see… “Sharena!” Joyce called back with a smile as she trudged through the waist deep water to greet the young Askran princess.

“Jooooooyceee!” Sharena continued to cry as she crashed into the summoner, throwing her arms around Joyce as she embraced her tightly. “I can’t believe… you… are here!” The princess sobbed, managing to get her words out between heavy breaths. “I missed… you so much!”

“I missed you too, Sharena.” Joyce hugged the princess in return. Her biggest regret was not being able to say goodbye to the princess before leaving the castle when she did.

“Oh! And you brought Princess Veronica!” Sharena’s eyes lit up as she dashed over to her Emblan counterpart, taking Veronica’s hand in her own with an excited grin, tears continued to flow over her sun kissed cheeks. “This is going to be the best summer ever!”

Joyce relished in the joyful reunion, more heroes had found their way down the beach. Some whispered among themselves, others happily welcomed them with open arms.


A familiar voice cracked as it stumbled through her name, and the summoner didn’t have to turn to see who it was. She felt eyes on her back that sent chills down her spine. “Alfonse…”

The beach became deathly quiet. The only rhythmic sound of the gentle waves lapping at the sand and the hissing of water as it retreated, draining through the wet grains filled the air. The run-away summoner slowly turned to face what she had feared most about making the journey here. Joyce had not seen the prince since their confrontation in his office months ago, and she was stunned to see he had become a worn shadow of his old self. Alfonse was much thinner than he once was, dark circular bags formed under his eyes. Joyce quickly gazed away. It broke her heart to see her close friend in this state, but she tried to push those feelings aside and focused on the reason why she had left Askr in the first place.

“You’ve come back to me?” Alfonse’s eyes widened as he took a hopeful step towards the summoner.

“No.” Joyce gritted her teeth as she turned away trying not to become weak, and breakdown, giving in to any of his demands. She clenched her fist into a tight ball to cause a sharp pain to shoot up her arm, a reminder of the suffering he had caused her in his ruthless pursuit to get what he wanted. “You just weren’t supposed to be here.”

Alfonse shook his head in confusion, and desperately tried to hide his disappointment in her answer. “Then what are you doing here?”

Nobody else moved or spoke, and tension suffocated the air around them. Each hero kept silent in fear of setting something off. Treating the prince like a powered keg, and the summoner a spark.

“We are here for the same reason Askr has come.” Bruno calmly stepped in, being able to smooth over tensions with his very nature. “To enjoy the refreshing waters of Embla this summer!” He announced proudly. "You are all more than welcomed to join of course."

“Is this a territorial dispute?” Alfonse sneered, his hand automatically finding the handle of a dagger he wore on his belt. “You know you are no match for Askr. We can easily push you off this beach!” He aggressively warned them.

“Alfonse!” Sharena cried out trying to bring her brother to his senses. She clutched onto Veronica still, protecting the small princess in case something went wrong.

Sharena’s warning is not coming soon enough to stop Líf from advancing on the prince, striding up quickly and gripping Alfonse by the shoulder, shoving him backward. “You know as well as I that half of this beach belongs to Embla.” Líf growled as he pointed towards an ancient stone marker, the script almost all eroded away from the elements and time. The swordsman pull Éljúðnir away from its sheath, and gripped it tightly. The old sword from Hel blazed to life, its long blade lighting up in electrifying violet magic, and Líf used the tip to slowly draw a line in the sand between him and Alfonse. The rocky grains sparked and popped as they began to react from the heat of the blade, Forming a glossy and hard line of glass that separated the two nations and their beaches. Líf pointed at the glistening border he created and loudly announced for those to continue to watch in awe. “Anyone, hero or not, who crosses this line with the intent to cause trouble, or a thirst for battle will be in violation of Askr and Embla’s peace treaty.”

“You can’t do that!” Alfonse protested angrily, almost stepping over the boundary line, disregarding what that would mean. “We have always used this beach!”

“Alfonse no!” Sharena dashed over and caught her brother's arm, pulling him back and away. “Líf’s right. And if mother found out the Order picked a fight with Embla she would be furious. Mother worked too hard to create the current alliance. Don’t let your feelings cloud your judgment.” She attempted again to talk sense into her brother. “Besides, maybe they can help us with the Tempest Vortex!”

“Sharena!” Alfonse hissed through his teeth in a hushed tone, turning his back towards the newcomers. “We don’t need them-”

“The Princess is right.” Soren intervened, cutting off the prince without a second thought. The analytical mage eyed the summoner and her companions with a cold stare. “Ymir’s domain has proven itself to be more tricky than the last. We could use the aid.”

“And why should we help you?” Joyce scoffed as she crossed her arms, not hiding the resentment she still harbored for the mage when he resigned from her office without warning. ”What could you possibly offer us-”

“We’ll help you!” David blurted out, talking over Joyce. “We’ll take care of the tempest vortex, but only if you allow us to summon heroes from the water ruins in peace.” David pointed out over the ocean at a small shining island not too far out from shore at the foot of the vortex.

“No!” Alfonse stomped his foot. “Absolutely Not-”

“Deal.” Soren ignored Aflonse, smirking at David like he had found a worthy opponent at last. “I will make sure that Joyce and your team have full access to the ruins without issue, so long as you are able to clear out the tempest Vortex for us after.”

“Additionally, the heroes we summon return with us to Embla.” David added, trying to make the most of the opportunity that was given. “The contracts formed will tie them to the Summoner and not to the Order of Heroes."

Soren rapped his fingers along as he took a moment to seize David up. “Okay, however, if those heroes want to join their companions and loved ones in the Order under Askr, they will be free to do so.”

“Agreed.” The former summoner gave him a curt answer and a confident swift nod.

Joyce pulled at his arm in concern, unsure if what he agreed to was a good idea. “David…But we need them.”

“It’s only fair, Joyce.” David whispered, as he pulled her aside. “We don’t know what’s going to happen after this, and I’m not going to make the heroes fight people they care about. They are not just toys for you to play with. You have to set a better example for Veronica here too.”

The summoner sighed in disappointment, not only for the less than satisfactory deal they just made, but mostly ashamed of herself for wanting to force the heroes to fight with her. She would be no better than Alfonse had she pushed to get her way on this. “You’re right.” Joyce turned to Soren with a new found perspective. “I’ll let the heroes choose where they want to go once the summer is over.”

Soren’s smug smirk grew wider, knowing that most of the heroes would likely choose their friends over strangers once it was time, and gaining strong heroes in the process without using any resources at all. In his eyes he had won this battle plain and simple.

“Does this mean the fighting is over until the end of summer?” Sharena quietly pounded, as she touched her lip in thought. “Can we still play games and celebrate together on the beach?”

“Yes.” Veronica waltzed over to the Askran princess, and dear friend. “Embla will hold a concert and all will be invited.” She giggled when she saw Sharena’s eyes light up in joy. “Together we will host the best summer festival the heroes have ever seen!”

“Why stop there?” Alfonse interrupted rudely. “Let’s finish off the summer festival with a real bang!” He wore a sinister smile as he slowly glanced at each thorn in his side, his gaze falling on Joyce in the end. “I suggest a friendly mock battle. A tournament against each other before we return to our nations. I’ll even let you use all the heroes you summon here before you give them a choice to leave you.” Alfonse sneered as he turned his attention towards the Emblan princess. “What do you say Veronica? Don’t tell me Embla is afraid to face off with Askr.”

“Very well.” Veronica coldly agreed, lifting a confident chin as she looked up at the prince. “But when we win, you must vow to quit your pursuit of Bruno. He will be free to make his own decision on whether he returns to his own world or not.”

“Fine by me, but in turn you have to wager something that is equally as valuable as Bruno’s freedom.” Alfonse pushed back his disheveled hair, and a proud malicious grin began to form on his lips.

“Oh?” Veronica mused, placing her hand against her hip without a second thought. “Name it.”

Goose skin formed along Joyce’s arms as she watched from the side, and her blood ran cold when she figured it out. Alfonse had laid a trap, and they were more than happy to walk straight into it. “It's me.” Joyce glared at the prince. “He wants to take me back to Askr if the Order wins.”

“Oh, don’t say it like that. You make me sound like the villain in this arc.” Alfonse frowned at the summoner. “I ask for so little, but I’ll even sweeten the conditions for you.” Alfonse paused as he shifted his weight, his tone growing cold and serious. “If I win, Joyce returns with me to the castle. The rest of you, including Bruno, are free to go. You can do whatever you want, I don’t care. I’ll be finished with all of you.” Alfonse’s eye narrowed into slits, and he pointed his finger at each one of Joyce’s new friends. “That being said, none of you are to set foot over Askran borders ever again. They will be forever close to you.”

“No way we are going to hand Joyce over like that, pick something else!” David snapped back, losing his cool level head as he allowed his emotions to get the better of him.

Joyce caught the former summoner by placing her hand on his chest, and holding him back. “It’s fine, David, I’m sick of running anyways. This is our chance to put an end to all this fighting.” Joyce pleaded for him to listen. “Besides, we will have summer heroes, and I have a plan to get more. We’re not going to lose.” Joyce pushed a brave smile to try and reassure David before confidently turning to face Alfonse once more. “We accept the terms of your tournament."

“Prepare yourself Joyce, and say your goodbyes.” Alfonse smugly threatened her as he turned to leave. “Because when the summer is over and the fall chill sets in you’re coming home with me.”

“Home? You mean my prison.” Joyce spat back loud enough for him to hear as she watched the prince walk away. She frowned as her anger turned into grief. Alfonse and her had never gone this long without each other, and she could see how the separation was taking it's toll. Joyce tried to hold back tears, her voice became soft, and the words she wanted him to hear got caught up in the wind never to reach him. “Only when you can accept of us as we are, Alfonse, will Askr be my home again.”


"Let It Ride" - Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO)

Chapter 18: Drawing Lines in the Sand III


The summoner tries to lighten the mood, while Bruno attempts to smooth tensions over.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's Summoner), Alfonse, Bruno
Minor: Lif
Mentioned: Sharena, Veronica, Soren, Reginn, Otr, Cherche


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Joyce looked out over the open water, smiling as she spotted the others in their adjacent canoes. Veronica giggled as Sharena sang songs loudly about the sea, happily paddling away. While Soren smugly sat in the middle of his own boat, letting Reginn and Otr do all the heavy lifting as they worked their way towards the small island that held the summoning ruins.

Letting the paddle rest across the width of the boat Joyce looked over edge of her canoe, peering down into the clear ocean. She chuckled as she faintly spied the dark swordsman’s figure, lumbering across the sandy bottom. “I can’t believe Lif’s just… walking on the bottom of the ocean.” The other boats and their passengers passed by as she continued to watch from above, wondering what it would be like to stroll along the bottom of the sea like he did, and letting David maneuver the boat on his own. “He’s probably going to stink real bad after this. Good thing he shares a tent with you and not with me!” She laughed as she pinched her nose, glazing over her shoulder and waiting for the former summoner to respond with some witty comeback.

He kept silent as he continued to dip his ore in the water, pushing their boat forward. David’s dark round sunglasses were unable to hide his sad puppy-dog expression that he wore all morning, and she finally had enough.

“Okay, I’ll bite.” Joyce sighed, as she dipped her paddle back in the water. “You’ve been salty since breakfast, and I don’t think it’s because of the ocean breeze!” She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. “I thought you would be happy to start a real summer vacation today! So, what’s the deal?”

David sniffed hard as he gazed out over the water, his tone serious as began to voice his concerns. “I really wish you didn’t agree to Alfonse’s terms. What are we supposed to do if we lose to Alfonse?”

“We won’t lose! With your brains and my… summoning. We’ll be fine!” Joyce laughed it off, her voice carrying over the open ocean. “Besides, I have a-”

“A plan?” David cut her short, letting the end of his oar drag in the water. “Right, but we haven’t heard what it is yet...”

“Oh! You’re going to love this!” Joyce stood up quickly as her excitement to share took over, the canoe tipped to and through, threatening to capsize as she turned around to face David, sitting back down in her seat. “I plan on asking Cherche to fly me to Vaskrheim! Remember the rite used in our world? At the end of every summer powerful heroes can be summoned from ruins Breidablik was kept in! Those heroes, plus the ones we get here on the beach, will guarantee our victory over Alfonse! It will be a slammed junk!”

David winced before he corrected the summoner with a sigh. “A slam dunk.”

“Whatever.” Joyce wore a goofy grin as she closed her eyes and leaned back, cradling the back of her head with her hands, while she kicked her feet up, resting them on the side of the boat as it gently floated, lagging behind the rest of the group. “It’s a solid plan!”

“No, it’s not.” David pushed up his sunglasses and sat them upon his messy blonde hair as he shook his head. “It’s reckless. Not to mention the fact that you haven’t even thought about how you’re going to get those new heroes back here.”

“Minor details!” Joyce waved his concerns away as if swatting an annoying insect. “We can figure it out!”

“Joyce, you're not taking this seriously…” David muttered as he continued to let the boat drift on the waves slowly towards the island with the summoning ruins.

“Sure, I am!” Joyce exclaimed, she might have appeared like she was taking the situation lightly, but the truth was she hadn't had a good night sleep since she arrived. She wanted to tell David, but she had already given him enough to worry about. Joyce turned her attention to the water as giant bubbles began to rise around the boat, knocking it back and forth. She looked over the side, trying to see what was the cause of the displacement. “Huh? Where did Lif go?” She murmured when she could no longer see the swordsman at the bottom of the sea.

No sooner Joyce had mentioned his name the canoe listed hard to one side. “What’s taking you two so long?!” Lif barked loudly as he bobbed out of the water and grabbed the side of the boat rocking it violently. “Everyone else is already at the ruins waiting!”

Joyce yelped as she lost her balance, and she heard David curse loudly as the canoe tipped over, dumping them both into the water with a big splash. Joyce’s lungs burned as she held her short breath, focused on finding her bearings under the cool water, kicking her legs when she spotted the sunlight filtering down from above, finding the right direction, and swimming up to the surface. She gasped for breath when her head hit the fresh air, coughing up the little sea water she had swallowed.

“Great. Just… great.” David muttered in irritation as he abandoned the sinking boat, and began to swim towards the shore of the island.

“Hey!” Joyce called out as she swam to catch up with him, her toes finally finding the cold sand when she was able to reach the bottom. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask your opinion before I agreed. But we both know you would have talked me out of it if I had given you the chance. Taking Alfonse’s deal is a win-win. It’s just a mock battle! This way nobody is going to get hurt!”

David stopped in the waist deep water, placing his hand on his hip as his shoulders sagged in defeat as he turned slowly and waited without saying anything.

Joyce finally reached him, her chest heaving under her wet t-shirt as she tried to catch her breath after trudging through the water. “And if we do lose the battle, me going back to Askr is a small price to pay to ensure Bruno gets the choice he deserves.”

“But you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your own life for this.” David frowned, the sunlight bouncing off the ocean's surface making his eyes bluer, yet sadder than she had ever seen them before.

“I made a promise.” Joyce murmured, it broke her heart to see him so down in the dumps, but she couldn’t go back on her vow to Bruno.

“So did I.” David sighed, his eyes switching to Breidablik for a brief moment. “I don’t want to lose you again.”

“Then help me win!” Joyce pleaded, clutching her fists in determination and trying to convince him with a reassuring smile. “You and I can do this! We’ll get some good heroes today, you’ll see! And stop looking like a sad blob-fish. You said you would be my wingman this summer, remember?” She playfully punched him in the arm, wincing as her blow ricocheted off, and she shook her hand awkwardly after. “I just don’t want to spoil what might be my last months of freedom moping around when we could be having some fun together…” Joyce mused softly as she rubbed her hand and turned towards where the others were waiting on a nearby beach. She knew she put them both in a dire situation, and she truly felt guilty about it, but she also didn’t want to leave them all with any bad memories of their time together.

“Wait up!” David called out, making his way beside the summoner and he threw his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer as they continued to walk “What do you mean ‘blob-fish’?" He put on a brave smile. "I’ll have you know they are very normal looking fish when in the water.”

Joyce smirked to herself. “And how would you know that?” She asked, happy to know that David was willing to play along with her. Pretend everything was going to be okay, even if it was just for a little while.

“I’ve done some scuba diving back in the day. Helped clean up a few coral reefs.” He smugly shrugged. “No biggie.”

“Of course you have. I shouldn’t be surprised.” Joyce snorted and rolled her eyes as she muttered under her breath. “That’s exactly what a stupid, perfect David would say.”

“What was that?” He grinned from ear to ear, tightening his grip on her shoulder.

“Oh, nothing.” Joyce replied quickly as she looked away, whistling a soft tune.

“Don’t believe me? I’ll show ya, c'mere!”

Joyce let out a playful scream as she tried to run away, but she was no match for his speed, and he had no issue swooping the summoner up and tossing her over his shoulder. “Time for your first diving lesson!” David laughed as he tossed Joyce back into the deeper water as she laughed and cursed his name.

“HEY!” Lif barked at them from the shore line, staring daggers in their direction. “Stop screwing around you two and get over here!” He growled, turning towards the summoning ruins and muttering under his breath. “I hate the beach…”

“I hate the beach…” Alfonse grumbled as he watched from afar as the summoner and her party took their boats to the small island that held the summoning ruins. He gritted his teeth as their laughter reached him. A ping of jealousy pierced his heart when he realized he wanted to join Joyce. He missed her being around the castle, finding her sleeping in the library, and tending to the gardens on sunny afternoons. He even missed her bellyaching when she was hungry, and lame jokes she would tell at meetings. Alfonse scoffed to himself as he turned his attention to the bottle he carried with him, picking at the corner of the paper labeled. It was still unopened, there was never a good time to indulge himself. It was always too early or too late, too many prying eyes and as much as he wanted to dull the pain he felt, he needed to stay clear headed with so many of his enemies around now. Perhaps once his friend arrives then he shall offer him a drink. The bottle did belong to him after all.

“Ah, the wonderful sounds of summer fun.” Bruno sighed as he strolled up the shore line, stopping beside Alfonse as he gazed happily out over the water. “Is there anything that can soothe the soul more than watching your loved ones grow tall unbounded under the sun?”

Alfonse sneered as he looked up. “Shouldn’t you be on your side of the beach?”

“It appears I still am.” Bruno smugly chuckled as he nodded the glassy line that Lif had created, indicating the border between their two nations.

“What do you want?” Alfonse grumbled, realizing he had wandered too far that morning, too immersed in his own dark thoughts. “I’m in no mood for conversation.”

“I was hoping to smooth things over.” Bruno lowered himself slowly as he sat on the beach beside Alfonse. “Perhaps we can resolve the issues between our groups peacefully.”

“Then go home.” Alfonse snorted coldly. “Everything was fine before you showed up. Now you’ve thrown myworld into chaos.”

“I don’t think this is about following the god’s laws anymore, is it?”

“Gods be damned!” Alfonse snapped, punching his fist in the sand as he spat his words towards Bruno. “I just want you out of my sight, and Joyce back in the Order. If I must force this outcome with my sword, then so be it!”

Bruno frowned at the prince’s small outburst. “I don’t ever recall you being one to resort to needless bickering.”

“You don’t know anything about me.” Alfonse grumbled again looking down his nose. “So cease pretending you do.”

“You’re right. Parallel worlds and separate timelines have shaped us differently. That for one is clear. I am not the mentor you grew up with, nor are you my pupil.” Bruno sighed as he lent back, looking up at the blue clear skies. “I know we didn’t have time to get to know each other when we were both in Askr after my arrival, but either way I am still concerned for your wellbeing.”

“Well don’t be. You may wear Zacharias' face, but you are not him.” Alfonse growled as he pushed himself to his feet, clutching the neck of the bottle he kept with him. “You shouldn’t even be here. My friend is dead, and it doesn't matter how much Sharena and Veronica fawn over you, you will never be his replacement!”

Bruno shook his head in defense, as he rose to his own feet, towering over the Askran Prince. “That was never my desire, replacing your old friend. In fact I was very fearful that’s all I might be to some, however, they do not see me like that, and I have grown fond of the people of this world. I consider Joyce a dear friend now, and I will not sit ideally by and allow you to strip her of her freedoms.”

“Then there’s nothing more for us to say to one another.” Alfonse stretched his neck and tried to stand taller than he had been before he turned his back on Bruno.

“Indeed.” Bruno pursed his lips, disappointed about the outcome of their short interaction. “You know, Alfonse, before there was a time I believed you were in the right, but now the thought of complying to your wishes does not sit well with me. I don’t want to die. I want to watch the people I care for grow and flourish before my very eyes.” Bruno smiled to himself as his thoughts filled with the people he had met along his journey here. “So I warn you here and now, Prince of Askr, I will not go back to my home world, nor will I back down to you.” His voice grew serious, and he made sure it was loud enough to make sure the prince could hear him. “I choose to thrive, Alfonse, and I vow to fight with every last breath in this body so I, and my friends, may live our life to the fullest!”


"Heat Of The Moment" - Asia

Chapter 19: Terms of the Heart I


Joyce starts to put plans together for summoning heroes for the oncoming mock battle, but there is one hero that she didn't see coming.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), Lif
Minor: David (Lif's Summoner)
Mentioned: Alfonse, Soren, Ranulf


Just a heads up there was a fun little smut chapter in-between 18 and 19. It's NOT needed enjoy the story, just know there was a summer fling between Joyce and David.

For the those that want to backtrack it can be found here. Just be warned it is 18+ Explicit: only suitable for adults, and I ask you follow the rules of the site.

>>> <<<

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The pointed tips of the divider tapped lightly as Joyce moved the tool across the magical star chart. She squinted as she peered into the arcane glass that hovered over the dark blue chart that twinkled in an endless sea of specs, containing a glimpse into the universe and timeline's past, present and future. The charts held the information they needed. The stars knew what heroes would come in the near future, but reading them was no easy task. It took practice and experience for summoners to learn this task, to have the heroes reveal themselves, and she wished she hadn’t let Soren do most of the work when she should have done it herself.

Joyce sighed deeply as she stared down at the chart in frustration, trying desperately to decipher the secrets the stars held. She tapped the tip of the measuring tool she held, glancing over to the list of names she had started to compile. “Corrin makes sense…” She muttered to herself as she thought about the heroes that came into focus for her. “But I’ve never ever heard of someone named ‘Ghoul-vieg’ and Robin has shown up a couple times already this year. This has to be a mistake. I'm doing something wrong.” Joyce pursed her lips, doubting the names that came to her from the stars as she stared down at the list. Soren had made reading these charts look easy, and he never conjured an incorrect prediction when he read the constellations, and she knew she had to clear her own mind, and channel his confidence.

Taking a long steady inhale she returned to the spyglass, relaxed her body. The stars faded in and out, slowly spinning like a small galaxy, and a face began to take shape in the sea of moving lights. The hero's hair; long and dark, their red-copper eyes peering back at her, and their name ‘Sor-en’ echoing in her mind as her old mentor stared from the star chart back at her, trolling her from beyond.

“Damn it!” Joyce pulled away and pushed the glass away from her. “There’s no way Soren would come from Vaskrheim! What am I missing? I should be able to do this, but none of these names make sense…” She abruptly stood up in frustration, shaking her head in disappointment. Veronica wanted to know which heroes they could summon for their battle with Askr, but her mind spun like a storm in a bottle, and she couldn’t settle her thoughts long enough to bring the new heroes into focus.

Turning away from her work, and striding quietly across the tent floor, Joyce pushed aside the draped doors, escaping into the cool sea air. The sun is just starting to break out over the horizon. Soon she would have to face the music, and ask for help. If only she could clear her mind, and maybe an early morning walk just might do the trick, she decided, shoving her hands into pockets of her shorts and set off down the path that led into the tropical brush that lined the beach.

Joyce walked aimlessly for hours, following the boardwalk through the jungle, wrestling with her intrusive thoughts. The sun was now fully in view, and from the ache in her belly she knew it had been past the first bell for breakfast, but she didn’t care. She dreaded the thought of showing up empty handed again that day. Joyce pretended to be nonchalant about the lack of progress, putting off the work to enjoy their vacation, but the truth was it was killing her that she wasn’t able to produce results.

Stepping off the boardwalk a sense of familiarity washed over her as she wandered onto a small secluded clearing, a private beach on the edge of a lagoon far from the hustle and bustle of the main encampment. Joyce’s eyes widened when a wave of memories flooded her mind. This was the same beach she and Ranulf shared during their first summer together. Long and happy carefree days, with no idea of what was on the horizon for them.

Joyce held back tears as she glanced around, an old wound she tried to forget bursting open anew. Everything was perfect before he left, she thought back. She had considered those days some of the best she had ever spent in Askr, and she never thought that they would come to an end. Joyce had ignored Alfonse’s advice about getting close with the heroes, and trusted just one with her heart. But one was all it took to break it.

Even though it had been almost a year since Ranulf had left it still hurt. She tried to suppress it, but standing here, was just a reminder of how angry and confused she still was. Even to this day she wasn’t sure where everything went wrong. Was it something she did? Her stomach turned at the thought. What did she do to make him leave her? And, will it happen again? If she lets David get too close, will she drive him away too?

Shaking her head of the dark thoughts, Joyce muttered under her breath. “A walk to clear my head? Yeah right…” She snorted as she frowned at the tree and the memory carved into its bark. Their names etched into the trunk. A grand gesture of romance, to leave a mark on the world that proved they once existed together. Even if it was only for a short period of time. Joyce pulled a small folded knife from her back pocket, flipping the blade outwards as she approached the tree. She couldn't take back the time she had spent here with him, but she could at least destroy what was left of it, and erase the memory from this world. Joyce cried out as she plunged the tip of the knife into the tree. Her new found fury drove the blade deeper, blinding her to even the small cut she had given herself when her hand slid further than it should have. Gritting her teeth as she turned the blade into the wood, cracking the bark that surrounded the carving, and causing it to crumble and pop off, falling with her own droplets of blood.

Yeesh! I didn’t think I did that bad of a job!”

Joyce’s eyes widened, and the blood in her vains ran cold. That voice. That cool and collective voice that kept her calm even in the toughest times. That voice that spoke to her from behind was unmistakable. She had known it so well, and it was the last person she ever thought she would see again. “R-Ranulf?” Joyce whimpered as she forced herself to turn around and face the ghost that stood behind her.

Standing with his head co*ck causality to one side, he watched her with a kind smile, Ranulf expressing changing to concern when he spotted her bloody hand. “Hold on, you hurt yourself.” He reached into his side satchel and pulled out a long white wrapping, as he approached her. Gently taking her hand in his as he dressed the small wound. “You need to be more careful.”

Joyce froze, she couldn’t will her body to move, and her skin tingled under his warm touch. “What are you doing here?” She managed to ask, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back tears. Was he really here, she wondered, or was this just a dream? “You said you weren’t coming back.”

“I didn’t plan to.” Ranulf roughly pulled the sides of the fabric tight as he explained. “But, Alfonse wrote to me-”

“Alfonse?!” Joyce cut him off quickly as she yanked her arm from his grasp, her stunned mind turning anger, why would Alfonse do this to her. “He sent you here?”

“Yeah.” Ranulf’s eyes widened in surprise, and he held his hands up in defense. “He asked me to talk some sense into you. Joyce, he’s worried about you-”

“Worried!?” Joyce stumbled backwards, her thoughts moving to what other lies was Alfonse feeding Ranulf to get him here.

“He told me you left the Order. Joined Embla to fight against Askr.” Ranulf brows furrowed, his keen senses knew something was off. “I didn’t believe him, I had to see you for myself-”

Joyce coldly turned her back to him, as she gripped her hand tighter. “You should leave.”

“Wait, what?” He scoffed in confusion.

“If they find you poking your nose around on this side of the beach they'll put you in chains.” She lied in hopes this would scare him enough to turn back. Return to the Askran camp, or even better, Tellius.

“That’s ridiculous.” Ranulf snorted as he folded his arms, and shifted his weight. He saw right through her fib, he always did. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”

“Just go, Ranulf!” Something in Joyce snapped as she spun around and shouted at him, pointing down the pathway through the jungle. “You’re not welcomed here!”

“This isn’t like you.” He shook his head. “You’ve never acted this way before.” His calm tone twisted as Ranulf’s frustration began to show.

“Well, maybe I should have.” Joyce crossed her arms as she glared at him. “Then you would have never looked at me the way you did. Saved us both from ourselves.”

“Joyce, come on, you’re starting to scare me.” Ranulf softly asked in concern as he took a cautious step towards her. “What happened to you?”

“What happened to me? You, of all people, know what happened.” Joyce felt her temperature rise, and her cheeks flush and it wasn’t from the sun that climbed higher in the sky, but a forgotten pain that had long since been suppressed. The words that wouldn’t come out the night he left, the rage she had kept quietly hidden away afterward. She wanted him to know how much he hurt her, she didn’t want to roll over this time and accept what happened, or give him a pass to stomp all over her heart again. “You happened!” Joyce cried out as she lunged at him, banging her fists again and again against his broad chest as she continued to shout out her frustration. “I gave you everything! I trusted you, and let you into my life! And in return you broke your promise-” Joyce’s voice cracked, as tears rolled over her cheeks. She never gave herself room to mourn what they had and what was lost. “You broke my heart...”

“I know…” Ranulf gently wrapped his arms around the summoner, pulling her in tightly. He wasn’t angered about her attack, her physical blows could only hurt him emotionally. “And for that I’m truly sorry.” Ranulf sighed, as he waited for her to calm down, her tears soaking through his shirt. ”But this is no reason to turn your back on the Order. On Alfonse and your friends.”

“I didn’t." Joyce sniffed as she wiped her damp cheeks with the bandage wrapped around her hand. Her outburst had changed nothing, but for the first time, in a long time, she had felt like a weight had been lifted. That she was finally free now that she had a chance to tell him how she felt. “He’s the one that turned his back on us. I had no choice but to leave.”

“That doesn’t sound like Alfonse…”

“Don’t believe me?” Joyce tilted her head to the side, lifting her chin as she showed Ranulf her neck where the prince’s poison arrow grazed her. “Ask Alfonse how I got this scar.”

“Good goddess…” Ranulf whispered as his eyes widened in disbelief, and he touched the long thin mark that ran under her jawline.

“Don’t…” Joyce pulled away, she was grateful that he allowed her to finally express how felt about him leaving. She knew that she could move forward now, but she wanted to keep her distance still. It would be all too easy to fall back into her old ways if he became close again. “I’m sorry that you came all this way, and that Alfonse dragged you into this mess, but as far as I’m concerned we’re done here.”

“Come on.” Ranulf pushed still. Ever an mediator, willing to help even after their messy history. “Let’s talk about this. I want to help you both work this out-” Ranulf stopped turning from away from her as his ear twitched, he heard something unseen.

Joyce looked in the same direction, the sound of thunderous hooves as a horse charged along the boardwalk became louder and louder as it grew closer. “Oh no…” She gasped quietly as Líf came crashing into view, his horse leaping through the brush as he found a shortcut off the beaten path.

“Cowardly beast!” Líf barked as he rode his horse in-between Joyce and Ranulf. “Do not take another step near her!” Líf’s horse screamed as he pulled on the reins and slid off the side. He pulled Éljúðnir from his belt, his crimson eye burned like fire, and he swung the sword in front of him, violet energy pulsating through the blade. “I thought I caught your wretched scent.” He growled, his eyes flared with madness. “You should have stayed away from these lands after your departure. My sword hand aches to finish you off, and my blade will not not miss this time.”

Líf…” Ranulf’s snarled back. “I knew it was a mistake to let you live, if you can even call it that.” Ranulf was quick to spring into action, a faint azure glow began to engulf his body. “You’re the reason the Order has been torn apart, aren't you? Well, allow me to fix that!” He cried out as he lunged towards the swordsman, his body transforming from his claws to his tail as he leapt through the sky, crashing against Líf with all his weight and ripping into his armor with his fangs and claws as the undead giant raised his sword above his head.

“Enough!” Joyce shouted from the side, as she watched Líf grab Ranulf by the scruff of his neck and toss him aside. The scene stirred old memories. The battle was reminiscent of the night these two heroes' feud began, when they fought at the Líf’s home gateway so many years ago. The night that Ranulf became trapped in David’s dead Askr, and she in turn gouged out Líf’s eye in revenge. She gritted her teeth as she watched in horror. She didn’t wish for either of them to get hurt here. Joyce was helpless to stop their fight in the past, but not this time. “Stop this!” she cried out as she grabbed and tugged Líf’s fur cloak to get his attention.

“I won’t allow this overgrown weasel to hurt you again!” Líf tried to pull away, but the summoner held fast.

“He won’t. You don’t have to protect me from him.” Joyce pleaded, hoping her words would be able to reach Líf’s humanity. He had changed so much these past few months, she knew he could control his fury if he tried. “It’s over between us. I promise you that.”

The fire in Líf’s eyes dimmed as he lowered his sword arm, giving into Joyce’s wishes, but leaving himself open to Ranulf’s next attack. Líf lurched forward as the Laguz pounced on his back, Ranulf’s jaws sinking into his neck. The swordsmen spun hard to shake the Laguz off, knocking Joyce off her feet.

Líf’s eyes flared again, his hatred surging back after he saw the summoner fall, and he roughly threw Ranulf to the ground, a plume of dust and sand raising around his body. Líf rose his sword high above his head, towering over the Laguz as he began to transform back into his human form, cradling his arm, and just as Líf began to bring down the final blow an arrow screamed through the air, sinking into Líf’s arm and fixing it to the tree behind him. Líf snarled as he reached to free his sword arm, and a second arrow cut through the air, pinning the free hand to his chest.

“David!” Ranulf called out in surprise as he spotted the formal summoner rushing down the boardwalk, a third arrow pulled back and ready. “Thank Ashera you’re here-”

“Don’t move.” David pointed the arrow at Ranulf, his once kind face, stone cold as he glared down on the Laguz. “Move, and I won’t hesitate to do the same to you.” He warned him, pulling the string of his bow further taught.

“David…” Ranulf whispered in disbelief, and his ears folded back in defeat.

“You okay, Joyce?” David called out without removing his eyes from his target.

“Yup, just had the wind knocked out of me.” Joyce groaned as she pushed herself to her feet, and limped over to join him. “What are you two doing here?”

“You didn’t show up for breakfast and we got worried. Why are you so far from camp?”

“Trying to forget the past.”

“Doesn’t look like it’s working.”


“We should head back before Veronica sends out a search party.”

Joyce nodded as she cautiously approached Líf, his bone creaking as he continued struggle to free himself from David’s arrows that pinned him to the tree. Blue mist escaped his mask as she grabbed the end forcing him to look at her. “Promise me you won’t attack Ranulf if I free you.”

“You can’t be serious?” Ranulf protested, ready to jump to his feet and stop her.

“Quiet.” David reminded the Laguz who was in control, his arrow still pointed at his old friend.

Joyce ignored Ranulf as she continued to talk to Líf. She was able to reach him before, she knew she could do it again. “You have to learn to control your hatred if you want to fight by my side.” She locked her eyes with his. “Don’t let the past get under your skin.”

Líf snorted loudly, and turned away, but it was only a brief moment before he shut his eye and nodded silently in agreement.

“Good.” Joyce smirked, as she gripped the shaft of the arrow and began to snap it from behind, freeing Líf from the tree.

Ranulf’s eyes widened in confusion and fear. “You’re actually going to trust him?!”

“What do you want to do with Mr. Whiskers?” David pipped in, his stance unwavering as he continued to have the Laguz in his sights.

“Cut him loose.” Joyce pulled the last arrow from Líf’s shoulder, and tossed it to the ground. “Go back to your home world, Ranulf, you no longer have a contract with me, so there is no reason for you to be here anymore.”

“That’s not true!” Ranulf jumped up as David lowered his bow, and dashed over to Joyce’s side pulling out some rolled up parchments from his bag. “I swiped these battle plans from Soren’s desk before I left the camp this morning. Look, I don’t understand what’s going on, but I know something big is going down between you and Alfonse. They could prove useful for you.” Ranulf tempted the summoner with the plans, pulling them away at the last minute when she reached out for them. “However, you gotta talk to me, Joyce. Tell me your side of the story. I need to know that you’re safe before I leave.”

“The beast lies.” Líf growled, and waved Ranulf off. “Alfonse is setting a trap, and he is using the pain of your bleeding heart to blind you.”

“I wouldn’t ever agree to that!” Ranulf sneered in offence, he sighed as he offered the parchment rolls to Joyce for real this time. “Here. You can check them out yourself first. All I ask for in return is an hour of your time, Joyce.” Ranulf shot Líf a dirty look as he made his demands. “Alone.”

Joyce frowned as she stared at the battle plans. She knew Ranulf wasn’t lying, he wouldn't, and having insight into what Soren had in store for them during the mock battle would be a huge boon to their efforts. But on the other hand, she didn’t want Ranulf around her, or sit down with him to talk about what had happened while he was gone. Joyce’s eyes went to David’s looking for guidance. It was a lose lose situation for both of them. She could take the plans and risk putting a wedge into between them, or turn them down and risk losing the war.

"It's just one hour. It'll be fine." David, whispered as he signaled that she should go ahead and take the deal.

“Fine.” Joyce huffed as she snatched the parchment from Ranulf’s hand. “But you will not be able to wander around my camp freely.” She warned him as she turned to David. “Stay with him. I’ll have to take a good look at these plans to verify if they are real first before we go any further.” Joyce gripped the parchment tightly in her hands, almost crushing them as she turned to walk back.

David nodded silently as he gestured for Ranulf to follow Joyce down the boardwalk, his bow and arrow never leaving his hand as he began to walk behind, Líf brought up the tail.

“Hey, you know you can trust me.” Ranulf called out in a last ditch effort to smooth things over, the realization starting to sink in that the Summoner and Order he once knew had been forever changed after he left.

Joyce didn’t turn around to acknowledge him, but only frowned, muttering to herself. “That’s what Alfonse used to say too.”


Calvin Harris - Outside (Official Video) ft. Ellie Goulding

Chapter 20: Terms of the Heart II


David and Ranulf spend the afternoon discussing what exactly went wrong in the past.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: David (Lif's former Summoner), Ranulf
Minor: Lif
Mentioned: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), Alfonse


Not needed, but a lost short story that might be interesting to read before this chapter. I wrote it during a time I was going to put something together for Book Six, but didn't in the end. >3<

"A Light in the Darkness" >>> <<<

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranulf followed David as he hurried across his dimly lit tent, pulling a long rope that moved the rain fly away from the top, opening the roof to the bright sunlight above, and illuminating their surroundings. Their walk back had been a somber one. Neither Joyce nor Ranulf spoke a word to each other as they marched along the boardwalk. And David dare not make small talk as he felt Líf’s white hot glare on his back. He was the only one to stand between the two, and one small slip he knew they would be at each other’s throats again.

“Nice tent.” Ranulf placed his hands on his hips as he gazed around at the fine furniture covered in items. “I guess working for Embla has its perks.”

David moved his backpack from a chair near the table. Adding it to another pile of odds and ends he collected during his stay on the beach. Unable to shake some of his pack rat tendencies. “Hungry?” He rummaged through a sack and pulled out a bag of dried fruits and nuts, dumping it in a bowl and placing it down in front of the Laguz. “You’ve come a long way to be here.”

“That’s right. You eat like a blasted Heron.” Ranulf scrunched up his nose as sat down, staring at the dish. “Don’t you have anything with a bit more substance?”

“Afraid not.” David shook his head as he pulled out to tumblers and a large unlabeled bottle with cloudy orange liquid swirling inside. Pouring the unknown drink into each glass “Unless you count this.”

“Do I even want to ask?” Ranulf sniffed the strange drink as the former summoner handed it to him.

David chuckled under his breath. “Don’t worry, it’s pineapple moonshine. I started it when we arrived, felt like this years vacation needed something stronger. It's probably the furthest thing from a healthy smoothie that you can get.”

Ranulf winced as he tried the beverage. His free hand clenching the side of his chair as he forced the strong drink down. “I’ll never understand you strange Beorc from the World of Steal.” He wheezed, muttering under his breath. “Only the goddess knows why I came back.”

“I’m more curious about why you left?” David dropped down into the chair opposite of his old friend. Torn between two minds. On one hand he was happy to catch up with Ranulf again, on the other, he couldn’t forgive him for what he had done to the summoner. “I thought you were happy with your decision. Moving forward with Joyce. You hurt her real bad, man. And coming back here like this, it’s just going to confuse her more.”

“I know, but when I read Alfonse’s letter asking for my help, I had to come see for myself.” Ranulf intertwined his fingers and he lent back in his chair. “Joyce turning her back on the Order? No. I didn’t believe it. Not my Joyce-”

“She’s not your Joyce.” David quickly snapped back, Ranulf’s words stirring a hate inside of him he didn’t know was there. Is this what Líf felt when he looked at the Ranulf too? David took a deep breath to steady his emotions. “Joyce doesn’t belong, or own anything, to anyone. Not to you, not to Alfonse, or Veronica, not even to me.”

The arch in Ranulf brow raised slightly as a sparkle of clarity twinkled in his eyes. “You’re right. I don’t deserve to think of her like that anymore, not after what I did. I guess old habits die hard, especially since Joyce wasn’t the reason I left.” Ranulf paused before raising his cup and he downed his drink, refilling his glass again. “It was this world. Askr was the reason I left. At first it’s a marvel to behold. Heroes, from different worlds, coming together to learn, and grow from each other. Where else does that happen? It’s like a dream come true.” He leaned towards David, the spark in his gaze becoming matte as a tense tone filled his voice. “But, it’s what they don’t tell you after you arrive that shows Askr’s darker side, what happens when you fall in battle.”

“We both know Joyce doesn’t let her heroes fall.”

“Not that she knows of.” Ranulf added with a scoff as he lent back again. “She’s good at keeping her favorites alive while they are close to her. In fact they are completely unaware, just like her. She retreats when she knows she can’t win saving those she is tasked with, but she can’t be everywhere at once. There’s bound to be some losses.”

“They always come back.” David mused quietly.

“Then you do know.”

“Yes.” David bit his lip as he thought back to his first day in Askr. When Anna summoned him, and Alfonse taught him the ins and outs of battle. “Alfonse explained the resurrection stones to me. The heroes we use in battle can not die. If they are cut down in battle they will return to the stones kept in the camps or the barracks. That is part of the Alfaðör's gift to the summoner.”

“But Joyce is completely oblivious about this. Why?”

“I don’t know, man! It’s not like this role comes with a user's manual.” David shrugged quickly, annoyed by the third degree Ranulf was giving him. He liked that Joyce played the field her way, tried to kept the heroes alive, and he didn’t want to burst her bubble. “Maybe Alfonse didn’t have the heart to tell her. Or he might not know himself. You know they say the summoner and their prince have a deep bond, and act as a reflection of each other's will.”

“That doesn’t bode well for you.” Ranulf snorted in disgust. “Sharing a bond with such a creature like Líf.”

“Dude, he’s not like that-”

“I have no idea how Joyce got involved with Líf again.” Ranulf interjected carelessly. “That thing should be dead, or at the very least locked away in the deepest dungeons of Askr. He makes my fur crawl more than any Feral Ones, it’s not natural.” Ranulf shuddered as he continued, the fur along his tail beginning to bristle. “He’s an abomination.”

“He’s my Alfonse!” David barked back, giving into the frustration that swelled inside as he listened. “It doesn’t matter what he looks like. Or what he’s done. He will always be my best friend! We have a connection that can never fray. Even in death, and I refuse to turn my back on him. Alfonse needs me, and I need him.” Daivd stressed his words as he thumbed his own chest. “Besides, he’s… different now. He knows there are people that care about him, and he has changed because of it. He’s not the same Líf you once knew.”

“We’ll see about that.” Ranulf turned his attention elsewhere as he clicked his tongue.

“Man, what’s your damage?” Annoyed that this was not a happy reunion he was hoping for, David slumped back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Líf has nothing to do with you taking off on Joyce. So just drop it.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Ranulf hung his head in shame, letting out a long sigh. “I guess I never thought I would see him again. Admittedly the whole situation has me on edge. It’s a walk down memory lane I was not expecting. Consider what I said as more of a warning.”

“A warning?” David sneered, those words catching him off guard. What did Ranulf learn about Askr that he didn't? “Okay, spill it.” David snatched up the bottle of moonshine again and refilled each glass. “What happened to you?”

Ranulf took a long breath and clasped his hands together as he lent over, resting his elbows on the edge of his knees. The sounds of heroes frolicking happily outside on the nearby beach drifted in with the breeze. Filling the space and mixing with the tense silence. The former summoner waited with baited breath, putting in practice his training in patience. David knew Ranulf needed time, and pushing the Laguz would get them nowhere.

“I… I messed up, David. What happened between Joyce and I was all my fault.” Ranulf finally spoke, his words felt tight, his gaze never lifting from the ground as he continued his tale. “Nearing the end of the last war, Joyce tasked me to stay behind with the main force while she and Alfonse followed Ash to the World Tree. Joyce was worried about Veronica being on her own, and she had every right to be.” Ranulf slowly shook his head as it hung low. “I had no idea what influence Embla could have on Veronica, and I couldn’t protect her from it. By the time I realized what was happening I was on the receiving end of another one of the little princess’s attacks, however this time... this time she didn’t fail to strike me down. Blew a hole right through my gut.” He ran his hands through his hair as he blew out his cheeks, choking back tears he still held back from the trauma of that day. “I died. Alone on that field. I took my last breath, said farewell to those I loved, and I just let go.”

“Oh, Ranulf…” David whispered, he had seen it happen first hand many times in his own Askr, and it was never a sight he had grown accustomed to. David would hold their hand, when given a chance to do so, and thank them whenever he had the opportunity. Made sure they knew their sacrifice would not go in vain. Made sure they were never alone. Did this make it okay? He always wondered. Was he a good Summoner for this act? He left that decision for someone else's judgment. Or maybe Hel’s invasion was already his punishment.

“Don’t worry about it. It didn’t hurt for long.” Ranulf continued, putting on a brave face. “The pain faded away just as the light did. I didn’t feel anything, at least not until I opened my eyes and I was back in the camp again. Safe. Alive. I felt everything but pain in fact. The joyous sun on my face, the gentle breeze in my hair, I was renewed, rejuvenated! It felt like I had awoken from a long sleep. I hadn’t felt that good in years! But there was just one catch.” Ranulf pulled at the buckles and knots that held his tunic together. “Remember the night you were brought back to Askr, when you found me in the castle half dead. I had that nasty wound in my shoulder that Líf gave me, that had been infected for weeks. The scars it left after you fixed me up?” Ranulf pulled back the leather and cloth exposing his upper chest and arm.

“It’s gone.” David muttered in astonishment, the once torn and mended skin, smooth and blemish free.

“Yup. Same with my mangled foot.” Ranulf proudly knocked on his ankle as he jumped up out of his chair. “The scars, the years of pain when I transformed. Gone! It’s like I was given a whole new body.” Ranulf grinned as he bounced, light on his feet. “I couldn’t believe it! The toll of my time in Askr was completely erased, but how? I wondered. So I ended up testing it again. And again. And it didn’t matter how many times I threw my life away, I came back ripe and ready to fight again! I feared nothing on the battlefield that day forward. I had no reason to.”

“But you didn’t tell Joyce?” David asked, baffled over how this grand outcome could have led to their fallout.

“No.” Ranulf frowned, his mood changing as he carelessly let his arms fall to his sides. “The truth is every time I died and came back it was like I was waking from the deepest sleep I have ever had. And the more times it happened, the further I was from that first dream. I remembered the events, moments Joyce and I shared, but the emotions I felt never carried over. Like when you wake from a nightmare and the fear fades away. You no longer care about what made you scared or happy in those dreams. They are meaningless” Ranulf stopped, pushing his glass off the table and catching it before it fell too far in one motion. “I think this is why Alfonse preaches for Joyce not to get too close to the heroes. He’s not afraid of losing them physically, he is afraid of the pain you feel when you lose them emotionally. To see that someone you had grown so close to just stop being the person you thought you knew.” Ranulf raised the glass to his lips. “I never stopped caring about Joyce’s wellbeing, she was my after all summoner, I was contracted to her, but the bonds we forged, the love we shared, that was no longer there. Lost with that first life I had given.”

David mused out loud as he watched the Laguz finish his glass. “You left to save her from further heartache, because you already knew it was over.”

Ranulf finished his drink, and placed the glass back on the table gasping for a breath. “It wasn’t fair to pretend everything was fine and continue my life here even for Joyce’s sake. Sure I could have stayed and tried to recreate what we had. But I was already starting to resent Askr, it would have only been a matter of time before I started to resent her. Joyce would have figured something was off with me sooner or later anyways. She deserves better.” Ranulf paused for a moment, his voice unwavering. “She deserves something… real.”

The small hairs on David’s arms lifted, as a chill ran down his spine. His eyes widened as lingering theories long since forgotten raced to the forefront of his mind.

“After we defeated Embla, and we returned to Askr, Joyce spent her time comforting Alfonse as he suffered in his grief. I spent mine in the library, chasing answers to the questions I had about this world.” A wide grin crept across Ranulf’s face, and he proudly raised a closed fist. “And I found them, David. These forms, what you see in front of you, are merely just vessels for our wandering souls. We are meant to fill them with knowledge, shaping them to become stronger before we return to our worlds. Isn’t that what they always tell the heroes when they arrive? Learn from each other, grow to become better versions of ourselves so we may return home and turn the tides of battle and face the trials that have yet to come.”

“What are you saying, Ranulf?”

Ranulf's lips twitch upwards. “I’m not real, David.” He sniffed quietly as he tried to stifle a nervous chuckle, half on the verge of tears again. “None of the heroes summoned to Askr are real!” He cried out, wildly shaking his head, as he paced the room, rubbing his temples with one hand. “We’re just meaningless copies here to learn and fight. Nothing we do here has any effect on our bodies back in our home worlds. Askr is just a training ground for the heroes that are brought here, that is why it is forever at war, and the Summoner is just a means to an end. It’s complete madness! Even our gods are wrapped up in this.” He stopped and looked up at the blue sky that shone through the top of the tent, white clouds floating by. “But who above them is pulling the strings? Somebody, or something has a plan for us, and will stop at nothing to see it through. Just thinking about it makes me itch to rid myself of this casing. I can’t stay here even if I wanted to.” Ranulf tilted his head lazily at the former summoner, he looked like a broken doll as he spoke quietly. “Tell me the truth. You knew about the reincarnation stones. Did you know about this too?”

David swallowed the knot that had formed in his throat. “I had my suspicions. But I wasn't able to come up with any concrete proof. At least not before Hel’s invasion.”

Ranulf rubbed his chin as he waltzed over to David’s chair, standing in front of him, his two-toned eyes glazing down in curiosity. “Joyce is the reason you’re here again. Do you believe yourself to be real too?”

“I wasn't summoned to Askr like you, I was brought back by a god.” David explained, growing uneasy with the company he now kept. “I’m not one of these forms.”

“Are you sure?” Ranulf smirked, as he ran his thumb across his neck. “Perhaps you should-”

“No!” David blurted out as he jumped out of his seat, trying to shake out the anxiety that was running through his limbs. “I mean, yes, I’m sure.” David took a breath as he stood his ground, pushing out memories of the night before he came back to Askr from his mind. “And, no, you can forget about me testing your theory like that!”

“You should ask this god of yours, just to make sure.” Ranulf shrugged as he backed off.

“I can’t.” David pursed his lips, as he looked away. No one outside of Joyce knew what happened between the silent dragon and him months ago, but it wouldn’t matter if Ranulf knew too. He was going back to his world after all. “I blasted Anankos' skull off with Breidablik…”

Ranulf froze and David and him stared at each other without any emotion, the seconds crawling by like hours. Until finally the edges of Ranulf's lips twitched and began to curl, he held his gut and slapped his hand across his knee as he burst out with laughter. David watched his old friend succumb to his fit of madness, and he started to understand why. Everything around him, Askr, the Order, the heroes, and even David himself, it was all so ridiculous, he couldn’t help but join in. David gasped as the laughter rolled out of him, uncontrolled, his nerves unwinding. He didn't get the joke, but he knew it was funny.

Ranulf slapped him on the shoulder, wiping away a tear. “Only a living and breathing Summoner can lay waste to a god like that! And that is all the proof I need to know that you are truly real!”

David tried to catch his breath, his sides ached, and he picked up his glass again. “I’ll drink to that.” He coughed as tilted the glass to his lips, letting the sweet and sour drink burn as it traveled down his throat, and the room grew silent and cold once more.

“The plans the beast gave us have been checked out.” Líf had entered unannounced. His crimson eye squinted in judgment as he turned to Ranulf. “And the Summoner has requested to see him now.”

“Good.” Ranulf snorted as he watched Líf leave again. “I have no desire to stay longer than I have already. I have had my fill of this world.”

“Will you tell Joyce about what you have told me today?” Daivd held the cold glass to his head, as it started to pound.

“No. I have other matters to discuss with her.” Ranulf stretched his long limbs as if he was getting ready for battle. “What happens in this world is not my concern anymore, besides, have you seen the way she treats the toy soldiers on a tactical map? The heroes would become her fodder. It might be better for her, and them, if she doesn’t know. It would be a slaughter.”

David shook his head in disagreement, and he dropped his glass into a nearby tub. “She wouldn’t go that far, not unless it was her only choice.”

“That is a decision I leave for you to make. If you want to teach her these tactics, that is your choice.” Ranulf smiled at David, and opened his arms, wrapping them around the former summoner’s shoulders and pulling him close. “Just take care of Joyce for me, wouldja! You can give her everything I couldn’t, David.”

Stunned by the blessing and at a loss for words, David could only nod as he returned the hug as hard as he could.

Ranulf sighed as he patted the former summoner on the back, taking a moment to remember the good times he had in this world, and turned to leave, stopping briefly to give a quick salute and adding an open invitation. “If you and Joyce ever find yourself in Tellius, come to Gallia. Then you can meet the real Ranulf!” He chuckled as he stepped out into the cool late summer breeze. Looking at his escort from the side of his eye as the flap of the tent closed behind him. “You caught all that right?” He asked Líf with a smug smirk. “You’ve been eavesdropping for a little while now. I could smell your stench as soon as you arrived.”

“Nothing I didn’t already know.” Líf muttered, as he ushered his prisoner towards the planned meeting point.

“Then why do you choose to stay in this state and not resurrect to regain your full powers?” Ranulf shrugged nonchalantly as he sauntered forward. “You could have really decimated me early today if you had.”

Líf snorted, his words like ice cold daggers to the heart of the Laguz. “I continue down this path, so I will never become like you.”


Empire Of The Sun - "Walking On A Dream"

Chapter 21: Terms of the Heart III


Joyce sits down and talks to Ranulf for the first time since her left.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), Ranulf
Minor: Lif
Mentioned: Alfonse, David (Lif's former Summoner)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tapping the end of her pencil, Joyce sighed as she stared up at the star chart projected across the ceiling of her tent. Tired of sitting at her desk, she moved to the carpet, where she could stretch out among her large decretive throw pillows and let the stars reveal the secrets while she tried to relax. Sometimes all it took was a new perspective, and an open mind, but at every angle Joyce tried she was still receiving the same names over and over again.

Light flooded into the tent space as Ranulf sauntered in unannounced. “Reading the stars?”

“Trying to.” Joyce suppressed the urge to jump up and clock the Laguz for disturbing her so casually. Reminding herself that she did promise him an hour of her time in exchange of the battle plans he managed to take from Soren.

“Anything good?” Ranulf sheepishly flopped down onto the rug, leaning on the pillows beside her.

“I don’t know. These results don’t make sense-” She began, the overwhelming scent of overripe pineapple hitting her in the face. “Why do you smell like rotten fruit?!”

Ranulf giggled softly as he reached over and tapped the tip of her nose. “Always had a snout of a Laguz!”

Joyce frowned as she rubbed her nose. It had been months since they had last seen each other, and she couldn't understand how he was able to pick-up like nothing had happened. As if he hadn't hurt her so much. “Spare me…I’m not in the mood.”

“Aw come on!” Ranulf laughed as he stretched out on the pillows. “You used to love my jokes!”

“Not right now.” She grumbled, unamused.

“Why not?”

“Because, I don’t have time for this.” She scoffed as she turned back to the notebook she held in her lap. “I need to get back to work.” This time she meant it. It wasn't a lie to get someone to leave so she could go back goofing off like they had in the past. She needed to win this next battle, she wanted to to be better.

“Work?!” The tipsy Laguz snatched the book away from the summoner, slapping it with the back of his hand and he began to read her notes. “Well, let ol’Ranulf help, then you can get back to having fun!”


“Soren?!” Ranulf burst out in laughter as he skimmed the list of names. “Yeah, right! Either way, better play it safe and stay clear from that summon!”

“Give it back.” Joyce demanded, clenching her fists as she tried to stay calm.

“No, I’ll help you!” He smugly winked at her, and reached over to ruff up her blonde curls. “After all, there was never a problem we couldn’t solve together! It will be like old times Kiran!”

“Stop it!” Joyce snapped at him as she slapped his hand away. “I don’t want your help anymore! You’re always messing around, and everything is a joke to you!” She ripped her book out of his hands, as spiteful words tumbling out of her mouth. “Maybe I would know how to do this if it wasn’t for you always interfering! You never helped me, you only held me back!”

Ranulf’s ears turned back, and he froze as his face turned pale and then a light shade of green. “I’m going to be sick…” He muttered as he covered his mouth and ran for the nearest basin, his body heaving as he released wave after wave of sickly sweet fluid.

“sh*t…” She cursed under her breath as she pulled out a towel and dampened it, handing it to Laguz when he finished. She wanted to kick him out, tell him to go back to Alfonse, but a part of her couldn’t turn her back on him, not when he needed someone to care about him right now. “Are you okay?”

“I think David poisoned me…” Ranulf sniffed as he whipped his face. “I should have known better than to trust someone who only eats the food that the real food eats.”

Joyce bit her lip as she tried not to smirk, pouring some water into a tall glass. “You should know better than to take any drink David makes. It’s never a good time.” She watched as he stumbled back to the rug, flopping down again in exhaustion. “Well, if it makes you feel better he’s probably doing worst than you right now. He's kinda a light weight.”

Ranulf nodded as he accepted the glass, drinking the entire contents in under a minute. “Thanks, Joyce, and I’m sorry.” He managed to say between gasps of breath. “I overstepped my invitation here. Old habits, you know… Just give me a moment to recuperate.” He murmured as he laid down, and closed his eyes.

“It’s fine. I lost my cool. I didn’t mean what I said-” Joyce stopped as Ranulf began to snore. The loud rolls of slumber filling the quiet of the tent. She sighed and thought about shaking Ranulf’s shoulder to wake him up, but lost her nerve. It probably hadn’t been easy for him to come all this way to see her. He said he wasn't coming back, and he wasn’t the type of person that went back on his word. Joyce sat quietly as she watched him sleep, similar memories floating through her mind. Of a time right before he left when he would wake her up in the middle of the night tossing and turning. She would watch him as he slept, and he seemed so restless, she knew something was bothering him, but for some reason she never asked why. Whether she was too afraid of the answer or just wrapped up in her own problems at the castle she would never truly know. Joyce lowered her gaze, ashamed when she realized she might have prevented their falling out. “You didn’t hold me back...” She whispered softly to nobody, the words triggering an idea as they escaped her lips.

Joyce’s eyes widened as she looked at her notebook, and back at the star chart that still hung above them. “I’m the one that always held me back.”

Joyce hummed softly to herself as her pencil moved quickly across the parchment. She smiled to herself as she reread her summoning proposal she would submit to Veronica in the morning. She hadn’t felt this good in days, and even the snoring Laguz that broke her heart still slept in her tent could not ruin her mood now. She finally figured out what she had been doing wrong when reading the star chart, and after cleaning up Ranulf’s mess, Joyce had opened the top of the tent to let the fresh air flow in, and she could see streaks of shooting stars light up the sky. She smiled as she looked up at the night sky and watched the stars fly by. She just wished she had figured it out earlier.

Ranulf groaned as he stirred himself awake. “My head…”

“Here.” Joyce pulled out a small tin from the drawer of her desk, and pulled two white pills from inside the container, placing them into Ranulf’s hand. “Take these.”

“What’s this?” He scrunched up his nose as he suspiciously stared down at the tablets.

“It will help with your headache. Just swallow them with water.” She handed him a glass of water, encouraging him to take them. “David might be awful at making drinks, but you can trust any medicine he can create will do the trick!”

Grimacing, Ranulf reluctantly did what she asked, leaning back and looking up at the sky when he was done. “You’re still working on the star chart?”

Joyce snickered as she half sat on the top of her desk, gripping the sides with her hands. “No. Those are the real stars.”

“What time is it?”

“Sometime after midnight, I think.”

“Blast it!” His multi-colored eyes widened in horror, as his mouth gaped open. “I never meant to stay this long!”

“I did promised you an hour of my time, remember? It can start right now if you want to stay a bit longer. At least rest up and make sure you feel a bit better before your journey back to your home gate.” Joyce suggested as she folded her arms and watched him settle back into the pillows, looking up at the sky again. He seemed uncomfortable for some reason, and she wondered what he thought about now, something she never did before. She never had to worry about him, he had been her rock, or that’s what she had thought. “Why are you here, Ranulf?” Joyce finally broke the silence of the night. It was time to get this reunion over with. “I’m going to go out on a limb and say this isn’t the part in the story where we patch things up and get back together.”

“No, it’s not.” Ranulf whispered as he shook his head slowly. “I’m sorry.”

“Okay…” She nodded, her voice trailing off as the tent grew still again, a heavy awkward air between the two, and Joyce blurted out the the first thing that came to mind, a poor attempt at small talk. “So, how are you? Are you seeing-”

“Do you really want to know?” He raised a doubtful eyebrow as he glanced over.

“No. You’re right. Don’t answer that.”

“And you?”

“Me?! I-I don’t know…” Joyce yelped, her cheeks growing hot, and she stumbled through her sentence. She had only just recently entertained the idea of seeing someone new, and her eyes darted away as embarrassment crept in and she went on the defensive. “Why? What did you hear?!”

“No, that’s not what I’m asking.” Ranulf chuckled, as he adjusted his pillow so he could sit up, and beckoned her over to join him. “Let’s start over. I came back because I need to know you’re okay. Alfonse made it seem like you had lost your mind. That you were in dire need of help. So, what happened?”

Joyce sighed as she pushed herself away from her desk, and strolled over to the rug where he sat, counting on each figure as she listed one event after another. “Well, I broke the Alfador’s laws, and hid it from the Prince of Askr. Then when I got caught I broke into the prison and set one of the most wanted criminals in Askr free so I could send a message to Princess Veronica to rescue Bruno. Then I escaped the castle, joined Embla, putting a rift between two nations that had only just made peace after fighting for centuries.” Joyce took a breath as she lowered herself down and sat cross legged beside Ranulf. “Bringing us more or less to now, where I started a civil conflict in the Order of Heroes when my best friend and I decided to put my freedom as grand prize in the upcoming mock battle…”

“Right…” Ranulf cleared his throat awkwardly. “You’ve been keeping busy.”

“Look, I’m not going to demand that you tell me the reason why you left. I figure if you wanted me to know, you would have told me.” Joyce rubbed her hands nervously. She didn’t want to lose her composure, but she also didn’t want to miss this last opportunity to tell him how she had felt. “For the longest time I thought it was me. Something I did, or… who I was. It took me a long time, but I don’t think that way anymore. I know it wasn’t just me. But I’m not innocent either. I only stood by as I let events unfold the way they did. However when you left, almost without saying goodbye. It really hurt.” She tried to choke back tears. “It hurt me so much. And I wasn’t just heartbroken-”

“I know-”

“Let me finish.” Joyce coldly raised her hand when she intervened. “It wasn’t just my heart, I think it broke me emotionally. I just stopped feeling entirely. I stopped caring about everything. Even about the people I was most close to. It was just a reminder of what I lost. What I could lose again.” She shuddered as she reminisced about aimlessly wandering the stone halls. “Those final months spent at the castle I can barely remember them. It was like a bad dream, that only became duller as I repeated the same day over and over again.”

“Final months?”

“Yeah.” She lowered her gaze, she hadn’t told anyone what her plans were that night. “The night I met Bruno I was on my way to return to my home world.”


Joyce nodded without saying a word, catching a tear with the back of her hand as she continued. “After you left I couldn’t stand staying at the townhouse on my own so I moved back into my old room in the castle. Alfonse said we could heal together. Or maybe, he just figured misery loves company.” She shrugged at the thought looking back. “I was just going through the motions really. As weeks turned into months I soon realized I wasn’t getting better. I watched Alfonse move forward from his loss, but I just couldn’t. Bruno was gone, and there wasn’t anything anyone could do about that. You… But you didn’t die. You just didn’t want to be around me. It felt so much worse..” Joyce glared at Ranulf through burning eyes, tears welling up, and spilled over her cheeks. “Everything felt pointless for me, but I didn’t want to hold Alfonse back, so I pretended I was okay too. I followed his lead. Occupied myself with work around the castle. Nothing big. Just busy work, so it looked like everything was normal. And when it was time for me to go back to the townhouse, I decided that maybe it was time for me to really go, and return to my home world. I figured Askr would be fine without me, and if they really needed a summoner, well, they could ask David if they had to. So I said my goodbyes to Alfonse that Winter’s Day Eve, and I started to make my way towards Vaskrheim. I didn’t get very far before I bumped into Bruno, and he asked for my help to deliver some gifts.”

Joyce took a deep breath, and pushed herself to her feet, feeling a little bit lighter. “I won’t go into the details, but what’s important is when I told Bruno what would happen to him it felt like I had a renewed purpose to be in Askr. To be the Summoner. I could help him, you know, keep him from making the same mistakes that doomed the Bruno of this world. Make a difference, and this gave me a reason to stay.” She sniffed as she whipped her damp cheeks dry. “I knew it was wrong, that we shouldn’t share events with those in different timelines. Spoilers, right?” She chuckled as she poured some water for herself, her throat becoming sore and parched. “But I didn’t care. I convinced Bruno to stay here, regardless of the consequences. We had fought gods before, we could do it again. So it felt worth it. But now I have dragged David’s world into this, the whole of Embla, divided the heroes of the Order…oh and you're back.” Joyce closed her dry eyes and she took some time to quench her thirst. “I just thought Alfonse would be on my side for this, he’s never pushed back as hard before!” She had racked her brain for months trying to understand the prince, and felt her frustration bubbling up. “I don’t get it! We are supposed to be a team!”

“They're not friends. He doesn’t see Bruno the same way as the one we lost.”

“I know that! I meant Alfonse and me.” Joyce patted her chest, and her voice grew harsher. “This past year he has attacked me, he has lashed out at my friends, and I don’t know if I can fix what’s broken between us.”

“Sure you can!” Ranulf happily raised a fist and pumped the air. “You’re the Summoner, there’s nothing you can’t do!”

“Shut up.” Joyce snorted in disgust as she raised her glass and finished her water. She was no stranger to the hero's empty catchphrases and delusions. They could be empowered by those words, but she couldn’t. Joyce placed the glass carelessly back on the desk as she began to pace the room. “This isn’t like reading a star chart, or summoning a hero. It’s not that simple, Ranulf. There’s damage that can’t be undone.”

“You need to try at least. The Order needs you.” Ranulf paused, his tone turning serious. “Alfonse needs you.”

“Please… I’m replaceable.” Joyce scoffed as she hugged her sides. “Breidablik can be wielded by others.”

“Nah, it’s not about being the Summoner. It’s about you and Alfonse. And you two are more similar than you think you are.” He slowly passed his hand through the air in front of him, gazing off in wonder. “Like reflections of each other.”

“Reflections?” She stopped and scrunched up her nose. “Where did you hear that load of crap? We’re nothing alike!”

“I thought it sounded smart!” Ranulf’s ears folded back, as she sucked the wind from his sails.

“Sounds like some hippy bullsh*t that David would say.”

“What?! No! It makes sense.” Ranulf scrambled to explain his thoughts. Shifting in his seat, and pulling his knee up as he lazily rested his arm over the top. “It’s just… Sure you and Alfonse have different personalities, but your hearts beat for the same reasons. For your friends, for the Order.” He slowly rotated his hand that hung loosely over his knee as he continued. “And Alfonse hasn’t moved on from his loss like you think he did. I think he was still suffering and just putting on a brave face for you, just as you did for him at the castle.” He pointed at her, looking up from under his stern brows. “He is still suffering, Joyce. He’s a bloody mess right now. Alfonse hasn’t been able to get over losing Bruno, or you leaving to this day. You say you’re replaceable, but in his eyes he’s the one that’s been replaced and casted away when you join Embla.”

Her voice grew quiet, missing pieces began to fall into place as Ranulf showed her different perspective. “Why would he keep me in the dark about that?”

“It’s Alfonse! When does he ever share the weight he carries? Just like you. You two are meant to lean on each other, not stand alone. And right now Alfonse is sinking under all that weight he’s keeping to himself. He needs someone who understands what that's like in his position. To help him share his load.”

“And if he doesn’t want my help anymore…”

“If he didn’t want your help I’m sure he wouldn’t have reached out to me. Or have gone to the lengths he has to bring you back. Look at how far Líf would go to bring back his world. Bring back his Summoner. As much as I hate to make the comparison, Alfonse is no different.” Ranulf sighed as he pushed himself to his feet, stretching his arms above his head, and letting them fall loosely to his sides. “I’m satisfied to know that you are okay, and I’m happy to know you have found a new purpose with strong allies to help guide you through your darkness, Joyce.” He gripped her shoulders in each hand and squeezed them tightly. “But it’s time for you to do the same. Only you can bring Alfonse back to the light. After all he’s your Alfonse. Just talk to him.”

“But how do I get him to listen to me?” Joyce pleaded for answers, the further her and Alfonse grew apart the harder it was for her to reach him. “He’s so stubborn!”

“So are you!” Ranulf snickered as he rummaged through his satchel, making sure he had everything he needed. “Just follow your heart, Joyce, it hasn’t steered you wrong yet!”

“That’s rich, coming from you!” She snorted dryly, it seemed that her heart had only brought her pain and trouble.

“Even our union had a purpose. As does our parting. You’ll figure it out. You always do.” Ranulf looked at her with a proud smile creeping across his lips. They both knew it was time to say their farewells. “I better let you get back to work. The stars won’t read themselves!”

“Actually, I’m done.” She straightened her back as she followed him out of the tent.

“Oh really?” He raised a questionable brow as they walked down the path winding through the quiet camp. “So, what was the answer?”

“It was really simple, and the last one that I was willing to accept.” Joyce couldn’t help but smile to herself. “I was doing it right this whole time.”

“See!” Ranulf laughed as he slapped his knee and gleefully pointed at her. “You just have to believe in yourself, just like everyone else does.”

They continued to walk in silence, only the sound of night insects chirping in the bushes carried the conversation. They stopped when they reached the end of the encampment, and Joyce steeled herself, she had never thanked him for all he had done for her in the past, and she didn’t want to lose the opportunity to do so again. “Thanks, Ranulf…” She stopped, the words felt sour and forced making their final goodbyes bittersweet. There was nothing left to say to him, but something still felt unfinished. “I mean-”

“It’s okay. You’ll be okay in time.” Ranulf saved her from the misery of having to continue. “Don’t forget to take care of yourself Joyce while you’re looking after this rabble of yours. And maybe when you’re ready to be friends again, you know where to find me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Joyce nodded, and watched as he walked away again, the space between them growing further and further until she could not see him anymore. It was over, but she still didn’t feel better. Pain gripped her heart, as she tried to push down the wave of emotion that was threatening to drown her, and she gasped when she felt a heavy hand rest on her shoulder.

Joyce turned around to find Líf behind her. She was aware that he lingered to keep watch, ready to intervene if something were to go wrong, but she never would have thought he would come to her aid unless there was a fight to be had. Joyce tried to put on a brave smile, but she felt the walls she had put up crumble and break. She didn’t feel better about Ranulf's departure, but she felt something, and Joyce realized that was better than feeling nothing this time. Tears began to pour over her cheeks and she collapsed into Líf’s arms, sobbing into his chest uncontrollably. Joyce could feel his body become stiff as she wailed against him, but she didn’t care, this was the first time she allowed herself to truly grieve her past relationship, and she just let the pain flow out of her. Over time Líf softened as he wrapped his monstrous arms around the summoner. His embrace was strong yet gentle and it reminded her of Alfonse, and she could feel the warmth radiating from something deep down inside.

“I can kill him for you if it will make you stop crying.” He softly whispered as he stroked her hair. “And I promise to make it quick, as much as I hate to do so.”

Joyce shook her head, her sob dying off as she tried to catch her breath. “Thanks, but that's a horrible suggestion.”

“Shame.” Líf sighed, as he continued to rock her gently, her whimpers growing softer. “Then how about that tree that vexed you so much.” He suggested with a cruel snicker. “We can burn it to the ground, and salt the earth so it may never grow again!”

Joyce couldn’t help but burst out in laughter as she wiped her cheeks with the heel of her hand. “Leave the tree just how it is.” She sniffed, she didn’t know how much she needed to do this. To finally embrace the pain she had trapped for so long. A new perspective. “As much as I hate to think about it, it’s a part of my past, and a good reminder of what’s shaped me to become who I am today.”

“Very well.” Líf gave a disappointed snort.

“Come on, the sun will be up soon.” Joyce took a deep breath as she released the undead swordsmen, and straightened her disheveled clothes. “Help me grab some bottles of water from the canteen and bring them to David. Something tells me he’s going to need it when he wakes up.”

“Fine. But it’s his own fault.” Líf grumbled as he slowly lumbered along. “I warned him that his homemade beverages were only good for cleaning rust from steel.”

“Thanks Líf, for sticking by my side this whole time.” Joyce smirked, making note not to miss the opportunity to show her appreciation. “I know you didn’t have to, and it hasn’t been easy for you.”

“True. There was a time I would have rejoiced in your demise.” Líf told her bluntly as he limped along beside her. “But, I think we have both grown past those days. We both want a better future.” He reached out and placed his arm around Joyce’s shoulders. “This is what friends are for.”


Eskobar - "Someone New"

Chapter 22: Headwinds I


Joyce prepares for her trip to Vaskrheim with David, but some unexpected winds blow them off course.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner)
Minor: Bruno, Lif, Kagero, Orochi
Mentioned: Veronica, Alfonse, Soren, Fuga


Helpful past fictions connected to this one!

"Summon Me if You Can" -

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I’m happy to say this little side adventure has been most successful! I still can not believe that the heroes Veronica has coveted since her childhood are here. It is a most joyous occasion indeed.” Bruno beamed as he watched the Emblan princess chatting with Ivy and Alear from afar.

The summer encampment was in the last stages of being dismantled as Joyce’s heroes packed and prepared themselves to travel to the borderlands where the mock battle with the Order was to take place. She and her small team had spent a good portion of the last week focused on gaining strong heroes to fight by their side, and working on strategic plans to win their confrontation with Alfonse. But there was one thing Joyce wanted the most, and she set out today to pick it up, and that was the masterful tactician that had always been by her side in the past, Soren.

Earlier that year the Soren she had trusted since her arrival to Askr had left to join Alfonse and become the advisor to the prince, but now she had an opportunity to bring another Soren, a different Soren, to her side from Vaskrheim. A Soren that was smarter, stronger, a mage that had more experience on and off the field, and a Soren that just might turn the tide of battle in their favor. Joyce needed to get her hands on a new Summoner’s Advisor and this new, braver, Soren was her ticket to success. She had to get this hero, and she planned to fly out to the summoning site that very day.

Joyce chewed her lip as she stared down at the map laid across the table in front of the pair as they discussed their plans, only half listening to the Prince of Embla. Her thoughts focused on retrieving Soren and the mock battle ahead, and pushing out the regrets she felt about standing around and watching Alfonse and the Order leave the beach the day before. Joyce had been kicking herself all night, her window of opportunity to clear the air with the Askran prince dissolving before her eyes. She wanted to take Ranulf’s advice and go over to speak with him, resolve their issues before it turned to war, but she didn’t know what to say to him, or how to say it.

She pushed her distracting thoughts from her head and proceeded to confirm her plans. “Okay, from Vaskrheim, Cherche, Tusbasa and I will meet up with you and Veronica at the encampment on the borderlands.” Joyce lent over the large map and traced her hand along the path she had planned to take. Making sure she memorized it, and tapping her finger on her destination. “We will campout at Vaskrheim tonight, and we should be able to make it back with the new heroes by the night after, but don’t become concerned if it’s not until the following afternoon. I don’t want to have to push the new heroes too hard once they arrive. You never know what’s going to come through.”

“Very well. If I do not hear from you in three days, we will send out scouts.” Bruno paused and began to rub his chin as he shared his thoughts out loud. “I do not believe the Order will attempt to intercept you. Alfonse is confident he will triumph in the mock battle and he may see this attempt to gain more heroes as a waste of time for us, and a boon for him. That being said… I would expect him to keep tabs on our movements, so there will be spies keeping an eye out, and reporting back to him. So try not to speak too loudly of future plans while in the field.”

“Yeah, that should be easy enough.” Joyce nodded and hooked her thumb into the riding harness around her waist she had already strapped on. “Chereche and Tusbasa haven’t officially been brought into the fold yet anyways. So they are limited on the information we have currently. There’s not much I can discuss with them, but thanks for the reminder.”

“Then all is in order, when will you be heading out, Summoner?” Bruno stopped, and his brow raised as he surveyed the area curiously. “And where are Cherche and Tusbasa? I assumed they would have reported in to take you by now…”

“Oh, I sent them to go ahead of me.” Joyce continued to pull at the straps and buckles around her thighs to make sure they were secure.

“Then how will you get to Vaskrheim?” Bruno asked as a puzzled expression washed over his face.

“I have my own ride.” The summoner picked up an apple that sat on the edge of the table and tossed it in the air with a smug smile. She turned on her heel and snatched up an empty riding harness, throwing it over her shoulder. “Besides, David wanted to go to Vaskrheim and help out, so he’ll be traveling with me!”

“I see.” Bruno whispered to himself scratching his chin thoughtfully as he observed the summoner pick up a crowbar and wedge the flat end into the lid of a crate and pop it off revealing a large pile of shiny red apples of all different sizes.

“Don’t be a fool, David.” Líf’s deep voice carried on the breeze and he lumbered beside his former summoner. “You are making a mistake and will regret your decision once you are in the air.”

“Stop nagging, you’re just upset you’re not coming with us.” David waved off the undead swordsmen like he was an annoying fly, and then lightened his mood as he approached Joyce and Bruno, greeting them with a pep in his step and trying hard to downplay his motion sickness and fear of flying. “Ahoy there! Readly to hit the clouds?”

“You have a weak stomach for flight.” Líf hissed through his mask, not willing to back down. “Remember the first time you had flying lessons with Camilla? You were sick for hours, and vowed never to fly again.”

David scowled at his former prince for bringing up his past shortcomings. “I’ll be fine. I had some herbal tea this morning to ease any nausea, okay!”

Líf snorted as he crossed his large arms and turned his nose to the sky. “Tea can not fix fear…” He muttered under his breath.

“Help me with this crate, would you, David?” Joyce interrupted the duo’s quarrel as she grabbed the rope handle and nodded to the other side.

“Sure. So… where is your mount?” David took hold of the other rope loop and lifted up the other side effortlessly, following the summoner’s lead as she walked the bounty of apples to the shoreline, dropping the crate onto the wet sand and creating a silver shimmer as the heavy item displaced the water in the soaked ground. “Or is it like some kind of fancy Niðavellir aircraft?!”

“No. Here, put this harness on.” Joyce tossed him the riding equipment and watched him slide it awkwardly on over his legs as she pulled a long brass whistle out from her satchel. The summoner looked out over the ocean and placed the mouthpiece of the whistle to her lips, puffing her cheeks as she inhaled a long breath and exhaled it into the instrument creating a high pitch tone that rang out across the water and carried in the winds. She lowered the whistle, and slid it back in her bag, everything becoming quiet once again, only the sound of the gentle waves breaking before them.

“Nothing happened…” David muttered in confusion, as he pulled the buckles tight around his legs.

Joyce smirked as she smugly strolled back to the table and picked up a large saddle, carrying it back to where she had placed the apples and dropped it on the ground. “Just wait for it.” She sang as she kicked the crate over with one hard shove of her boot, spilling the contents into the rolling waves, the apples bobbing as they turned in the water.

“What the-” David’s mouth opened but his words trailed off as he jumped in surprise, his eyes widened as they heard a deafening roar from above, and the thundering sound of rocks falling from the cliffside that towered behind them. He spun around in a panic, a large wyvern cried out as it sat perched on the mountain top. The gold scaled beast with cream fur as a main, and ivory white bull horns crushed the rocks with its massive talons as it stretched out its large leathery wings to their full length, blocking out the sun's rays.

“My gods…” Líf whispered softly in awe. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Yup.” Joyce nodded confidently at the swordsman. “An Askran Wyvern.”

“I thought they had all been lost, save one that slumbers on the Order's Roost.” He turned to look at the summoner with an astonished expression.

“Yeah. I kinda woke that ‘one’ up.” She giggled as she scratched the back of her head. “And we just sorta clicked! We can’t get him to stay in any stables, but if I call out when I need a ride, he tends to show up... If I give him a treat that is.”

David watched in stunned silence as the abnormally giant wyvern leapt off the cliff and soared above them, causing a strong draft that whipped their hair and clothing as the beast flew out over the ocean, screeching his call out again as it slowly turned around, and began to glide down towards them on the beach.

David stepped back as the creature grew bigger and bigger as it became closer and closer. Landing in the water and causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet, and for David to lose his footing as he stepped backwards, the soft sand cushioning his hard landing. “J-Joyce… You’re not serious?” He cried out in fear, too scared to move as he watched her slowly approach the beast holding out a single apple in her hand.

“Hey big guy, remember me? I got some apples for ya.” She walked fearlessly into the shallow water, letting the creature sniff her offerings. “Feel like taking me and my friend to Vaskrheim today?” The summoner asked softly as the beast examined her with cloudy golden eyes. His big nostrils snorted as they opened and closed, his head moved up and down her body, prodigy at her clothes until the beast finally stopped and inhaled hard as it found Breidablik strapped to her waist. The wyvern grunted loudly when he recognized the summoner, and a thick wet tongue slithered out from its gaping jagged jaws and scooped up the apple from her hand, accepting her little gift. Joyce laughed as watched the beast happily ate the crisp fruit finding the rest bobbing in the ocean. “That’s a yes!” She grabbed the saddles that sat on the beach and began hosting it over the creature's lower neck with Bruno’s help.

“By Askr…” Líf slowly approached the wyvern, the great beast only took a quick look and went back to feeding, allowing the undead prince to get close enough to stroke its neck. “Never in my lifetime and beyond did I think I would see such a magnificent creature alive and well. I am impressed, Joyce.”

There was a tone of excitement and wonder that was not lost on the summoner as she listened to Líf speak, and she tried to hide a proud smile while she finished adjusting the saddle. “Ready?” She turned her attention to David who still sat in the sand, his face turning paler by the second.

“Yeah…” David swallowed hard as he pushed himself to his feet, slapping his hand against one another to dust the sand off. “It’s time I face my fears…” David mumbled as he put his foot in one of the stirrups, and he swung his other leg over as he haphazardly crawled on top of the wyvern’s upper back almost kicking Bruno in the head as the Emblan prince attached their supplies to the side of the saddle.

Joyce gathered up her long blonde curls and tied them back in a high ponytail before she grabbed a hold of the saddle herself and let Líf boost her up. She straddled the wyvren as she sat facing David and helped him attach his harness to the saddle, pulling at the rigging to make sure everything was secured. She could feel the fear radiating off of him, and she caught a few nervous glances as he watched her work. There was a small part of her that thought it was almost cute to see the perfect former summoner have a few more flaws. “Better safe than sorry!” She laughed as she patted him on the shoulder trying to reassure him. She was excited to get back in the saddle and fly among the clouds, but she tried to remind herself what it had been like when she had been in David’s position the first time she had flown with Claude. “It’s going to be okay, David. Even if you let go, you won’t fall out.” Joyce gave him a confident smile when her eyes met his worried expression and his cheeks deepened in colour as he gave a hesitant nod.

“Summoner, here are the extra orbs you asked for.” Burno lifted up a hefty sac and tied it to the saddle, a counterweight to their gear on the other side. “I know these are a buffer, Cherche and Tusbasa carry the bulk of what will be used, but still, keep them safe.”

“Will do!” Joyce spun in her seat to face forward, clipping her safety harness to the saddle, and slipping on each of her leather gloves on one at a time, gripping the cuff between her teeth and pulling them on snug. She flashed them a toothy grin as she gave them a quick salute. “All right! We’ll see you in a couple of days in the borderlands!”

“Safe travels you two!” Bruno stepped back as he waved farewell.

“Don’t do anything stupid, David.” Líf snorted as he joined Bruno on the beach, ignoring the sneer David gave the swordsman as he flipped his middle finger in response.

“Let’s go.” Joyce leant over and whispered to the wyvern, stroking the long fur that ran around its neck. She felt the beast lurch forward as it began to trot down the beach shore, the ground staking beneath its large feet as it began to pick up speed. The wyvern stretched out its large wings and with one powerful kick it launched itself into the air, flapping its leather wings as it slowly began to climb higher in the sky. Joyce felt David tense up behind her as he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and buried his face into the back of her neck.

It wasn't long before she let out a sigh of relief as they finally broke through the low lying clouds and began to level off, the massive wyvern began to glide, coasting on the strong updraft that blew across the mountain range. “You okay?” She called out to David.

“No.” He groaned loudly.

“Want me to turn back?” She turned her head to the side. “You can still change your mind.”

David rocked his head back and forth as he tried to stay strong. “Just…” His words trailed off, his nervousness taking hold as the beast tilted slightly to the side as it glided along the stream.

“It’s okay!” Joyce slipped her hand into his that lay across his waist, and squeezed it tightly. ‘I won’t let go.”

David sniffed, as he gripped her hand hard, his warm breath on her neck as he whispered. “Thank-you.”

Joyce stretched out her legs and yawned, leaning onto David's limp body. “How are you feeling back there?” She asked to check up on him, since he hadn’t said a word since they left.

David just let out a long groan that expired into a soft sigh, a sure sign that he was holding on, but just barely, and Joyce decided to leave him be. It had been a couple of hours and they were close to the Askran border. The former summoner just held on to her, refusing to look around, and Joyce didn’t want to push him too hard out of his comfort zone. She was happy that he was willing to go this far to try and conquer his fears and sickness. And she really didn’t mind the silence during their trip, taking some time to reflect on what to do with Alfonse, and the mock battle ahead of them. She knew the prince was hurting, but she still was not sure how to resolve their issues without sacrificing everything she and her friends had fought for.

She hummed as she gazed out over the picturesque sights around them. The long range of cliffs and jagged mountain tops, cascading in peaks and valleys. Long swaths of grassy plains winded through the tops of giant hills, provided necessities of survival to the fauna in the area. Breathing life into the landscapes with rivers and trees. Joyce’s eyes fell on one particular hill top as they began to fly by, and she could make out strange figures through the wisps of clouds that drifted between them. She began to pull gently on the reins in hopes to direct the large wyvern closer for a better look when all of a sudden, and seemingly out of nowhere, a gust of powerful wind knocked her mount off course.

“What was that?!” David panicked as he roughly pulled Joyce close to his chest, she could feel his heart racing against her back.

“I-I don’t know…” Joyce stuttered unsure what to say, she had never felt turbulence like that before. She grabbed the reins as she tried to gain control, looking back at the strange hillside, and trying to make out what was there. Joyce’s eyes widened when she heard the sound of drums in the wind and saw a scatter of leaves in a puff of clouds heading towards them. “Hold on!” She cried out as another strang gust of wind hit the wyverns' side, causing him to list and barrel roll through the sky.

Joyce closed her eyes as her stomach flipped, the event even making her feel a bit queasy, and she could hear a string of cursed words ejecting from David's mouth, as they continued to turn in the air. The windy vortex spinning them out of control, and the summoner gasped as she saw the bag of orbs unravel and come loose from the saddle. “No!” She cried out as she directed the giant wyvern to take cover behind the nearest peak.

“Just leave them!” David shook her shoulders. “Let’s get out of here!”

“I’m trying!” Joyce called back, her long ponytail whipping her in the face. “But-” She gasped as the words left her mouth, the winds swirled up around them, and tossed them back and forth like a ping pong ball in a lottery draw box. The wyvern screeched as he began to nosedive towards the ground for safety, crashing through a few trees growing from the cliffside and hitting the ground as it landed hard on on the ground, using its wings to create a pillow of air to soften the blow. “Are you okay?” Joyce coughed, as the dust around them began to settle.

“Yeah…” David hiccupped as he leaned back in the saddle, with his eyes closed, and his arm over his face. “But everything is spinning…”

The old wyvern cried again, louder and more frantic, as it began to shake its thick neck in annoyance. “Okay, okay, hold on!” Joyce shouted at the beast, as she quickly unclipped each of their harnesses and straps, freeing them from the saddle. Joyce yelped as the beast shook them off like common pests, and they tumbled to the ground. Joyce cursed as she landed on her feet, bracing herself with the heels of her palms, scraping them against the rocky surface. She quickly scrambled to her feet just in time to watch helplessly as the wyvern leapt into the air again, and flew off and behind a mountain, out of sight.

“What now?” David laid out on the ground unmoving as he stared up at the sky.

“Give him some time, he’ll come back for us when he’s ready.” She dusted herself off, wishing that the wyvern had at least shook off some of their supplies before leaving them behind. She winced as she inspected the scratches on her hands under her gloves, and looked around for a source of water. “He’s old and cranky.”

“So, like Líf?” David scoffed as he sat up and rubbed his head.

“Exactly.” She laughed as she offered him her hand and helped pull him to his feet.

“I guess we’re stuck here for a little bit.” David sighed as he looked around at their surroundings. Nothing but clouds, small patches of shrubs and rocks to see. “Not that I’m complaining, it’s nice to be back on solid ground…”

“Come on, let’s look around.” Joyce slapped the back of her hand against his broad chest lightly before strolling away. “Maybe we can find that bag of orbs that fell while we are stuck here!”

David followed her as they began to walk down the rocky pathways. The wind howled down the narrow rock corridor, becoming stronger as they moved forward. Joyce put up her hands to shield her eyes from flying debris, and focused the winding trail at her feet. She noted that the path was old and worn, but some vegetation seemed to have only recently been crushed. Someone, or something, had been using this path, and not that long ago. Joyce thought back to what she had seen in the distance just before they were blown out of the sky. The strange figures gathered on the hill, and the sounds of drums that drifted in the wind.

“HALT!” A loud voice rang out ahead of them, echoing off the rocks around them.

Joyce stumbled back into David as she looked up in surprise. Kagero, the ninja from Hoshido, slowly approached them on horseback. Her long brown hair neatly tied up, and lavish feathered sleeves trailed across her arms. Joyce’s eyes widened when she spotted a familiar bag she had been searching for tied to Kagero’s horse.

“Travelers, name your intentions for coming to this sacred place!” Kagero demanded as she pointed a folded feather fan in her outstretched arm as ninja foot soldiers appearing out of nowhere, ready to spring into action when their leader gave even the slightest signal.

“Don’t be so harsh, Kagero!” A second woman sang as she followed behind. Kagero’s partner Orochi appeared and smiled kindly at Joyce and David behind a wooden ornament. “They are clearly here for the Wind Festival! Why else would they have come to these desolate peaks!”

Kagero's eyes squinted as she glared at the two strangers suspiciously. “Is that true, travelers?”

“Wind Festival? OH! Yes!” Joyce was quick to answer. Realizing that the two heroes before her were festival envoys, and not the Kagero and Orochi she had summoned years ago. “That’s right! We are here for the festival!” She exchanged apprehensive looks at David, and nodded her head towards Kagero’s horse, her eyes darting back and forth between him and the bag of orbs latched to the side of the horse.

“Yeah, sure!” David tried his best to sound honest. “We just flew in for the Wind Fest, and boy, are my arms tired!” He laughed nervously, as Joyce elbowed him in the ribs to stop talking.

Kagero sneered at him, the joke he cracked flying over her head. It wasn’t until she noticed Orochi edger to bring the strangers back with them that Kagero sighed and let her guard down, and lowering her fan. “Very well. Follow me, travelers.” She pulled at the reins of her horse as she led it around in the small space. “If you are to join in the festivities, you must first pay tribute to Chieftain Fuga of the Wind Tribe.”

“Chieftain Fuga…” Joyce lent over and whispered under her breath to David, as she followed their escort down the trail to the center of the activities. “Have you ever been to a Wind Festival?”

“No.” David pursed his lips. His world had only a short run before it fell to Hel’s invasion. A lot of the festivals Joyce had come to know never even had a chance to occur in his Askr. “Do you think this is a good idea without the trio? They are normally the ones to break the ice for these kinds of events.”

“I guess we’ll find out. Let’s just try to get the bag of orbs back from Kagero and get out of here!” Joyce shrugged, looking ahead of them, and becoming awestruck as the narrow corridor of rocks opened into a vast hill top plain. The wide blue sky spotted a colorful assortment of kites and flags that danced in the air as they blew in the winds.


"Lazy Eye" - Silversun Pickups

Chapter 23: Headwinds II


Joyce and David meet with the leader of the Wind Tribe.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner), Fuga
Minor: Kagero, Orochi, Dagr, Claude, Catria
Mentioned: Alfonse, Soren, Cherche

This fic is dedicated to 100+ orbs that I was baited out of trying to summon a copy of Wind Tribe Claude (after the spark) while working on this chapter yesterday. I got a +Atk Dagr.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Joyce and David quietly followed Kagero and Orochi weaving in and out of the crowded festival. Stalls and wagons formed a long ally that the guards escorted them through. People clamored to try mysterious foods and trade items and buy colorful new outfits. All the deliciousness and wonders from a far off world for them to indulge themselves on. Strings of brightly coloured pennants flickered and blew in the wind above, accompanied by kites with bells tied to their long flowing tails that chimed lightly, carrying a bright tune in the wind.

The festival attendees paid no mind to the summoner that walked among them, a nice little change of pace to the normal festivals she had become used to attending when the Order would parade her around as a marvel or spectacle to behold. Joyce hated being the center of attention like that, and she recalled how happy she was when Alfonse shared the sentiment. They always found a way to escape the large crowds together once their main duties had been completed, and they had a hard rule that they could never leave one behind to suffer alone. Joyce felt a ping of guilt in her stomach, and she caulked it up to hunger as the waves of delicious smells hit her nose, and she vowed to come back to these stalls once she got her orbs back from the ninja warrior.

Kagero and Orochi stopped along a makeshift fence line, pinwheels attached to each wooden post whirling in the steady breeze that blew across the mountains and toward the festival ground. The small stake fence kept the festival visitors from wandering too close to the edge of the sheer cliff, and Kagero motioned for the summoner and David to wait there with the rest of the guards as she and Orochi moved through a small gate, and towards two very large figures standing near the edge of the mountain. Each figure held a large hand fan, and were taking turns waving them to create a strong gust of wind directed at a few large hanging drums. The sound of the burst of wind would bellow out off the drums skin as the onlookers cheered, each sound signaled a amount of points to be given for the one who created the sound. Joyce realized that the breeze created by one of these competitors missing their target was most likely the cause of what blew them out of the sky earlier.

The fenced off section of the cliff began to appear more like an arena as Joyce looked around. The short grass faded away to a bed of sand, and there was clear evidence of footsteps stomped throughout the grounds. There had been fighting here, she knew the signs, and Joyce swallowed her nerves. She was glad she wasn’t a part of the action, all it took was one miscalculation to tumble off that cliff she thought to herself, as her mind was pulled from the arena as David tugged at her sleeve, and nodded his head without a word in a particular direction off to the side of the fighting grounds. She followed his gaze and spotted a large stone Yggdrasil tree, covered in decorative streamers that blew in the wind, and a pile of assorted gifts scattered at the base. "A summoning ruin?" The words only just left Joyce's mouth when her attention quickly returned to the two figures on the cliff as the sound of the biggest drum thundered across the sky.

“Good one, Princess!” The bulky bald man threw his head back with a hearty laugh. “I have indeed met my match! It is an honor to have you as a temporary guard of the wind.”

“Aaaw, You’re not so bad yourself Fuggie!” The tall woman spun around, a gleeful smile plastered across her face as she slapped the muscular man on the back, an act that made Kagero cringe, tightening her shoulders as she approached the pair.

“Dagr?” Joyce gasped softly in surprise, stopping short of the fence barrier that kept the guest away from the dangerous cliff.

“Whoa…” David’s eyes widened as his gaze fell on the Dagr, his first time encountering the feisty titan. “That’s the Jötunheimr Princess?”

“Yeah, but let’s be careful about what we say.” Joyce kept her voice low as she leaned in towards David so only he could hear. “I don’t know if it’s the same Dagr I know from this world, or an envoy like the rest of them.”

“Chieftain Fuga!” Kagero took the knee, anchoring her fist in the sand as she bowed before the large man that stood with Dagr. “I have brought visitors found along the Windy Trail. They wish to attend the festival.”

“Excellent! Bring them before my seat so they may pay tribute.” Fuga exclaimed as he slapped his hands together, his voice and sound of the clap echoing off the solid gray stone around them. He turned and strode towards the large ruin that depicted the Yggdrasil tree. The summoning stone had been decorated in pinwheels and paper flags. Fuga sat down on the top step, his gifts piled high behind him, and he stretched his bulky legs out as he leaned back, his smooth bald head shining in the sunlight.

“Did you know there were ruins here?” Joyce covered her mouth as she asked David, and Kagero eyed her suspiciously as she led the duo over.

David shook his head no as he replied. “But I’ve read that there are hundreds of undiscovered summoning ruins all over Askr and beyond.”

“I also have a gift for you.” Kagero waltzed over and untied the pouch that hung from her hip, pouring the iridescent orbs into her hand as she presented the items to Fuga. “Sky pearls that fell from the clouds. Surely a gift from the gods for you.”

“Hey!” Joyce blurted out loudly as she rushed forward. Throwing her plan to the wind when she saw them claim what was rightfully hers. “Those aren't pearls, and they belong to me!”

“So much for being careful…” David clicked his tongue as he watched the summoner dash towards Kagero without constraint or caution.

“Joycie!” Dagr’s voice pierced through the sky as she swooped the summoner up into her arms before Joyce could make it across the field, and pulled her in for a big hug, holding the summoner’s head close to her chest. “You made it to the festival!” the princess squealed as she placed Joyce back on her feet, confirming that this Dagr had been the one they met doing the conflict with Niðavellir.

“W-What are you doing here, Dagr?” Joyce coughed as she struggled to catch her breath. She had not seen the princess since their gathering at the New Year’s shrine festival.

“Well, after I finished my daily 500-”

“What’s that?” She scrunched up her nose as she watched David join them.

“Oh! My workout routine! You gotta try it!” Dagr chuckled as she winked at the summoner. “I start with sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and end with some jumping jacks.”

“I think I’ll pass.” Joyce mumbled as she eyed Kagero and Fuga pawing her orbs in the distance.

“You do one-hundred and twenty-five each every morning?” David rubbed the back of his head in astonishment. “Well, I’ve been slacking!”

“What am I, a Jötunheimr toddler?” Dagr scoffed as she looked down at David with a broad smile, proudly counting each of her routines on a finger she held up. “I do five-hundred of each in the morning! Then five-hundred before bed!” She lent over with a toothy grin. “And in between I come to these hills for my mid-morning mountain climb! That’s when I stumbled upon Fuggie and his festival! He was so impressed with my strength that he invited me to stay! Even made me an honorary Guard to the Winds!” She stood up straight, placing her hands on her well defined hips as she towered above them “Can you believe it?”

“You know this woman, Princess Dagr?” Fuga called out to the distracted group as he raised an annoyed brow, rolling the orbs in his hand as he watched them keenly from afar.

“Well, duh! This, here, is the Order of Heroes’ Summoner!” Dagr’s voice cracked in delight as she started the introduction. “Joyce is the one that brings all the heroes to Askr using those shiny balls in your hands, Fuggie!”

Fuga lifted his hand up to his face as he inspected the orbs. “She uses these pearls to-”

“They are not pearls, they're orbs!” Joyce frowned at the chieftain, she knew he didn’t know better, but she didn’t want to back down and lose these resources. “And yes, I use them to summon heroes, and I need them back!”

“Joycie…” David sung nervously in an attempt to soothe the summoner with a calm tone. “Don’t push it.”

“Heroes?” Fuga snorted, and pointed at David that held her back. “Is this one of your so-called heroes?”

“No!” Joyce scoffed as she sneered at her companion. “He’s just… just David.” She huffed as she took a step forward, trying to explain their situation in a way the chieftain might understand. “The heroes I bring here are strong fighters from different worlds. Like yours, actually! There are many heroes from Hoshido and Nohr-”

David quickly elbowed her in the ribs, shaking his head in a panic as his eyes darted towards Kagero, warning the summoner to avoid using associations with their enemy regions.

“Nnnorth Hoshido too!” Joyce continued, trying to cover up any suspicious behaviors on their part. “That’s right! I can confirm I have met with heroes from North Hoshido! even the great Prince Lobster- Ryoma!”

“Nice recovery!” David whispered through his teeth.

“Thanks.” She sighed back, watching Fuga with baited breath as he rubbed his chin in thought.

“Hoshido, and North… Hoshido…” Fuga mulled over the words quietly chuckled to himself and he judged the two outsiders with a raised brow. A smirk formed on his lips and it slowly reached across his face. “Okay, I want to see you summon one of these heroes!” He stretched out his arms, still clutching the orbs and dropped a few into Kagero’s hand, nodding to take them over to the summoner. “Show me.”

“Okay, but I need you to move.” Joyce held out her hand, trying not to look Kagero in the eyes as the warrior ninja dropped the orbs into her palm. “You’re sitting on the summoning stone.”

“Don’t listen to her Chief Fuga, I don’t trust her.” Kagero looked at the summoner coldly. “How did they even get here?”

“Kagero! Don’t be so harsh!” Orochi slipped her arms around Kagero’s and giggled as she dramatically swooped her from arm over her head. “How did any of us get here? Only the winds have the answer!”

“It’s true! The Summoner does need to use the ruins! That’s where the heroes will pop out!” Dagr made a high pitch popping noise with her lips and she flicked all ten of her fingers outward as she explained. “I’ve seen it before, it’s really quite a sight to behold!”

Fuga narrowed his eyes as he gazed between the summoner and Dagr, finally letting out a chuckle as he pushed himself to his feet. He smiled down at Joyce while he took a step down, motioning as he invited her over. “The seat is yours, show me your great power, Summoner!”

Joyce popped the snap of Breidablik's holster, and pulled the ancient weapon from her waist. She scowled down at the orbs in her hand, not even enough to finalize a few heroes in one go. “I really shouldn’t…”

“Don’t think about it.” David tried to encourage her, the former summoner from another world knew all too well the thoughts running through her head right now. “You never know, maybe you’ll get something good!”

“In one circle?” Joyce muttered as she slid the orbs into Breidablik’s chamber. “If Soren was here he would kill me for wasting orbs like this.”

David shrugged as he forced a confident smile, and gave her a thumbs up as she walked over to the ruins.

Joyce let out a long sigh as she approached the Yggdrasil tree, raising her arm and aiming Breidablik towards the old ruin. “Come on, come on…” She chanted under her breath, planting her feet in the ground. The familiar tingle of power welling up inside, and flowing down through her arm and she pulled the trigger of the ancient weapon. A bright flash shot out of the barrel and pooled into the center of the stone tree, creating a vortex of colorful stones. Joyce could sense them in her mind’s eye and choose one beautiful blue stone at random. There was no point in worrying about what would be there, she hadn’t turned to the stars to know what would be laying in these ruins.

The blue stone flashed bright and chimed as it cracked before her, a dense fog enveloping the stone, and Joyce strained to peer through the clouds. Her excitement replaced her fears as she saw Catria’s smiling face appear, riding her pegasus out of the fog and holding a long bow in her hand. “Oh wow, something new!” Joyce found herself bolstered by the successful summoner and she raised her arm again, there was just enough to try one more time.

Joyce pointed the barrel of Breidablik at a glistening green stone and quickly pulled the trigger. The swelling fog that engulfed the stone was quickly blown aside by the wings of a large wyvern flew out of the giant stone tree, and Joyce’s eyes widened as she looked upon the rider’s familiar face. “Claude!?” She exclaimed loudly, as he blew past her. “What are you doing here?!”

The attendees to the festival began to clap and cheer as the heroes that were summoned sored above their heads. Many of them are isolated in rural mountain villages of Askr. Only tales of the summoner and her talents reaching them. They crowded along the fence line to watch, and were overjoyed to have been witness to a rare event in these parts. They pointed towards the sky and watched in awe as Claude and Catria landed the mounts gracefully, sliding off the backs of their beasts, and joining the summoner’s side.

“Hello there, and who might you be?” Claude wore a crooked smile as he locked eyes with Joyce. “I'd introduce myself, but by your reaction when I arrived it seems like you already know who I am. Doesn't seem fair if you ask me.”

Joyce forgot her words, and felt her cheeks burn caught in his gaze. She knew this wasn’t the same Claude she had become close with in the past, that Claude had returned to Fodlen last year. However, she couldn’t deny the chemistry that still bubbled when he took his hand in hers, and brought the back up to his lips. Joyce pulled her hand away as Claude’s hot breath lingered a little too long, and snapped her back to her senses. “I’m J-Joyce, and this is David.” She stuttered as she regained her composure. “I’m your Summoner, and I’ve brought you here so that you can aid me, and learn from the other heroes in this world.” She recited the same speech she has said a hundred times before like a robot, cold and direct, as she rubbed the back of her hand, hoping no one picked up on how frazzled she was. “I won’t explain much more than that, it might get confusing for you. But believe me when I say that things will become more clear in due time.”

“Normally, I would call bullsh*t on what you’re telling me right now.” Claude side-eyed the summoner with a co*cky smirk as he paused for a moment. “But, for some reason I trust you, and I believe what you are saying is the truth. I don’t know why, I can’t put it into words.”

“Yeah! You make me feel hopeful for a brighter future, and happy to be here when I look at you, Joyce!” Catria beamed in delight, as gently smiled. “I want to help you with whatever you need!”

“What is this connection I feel with you?” Claude grew closer, as he tone became serious, the archer’s magnetism drawing her in again. “Bonds this deep don’t form out of nowhere-”

“It’s just the contract, Bro.” David edged himself in between as he derailed Claude’s advances. “And like bones it can easily be broken-”

Fuga laughter carried on the wind, interrupting and defusing the tension growing in Joyce’s group. “A most excellent show, Summoner! Never in my life have I seen warriors pulled from stone!” He declared as he loudly clapped his hands, and stretched his arms out to his side and he retook his seat at the foot of the summoner stone. “Welcome, friends, to the Festival of Wind!”

“Dang right!” Dagr cried out as she wrapped her arms around Joyce and pulled the summoner in for another hug, squeezing her face against the broad chest again. “Come on, Joycie!” She squeaked as the Jötunheimr princess dropped the summoner back to her feet, and continued to support her with a muscular arm hung over the summoner’s shoulders. “We will get you and your friends some garb and grub! There is a mountain berry flan that I have been dying to try!”

Joyce shook off the Jötunheimr princess and pushed her way through the crowd that gathered around them, harshly addressing Fuga. “Wait, what about my orbs?” She tried to dodge the Wind Guards only to get yanked back by Kagero before she became too close to Fuga.

“Consider them your tribute to me, Summoner.” Fuga tells her.

“But Sir-” Kagero began to protest, insulted by the chieftain's decision.

“Be nice Kagero.” Orochi cooed at her partner, as she pursued the ninja to let the summoner go. “She seems like a big deal in this world, and you can collect materials for pigments else where.” She added sweetly, as Kagero blushed.

“A tribute?” Joyce scoffed as she confronted the chieftain, determined to retrieve her property. “No way, I showed you what they can do, they are useless to you. I want them back!” The summoner stomped her foot as the others gathered around her. Joyce quickly looked over, and yanked Claude by the sleeve of his shirt. “Here, take something else. How about Claude?”

“Hey!” The archer cried out in defense as he stumbled forward, glaring at David as he smugly smirked from the sidelines.

“I have many warriors of my own at Reppu Castle, Summoner, but I do not have these treasures.” Fuga chuckled as he held an orb up to the light in amusem*nt. He tossed the glistening orb up into the air, and snatched it as it fell before him. “However, I wonder how strong the heroes you are able to bring to this world are? I am willing to part with these orbs if you give me a little demonstration.” He poured the orbs he held back into their pouch and dangled it before him on the tip of his hooked finger. “Three of your heroes against three of mine to determine the strongest warriors.”

“A tournament?!” Joyce gasped in surprise. She hadn’t competed in anything since the spring festival, and questioned whether she was ready for this challenge. It was also growing late, and she knew Cherche would become restless and worry if she and David spent much more time here in the mountains.

“Indeed!” Fuga stood up abruptly and waved his Wind Guard over. “Choose three champions to go head to head with my Orochi, Princess Dagr, and Kagero!”

Joyce eyed the pouch of orbs and clicked her tongue in disgust, she was going to be forced to give them up. Even if she made time for this, she only has Catria and Claude to put forward. Joyce pursed her lips as she stepped forward, shaking her head. “I’m afraid we-”

“Have a deal!” Claude shouted out as he blindsided the summoner.

“What are you doing?!” Joyce hissed through her teeth as she roughly pulled Claude back. “I have you and Catria. I don’t even have three heroes to nominate!”

“Whatabout this guy?!” Claude thumb his hand in David’s direction with a sly grin across his face. “Sure, he doesn’t look like much, and I could take him in a fight, but he seems confident enough to go up against these guys.”

“Excuse me?” David sneered, as he began to ramble about ruins with the old Claude. “I’m pretty sure you could take me last time we met-”

“Out of the question!” Joyce shot back trying to protect the summoner from another world. “And… and David is afraid of heights, so he can’t fight on these cliffs!”

“Joyce!” A hurt David grimaced as he tried to keep her from exposing his flaws to everyone.

“What? I’m not wrong!” The summoner defended herself, growing frustrated with the unruly rabble around her. “There’s no way I’m letting you go out there! We have to decline.”

“Perhaps you can summon someone else?” Catria spoke softly, pushing the tips of her index fingers together as she shyly looked at Joyce. “I know a great fighter named Marth you could bring here.”

“No, Catria.” Joyce sighed, cradling her forehead in her hand, but speaking gently, not wanting to upset the pegasus flier. “Even if I had more orbs, there’s no way to know who will come through the summoning portal. We might end up with a real dud on the team. It’s a waste of time.” The summoner let her shoulders fall in defeat. “We just have to decline Fuga’s offer. I’ll apologize to Veronica that I lost her orbs once we get back.”

“Is there a problem, Summoner?” Fuga raised an eyebrow as he cranked his neck, trying to hear what was going on in the little private huddle.

Joyce took a deep breath as she turned towards Chieftain Fuga, respectfully bowing her head. “No, but I’m afraid we are going to-”

“Kick your asses!” David unexpectedly jumped in and cut her off.

“Not you too!” Joyce groaned loudly, she could control the heroes, but there was nothing she could do to stop David.

“That’s right! Prep your wings buddy, because Joyce’s heroes are going to send you sailing off this mountain!” David smugly bit his lip, snapping his fingers as he flicked his wrist triumphantly. He wiped around to the summoner, pulling her back to their little group. “Don’t worry, Joyce, I’ll help you get those orbs back!”

“Yeah! Come on, Joyce.” Catria beamed brightly, eager to get on her pegasus and compete in the games. “You can trust us, like we trust you!”

“Catria’s right.” Claude nodded his head with a gentle smile. “You brought us here to help you, Joyce. So let us do our job!”

Joyce’s heart sank, touched by the endearing nature that the heroes tend to come with. She wanted to make them happy, encourage them, enrich their stay here, it was fundamentally her sole job, but she didn’t want to throw David into the fray. He wasn’t like them, and there was no amount of orbs she wasn’t willing to lose to keep him safe.

“Summoner, do you agree to this tournament?” Fuga called out, his patience growing thin.

The summoner drew in a long breath as she stepped forward to face the chieftain. “Yes…” Joyce cleared her voice, stealing herself so her competition didn’t have an inkling of her growing apprehension about the tournament. “Catria, Claude, and… David, will fight as my champions!”

“Very good!” Fuga climbed the steps to the summoning stone, his voice roaring over the cheering crowd of the festival. “Let the Tournament of Winds blow in!”


"My Type" - Saint Motel

Chapter 24: Headwinds III


The Tournament of Wind begins!

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner), Fuga
Minor: Kagero, Orochi, Dagr, Claude, Catria
Mentioned: Anankos


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Joyce carefully wrapped the colorful, long garb of the Wind Tribe around her body, and secured it with a feathered sash that lay across one of her bare shoulders and looked at herself in the mirror. They had all been given their own attire of the Wind Tribe to wear to the tournament and she sighed at how she looked. She should be having fun, she was having fun when she found herself forgetting that this wasn’t part of the plan. Her eyes moved to the reflection of the others behind her. Claude busied himself sharpening the blades of his pinwheel, and Catira was engrossed with watching David as he carefully restrung her weapon, and showed her how to inspect the longbow. Joyce and her heroes had been given time to prepare themselves within a private tent before the Tournament of Wind was to take place. Joyce turned in surprise as light flooded the tent and the Jötunheimr princess entered the room.

“Knock, knock! Anybody hooome?” Dagr sang as she let the flapped door close behind her. She held up a rolled scroll in one hand, offering it to Claude with a big smile. “I have brought the matchups for the tournament and a gift from Fuggie!”

“Thanks, Dagr.” Joyce nodded her head and crossed the tent room to read over Claude’s shoulder. “So, who’s going first?”

“Catria will be fighting Oorchi.” Claude quickly read out the listing. “And then Dagr and I will be in the second round.”

“That just leaves Kagero and myself last.” David stood up as he pulled at the taught bow string he just finished tying.

“That’s right! This is going to be good!” Dagr excitedly picked up Claude’s pinwheel decoration and blew on it, the colorful blades spinning wildly as small sparks began to rain down from the wheel she held it up with a mesmerizing grin. “Pretty!”

“Can you give us a few minutes, Dagr?” Joyce turned to the Jötunheimr princess, trying to hide her worried expression. “I just want to run through a few things before we head over to the arena.”

“Sure!” Dagr’s voice cracked as she tucked the pinwheel she held into her belt, and pulled out her hand curled fist from the pockets of her pants, stretching her arm towards Joyce. “Oh I almost forgot. This is from Fuggie! And he told me to tell you that he is looking forward to chatting with you during the tournament!”

“For me?” Joyce quietly mused as she watched Dagr unfurl her long fingers and a long gold chain dangled out with a singular orb attached at the end, swinging back and forth in front of her. The summoner’s heart fell as she watched the Jötunheimr princess lower the trinket into her open hand, the orb had a visible hole drilled through it, rendering it useless to be used for summoning. “Thanks…” Joyce swallowed hard, trying not to scream.

“See you at the battle grounds!” Dagr waved her hand as she pushed open the tent flap again with a sunny smile as she ducked her head and left the tent, leaving it in darkness once more.

“That jerkface!” Joyce cried out as she furiously squeezed the damaged orb in her fist. The chief was trying to get under her skin before the tournament, and it was working.

“Don’t worry about it.” David placed his bow down, leaning it against his seat and walked over to where Joyce was fuming. “It’s better to just accept the gift as is. You don’t want to offend him.” He calmly told her, prying her hand open and taking the necklace from her. He gently took the chain and placed it over her head, adjusting it so the orb hung neatly over her chest. “Besides, it looks kinda nice as a charm.”

“Let’s hope it’s good luck, because we need a miracle to win.” Joyce frowned as she looked down at the gift, and turned to David in a huff. “I don’t see how you’re going to be able to beat Kagero. Even with your long bow she is going to be able to hit and run away from you with ease.”

“I know, but I have to try.” David softly told her, trying hard not to sound disheartened.

“You can’t fight her on foot.” Joyce shifted her weight, and clicked her tongue in annoyance. “And you can’t fight in the air…”

“Your fear’s that bad, huh?” Claude asked as his brows pushed together in concern.

“Let’s just say, I had a bad round flight simulation training back home, and I haven’t been the same since.”

“I’m sorry.” Catria laid a comforting hand on David’s back, trying to console the former summoner as the group fell quiet. “I don’t know what any of that means, but it sounds awful.”

“Well, let’s not throw in the towel just yet!” Claude cried out as he cheerfully strolled to the middle of the room, disrupting the somber mood in the tent. “If Catria and I win our matches then David won’t even have to fight Kagero!”

“Hey, that’s right! Best two out of three!” Catria clapped excitedly. “We still have a chance to win back those orbs for Joyce, without David even going into the ring!”

“And if one of you two lose?” Joyce crossed her arms as she questioned the heroes.

“We won’t!” Catria gave her a kind smile as she picked up her bow and left the tent, taking the lead.

“You can count on us!” Claude reassured the summoner, snatching up his pinwheel, and tucking it in his belt. “Why does my pinwheel feel so different?” He mused as he followed the Pegasus knight out and towards the arena.

Joyce watched and waited until the heroes left the tent, and then quickly turned to David. “If one of them loses their match we will forfeit the fight with Kagero. Got it?”

David slung his quiver over his shoulder, and across his chest. “Joyce, I-”

“Don’t push back on me about this.” She sternly warned him. “I was okay with you going out there against someone less determined, but Kagero’s not going to make this easy. We both know that, and I really can’t waste the afternoon here watching you get your ass kicked.”

David pursed his lips and tightened his grip on his bow as he held his tongue and glanced away.

Joyce knew there was something on his mind, but ignored the disheartened look on his face, and nodded her head towards the tent door. “Let’s just get this over with, so we can get to Vaskrhiem before the sun goes down!”


The summoner heard David mumble something behind her as she left the tent. Her words had hurt his pride, but she had no time to argue about it. She had to stay strong and put her foot down. As much as she knew David wanted to join the fight, she could never tell him to his face, but he was more important to her than getting the orbs back. Joyce hated herself for letting David down, but she just couldn’t let him go.

“I hope this is not too close for you, Summoner.” Chieftain Fuga lent on his elbow, sprawled out on the steps of the summoning ruins and surrounded by his tributes. There was no boundary between the action and them like the fence line around the stone tree, and the battle could take place just feet away from the lower step if the contender ended up on this side of the arena. “Nothing excites me more than feeling the breeze of the fight.”

“I’m no stranger to the arena.” Joyce looked straight ahead, trying to act cool as she watched her heroes with a keen eye talk among themselves in the distance. “And this is nothing compared to the battles I’ve seen.”

“Then why are you so nervous?”

Joyce froze when she realized she had been fidgeting with the orb that hung around her neck, worried about the outcome of the next couple of battles. She dropped the orb and quickly lowered her hand into her lap, as her cheeks flared red in embarrassment. She didn’t want to seem weak in front of Fuga, and Joyce was saved from having to come up with a witty comeback by the thundering sounds of drums, beating high overhead.

The summoner looked up and out of the edge of the cliff to see musicians dangling from the higher cliffs, whacking at the large drums Fuga and Dagr used earlier that day for their own little wind game.

She turned her attention from the drummers when she noticed Orochi and Catria approaching the chieftain’s seat from the side of her view. The two heroes bowed before the Fuga, before both turned on their heel and headed to their positions.

“No wonder you are nervous, Summoner. You’re Pegasus knight seems timid. It must be hard to rely on heroes that you have only just met to win battles for you.” Fuga chuckled confidently as he watched for the summoner’s reaction. “That is a lot of blind trust.”

“The stars wouldn’t send them to me if they weren’t up to the challenge.” Joyce swallowed her nerves, and turned to address the Chieftain with a straight shine. “I have full faith in Catria and her abilities.” Her courage returned when she watched the Pegasus knight mount her steed. “Besides, if you saw Catria in a bridal gown she would quickly change your mind.”

“Is that so?” Fuga smirked as pushed himself up to his feet, picking up a long polished club, and running it across the sides of a large set of wooden wind chimes, signaling the beginning of the battle.

“I promise to make this quick!” Catria called out to her opponent, as she pulled her mount, leading it in a circle, and slowly pulled out an arrow from the quiver attached to the side of her Pegasus.

Orochi made no attempt to move, or put distance in between her and the bow knight, she steeled herself as she smiled at Catria. “Your promises are meaningless when the outcome has already been decided!” Orochi waved her hand in the air, and her fortune sticks spread out like a fan in front of her. The diviner closed her eyes, her mouth forming shapes and she began to chant unknown words from some unknown spell.

Joyce felt her robes whip around her legs as the winds began to pick up, and she squinted as she looked up at the sky. The sun began to blacken as a strange moon began to drift across, blocking out the light, and casting the area in shadow. The summoner heard Orochi’s chanting grow louder and Catria’s Pegasus began to whinny in fear. The diviner seemed to fall into a trance, and Joyce’s eyes widened as she saw shapes in the wind that swirled around Orochi. A tiger pounced out and disappeared in a puff of smoke, and the crowd that had gathered to watch yelped in excitement. The summoner watched as Catria pulled back her arrow taking aim at Orochi, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. The shadows flickered as the moon released the sun from its grip, and the winds began to die down.

Orochi stopped chanting and her arms fell to her side. “I have seen the future.” She calmly announced. “The match is yours, Catria.” The diviner bowed and swiftly turned on her heel, and approached the seat with her head held high.

“W-What?” Catria stuttered as she lowered her bow, and her mouth gaped open in confusion.

“Forgive me Chief Fuga, not only will I lose, but I will break a nail in the battle!” Orochi pouted as she looked at Fuga with tearful eyes.

Fuga’s face softened, and he smiled kindly at the diviner. “All is well, Orochi. Save yourself the pain and hardship. I am certain you would have put your whole heart into the battle regardless.” Fuga turned to Joyce as Orochi and Catria left the arena. “Summoner, the first round is yours.”

“You can’t be serious?” Joyce cried out, as her eyes widened in disbelief. “That’s it?”

“Orochi is a fine diviner, but if you do not trust her predictions we can proceed with the fight.” Fuga offered, as he leant back on the steps.

“No!” Joyce blurted out in a panic, and shook her head widely. “I trust her! One down, one more to go!” Joyce began clapping as the drums hanging over the cliff began to play again, and she watched eagerly as Dagr led her giant horse onto the field, and Claude rode his wyvern behind her.

Fuga nodded with a proud grin plastered across his face as Dagr gave him a quick two finger salute, his expression draining when Claude followed suit with a co*cky wink. “Such confidence.” Fuga scoffed as he stood up from his seat.

“You can say that again.” Joyce muttered unamused as she watched the chieftain run the wooded club across the wind chimes once more.

“Ready yourself Princess Dagr, I have a move that will really blow you away!” Claude smirked as he pointed the blades of his pinwheel towards the princess. He yanked at the reins of his wyvern and the beast began to rear its head up and beat its wings fiercely. Claude pulled back his arm as he began to throw his colorful dagger, but as he launched the attack the blades of his weapon just slowly spun in a sad display of might. Claude frowned as his brows stitched together in confusion, and he inspected the pinwheel he held in his hand. “What gives?”

“Is that all you got?” The Jötunheimr Princess laughed loudly, as she held her fan with an outstretched arm. “You better hold on to something!” Dagr wound up and let loose a large gust of wind, the pinwheel tucked into her belt spinning like crazy as sparks began to fly from its blade, flowing to physical magic.

“Hey!” Claude cried out as he pointed at Dagr’s belt. “You have my pinwheel right there!”

“Oh, do you need this?” Dagr pulled the pinwheel out from her belt and blew on it, the sparks scattering in the wind like seeds of a flower.

“Mind giving it back?” Claude casually asked, as he lazily leaned over in the saddle of his wyvern with a smug smile. “Or are you scared of a fair fight?”

“Oh boy…” Joyce groaned as she buried her face into the palm of her hand, she knew the two biggest personalities were about to clash. “Here we go.”

“Sure, I’ll give it back, but you have to come and get it!” Dagr held out the pinwheel for Claude to see, and watched him maneuver his wyvern over to get it. Claude pursed his lips as he reached out for his weapon. A toothy smirk started to form on Dagr’s lips. “Sssshhhhooooom!” The Jötunheimr princess cried out as she waved her fan again at the wyvern rider at the last minute, tossing the beast backwards.

“Ooookay.” Claude wiped the sand from his cheek with the back of his hand to reveal an unamused scowl on his face as he watched Dagr hold her sides as she had herself a hearty laugh. “If that’s how you’re going to be.” Claude pulled at the reins of the wyvern and nudged his heel to the side, riding the beast at full speed towards Dagr to spook her horse.

Dagr gasped as she was able to pull her mount away just in time for Claude’s wyvern to rush past her unscathed. “Hey, I was only just having a little fun!” Dagr snapped at the wyvern rider, and she regained control of her mighty horse. “But if you want to get serious, let’s go!” The Jötunheimr princess tossed the pinwheel she held at Claude, sparks from the turning blade spraying out of it.

Claude effortlessly snatched the weapon from the sky as it flew above his head, a coy smirk starting to etch itself across his face. “Now we’re talking.” Claude pointed the pinwheel at Dagr once again. “You ready?”

“Bring it on!” Dagr squealed in delight, raising her fan again with an outstretched arm to her side.

Yanking at the reins of his wyvern, Claude took to the air. He clutched his pinwheel as he turned the beast in the sky and began to dive down towards the Jötunheimr princess. He flung his arm up and forward as the blades of the pinwheel began to spin, the petals of the weapon flying out and whistling as they cut through the air towards Dagr.

Dagr tried to hide an unintentional yawn as she flung her fan effortlessly with a flick of her wrist, the gust of wind stopping the blades in their path before they could reach her.

“Come on, Claude, you have to do more than just that…” Joyce muttered sitting on the edge of her seat as she clutched the orb around her neck.

As if Claude could hear the summoner’s instructions, he gritted his teeth as he began to launch a series of attacks. “Scatter in the breeze!” Claude yelled out as he pulled back his arm again, and again, quickly flinging more, and more bladed petals from the pinwheel towards the Dagr. Claude took turns, his arm swinging back and forth, his attack raining down on the princess. Even Dagr was not able to block all of the blades as some screamed past her defenses, tearing small cuts in her clothing.

“Finally some fun!” Dagr snickered with glee, and she began to pump her arm, creating a blast of wind to protect herself from Claude’s blades. Each gust of wind rose up quickly and hit Claude like a gale-force moving across the waters. “Hold on to something! Because a storm is rollin’ in!” Dagr cried out as she moved her fan back and forth with both hands, the winds tossing Claude and his wyvern about.

Claude tried to avoid each of Dagr’s attacks, but his wyvern was no match in stamina for the Jötunheimr princess, faltering as it began to lose control in the air. Claude attempted to fire a few more rounds of bladed petals at Dagr, but it was too late, and the wyvern rider found himself tumbling off his mount and his weapon blown from his hand as he flew out of the ring. As the dirt settled, Claude rolled onto his back, creating a plume of sand and debris as he coughed into the sandy air. “Dust in the wind…”

“Sorry about that!” Dagr rode up, and slid down off her giant horse. She smiled as she offered her hand and helped Claude to his feet. “Good fight, little fellow!” She held out his weapon that he lost in the last moments of his battle. “Here’s your pinwheel!”

“Nah, you can keep it!” Claude laughed in good spirits, accepting his defeat graciously.

“sh*t!” Joyce cursed under her breath as she watched their plan to win both matches disappear into thin air.

“Looks like we are tied, Summoner.” Fuga gave the signal to the drummers on the cliff to start playing. “The next match will determine the winner of the Tournament of Wind.”

Joyce pouted as she watched Kagero and David approach the seat and bow, knowing that she had already lost. The drumming stopped and just as the two fighters were about to leave, the summoner stood up and turned to the chieftain, steeling herself to be mocked for what she was about to do next. “David’s not going to go ahead with the next match. We forfeit the battle. You win Chieftain Fuga.” Joyce announced in a serious tone. It didn’t feel good, but she knew it was the right decision to make to keep everyone safe.

Fuga raised an eyebrow as he inspected the summoner, turning his attention to David for a moment before addressing him. “Is that what you want?”

David’s eyes moved from Fuga to Joyce, and then back to the chieftain. “No. I wish to fight.”

“What are you doing?” Joyce leapt from the steps of the stone ruins and stormed over to the former summoner. “You can’t, I won’t allow it. You’re not one of my-”

“Heroes?” David abruptly cut her off as he finished her sentence. “Yeah, I know. You keep reminding me of that. But it also means you don’t have a say in whether I fight or not. I’m not yours to control.”

“It’s too risky.” Joyce hissed through her teeth, trying not to cause a scene in front of the chieftain. “And I need you by my side, not injured in a hospital bed, or worse.” She spat as she waved her arm at her side. “Just forget the orbs.”

“It’s not about the orbs.” David lowered his voice so only she could hear. “Come the mock battle I need to know where my limits are so I don’t make any mistakes.”

“That’s what we have been training every morning for-”

“It’s not the same. Not for what we discussed before. You of all people know that.” He whispered as he leaned closer, locking his eyes locked with hers, and she realized he didn’t mean training with a bow. He meant the gift that Anankos had given him. “I have to test myself. I need to figure out what I’m capable of during a real fight.”

Joyce looked around as she bit the inside of her lip to keep tears from forming in her eyes. She didn’t believe him when he first told her about the power he had felt in the past, and she didn’t want to believe him now. She thought him a fool for thinking in such a fantasy, but she wasn’t going to be the one to hold him back. Maybe he had to learn the truth the hard way here and now. “Fine.” She sniffed, she angrily poked him in the chest with the tip of her finger. “But I swear if you do anything stupid, I’ll put you in a hospital bed myself.”

“Thanks, Joyce!” A giddy smirk began to form his lips, as his eyes lit up in excitement.

“Here, take this!” The summoner pulled off the chain she wore and shoved it into his hand. “If it is good luck, you'll need it!” Joyce turned quickly before David could see the tear roll down her cheek as she returned to the summoning ruins she would watch his battle from, unable to aid him.

“Is your hero ready, Summoner?” Fuga asked in a serious tone.

“David is not one of my heroes.”

“And yet, he is the one that seems the most heroic out of the bunch.” Fuga offered the summoner the polished club with a chuckle in his voice.

“That doesn’t make him my hero.” Joyce snatched the club from the chieftain’s hands and hesitated as she watched David stroll confidently to the center of the arena. “It just makes him stupid and perfect.” The summoner grumbled as she hit the wooden wind chimes and started the next battle.


"Warrior" - Kimbra

Chapter 25: Headwinds IV


The Tournament of Wind concludes!

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: David (Lif's former Summoner), Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner)
Minor: Kagero, Fuga, Orochi, Dagr, Claude, Catria
Mentioned: Anankos


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

David could feel the summoner’s white hot glare on his back as he turned from the chieftain’s seat. He looped the chain around his neck as he tucked the dangling orb under his shirt. “I’m sorry, Joyce.” He whispered under his breath as he strode across the arena grounds, his words getting lost in the wind. He knew his decision blindsided her, and he would make for this at a later date, but right now was not the time to back down. “I have to do this. I can’t afford to stay stagnant again.”

The crowd beyond the fence grew quiet as they watched the two champions from afar, only the soft howling of the air current whipping around the mountain peaks reached them now. David eyed the warrior ninja as they reached the center of the ring. David watched Kagero hoist herself up onto her horse as he knelt down to one knee, pulling out a few of his arrows from his quiver and planting their points into the ground beside him. The wooden wind chimes rang out loudly from the chieftain's seat, and David knew it was time to push his thoughts of Joyce from his mind.

“You are brave to face me as you are, stranger.” Kagero looked down at the former summoner as she pulled her horse around. Her fan displayed for him to see, the razor sharp blades interwoven with soft green feathers glinted in the sunlight. “You have already lost, so I will finish this quickly for your own sake.”

David closed his eyes as he ignored the ninja’s words. He had faced worse odds in his past and was not about to let her get under his skin. He understood his position going into this fight. Kagero would be able to cover more area than him. There was no point in running, he had to stand his ground, and land his shots. He would only have a small window to do so while she was setting up her own attacks. He was at a disadvantage, and he knew that winning was out of his grasp.

But that’s not why he was there. It’s not why he chose this fight.

He opened his eyes, and secured an arrow in front of his bow string, watching Kagero turn her horse once she reached the end of her side of the arena, and sat there. One might think her a fool to turn her back on the archer, but Kagero was testing him, seeing if he would take the bait. A single shot to gauge how well he knew his own weapon. She and David both knew with his position, and the winds blowing as they were, there was no way his arrow could reach her without hitting the ground short.

David grimaced as he felt the wind on his cheeks, the breeze was not his friend today, and he knew his arrows would be slow as they had to cut through the this draft. If only he had his rifle he could make quick work of the ninja, he thought to himself. Mind you, even then he was still a sitting duck out in the open. No time to line up shots whether they were a bullet or an arrow. Unless… unless he could once again tap into that power he had done before. The one he used for Alf and him to escape into the fog. It was exactly what he needed in order to turn the tides of the battle, and was the reason why he stood here right now.

The soft light of the divine veins snaked through the dirt, and rock. They were always there in the background, and in the back of his mind. It didn’t matter where he went, the forest, the mountains, even the beach, he knew they were there. David could feel them beneath his feet, this strange power he did not understand, and he chose to ignore it. What good could come from it, he thought, only destruction had followed him when he was ever given power. David took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the fresh mountain air, letting his mind grow still as he continued to watch the ninja with a keen eye. But the summoner of this world had given him a second chance, Joyce was the reason that he stood here today, and had been given this new ability. He owed it to her to learn how to wield it, and use it to help her win her battles. What good would he be if he just stood ideally by and let her go it alone?

No, David planted his feet into the ground as he steeled himself for Kagero’s first attack. He had to explore this power to grow into his new role just like Joyce had. Just like Alf did. He would be damned if he let his friends leave him behind. He would stand beside them and give everything he had to help ensure their victory. David raised his bow as he watched Kagero charged towards him on her horse, a plume of dirt in her wake as her horse kicked off. “Patience.” He whispered to himself as he monitored the dust cloud to gauge the wind, and let his first arrow fire as the ninja came into range.

Kagero’s eyes widened in surprise as David’s arrow tore through the sleeve of her attire, just barely avoiding his attack. Her glare then became laser focused, and she continued to swiftly ride towards him, ignoring the trickle of blood that ran down her arm. Kagero flicked her wrist as she went on the offensive, a blade of her fan flying out from the nest of feathers and towards David.

The former summoner waited for Kagero to make her attack and as soon as he saw her fling her arm he grabbed one of the arrows that had been lodged in the ground and dodge rolled away from her blade, rolling towards the edge of the cliffside. He knew it was risky, but the upside would be that Kagero would have expected him to roll towards the fence line where it was safe, like she had, and this move left her back open for David’s second arrow. He pulled back his bowstring and let it go in an instance.

David’s heart sank as he watched the ninja whip her horse around, sprinting back to safe distance and just narrowly missing his attack again. “sh*t…” He swore under his breath as he stared at the arrows he had left behind in the center, creating a large gap of between them. If he tried to make a break and reach them, Kagero's horse will be on top of him before he can even get an arrow strung into his bow. He needed cover. David dug his free hand into the dirt in front of him, he could feel the divine vein’s warmth radiating up from deep within the ground, and he focused on its light, moving like the tide before him. He called upon the power Anankos gifted him when he returned David to this world. He called upon that strange fog again to help him win this battle.

He could hear whispers from the crowd, mixed with cheers for their wind champion, as Kagero charged her horse once more to end the fight. David pushed them from his mind, and focused on the veins, opening himself up to their power, offering himself as a channel for them to escape from the ground that kept them hidden. He could feel the force flow through his arm just like the day on the bog when he called upon the mist to shield him from his enemy. But David’s heart skipped a beat as he felt the world start to tremble beneath him.

David locked panicked eyes with Kagero as she rushed towards him, about to unleash her next attack, but as she was about to swing her arm and fire her blades a large jagged rock crop up from the ground in front of her, blocking the ninja’s path. David gasped as he pulled back his hand, the loud sound of rock splitting echoed off the sheer mountain sides, and the ground beneath him began to crack and crumble as more spiked rock formations sprung up from where the divine veins lay. The solid earth of the edge of the cliff he stood on gave away around him as it reformed to a new state. David barely had time to utter a warning, or call for help, before he found himself plummeting down with the rocks along the side of the mountain, the sounds of screaming growing faint in the distance as they were quickly replaced with the wailing winds that blew around his falling body as he raced towards certain death.

“What is he doing?” Joyce stood up abruptly, her hands balled into tight little fists. “He needs to run, not sit there touching dirt!” She spat her words as she watched the battle between David and Kagero unfold before her.

“What… is he doing?” Fuga raised a quizzical brow, as he leaned forward in confusion. “He has no arrows to shoot, yet, he continues to linger near the cliffside.”

Joyce’s palm trailed down her face as she groaned between her fingers. “I don’t know. Can’t you just end the battle here and now. I think I have seen enough-” She faltered as she felt the ground shake beneath her feet. “An earthquake?” She mused softly as she steady her balance.

“No… That’s impossible all the way up here.” Fuga rose from his seat, his brows stitched together. “What for the love of the Dawn Dragon…”

Joyce followed the chieftain’s gaze, her world falling away as she watched the ground crumble and sink around David, she watched in stunned horror as her friend disappeared from sight. The edge of the cliff where he just was replaced with the bright blue of the endless sky. Joyce felt her throat burn as a scream escaped her lips, calling out the former summoner’s name, and her body rushed forward in panic, her feet carrying her as if they had a will of their own. Her mind raced as she felt someone grab her before she could reach the edge and pull her back.

“It’s not safe, Summoner!” Catria cried out as she and Claude dragged the summoner towards the fence line. His arms wrapped around her waist as she tried to twist free from his hold.

“Do something!” She cried, her whole body shook from shock, or the cold sweat that broke out along her skin as her mind tried to process what she just witnessed. She knew it was a mistake to let David fight, It was her fault for letting him go, and tears began to flow down her cheeks. Joyce grabbed the collar of Claude’s garb, shaking him in desperation. “Please, Claude! Do something-” Her words caught in her throat as a thundering screech ripped through the skies, and rocks rained down from above. Joyce gasped and her eyes widened as she watched the giant Askran wyvern she rode there leap from the peak above it had hidden itself on, and skydive through the clouds, speeding past them on its descent.

David’s lungs screamed for oxygen as each exhale left him and did not return, the air ripped by and he was unable to catch his breath, the wind twisting his body in every direction, and the pain shooting through his limbs as rocks crashed into him as they all continued to fall together.

The sound of the air became a deafening silence, and the world ceased to spin as he closed his eyes. His last thought fading away as they lingered on his selfish attempt to become stronger. ‘I’m sorry, I failed again.’ He wanted to cry out, his mouth unable to form any words, his tears lost in the wind, and his heart filled with sorrow as David felt his mind slipping away.

I don’t want to go back… His thoughts lingered on the past and the dark place he had found himself in before he was brought to this world. He had not told a soul about what he went through after his Askr fell. They wouldn’t understand. Even he didn’t understand it. He should have been happy to have been sent back. To return to his old life. After all, he had everything one could ever want. But that life was tainted, built on the lives he had taken. He didn’t want it anymore. It didn’t matter how much he had. Success, sex, freedom, money, those things took more from him than they ever gave. It felt empty and alone compared to his days in Askr. David wanted to be with the friends he had made in the Order, to fight by Alfonse's side again. Earn his happiness through good deeds, and his own actions. To be a hero he could not be back home…

A soft tickle on the back of his hand stirred him back to the present. David forced his eyes open as he continued to fall, and tears began to well up as he spied the last thing he thought he would see. The old Askran wyvern that had brought him to these mountains and abandoned him on a cliff. The giant beast dove with him head first, waiting for David to make his move, to take the opportunity to live if he so chose. “I don’t want to go back!” He cried out as he reached for the wyvern’s broad neck, latching onto its soft white mane and pulling himself with all his might towards the great beast.

The muscles in David’s arms screamed to give out as he clung on to the massive beast with his hands, the winds whipped at his clothing as the two continued to rapidly descend. The gray cliff side was a blur as it is rushed by them. He forced himself to stay focused, setting his sights on securing himself to the saddle still strapped on the wyvern’s shoulders. David straddled the beast tightly as he worked at latching himself in and sliding his boots into the stirrups. “I refuse to leave it all behind again!” David called out as the old Askran wyvern’s wings flung outward and caught the winds, launching the two violently upwards.

David’s body slammed against the firm body of the wyvern’s neck, and his stomach lurched as the quick change in direction triggered his urge to be sick, and a cold sweat began to drench his skin. The former summoner covered his mouth and he closed his eyes, shutting out as much of the spinning world as he could. He could feel the beast beneath him beating his wings as they flew through the skies, climbing higher, and higher as they weaved through the shorter mountain tops. The rolling waves of nausea began to subside, and David dared to open his eyes again. The endless blue sky, and the snow capped mountains crown in clouds had never seemed so beautiful to him until that moment. This is my home now. David’s heart filled with overwhelming joy as he pushed himself to sit up in the saddle, his trembling hands taking hold of the reins. “This is my home, and I won’t let you cast me out again so easily again!” He cried out as the old Askran wyvern screamed along with him, a promise to the gods of this world, and to himself.

The giant wyvern tilted its body as it maneuvered through the jagged mountains. The colourful flags, as the festival grounds nestled between the sheer cliff came into view. The Askran wyvern drifted slowly towards it under David’s direction. He was flying on his own for the first time, and it felt good to finally break through the barriers of his fear. Still a little sickening, but he found it easier to deal with it if he focused on what was ahead of him, what he was flying towards the festival, and his future.

David bounced forward in the saddle as the Askran wyvern landed hard in the crumbling arena, the momentum of the large lumbering beast carrying it across the entire length before it was able to fully come to a stop. David felt his stomach heave as all the forward motion came to a halt, and he quickly unlatched his restaurants, and dropped from the saddle to the solid ground below. He landed on his shoulder, fire flaring through his body, he knew there must have been something broken, but he couldn’t help the overwhelming joy that bubbled up through the sickness and pain. David chuckled as he rolled onto his back as he looked up as his old savior, the shaggy beast stretching its large wings over him blocking out the sinking sun, and he could hear the ruckus of the festival crowds. Mesmerized, and frightened, clamoring for answers, as the bells continued to play their song in the wind. Then there was Joyce. The summoner's frantic cries shouting his name became closer and closer as he heard her running towards him, and he felt a calming strength he had never known before. He was safe now. And he knew it wasn’t just this world he couldn’t bear to leave behind.

Joyce’s heart thundered as she chased the wyvern across the arena, running in its wake and fighting through the debris and dust sticking to her wet cheeks that had been kicked up from its landing. “David!” She coughed, her throat raw and tired from her cries. “David!” She yelled as she pushed herself through the burning in her legs. She gasped as she saw David fall from the wyvern’s back like a heavy sack, and lay at the old beast’s feet, his body unmoving.

“Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead!” Joyce chanted as she caught up with the wyvern, falling to her knees beside the former summoner. Her heart leapt for joy as David’s eyes darted towards her, and a goofy smile formed on his lips as he reached up to wipe the tears that rolled down her stained face. “Are you hurt?” She watched him grimace as she helped him sit up.

“I think I busted a couple of ribs.” David wheezed, his face drained of energy, and pale as he closed his eyes again. “I’m sorry I lost the match. I let you down Joyce.”

“Is that really why you think I’m upset?” Joyce wanted to hit some sense into him. “I thought I had lost you for good. That you were d-dead.” The words left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“You can just bring me back again.” David half joked as he tried to stand up on his own, using the wyvern’s side to keep him steady.

“Don’t say that. You know I can't do it a second time.” Joyce pouted as she watched him struggle to his feet.

David tried to put on a brave face, the disappointment on the summoner’s face pulled at his heart. “At least you believe me now. When I told you about the divine veins-”

“Shut up!” Joyce snapped at him as she slid her arms around his body, pulling him closer. She didn’t mind if he was covered head to toe in sweat and dirt, she just wanted to feel his beating heart against her own. “I don’t care about the tournament, or your weirdo super powers.” She mused quietly as she rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re not one of my heroes because you’re not heroic, David. You’re not one of my heroes, because you mean much more to me than that. And I don’t want you to risk ever losing what you have here again.” Joyce felt David’s arms slowly snake around her own body, as he seemed to collapse into her arms as she spoke. She knew how much pain he carried with him since he told her about his past, and she wanted to give him a new life here. One where he didn’t need to fight for someone else's desires. “Come on. Let’s go. We can’t stay any longer here.” David didn’t say a word, but she felt him nod in agreement as he loosened his hold on her.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Fuga bowed as he stepped towards the pair. A small group of heroes kept their distance as they gave the summoner space. “Now that you have utterly destroyed my arena I assume it will be taking you leave?” He gave the summer a coly smile.

Joyce turned to the chieftain, with David’s arm still slung across her shoulders. “I’m sorry. I hope we didn’t ruin the festival for you.”

“Not at all. It’s my own fault. Punishment for thinking I could keep such divine treasures from the gods.” Fuga shook his head in disappointment and offered the bag of orbs to David.

David and Joyce exchanged apprehensive glances before he nodded his head, and graciously took the offering. “T-Thanks. But we are no gods.”

Fuga threw his head back as he burst out in laughter. “Say what you must! But I have heard the tales and have seen enough today to know what’s true in my heart! I am certain the winds will carry on your story for generations to come.” Fuga proudly bowed again as he turned to leave, returning to Kagero and Orochi as they disappeared into back his festival.

Joyce turned to David and tried to helped him hoist himself up onto the giant wyvern’s back. She gasped as a large shadow from behind helped push him all the way up with ease. “Dagr!”

The Jötunheimr princess giggled as she looked down at the summoner. “Well, I guess the next time I see you it will be at the mock battle, Joycie!”

“You’re going to the mock battle?” Joyce’s eyes widened in fear as she pulled herself up into the saddle. The thought of running into heroes on her journey that would be fighting for the Order didn’t even cross her mind.

“Yup! Sorry, the little prince had already asked me to join before we even met here today! But don’t worry! I won’t tell him I ran into you!” Dagr winked with a playful smile on her face.

“That means I’m going to get that rematch sooner than I thought!” Claude’s sly voice called out as he rode his wyvern over with Catria right beside him on her pegasus. “Next time you won’t catch me off guard, Princess Dagr!”

“Wait, you’re coming with me?” Joyce raised her brows in surprise.

“We do share a special contract with you.” Catria giggled as her Pegasus leapt into the air.

“Yeah, that bond is really something else!” Claude winked, as his own mount followed suit. “Come on, Summoner! Lead the way!” He called out as the two took to the skies, their silhouettes growing smaller against the setting sun.

“I guess this little side quest has been fruitful.” David chuckled as he rested his head on her shoulder.

Joyce pulled the reins of the great beast and waved goodbye to Dagr. “Did you want to fly him?” She asked David as the giant Askran wyvern took to the skies once more, and she felt the former summoner’s arms wrap around her tightly.

“No. I think I have had enough excitement for today.” David groaned as he pushed his face into her back once again. “It’s time for you to do what Claude suggested, and take the lead.”

“Only if you promise to stay by my side.” The summoner smiled as they climbed higher into the clouds, catching up and overtaking the two other riders. It would be a few hours until they reached Vaskrheim still. Plenty of time to let David rest, and she wanted him to be at full strength once they landed. Not for battle, but for support. David wasn’t afraid to tell her when she was doing something foolish, and didn’t shy away from making her a better summoner. Joyce didn’t want David to fight for her. He had given enough of himself to other people. She wanted his guidance, trust and most of all, his friendship.

. “Even the strongest gale couldn’t sweep me away from your side.” David chuckled under his breath as he tightened his hold, the winds unable to carry his answer away from her ears this time.


Arkells - Knocking At The Door

Chapter 26: Piercing the Veil I


Joyce and Embla prepare for their mock battle with The Order of Heroes.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner), Soren
Minor: Lif, Bruno, Veronica, Ike
Mentioned: Reginn


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The summoner moved the flame of the match from one candle to the other, lighting the assortment of colourful wax sticks and releasing a soft floral aroma. Joyce stepped back and proudly looked over her work. She slightly moved around the plated goodies. A platter of cheese and dried fruit, and a basket of muffins she had baked after she had woken up, and she checked to make sure the tea was still warm. The summoner had spent all morning setting up the tent for her meeting to discuss the upcoming mock battle, and she wanted everything to be just right!

It was to be their first meeting with the Soren she had summoned from Vaskrheim since they arrived at their encampment. The stubborn mage had spent every hour following Ike being stationed in Niðavellir, and joined their army when Reginn did. A blessing in disguise since Soren was not budging until David convinced him that he would be reunited with his long time friend from Tellius.

“Woow, you’ve really gone all out!” David sang as he and Lif entered the tent.

“Do you think it’s too much?” Joyce tapped the tip of her finger to her bottom lip as she asked.


“Yes.” Lif responded almost simultaneously with David, sneering as he watched the summoner pick up a decorative pillow and roughly pat the sides. “This is a place to discuss battle plans, not floral prints at a tea party.”

Joyce’s face drained of colour, her confidence shattering as she slowly stopped fluffy the pillow she picked up, hugging it tightly to her chest as doubts began to fill her head.

“Don’t listen to him.” David quickly glared at Lif before forcing a carefree smile to lift the summoner’s spirits as he led her away with his arm draped around her shoulder. “It’s your army. Do what you think is right. There’s nothing wrong with adding a little personal touch!”

“Maybe Lif’s right, I don’t want the others to think I’m not taking this meeting seriously.” Joyce began to grab and toss pillows under the seating, trying to hide what she had put out. She froze as she heard the Emblan Princess and Bruno approaching, their murmurs right outside the canvas door, and light filled the room as they entered the tent.

“Ah Summoner!” Bruno called out as he led the group inside. Veronica, Soren and Ike in his wake. “Thank you for making the proper preparations for our meeting today.” He paused as his eyes danced around the room, and his brow slowly crawled towards the sky. “You have made some… interesting choices.”

“Is this how Askr discusses their operations?” Veronica mused curiously as she tilted her slightly to the side as she looked at the summoner.

“Yes!” David cheerfully called out as Lif disagreed at the same time with a long sigh.

Bruno cleared her throat, and straightened his back as he nodded his head towards Joyce. “Regardless, thank you for setting this up so Ike, Veronica and I were able to tour the encampment, and Brief Master Soren." Bruno watched Ike gravitate towards the food set out, and Soren drifted towards the large table with a map of the area sprawled over its surface. Small figures set up to display their current strategy. "After chatting with him it has become apparent how valuable he will be to our cause-”

“What is this crap!?” Soren’s harsh tone cut through Bruno’s sentence like a hot knife. The mage stared down at the large map spread across the table.

“S-Scented candles?” Joyce’s answer became caught in her throat, intimidated by the prickly mage.

“No.” Soren snapped back as he snatched the stolen battle plans Ranulf gave them laid out on the table and started to flip through the pages. “This is my handwriting, but I didn’t create these plans here.”

“As we discussed earlier, these were created by one of your counterparts that exist in this world.” Bruno reminded the mage confidently.

Soren glanced over to Ike for confirmation.

“It’s true!” Ike nodded as he crammed a muffin top into his mouth, and chewed it between words as he dusted crumbs off his fingers by brushes his hands together. “There are many versions of myself here as well as you. In fact this version of you has climbed the highest ranks of the Order, and one of the most feared administrators and mages in Askr.”

Soren’s eyes moved across the room looking at each stranger with suspicion. “So you have summoned me to this world in order to lead your army against a version of myself?”

“Think of it as fighting fire with fire.” Lif smugly shrugged one of his arms that had been crossed over his chest.

Bruno thoughtfully turned to the untrusting mage with a gentle demeanor. “Now, I understand that it can be hard to wrap you head around the idea at first-”

“No, no.” Soren waved the prince away, a coy smirk forming at the corners of his lips as he glanced back down to the documents he still held. “This is most excellent. I finally have a worthy challenger for my skills.”

“So you will help us?” Joyce’s spirits lifted upon hearing the mage’s interests.

“Indeed.” Soren dryly answered without looking up. “However, not because I am contracted to this… Summoner, but only because I will not have Ike blindly follow your lead, and fall into this most obvious trap.” He roughly tossed the document back to the table, the pages fanning out over the surface of the map.

“Trap?” Joyce’s mouth gaped open in surprise and her heart skipped a beat, the air seemed to have been sucked out of the room as it grew silent. The attendees exchanged worrisome glances.

“These battle plans.” Soren’s cold eyes burrowed into the summoner as he clasped his hands together behind his back. "They were created for the sole purpose to mislead you.”

Lif scoffed as he shook his head. “I knew we should have never trusted that beast.”

“Ranulf wouldn’t have done that to us.” David was quick to defend his absent friend. “He must not have known.”

“Of course he did not know. The battle plans are perfectly sound. In fact I can assure you this is the strategy the Order will execute. However they were meant for you to see before you set out to make camp.”

“Much of our current location was determined based on what's written in these documents.” Bruno mused as he rubbed his chin.

“Correct.” Soren didn’t even try to suppress his smile, enjoying every minute of their folly. “Receiving these was meant to lull you into a sense of superiority and security. It lures you into settling exactly where I want you to. I have always wanted to try this tactic out, but it isn’t without a high risk. This strategy isn’t about what will take place on the field, but where you plan to keep your resources. Or lack there of in your case. ” Soren snorted as his eyes moved across the small figures that represented Embla’s army on the map. “You have shown me your encampment, and you clearly don’t have enough to sustain a long battle.”

“Embla has always had very little compared to Askr, and it hasn’t helped that we have been away from the capital for months now.” Veronica sighed, showing little emotion. She closed herself off as the thought of their looming defeat filled her head. “If the true target was not the battle between the heroes…”

“But the supply that keeps us fighting.” Bruno placed a comforting hand on Veronica’s shoulder as he finished the princess’s sentence for her. “Our army will crumble once they take out the support lines.”

“The mock battle is in a few days. We can’t just move the entire encampment now!” Joyce cried out in a panic, gripping a pillow she held so hard it began to tear at the seams.

“No. Not all is lost.” Soren began moving pieces around the map, rearranging them as he explained his strategy. “You will have to station some of your strongest defenses around the encampment as they will push the rear from this valley. I don’t expect them to send many to take the camp, but they will be strong. Your salvation is they will take longer for them to regroup if you break their lines. if you can keep Askr from entering the camp, you just might be able to wear them down long enough to advance on them in the main battle.” Soren paused as he reviewed his work, satisfied with himself. “It’s risky, you will take heavy losses in your frontlines while you defend the rear, but if you can hold your own until Askr moves away from attacking the camp, you have a better chance at securing victory.”

“Heavy losses?” Joyce shook her head in disagreement, as she tossed the pillow she held to the bench behind her. “Have you lost your mind? I’m not sacrificing anyone just to win a mock battle.”

“My apologies, Summoner.” Soren looked at Joyce and then towards Bruno in confusion. “But I was under the impression that the heroes of this world were able to fall in battle and return-”

“You’re insane!” Joyce’s spat the words from her mouth as if she had tasted something horrible.

“Joyce?” David quietly tried to get the summoner’s attention.

“You asked for my advice, and this is your only option.” Soren pushed back, never one to back down in an argument. “You don't have many options to play with, Summoner.” He scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I was informed that baiting the enemy with heroes are common tactics for Askr.”

“No way!” Joyce waved her hand frantically in disgust. Tension in the room rose as the exchange between the two grew heated. “I would never do that!”


“I have never lost a hero on the field!” Joyce ignored David as she had the mage in her crossfire. His plan to win the mock battle would endanger too many, and that was not something she was not okay with. “And even if I did, how is that coming back life like you have suggested even possible?”

“You tell me.” Soren smugly looked down he nose at the summoner, un-wavered by her question. “After all, you're the one that brought us here.”

Joyce’s eyes widened and she didn’t have an answer for him. It was a ridiculous thought, and she quickly turned her back to the mage, reaching over and dismantling the battle plans on the map he created. ““I’m sorry, I don’t think we will be requiring anymore of your services, Soren.” She announced coldly as she gathered up figurines into her hand, and moved them back to her own configuration as she continued to mumble loudly. “I have no idea why I thought I could just replace the original with some cheap copy. Well, you can forget-”


“What, David?!” The summoner whipped around and sternly glared at him in annoyance.

“If everyone here could give us a moment.” David calmly asked, his eyes locked with Joyce’s. “I would like to discuss something with our Summoner.”

“Gladly.” Soren was the first to begin to leave, followed closely behind by Ike. The mage raised his brow as he asked his friend. “Is this normal?”

“You’ll get used to it!” Ike shoved a few extra muffins into an empty sack, and tossed it over his shoulder. “And the food is pretty great, even in Embla!”

“You flatter me, Master Ike.” Veronica followed the two out of the tent, with Bruno close behind. “Come, let us treat you both to lunch in the Royal tents.”

David looked at Lif who hadn’t budged from where he stood, a cold statue in the shadows. “Alone.” The former summoner sternly told his friend.

Lif sighed and long wisps of blue vapors escaped from his ghoulish mask. “David, I don’t agree with this decision.”

“I know.” David watched as Lif slowly strolled out of the tent. “But she deserves to know the truth.”

“What truth?” Joyce’s expression teetered between concerned and confused. “David?” She pressed again, her voice smaller this time.

“Joyce, sit down.” David inhaled deeply as he led her to the cushioned bench, taking a seat beside her. “You need to know how the heroes in this world really work.” “And how the other Order of Heroes operate.”


Said the Whale - "Camilo (The Magician)"

Chapter 27: Piercing the Veil II


David tells Joyce the truth, the whole truth.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner)
Mentioned: Lif, Soren


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“No!” David cried out as he pushed his palms down on the Commander’s chest, pumping up and down as he counted out loud, ignoring the clash of swords that rang out around him and the high pitch ringing he could hear in his head. “Don’t do this! Not now!” He growled as he felt blood seep between his fingers, and bones crack beneath his weight. David felt sweat sting his eyes as it rolled down his forehead, he gasped for breath as he worked, desperately trying to revive his friend.

There was nothing he could do. Hel’s army poured into the castle in the dead of night. Only leaving death and destruction in its wake. Askr was caught off guard. There was no warning and no time to prepare. Their defenses crumbled just like the stone walls of the city under the enormous number of undead that stormed the castle.

“Doctor!” He heard someone call out through the chaos and commotion.

David felt the cold boney hands of the enemy grab his shoulders roughly, trying to pry him off of Anna’s motionless body. “No!” He screamed as he brushed them off, and returned to performing CPR. He couldn't lose her, he didn’t know how to command an army on his own. One victory over Muspell wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough!

“Dammit, David!” a familiar voice shouted in his ear as he felt his world spin as something yanked him backwards by the scruff of his collar. “Enough!” David cried out as he returned to his senses, his back was slamming up against a wall. He clawed at the arm pressed across his neck, and he choked for air as the Chief of Surgery, his mentor, pinned him down. “I don’t care how you conducted yourself in the army, but here you follow my orders!” The old man growled, his face flushed red from anger, shoving David hard as he released him from his grip.

The former summoner coughed and held his throat. His head throbbed as the continuous screaming of the heart monitor filled the room. His bloodshot eyes burned as he glanced around the operating room, trying to avoid making eye contact with bewildered nurses, who whispered among themselves as they eyed him cautiously. David looked down at his hands as he slumped down to the floor. They were stained with his patient's blood, and the adrenaline began to drain from his limbs leaving him exhausted. “I-I didn’t want to lose-”

“Go home. You haven’t slept in days.” The former summoner’s mentor barked with a wave of his hand. “I don’t know what’s got into you lately, but don’t come back until you’ve worked your issues out. You’re no use to me like this!”

David closed his eyes as he knocked the back of his head on the wall behind him, and crossed his arms around his chest as he held his sides. He didn’t understand why this kept happening. Why did he keep reliving that nightmare? Askr was all just a dream, wasn’t it? A dream he desperately wanted to return to. His hand brushed against the bottle he had swiped from the pharmacy earlier that day. But how do you return to a place that never existed in the first place?

Heeello? Earth to David?” Joyce waved her hand swiftly back and forth in front of his blank face to pull him out of his daydream. “You said I need to know the truth? What are you talking about?”

“Sorry.” He shook his head as he tried to forget the memories of his past. “I was just trying to think of the right words to explain.”

“Sometimes the right words are just the simplest ones to say.” Her words were soft as she slipped a comforting hand on top of his. “You don’t have to make it complicated. Just tell me what’s on your mind.”

David tongued the side of his cheek as he tried to arrange his thoughts. Her considerate words touched him in a way where he began to have doubts about what he was about to tell her. It wasn’t too late to make something up he thought to himself. He knew that’s what Líf would have wanted. To keep her in the dark and save her from the pain of the truth. The former summoner exhaled a long breath. No, it wasn’t that simple. Even Líf didn’t know the whole truth, and David couldn’t keep this from her any longer. She needed to know. He wanted her to know everything. “Joyce, the heroes that you bring here, that you summon with Bredablik aren’t… alive.”

“Not… alive?” Joyce asked, the words tumbled out of her mouth as if they had an unpleasant taste.

“Yeah, at least not in the same sense as the people of Midgard and those you have befriended, not summoned during your time here.” David continued as if the phrase was as normal as the sun shining above them. “Yes, they feel and breathe, but their bodies, or forms I should say, are just vessels for their soul.”

“Are you feeling alright? What you are saying is ridiculous.” Joyce scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head. “Of course they are real! I would know if they were robots or something!”

“No, think of them more like copies of their true self, or a snapshot of who they are at the very moment you summoned them. They come here to grow and learn from each other. Lessons that they can use when they return to their home world, and their true-selves. In return, they fight to end Askr’s endless wars alongside the Order of Heroes…” David abruptly stood up, and ran his hand through the side of his hair blowing out his cheeks. “Okay. Yes, it all sounds really ridiculous, I get that just trying to explain it to you! But when Soren said that heroes can be brought back after they have fallen in battle, he was right. In fact it is a very common, and potent, tactic that many summoners use to win their battles.” He paused, a look of regret washed over his face, and for once since he had joined her army he truly felt tired. “Haven’t you ever wondered why you’ve never had any losses in the Order? Why are there no significant injuries, and heroes always return to Askr after a battle. Do you really think of yourself as being that lucky?”

“They’re heroes. They don’t lose.” Joyce pouted as she tried hard not to be offended, her rationale was sound in her mind. “They’re supposed to be good at fighting. Besides I don’t throw them to the wolves like Soren is suggesting. That’s barbaric!”

“I know. You create strategies that keep them all safe in the field…” David pursed his lips as he slowly shook his head. “But, I’m sorry, not even the best strategies could save them from falling sometimes.”

“If it’s true, you’re saying everyone I ever brought here is…” Joyce’s eyes widened, her thoughts rushing through her head, and a river of words began to flow out her mouth. “What about you?! Does that mean you’re not real too?! You’re just one of these… fake people-”

“No.” David tried to explain. “I’m not like that-”

“Why not?” Joyce pressed without giving David an inch of the floor. “You were dead, and I brought you back to Askr! Líf couldn't stop singing your praises. Which makes you a hero. You could be just like them!”

“Joyce, wait.” David raised his hand and motioned for her to slow down like he was pumping the breaks. “That’s not completely true. I have to tell you something-”

“I can’t believe this is happening!” Joyce ignored him as she continued to tailspin, pacing the room as she pinched her forehead with one hand. “Everyone I have ever come to care about here isn’t what I thought they were. They’re just puppets… Even you! I was so worried about you dying again, and I never had anything to worry about this whole time!”

“I never actually died.”

“I’m such an-” Joyce froze as if the world stopped turning mid sentence, and slowly turned to face him with a stunned and confused look in her eyes. “What?”

David felt the blood drain from his face, and his stomach flipped as he averted his gaze away, his voice shook with uncertainty. “I’ve been lying about what happened to me ever since I was brought back to Askr by Anankos.”

“Lying? You?” Joyce frowned as her brows pushed together. “I don’t believe it.”

“When Hel invaded my Askr, and the undead army cut me down in the barracks…” David crossed the room, and passed her taking a seat on the beach as he spoke. He lowered his head to meet his hands, rubbing his face. “I wasn’t dead. I just returned to my own world. To my old life.” David's hands flowed over his hair and when he looked up his eyes were red and glossy. “I woke up in my house in the suburbs. Washed up, got dressed and read the newspaper. I went and had brunch with my girlfriend, and then went off to work at the hospital like nothing had happened-”

“Wait…” Joyce interrupted abruptly, a stunned look washed over her face. "You owned a house in the suburbs, and had a girlfriend ?”

“Yes. I didn't have the heart to tell that to the others when we were brought back. My Midgard suffered the consequences of my actions in the worst possible way and rose from the ashes on their own, without a summoner or Order of Heroes." David felt his throat become dry as he began to choke up. "I lost nothing, and had no hand in bringing them back."

“Holy sh*t, you had everything you could ever want outside of Askr…” Joyce’s eyes widened as she became hyper focused, and she held her head in a panic as her voice cracked as it rose a few octaves. “ I Fáfnir you ! I ruined your life! I’m a horrible person!”

“What- No, no! It’s okay!” David jumped to his feet and pulled the panicked summoner into his arms. “Even though I had those things. The truth is, I wanted to come back.” He tried to comfort her, he could feel her pounding heart against his own. Excitement and anxiety rushing through his system at the thought of finally getting to tell someone what he had been keeping to himself for so long. “When I returned to my world, I fell back into my old routine, but I wasn’t the same. Askr had changed me, and I would have done anything to get back. I tried to convince myself it was just a dream, and shake it off. But I couldn’t. What happened to my Askr just kept eating away at me.” David felt his anger bubbling beneath the surface of his calm demeanor, and he held on to Joyce tighter.
“I just kept replaying what had happened, what I could have done differently. I lost my best friend, and I couldn’t find any closure, or even say goodbye. The world, our world, just wanted me to move on like it didn’t happen! But the pain was too real. My frustration sent me in a downward spiral. My life became a mess over the weeks I was there. I was working non-stop, drinking, restless and wandering the streets between shifts, and I knew Jennifer was cheating on me. I was no good to anyone anymore, especially myself...” David trailed off, the words of his story becoming thick like mud in his mouth, and he swallowed the knots that formed in his throat. “The night you requested Anankos to restore my Askr I had swiped a bottle of pills from work. I was going to-”

“But you didn’t.” Joyce kindly smiled up at him as she cradled his heavy head in her hands. “I don’t believe you would have even if Anankos didn’t show up.”

David lingered under her touch, nodding quietly even if he agreed with her or not. What she said, her belief in him was soothing nonetheless, and he wanted to hold on to her idea of who he was. Who he could be. With a renewed sense of self, even if it was only the perception of another. He gently took her hand in his and led the summoner back to the bench to sit as he continued his tale. “Anankos appeared to me, and offered to return me to my Askr. I didn’t even take a second to question who he was or what was happening before I just simply said “yes” to him. Next thing I knew I was running down the ruined halls of my old castle. Frantically looking for Alfonse… That’s when I found Ranulf half dead already. I didn’t concern myself with why he was there, I just knew I had to keep him alive. For some reason I knew he was somehow tied to the revival of my Askr.”

“But, if what you told me is true, and Ranulf had died in your world, he would have just returned to mine…” Joyce shut her eyes tight, and he could tell how she was now picking apart her past events with the new information she had. How the outcomes of her actions could have been different, rewriting her history in her mind. “Everything I did to bring him back, seeking out Ananoks, rebuilding Líf’s gate to your Askr… I-I didn’t have to do those things, I just had to wait for him to... pass.”

“Yes. But I’m glad you didn’t.” David smiled and squeezed her hand. He had waited so long to finally let her know what impacts her actions actually had. “It wasn’t Ranulf that you saved that day. It was me… And I will always be in your doubt for that.”

The two sat quietly for a moment, but the air in the room felt lighter now that the weight of his lies was lifted. But David could tell there was one thought that now ate at the summoner. The new truth opened up a slew of new questions. Joyce’s voice was soft as she finally broke their silence, her hand leaving his to catch a tear from her cheek. “Why didn’t Alfonse tell me?”

David pursed his mouth and shrugged his shoulders. “Only he can answer that. But I’m glad he didn’t. Since you were kept from this knowledge you did your best to keep your heroes from falling which allowed you to form close friendships with them.” He tried to spin a positive light on her situation. “Ranulf explained to me that when the heroes die it’s like hitting the factory reset on not just their physical bodies, but also their mental state of mind. They can retain memories and learn from them, but the emotion created in those moments are gone.” David gave a half chuckle as he shared his honest option. “I wish I had known about that before too, so I could have created more strategies that kept them safe, and form strong relationships like you did.”

Joyce shook her head in disagreement. “Líf told me that you were loved by all the heroes. You had those friendships too.”

“It was just the contracts. You’ve felt their hollow adoration, you know what I mean. It’s not always easy for those on the outside to tell the difference.” David sighed as he leaned back. It was nice to have someone to talk about unraveling the secrets of Askr. “I don’t know why it happens like this.”

“I think I do.” Joyce bit her lip as she stared down at the ornate rug, clutching the edge of the bench they sat on. “It helps the heroes disconnect from us, and makes returning to their home world easier. If breaking the bonds you formed here was too painful, or if some of the personal information they learn about themselves here was too hard to accept, nobody would go back to their old life and complete their journey as intended.”

“I kinda wish it worked both ways…”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that, David.” Joyce turned to face, the tone in her voice was incredibly serious, and he could see in her eyes that she had forever been changed. He thought it strange that now that she knew the loss of life no longer mattered in this world, she had never seemed more serious. “I can’t imagine having to live my old life after losing everything, and everyone, I have here.”

“It won’t happen again, I promise you that.”

“So, am I…alive?” She frowned as she slowly glazed around the room, becoming distrusting of her own environment. “If I die in battle… will I return to-”

“Don’t-” David swiftly interrupted, the thought of losing her making him feel ill. “Don’t think about that too hard right now. You’ll drive yourself crazy if you try to seek those answers today. All I know is that the contracts tie the heroes to you and this world. I assume the summoner’s have similar contracts, but I don’t know who holds them, or what’s even written in them.” He laid a comforting hand on her back. “I’m sorry, Joyce, I know it’s a lot to process in such a short period.”

“I feel like a fool.” She hung her head in disappointment, blond curls cascading over her shoulders.

“It’s not your fault.” He slid his hand across her back and hugged her shoulders with one arm.

Joyce sat up straight as she let out a long breath, blowing out her cheeks. “I guess we have a lot more options open to us now.” She stood up and smoothed out the wrinkles on her clothing with a sigh. “Let’s find Veronica and Bruno. I need to reconsider Soren’s strategy, and… apologize for acting the way I did.”

“It pains me to agree with you on this, Joyce.” David watched the summoner exit the tent, lost on her own thoughts in front of her before he gathered up his own coat and followed her lead. His words heard only by the wind. “But I would sacrifice countless heroes to win this battle, and ensure our place here.”


The Zolas - Knot In My Heart

Sorry it took so long to get this out! Nov. was pretty busy!

Chapter 28: Piercing the Veil III


The summoner follows her heart.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner)
Minor: Bruno, Lif, Soren, Ike, Veronica

Chapter Text

“Besides, Alfonse wouldn’t anticipate the Summoner agreeing to such barbaric tactics.” Bruno mused as he lent back in his chair, satisfied with the meal he finished and rotating the cup he held methodically, the dark red wine swirling to the edge. The Emblan prince decided to host a luncheon for the strategic members that had met earlier in the day to continue to discuss their plans. “It is in this fact where we can grasp the upper hand in tomorrow’s battle.”

Joyce continued to stare down at the plate of food she picked out, pushing around parts of her meal as she listened to the group silently. She didn’t have much of an appetite after what David told her. The information slowly sinking in, and the conversation being held over their lunch had her stomach in knots. She knew this was the only way forward for their success, and she knew that she should be happy to have a strategy to help them win the mock battle, but it still did not feel right with her.

“We need to decide who will be among the Summoner’s party to oversee activities on the frontlines.” Bruno placed his cup down and looked down the length of the table at his guests. Paying no mind to the Summon that sat across from him, Princess Veronica at his side.

“I’ll go.” David piped up, sitting further along the table, on the other side of Soren.

“No.” Joyce was quick to protest, panic gripping her heart as she eyed him from where she sat. “You should be in the medical tents treating the wounded. It's safer there.”

“What? But I’m great shot with a bow-”

“You're not like them.” Joyce coldly cut him off, she was already sending heroes to their death she wasn't going to risk him too. “You stay here.”

“But, I want to be beside you. So I can help protect you-”

“The Summoner is right.” Bruno calmly interrupted as he looked down the table at David. “You have skills in the healing arts and will be more useful supporting our army from behind the lines. And as the heroes resurrect you will be able to help sort out any problems from the inside.”

Joyce grimaced as she felt her stomach turn and her mouth grow dry. It should be her there to face the heroes when they resurrect. She’s the one sending them to their deaths after all, and she should be taking responsibility for her actions.

“Hey?” Ike whispered from her side, keeping his voice down so not to interrupt the conversation as it carried on without them. The hero from Tellius pointed at the leftover slabs of meat on her plate. "Are you going to eat that?"

Joyce looked up at the hopeful hero that pulled her from her dreary thoughts, shaking her head as she silently offered him what was left on her plate.

“Thanks!” Ike beamed as he jammed his fork into the food and plopped it over onto his own plate, fiercely cutting off a hunk as he spoke to her. “You know, I was always a bit intimidated around you, but you seem alright, Joyce!”

“You were intimidated by… me?” Her eyes widened as she softly asked, astonished to think that someone so strong and confident such as the hero of Tellius would have second thoughts when ever confronting her.

“Yeah, I mean, you were always surrounded by impressive heroes from all over the realms, even gods.” Ike continued as he chewed a chunk of meat to one side of his mouth. “Some of us just don’t make the cut compared to them.” He smiled as he swallowed his bite, pointing the end of his fork at her as matter of fact. “But now that I have spent some time with you these last few days, I think you and I have a lot in common. I hope we can continue to spend time together after this battle, Joyce.”

“Me too, Ike. Me too...” Joyce felt herself smile at the thought. She welcomed the idea of getting to know him better, and not just Ike, but all the Ikes that could be summoned. But also, all the heroes from Tellius, and why stop there? Joyce began to dream, why not all the heroes from all the worlds? Joyce felt her thoughts turn sour as she overheard the conversation turn to the frontlines.

“We need to discuss who will be leading the heroes into battle.” Bruno continued to talk strategies with Soren. “We will need someone with strong leadership skills, that can withstand the heat of battle, and can return to the frontline swiftly once they have fallen to rally the troops.“

“I will take the lead.” Lif volunteered from the opposite end of the table from Veronica.

“Yes.” Soren eyed the undead swordsman. “You would be quite the physical wall, and are able to regroup swiftly by horseback.”

Bruno nodded in agreement and smiled as he stood up from his seat, raising a cup in his hand. “Then it is settled then, Lord Lif will take the lead on the frontlines-”

“No!” Joyce squealed as she abruptly stood up, her chair toppling backwards and crashing to the floor. “I won’t allow Lif to go! It’s too risky!”

Soren scoffed as he rolled his eyes at the summoner. “Not this again…”

Joyce frowned trying to keep her emotions in check as she looked at Soren. “I’m the Summoner and I won’t let you treat my heroes like this-”

“We have gone over this, Joyce.” Bruno placed his cup down, keeping his voice calm and reasonable. “The heroes will be fine. Lif will be able to return-”

“I’m not sending him in to sacrifice himself. Not him… not anyone else either!” She snapped at the Emblan prince. She didn’t care what they thought of her anymore, she couldn’t agree to send Lif or any hero to their death, forma or not. “We need a different plan.”

“We don’t have the time.” Soren hissed as his eyes narrowed. “The battle is tomorrow.”

“Then we go back to the original plan where no one gets killed.” Joyce suggested as she crossed her arms, unwilling to budge.

“We will be almost certain to lose.” Bruno’s brows pushed towards each other, a rare glimpse of frustration washing over his face.

“Please…” Joyce begged as she fought back tears. “Just give me a little more time.”


A chair squeaked as it pushed across the floor, Veronica standing as she interrupted her brother. “I trust your decision, Summoner.” Veronica confidently nodded to Joyce, and coldly stared down along the rest of the table. “We will continue preparations for battle, and stand ready for the Summoner's orders when she has them prepared.”

“Thank-you, Princess.” Joyce nodded at the princess, still stunned that Veronica stood up for her in risk to losing to Alfonse, and Joyce quickly turned on her heel to leave, unwilling to give the princess time to change her mind. Joyce could feel the eyes around her staring daggers into her back, whispers, and comments about her foolishness among those who were present, and David scrambling after her as he called out her name as she threw open the tent doors and escaped into the encampment.


“Leave me alone, David!” Joyce continued to stride away from the tent without looking back. “I have a lot of work to do.”

David was quick to catch up with the summoner, throwing himself in her way, and blocking her path. “What are you doing?” He grasped her by the shoulders, his eyes darting to make contact with her own, as she tried to avoid him. “We are going to lose the mock battle.”

“It’s not worth it.” She twisted her arms out from his grasp with a huff. “I would rather lose the battle and return to Askr on bad terms than sacrifice any of my heroes with Soren’s plan!”

“You won’t be sacrificing them.” David tried to talk sense into her. “They will come back!”

“But they won’t be the same! You said that yourself.” Joyce looked at the heroes around them as they went along with their day to day chores among the encampment, and pulled David to the side of the main path, keeping her voice low. “I don’t want to lose the bonds I make with them. I don’t want just puppets with contracts, and forced affection. I want friendships! I want to learn more about them, and form long lasting relationships.” Joyce finally felt like she could finally breathe, like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, and she knew she was doing what was best for her and her heroes. “I won’t risk Lif falling on the the battlefield only to come back the way he used to be when we first met.”

David’s eyes widened like a light had switched on in the back of his mind, and his mouth seemed to search for the right words as he quietly came to the realization that he could lose his friend in all this.

Joyce gathered up David's hands into hers and squeezed them tightly. “Everything we have gone through. The hours you spent talking to Lif while he was in that prison cell even though he wasn’t in his right mind. He is your best friend, and your bond with him has changed him for the better. I refuse to just throw that away tomorrow.” Joyce pushed back her tears, she was prepared to accept her fate for making this decision, and she had to make him see this was the right choice to make too. “Even after I return to Askr tomorrow-”

“Don’t say that…” David’s voice cracked, as he refused to let her continue, too stubborn for his own good.

“I know you will still have your Alfonse by your side.” Joyce forced a bittersweet smile. “I won’t risk you losing him again.”

“Joyce…” David closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. “I lo-”

“No.” Joyce pulled away before he could finish, she had to keep a level head now more then ever she reminded herself. “We said we would wait until the fighting was over. We have to win the mock battle first, then we can figure out what we are.” She tightly squeezed his hand once last time for reassurance and let go, returning to the main pathway of the encampment. “But right now, I have to come up with a plan.”

“Sure, okay.” David followed, trying to build himself up again. “Let me check a few things in the medical tent, then I can help you.”

Joyce nodded and watched the former summoner march away. As much as it hurt him, she knew she was doing the right thing, there was no changing her mind. Joyce shivered as she felt someone watching her, turning to find Lif silently observing from a few feet away.

“You’ve better come up with some way to win this thing tomorrow.” Lif muttered, and uncrossed his arms as she approached him, joining her as she walked by. “If you lose the mock battle and return to Askr it’s going to break his heart, and he will become a bumbling mess.” Lif sighed as he pressed his fingers to his temples. “What a headache you’ve stuck me with.”

“Is that why you volunteered for that suicide mission? I bet it was to get away from having to listen to sappy break-up music from my world.” Joyce smirked, even though she knew the outcome of the battle was almost certain to be a loss, she was feeling lighter, and more like herself again.

“See, you get it.” Lif chuckled in amusem*nt as they continued to walk slowly by the heroes preparing for battle. “Joyce, I’m proud of you for deciding to go against Soren’s plans.”

“Lif, you do know that if you were to fall and return through your contract to me, you could be physically be restored, right?” Joyce stopped and looked up at him, a mangled mess that was a shadow of what he used to be. “No more broken bones held together scraps of cloth. You would get your missing eye back, and maybe it would fix these blackout spells you’ve been suffering from lately. Good as new!” She shrugged and winced a little. “Well… as good as it can get.”

“Yes. I know.” Lif closed his eye as he confessed. “I’ve always known.”

“Then why do you choose to continue to live the way you do?”

“I guess it’s like that tree with that silly carving you wanted to preserve.” Lif sighed, and he continued to lumber along the path. “These disfigurements are reminders of my time here. How it has shaped me to become who I am today. I am no longer the monster you first summoned. And I do not wish to feel the anger I had once carried with me again.”

“It’s not who you are. It never was.” Joyce sighed, just like Alfonse, Lif had kept the knowledge of Askr away from her. Why would they both do that, she wondered to herself. “Do you think if I talk to Alfonse I might be able to convince him to put a stop to this stupid feud between us? Make peace instead of going through with this dumb battle.”

Lif glanced down at the summoner by his side, a smile that only reached his eye as he spoke. “It will be a challenge, but you changed me, so if anyone can do it, it’s you, Joyce.”

Chapter 29: Mock Battles With Paper Hearts


It's the day of the mock battle and the Summoner has to find a way to put an end to it.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), Alfonse
Minor: Xander, Bruno, Veronica, Gordin Lif, David (Lif's former Summoner)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The cold sting of early winter flurries burned into the summoner’s cheek, as small flakes floated through the skies. The soft white specks danced with dry brown leaves as the winds moved them from one side of the battlefield to the other, the gray clouds above floating quickly by. There were only a few more weeks of the year left. She would be back in Askr for the Winter Festival. How fitting since it was that exact holiday that put current events into motion. She wondered what the Order of Heroes would have planned for Askr this year, and if she would be able to attend. Or, would she even want to go? She felt torn between two roles. A summoner of fun and festivities, and a summoner of pain and war. She brings them to Askr for both. Why? Because Askr cannot have peace without war. Every year it was the same, except this one. This year The Summoner brought them the fight. Joyce watched silently as the heroes fought their best in the mock battle. Her empty stomach twisted in knots.

She winced, and averted her eyes as shouts of heroes falling drifted towards her. ‘No.’ she told herself. ‘Don’t turn away, they are fighting for you. Both sides are giving their all for you. This is your fault.’ Joyce forced herself to open her eyes and gaze out over the battlefield as she stood beside the Princess of Embla and Bruno. ‘They are fighting for my freedom, with no freedom of their own.’ The summoner glazed towards Veronica who stood perfectly still and stoic, her chin held high. ‘Her army, the soldiers of Embla, fight for her because they want to, mine does not. That’s not what they want.’

Joyce’s heart sank as she watched the Askran heroes overwhelm her own, breaking their lines and forcing them to scatter and regroup like sharks in a school of sardines. ‘They shouldn’t be fighting each other like this. We should all be on the same side. Unified under one banner. I have to do something.’ The clash of weapons rang out across the field, mixed with the shouts of those using them. ‘This is not what I want.’

“Allow me to engage the field, Summoner.” Xander offered as he tightly gripped the reins of his horse, standing shoulder high to the beast. “I can lead them in courage and perhaps turn the tide of battle. Give the others more time to defend the rear of the camp.”

“No.” Joyce frowned as she addressed the Prince of Nohr. “Pull back, have our heroes retreat to safety.”

Xander’s brows came together in confusion, and he frowned at the summoner’s orders. This would likely hand Askr the win for this mock battle. “But, Summoner-”

“Pull them back.” Joyce sternly commanded him, clenching her fist as she glared. “I won’t tell you again.”

“This is ridiculous. We will surely lose.” Bruno scoffed, unable to hold his tongue any longer. He shook his head as he turned his attention towards Veronica that stood between him and the summoner. “Princess, you must take control of the army. You can not allow Embla to be defeated like this-”

“No.” Veronica was quick to cut off Bruno, her gaze never leaving those on the battlefield. “This is not my battle to win. And if it were, I would not want to lose any heroes too.” A slight smile danced on the edge of her lips, as she looked over to Joyce by her side. “I trust the Summoner, and I will stand with her in any decision she makes.”

Joyce held her stomach as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Veronica's words were bittersweet. The Princess of Embla trusted her? They had been enemies for years, and it wasn’t until recent history that Embla made an attempt at peace with Askr, and now their own princess had more confidence in The Summoner than Alfonse himself. Why? Because Joyce broke the Alfador's laws and gave her more time with her brother? For what? The summoner felt the feeling of being torn again. A crossroads between what she should do, and what she wants to do.

“Princess! Summoner!” A young green haired archer came running up from the sidelines, almost tripping over his own boots, pulling Joyce from her thoughts as he shouted news from the front-lines. “We have reports of the Prince of Askr approaching the camp!” Gordin huffed as he tried to relay important information and catch his breath at the same time. “Alfonse is on the field and is fighting his way through. He appears to be relentless in his pursuit of cutting down our heroes…”

“He is trying to make a point.” Bruno bluntly muttered, in disgust. “Do as much damage as he can before we can retreat…” His eyes closed as he let out a long sigh. His irritation from the whole ordeal began to crack through his calm and cool demeanor. He swiftly turned to Joyce, pressing her on the matter. “How can you just stand here and not want to push back?”

“You’re right.” Joyce frowned as she looked at the fluttering snow in the skies. “Enough is enough. I brought this feud to the heroes in this world, and I’m the one that should end it. I won’t stand by any longer.” The summoner turned and quickly marched over to one of the horses kept nearby, taking the reins from the Emblan soldier that held it and pulling herself up and into the saddle in one smooth motion.

“What are you doing?” Bruno questioned, just catching her actions from the corner of his eye, most of his focus returning to the battle in front of them.

“What I should have done a long time ago.” Joyce pulled at the reins and nudged the brown stead into a trot as she maneuvered it past the safety of her army and into the heat of battle.

“Joyce, don’t go out there alone!” Bruno shouted after her, frustration causing his voice to crack as he chased behind for only a few feet. “You are being a fool!”

Joyce tightened the grip on the leather straps and pushed her mount into a run as she met the open field, leaving the opposing cries of Bruno behind her. “If that's what it takes…” She muttered under her breath as she searched the mess of fighters for the young prince, frozen flakes of snow stung as they pelted her face like those words in her mind. It was not the first time someone had called her a ‘fool’ and she had been trying so desperately to run from that title her whole life. But not now. She no longer could afford to play it safe, and she pulled Breidablik out from its holster and pointed it at the sky. As much as she wanted to be the hero, that wasn’t her role.

Teh summoner's heart pounded as the horse’s hooves thumped along the sticky ground, the trampled grass moist from the melting snow. Joyce pulled the trigger of the ancient weapon, letting the hum of energy flow through her arm and exploded out from the barrel with a crack that echoed over the land. The overcast sky briefly lit up with a bright white light. A beacon that flashed towards the heavens, and dissipated into a shower of sparks that rained down and mixed with snow around it. If she couldn’t find Alfonse, she knew this would bring him to her, and she pulled the reins of her horse, slowly it down just long enough for her to slid off without falling. Joyce's boots sank into the soft soil as she hit the ground. The heroes around her stopped to stare in awe. A rare sight to see the power of Beridablik outside of the summoning stone, an even rarer sight was the summon in the thick of battle. The sound of their weapons coming to a silence, as they stepped back. Those of Askr’s army were unsure if they should attack her or not. Joyce eyed the heroes around her, a ping of sadness engulfed her heart as she recalled the time she had summoned each of them to this world. Did they know that? Did they know what they meant to her? She wanted them to know that, and she wanted them to know she didn’t want to put them to be forced to fight any longer. Joyce slowly placed Breidablik back into its holster, a sign she wasn't there to hurt them.

“Don’t put your weapon away.” A familiar voice barked from behind the summoner, and she felt a chill run up her spine. It was time to stop running and face what she had been avoiding for months now.

Joyce ignored the command, and took a deep breath as she slowly turned to face the owner of the voice. “I’m not here to fight, Alfonse.”

“That’s too bad, because I am.” He growled, his cheeks red from the chill in the air and the heat of battle. His armor looked worn, and disheveled, and his hair hung over half of his face. “Attack me!” He cried out at the summoner, bracing his stance, as he held his sword with both hands in front of him.

Joyce shook her head and her arm hung loosely at her side as she steadied her voice. “I sorry-”

“The time for apologies has long since passed!” Alfonse shouted, his eyes flared in anger, and he slowly raised his sword with one arm, staring down the length of it as he pointed the tip at the summoner. “If you won’t fight me on your own well, I will just have to make you!” Alfonse swung his sword arm over his head as he lunged forward towards the summoner, his boots kicking up soil as he began to closed the gap between them.

The summoner’s eyes widened and every muscle in her body wanted to rip Breidablik out from its holster and defend herself from the upcoming attack, but they didn’t. She needed him to know that this was the end. Joyce clenched her fists as she tried to stay strong. Taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She could hear the sound of metal scraping together as Alfonse’s armor moved, and every grunt from every step that brought her closer to the final blow made her tremble. It’s what each of them had to go through. It wasn’t fair that the heroes had to suffer while she played 'leader' in the safety of the back-lines. They felt fear, and she was rewarded for their pain. She had to know what they experience in their last moments. It was her turn to fall for them. To protect the heroes with her own life. Even if she didn’t get to come back. At least everyone would get to go home now.

Joyce felt a cool blast of air mixed with the flurries on the wind rush across her face, and she winced as the cold sharp edge of Alfonse’s steel rested against the scar on her neck, stopping just short of breaking through her skin again. The heat from his heavy breath melted the snowflakes on her skin.

“Damn it, Joyce... fight back…” Alfonse growled through his teeth, between deep breaths. Calling off his own attack at the last minute taking more strength from himself then following through with it.

“I am.” Joyce cracked one eye open to meet his glare, a wave of relief rushed through her tense muscles as the sensation of adrenaline coursed through her body. She was still alive and standing. "I won't give in, this time."

Alfonse’s brows furrowed in frustration as the young prince scoffed. “That’s not what I mean-”

“You’re not my enemy.” Joyce stood her ground, unwavering even with the edge of his sword riding her neck. “We both know this is not what we want, and I have come to mend what's broken between us.” She calmly informed him. Taking charge like she should have a long time ago. “Without any loss to those we care about.”

“What do you know about loss?” Alfonse hissed his voice full of spite as his eyes became narrow slits.

Fear gripped her briefly. Who was she to compare her charmed existence in Askr to his pain he had to endure. In the short time that they had known each other Alfonse had lost his father, his best friend, and her. Joyce steeled herself. No. She reminded herself. This wasn’t about who lost what in the past, it was about their bonds for the future, and she mustn't lose sight of that. Joyce reached up and grasped the edge of his sword. “You’re right. I haven’t lost as much as you have. But I'm just as scared of it as you. It's what you are most afraid of. And the reason why you kept me in the dark about the heroes being able to resurrect after they fall.”

Alfonse's eyes widened in surprise, and his sword arm began to waver as did his voice. “Y-You found out…”

“You shouldn’t be too shocked that I would learn the truth once I was outside the Order and your watchful eye.”

“But… you’re still protecting them?” Alfonse’s rigid sword arm softened, and the weapon slid away from the summoner’s neck. The young prince raised an inquisitive eyebrow as he began to question her strategy. “You pulled back your army when you could have sacrificed them to push ahead and win this battle.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Why didn’t you?”

“Because I still don’t want to lose them!” Joyce blurted out as a wave of pent up emotions burst free like waters through a broken dam. Uncaring of the growing audience of heroes that had gathered to witness the Askran Prince and The Summoner’s showdown. “I want to keep each and every bond that I make with my heroes- No, they are not just heroes, they are my friends.” Joyce couldn’t hold back her tears any longer, and felt the hot streams run down her cold cheeks. “It broke my heart to learn that I wasn’t able to protect all the heroes from being cut down in past battles. And even though they returned, they did so at a steep cost. It was why I was never able to keep the connections I had forged with some of the heroes I had just met, and why you always told me not to get too close to the heroes, so I wouldn’t be able to see the changes when they returned… different. Emotionally distant, and bonds lost.” The summoner sniffed as she wiped her face with the back of her hand, and for once Alfonse had held his tongue, staring quietly at the ground as he let her speak. “But I want that to change. Now that I know the truth we can strive to always keep them safe! And make those friendships that you have always wanted. Before, you were just trying to shield me from the pain you had felt from losing a friend-”

Alfonse’s face twisted as she said these words, and he was no longer able to hold back. “That’s not the same. The Bruno of our world can never return!” He clenched his jaw, and his eyes burned holes into hers. “I hate you for inviting that impostor into our lives.” Alfonse sneered his voice thick with venom, and he tightened the grip on his sword hilt. “I hate him for choosing to stay in our world uninvited. And I hate Veronica for protecting him, and treating him like he was her own brother!” Alfonse’s eyes glisten, each sentence was like picking at a scab which left a raw and exposed wound. “Even worse, I hate myself most of all. Because all I wanted to do was join you, and embrace the friend that I had lost, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Joyce, when it is his time to go, he is going to leave an empty hole behind that you will never be able to refill.” He began to choke on his own words. His voice became smaller as he took a step towards her. “Just another reminder that what is gone, can never return.”

“...Alfonse, I don’t want to replace what you lose with something new, I want you to fill the space left over with all the good memories you still hold dear. Those memories that you carry, even the most painful ones, make forging those new bonds worthwhile still. You can give this Bruno a space of his own, and still honor the memory of the friend that we lost.” Joyce softly spoke. Finally being able to find the words she needed when she could finally see the friend that needed her most. “And like it or not, I’m going to try my best to make more bonds with as many heroes as I can, and protect them at all costs!”

“That’s impossible, Joyce…” Alfonse scoffed, unfazed by her speech. “Only a-”

“Fool?” Joyce pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders. “I know. I’m being foolish… again. But I can’t live my life here, in Askr, without trying. And I want you to try too.” Joyce sighed, and she recounted events from the past. Life in the World of Steel. Her years in the Order, and brief time in Embla. A bittersweet smile began to stretch out along her lips as “Relationships suck, Alfonse. You. Me. Even the heroes... We have all made mistakes, and I know this isn’t the last time we get hurt. I can’t promise there won’t be more pain, but at least when those times come we will have each other to lean on next time. I won’t abandon you again when you need me the most.”

Alfonse sniffed, swallowing hard, as he looked at her with red irritated eyes that still held on to a splinter of hope. “Does that mean you want to come… home?”

“Of course I want to come home!” Joyce blurted out, trying not to break down, and give in to what she longed to do. This wasn’t over yet. It was one feat to get the prince to hear her out, it would be another to convince him to accept her for who she was, and what she will bring to Askr's future. They both needed to change, for them to live under the same barracks. Joyce cleared her throat, and stood tall, trying her best to collect herself and appear strong. “But, Askr can only be my home if you open your heart to not just me, but to everyone else here too.” Joyce gestured to the large group of heroes that kept their distance but continued to watch with intense interest. Familiar faces from the Order of Heroes mixed with new acquaintances she had gathered along her journey here, as well as old friends that supported her in Embla. “They are a part of me, and you need to agree to that if we are to continue forward. We are all in this together now.”

Alfonse frowned as he surveyed the group as she did, and he leaned over and kept his voice low, his hand fidgeting with the hilt of his sword. “Even Líf?”

“Especially Líf.” Joyce whispered sternly back, with a serious nod.

The prince let out a long sigh, as he looked up at the clouds that floating away until only a cold blue sky left behind. “Askr, give me strength…” Alfonse muttered under his breath, as he returned his attention to the summoner nodding in agreement. “Fine, fine!” He cried out as he threw his arms around her, and pulled her in for a tight embrace. “Just don’t leave me again, Joyce.”

“I won’t.” Joyce gasped as the young prince squeezed the breath from her, even to this day he still didn’t grasp the extent of his full strength compared to others. “You’re my best friend, Alfonse.” The summoner vowed to stay by his side once more as she welcomed the familiar warmth of his hold sink in. “Always.”

The crowd of heroes began to stir in excitement. Some cheered, holding their weapons high over their heads while others celebrated in their own way, joking that they still wanted to finish their fight. Arguing about who might have actually won if the battle were to continue. It wasn’t until the princess of Embla stepped forward, that the noise of the heroes drifted away on the breeze.

Veronica held her head high, and slender hand clasped in front of her as she approached Alfonse and Joyce with Bruno close behind. “I assume that we may call this battle a draw?” She cooed softly, with a graceful nod of her head, fitting of a proud emperor.

“But if it is a draw, then what will happen to the Summoner?” Bruno inquired with a cold expression.

“I’m going back to Askr.” Joyce slid from Alfonse’s embrace to greet her allies, one arm still wrapped around the prince’s back. She raised her voice for all the heroes to hear. “And anyone who wants to join me in Askr is more than welcome to!”

“Veronica, are you really okay with this?” Bruno pressed Veronica, the future of Embla, his sister's well-being always at the forefront of his mind. “You have always dreamed of the day Embla would have their own Summoner.”

“Yes, this is true, but the Summoner is not mine to keep.” Veronica turned to face Bruno. It was becoming ever more clear that the Emblan Princess was not like Veronica that Bruno had left behind in his own world. Her growth had surpassed his own, and even though she had longed for those days in the past where she had her brother at her side, he was no longer needed here. “Joyce is my friend, and even though our paths may take us else where from time to time, I know we will always remain close friends.”

“Wait really? You’re going back?” David pushed through the crowds, as he finally fought his way to the front, followed by the dark and menacing shadow of Líf. “What about us- I mean, Alf and I?”

Joyce looked up at Alfonse sternly who was unable to hide an annoyed sigh, but was able to gather himself up and address the two thorns in his side with the dignity of a welcoming prince. “You both will be waived of any charges brought against you for your crimes in the past, and will be free to come and go as you please to Askr.” Alfonse stared at Líf and then to David trying his best to not to let his personal feelings leech through to his words. “You may take your old space in the greenhouse if you want Líf, and I will release the guards I have stationed at your gate David, so you may return to your Askr without any further issue.”

Líf stepped forward towering over the young prince, the tension between began to thicken as the mud beneath their feet, and Joyce could feel Alfonse’s arm tighten around her waist as he braced himself for an attack. Líf's red eye blazed down at them, but he quickly closed it and bowed his head. “As you see fit.”

“So the fighting is just… over?” David asked, with a dumbfounded expression on his face as he glanced around to the heroes that began to wander off, and lastly to Joyce. “We just go back home like nothing happened?”

Joyce exchanged hopeful looks with Alfonse again, they both knew they had a long way to go before. “I mean, it’s not going to be the same, and it won’t go back to normal overnight. It will take time to build trust again, but I think we are off on the right foot." The summoner snickered as she glanced over to David. “What did you expect to happen? To wake up and find out everything was all just a dream? Or maybe, you wanted me to perform some ancient rite with Breidablik, and blast everyone away?”

Veronica softly giggled at the comment, recalling events in the past. “I think I much prefer this ending.”

“As do I.” Alfonse sighed, the bright warm sun now hanging high over their head. “It appears as though we will have good weather for the rest of the day. Perhaps this is a good sign.” Alfonse attempted to sound optimistic again, his mood spoiled as a crack of thunder rolling out from the far distance.

Joyce turned to look toward the noise on the horizon. It wasn’t unusual to have such drastic changes in weather at this time of year, however it was always best not to get caught in the open. “Sounds like there’s another storm heading this way.” She raised her voice to direct the heroes to safety of the encampment. “We should join together and bunker down for the night. Head home in the morning.”

“I believe that is a good plan.” Alfonse nodded in agreement with the summoner. “It will give us time to reconnect, and work out any issues before parting ways with Veronica's force. I committed many wrongs that I am deeply ashamed of, and I need to apologize to those I hurt-” Alfonse flinched as the thunder cracked once more, louder this time, causing some heroes to cover their ears. The princes’ face drained of colour as he looked toward where it was coming from. Dark menacing clouds seem to fill the skies in the distance. “Wait, is that…”

“That’s one heck of a storm cloud!” David clicked his tongue as he watched the clouds rolling in, his hand firming placed on his hips. Completely unfamiliar of what he was looking at.

The thunder roared again, the ground shaking under their boots, and the small hairs on the summoner’s neck stood on end. Joyce’s eyes widened as fear gripped her, and goose skin crept across her arms. “No. It can’t be.” She whispered as the pitch black clouds began to swallow up everything in their path. A wall of nothing swiftly rolling towards them.“Embla’s back…”


This song was kind of the catalyst for the whole fic and I having been saving it for this moment! It's an amazing song, please give it a listen!

Chapter 30: Enclosure I


The battlefield trembles once again as one fight ends and another begins with Embla's return.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), Alfonse, Veronica, Embla
Minor: Bruno, Lif, David (Lif's former Summoner)
Mentioned: Xander


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The dark clouds twisted and swirled, crimson lighting forked as it hugged the bulbous storm, lighting up the silhouettes of numerous bats blasting out of the thick wall, blocking out the sun, and turning the skies black. The swarm of fluttering creatures screamed as they crossed over, the high pitched cries mixed with a chattering cackle pierced the ears of those below, and drowned out the orders Alfonse began barking to the heroes nearby, his instinct to act quickly, and gain control of the situation kicking in. His face turned pale as he lurched his head back to look up at the sky, the unmistakable laughter echoing from above.

Embla glared down at them, a wicked and cruel grin stretched across her face as wide as her own leathery bat wings spread out to her sides.

“How can this be?” Joyce shook her head in disbelief, her eyes wide as she couldn’t find the strength to tear them away from staring up at the god floating above. “We defeated her last year, didn’t we?” The summoner turned to Veronica, an uneasy feeling trickling over her skin as her eyes lingered towards Bruno who began to clutch his head, his fingers digging into his temple trying to relieve some unbearable pressure.

“Yes… I remember it well.” Veronica cooed, her sights still on Embla directing her bats from above. “The memories I witnessed. I would not have seen them if it was not for her departure from this world.”

“Bro, you okay?” David dashed to Bruno’s side, catching him before the Emblain prince stumbled as his knees became weak and gave out from beneath him.

“It’s just this damn blood curse.” Bruno hissed through clenched teeth. His hand trembled as he cradled his forehead. “It’s been so long since I have felt its whisper in my mind. But now it screams, setting fire to my veins!”

“Yet, I feel nothing…” Veronica mused, a slight frown danced on the edges of her lips as she turned her attention to Bruno, her fingers tightly curling around the edges of her focus. The tome-like weapon Embla had given her when the god awakened her power. “Before last year the blood curse was always present. A dull ache in my head that would flare whenever I drew close to those with Askr’s blood. A searing burn that grew stronger when Embla was near, when she was in control, but ever since her death the call to destroy Askr has been quiet as the grave. Not even a whisper, gone from my mind.”

“Maybe the Yggdrasill Key Veronica used has had lasting effects?” Joyce softly suggested, unknowingly squeezing her hand around her forearm as it cramped. The tightened muscle was always a sign of stress, the anxiety of a new challenge. Facing off with Embla was not on her list of ‘things to do.’ today, and she struggled to focus on the matter at hand. “Like, she’s immune to the blood curse now, or something?”

“No.” Alfonse’s curtly responded, his cape billowed as he turned away from staring at Embla above and addressed the group behind him. He gestured towards the Emblan prince as he shared his own opinions. “Veronica does not suffer the effects because she has no lineage to this Embla. Like Bruno, this Embla does not belong here. She is not the Embla of our world. She is from his. That is their connection-” Alfonse’s words dissolved into thin air as the crashing sound of something came down around them.

Joyce gasped as the ground exploded in front of her, and flinched back, covering her head with her arms from the fragments of rock and sod that pleated her body. Not enough time or warning to take cover before the attack. The summoner coughed as the cloud of dust settled around her, revealing the God of Enclosure standing before them. Joyce’s blood ran cold, freezing her in place as she watched Embla reach her arm out, and place her hand on Bruno’s head causing him to twist in pain trying to break free. The god’s long slender fingers dug into his ash coloured hair, and Joyce’s mouth dropped as her gaze followed Embla’s arm, scorched black, skin in tatters. Now that the god was only mere feet away the summoner could see how badly damaged Embla’s body was. Wings torn, body burnt, and what was once snow white hair, stained pink with blood. She had come from a fight. The god had already lost in her world and was on the run. However, she didn’t seek refuge in her old castle like she had in this world, instead she had discovered a second chance, a sliver of hope. Joyce trembled, and her stomach dropped. Embla was here for Bruno, and Joyce had served him up to the god on a silver platter.

Embla cackled while she continued to grip Bruno’s head as he squirmed to get away. His eyes tightly shut and his hands tearing at the gods arm, pulling patches of charred flesh away. “My foolish boy, you thought you could hide from me in a different world.” Embla sneered, an aura around her small frame flaring a bright scarlet red. The god rolled her head back and closed what was left of her single unclothed eye, deriving pleasure from the prince’s pain. “But I felt his blood calling out to me across the planes of existence. Like a lost child crying out to its mother.” A lower moan began to escape her throat as the flame red power that surrounded her began to seep down her arm and flow over Bruno. “I will awaken the power of my blood in you, my child… Blood within this vessel…stir. ” Embla chanted her incantation, the same one she had used on Veronica over a year ago. Her eye flared wide as the power that now fully engulfed the pair swirled into a chaotic vortex of black clouds with crackles of red static.

Joyce wanted to intervene, throw herself against the god and rip her away from her friend, but she was frozen in place, the pressure in the air rooting her feet. She winced as she could no longer watch, helpless, to stop Embla. The sound of Bruno’s screams drowned out by the roar of wind whipped around them. Joyce tensed up as she felt someone pull her close, her body relaxing into his when she realized it was David trying to protect her, or seeking shelter from the storm like she did. ‘I’m sorry…’ Joyce muttered into his sleeve, knowing her words would be carried away by the wind and reach no one that needed to hear it.

“NOW, RECEIVE MY POWER!” Embla’s laugh rang out over the battlefield as the menacing turning black smoke tightened around its victim briefly before exploding outward in a rush of heated air forcing the summoner and David to turn away as they both stumbled to regain their balance, the blast knocking them off their feet. Joyce turned quickly back to where Bruno had been standing, the pressure that kept her away subsiding. Her eyes widened in disbelief, the friend she had known this past year no longer stood in front of her. The power within Embla’s blood had transformed Bruno much like it had done to Veronica in the past. His armor was now jet black with crimson accents and gold trim. He clasped a focus similar to Veronica’s under his arm, the jewel in the center crystal clear. He wore a dark feather cape cascaded over his shoulder, and his once short ash blonde hair flowed long over his shoulders and down the middle of his back. Bruno looked up with blood red eyes, veiled slightly by a messy fringe, and they flashed bright with seething hate when they caught sight of Alfonse.

“No, be still, my child, I have a more important mission for you.” Embla cooed as she circled her new pet, running her hand over Bruno’s shoulders, and stroking his long hair. “I want you to return to our world so we may put those meddling royals in their place.”

Bruno’s cold and empty gaze drifted over the group, as he turned his back to them trudging towards his mount as if in a trance he could not wake from.

“Brother, No!” Veronica’s voice croaked as she called out to him, dashed towards Bruno to stop him from getting on his horse, only to have her hope dashed as Embla lowered her forked staff in front of the princess, stopping Veronica in her tracks.

“It’s over. There’s nothing you can do to bring your brother back. You of all people should know that. He belongs to me now. My puppet.” Embla snickered at the princess as she held her back giving time for Bruno to ride away. “Perhaps when I am done wrecking my vengeance on the one that maimed me I will return to ruin you and this world too.” Embla sneered and pushed Veronica to the ground with a quick shove of her staff before spreading out her leathery wings and taking to the air once more.

Veronica dug her fingers into the dirt and her body shook from frustration, tears fell from her cheeks, staining the ground beneath her. “How are we going to stop her now?” She sniffed as she climbed to her feet, and tried to stifle her sobs to a whimper. “Askr sacrificed his life to defeat Embla last time, and he only gave us one Yggdrasill Key.”

“Wait!” David’s eyes lit up as he chimed in. “What about my world? The God Dragon, Askr, should still exist there, perhaps we can get a second key from him!”

Joyce shook her head as she comforted Veronica, giving her a cloth to dry her eyes. “If we were to seek out the Askr of your world there’s a good chance we would disturb Embla as well. The last thing we need is two Emblas joining forces together.”

“Joyce is correct.” Alfonse nodded in agreement with the summoner, placing her hands on his waist as he shifted his weight from one foot to the next. “Our world can not risk waking a second god we are not prepared to fight. We must ensure that Embla returns to complete her role in her own timeline. However, we also can not allow Bruno to escape to his own world.” Alfonse paused as he pursed his lips followed by a long sigh before he continued. “By the looks of Embla’s state they have already used their Yggdrasill Key on their own Veronica. Which means the window for Bruno to return to his own world and carry out his… destiny has come to a permanent close.” Alfonse turned his gaze towards the summoner, a rare look of uncertainty washing over his face. “If Bruno reaches his gate, who knows what will happen to his world if he is allowed to return under the possession of Embla. Their waters are uncharted for them, and I do not know if they will be able to defeat this version of Bruno. I don’t think our heroes would have been able to a year ago.”

“But you think we can now?” Joyce raised an inquiring brow.

“We at least have had the additional time to grow our barracks. To strengthen our current forces.” Alfonse scratched his chin in thought. “Besides, I can not risk the collapse of their world for our mistakes.”

“You mean my mistake.” Joyce averted her eyes and hung her head in shame. “It’s all my fault this has happened…”

“Perhaps you have been the catalyst, but we are all in this together now, Joyce.” Alfonse reached his arm over and squeezed the summoner’s shoulder with his hand, catching her gaze with his own. “Do not let the past cloud your mind. Let’s do what we can to make right of our wrongs, and focus on a strategy to defeat her. We must all work together now.”

Joyce inhaled deeply, letting go of the intrusive thoughts that gnawed at her mind. Alfonse was right, now wasn’t the time to start beating herself up about the past. “Okay.” She agreed, so much had happened already today, but it wasn’t over yet, and it was time to put her recent teachings into practice. “Embla and Bruno have divided their strength already.” Joyce began, thinking quickly as she spoke out loud. “She’s going to try to make sure none of us try to foil her plans for Bruno to escape before she makes her own retreat.”

“We need to distract her. Keep her attention away from Bruno.” David added, building on Joyce’s thoughts.

“That’s right.” Joyce agreed, her confidence growing with his support. “The majority of our force should stay here and keep Embla busy, give us enough time for someone to slip away to stop Bruno from reaching his gate, and slipping back into his world.”

“It’s crude and not well flushed out.” Alfonse pulled his sword from his sheath, inspecting its blade before sliding it back in, and securing his belt. “But this plan should work well enough. We can fill in the blanks as events unfold.”

“I’ll go after my brother- Bruno.” Veronica volunteered bravely, gesturing for Xander to retrieve her horse. “I am well aware of what magic skills he is capable of, and I know I can handle them.”

“No.” Alfonse quickly shut the princess down. “This is Bruno we are talking about taking down.”

“You don’t believe me to be strong enough?” Veronica’s brow furrowed in offense, and she pushed back. “Or is it you just don’t trust me to stop him myself?”

“...It’s not that.” Alfonse frowned, and scooped up Veronica’s hands in his as he spoke gently to her. “I know you will do everything in your power to protect the people here, and in his world. However, you should not have to suffer your brother's death a second time over. And least of all not by your own hands. I ask that you let me carry this burden for the both of us, Veronica.”

“Alfonse…” Veronica’s cheeks flushed a soft pink, as she became lost in the prince's eyes, time slowing down for the two young royals for only a brief moment.

David loudly cleared his throat after being on the receiving end of a sharp elbow to the ribs from Líf. “Why don’t you lovebirds save it for after we beat this big bad bat?” He thumbed the god above them directing her army of bats to attack the heroes still left on the field before turning her attention back to Veronica.

“Enjoy your last moments of peace, my child.” Embla mocked as she licked her lips. “Soon you will be nothing more than a delicious insect wriggling within me!”

“Alfonse, you go after Bruno. I need Veronica here with me.” Joyce swiftly followed David’s lead and jumped back into action, pulling Veronica away while handing the reins of her mount to the prince. “We are going to need all the firepower we can get on our side.” The summoner attempted to steal herself when she glanced up at god again, her sight making her skin crawl. “And it looks like Embla might already have her sights set on Princess Veronica.”

The god of enclosure pointed the tip of her staff towards the heroes and shouted at her bats to attack them again. Embla’s staff began to glow red, a ball of dark magic swelling in front of it, its menacing glow casting shadows upon the god’s wicked grin as she unleashed a powerful blast towards them. Joyce felt the ground shake as the earth was up-heaved near her. She could barely hear Veronica commanding the mages and archers within her army fire their own attacks back, over the sound of clashing weapons. Claws and teeth against wood and steel. The noise of true battle, and Joyce had never experienced anything like it before. The skies flickered and lit up as bolts of magic and the screech of arrows caused chaos on the field. Their army clashed with the beasts as they landed, and Embla raised her arms to the black clouds that continued to close in on them. The clouds began to twist and swirl until they took on the shape of Embla’s giant claws, spreading out each talon before rushing towards the heroes on the ground, smashing into them without mercy, and dragging its long fingers across the ground, scooping up tiny pests, and crushing them into the ground.

“Shhit-” Alfonse cursed as he crawled back to his feet, thrown from his horse before he was able to get away from the main battle. “Damn it all to Hel!” The prince cried out before being approached by a second horse, clothed in tattered rags, and bones.

Líf pulled his mount around the prince, extending his arm towards him, and offering his hand to pull Alfonse up. “You will never make it on foot, Little Lord.”

Alfonse glared up at the undead swordsman growling through his teeth. “I would rather die on this field than ride with the likes of-”

“You, yourself said that we must all put aside the past and work together now.” Líf calmly reminded the prince, stretching his unwavering arm further, and gesturing with a flick of his fingers for Alfonse to take his hand.

Alfonse scowled up at Líf, clicking his tongue as he gave in to his demands, knowing what he said to be true. “Fine!” He spat as he roughly grabbed Líf’s arm and used it to pull himself up onto the mount behind the swordsman. “But, never call me by that title again!”

“As you wish…” Líf sighed quietly, a crafty look reaching his eye. “My Pant-less Prince.” Líf jested quickly, getting in the last word, and kicking his stead into a gallope before Alfonse could protest, or draw his blade in anger.

Joyce watched from afar as Alfonse and Líf rode away in a cloud of dust, and she tried to push down the fears that began to trickle in her mind. Her mouth was parched and too dry to swallow the knot in her throat, and she desperately wanted to steady her shaking hand as she reached for Bredablik’s holster, fumbling with its clasp. She so much wanted to be brave, especially after all she had gone through that year, but she had rarely found herself on the front-lines, and never without Alfonse by her side. She began to wish she had gone with him to stop Bruno.

“Joyce, look out!”

David shouted at the summoner as he grabbed her arm and pulled her away from where she had stood, just as an explosion of dark magic ripped up the ground beside her. Joyce covered her head with her hand, protecting herself from the shower dirt and debris. She whimpered as she looked at the smoking crater left from the attack. A close miss she realized only seconds before a second blast exploded to their other side, shattering the earth near them, and David pulled her close to his chest, shielding her from falling rocks. No, it wasn’t a miss. Embla was toying with them now.

The god laughed as she dropped down in front of Joyce, Embla’s attention no longer on Veronica, but on the summoner who didn’t have the nerve to pull the trigger. “You are not like the one from my world. They at least had the courage to draw their weapon when they faced me.” Embla ridiculed as she raised the tip of her glowing staff at the pair. “Makes me question what the Alfaðör was thinking when he allowed your world to survive this long. No matter. I can take care of this mess for him!” The god’s words were chased by the crack of her spell as she released the dark magic from the end of her staff.

The summoner tightly gripped David, almost as tightly as he held her in return, she felt the ground tremor beneath her feet as a shock wave of power blew past them, whipping at their clothes. Joyce trembled in David’s arms, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. At that range, they shouldn’t still be standing. David gripped the sides of her face as he tilted her head up, both sharing a confused expression of bewilderment. They both turn in unison to see Veronica standing between them and Embla. The princess’s arms outstretched, as her tome floated in front of her. Fiery tendrils snaking out of the center of the focus, weaving a beautiful pattern that had shielded them from the point-black attack.

Embla snorted in disgust. “You have learned to wield my sister's gift quite well, haven’t you princess?”

“I would hardly call what Embla did to my family a gift.” Veronica told her coldly as she allowed the fiery strands to unloosen from each other and draw back into the tome. “However I have seen your memories and I understand that a lonely soul such as yourself would not know the difference between a gift and a curse.” The princess plucked the floating item that was given to her when her blood had been awakened, and tucked it under her arm as she calmly and slowly stepped towards the god. “I will not hold what you did in the past against you now. What is done is done, and I move forward to my future with you in my wake. A memory.” Veronica came eye to eye with the god of enclosure, with a cold stare that could chill the warmest heart. “I will use what I have learned to protect those I care about here and now, and unfortunately for you, what you called a ‘gift’ will be your undoing.”

Embla sneered, quickly regaining her confidence that the princess briefly shook. “I still have much to teach you, my child.” Embla growled, taking a step back, turning on her heel gracefully, and raised her arms in the air, a scarlet red glow began to emanate from her skin. “Prepare yourself for my final history lesson.” Embla’s laughter turned into a low rolling snarl as she began to grow in size, transforming into the monster that lingered beneath the surface.


Ghost - We Don't Need Another Hero

Chapter 31: Enclosure II


The group is torn a part as Embla takes control over Bruno, and exposes them all for who they are.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner), Alfonse, Lif, Bruno
Minor: Embla, Ike
Mentioned: Veronica


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The world stood still as a flash of crimson light lit up the skies, accompanied with a large blast of heat from the epicenter of the event. The light was so bright, and so hot that Joyce had to turn her face away, closing her eyes tightly as she clung on to David’s coat. Embla’s transformation was larger than most Laguz she had met in Askr. the god’s hair raising cackles continuing to echo over the battlefield, each roll of laughter, growing lower and deeper as she grew larger in size. Joyce felt the ground tremble under her feet as the beast's claw-like fingers at the end of her wings made contact with the ground, and the summoner turned to peek out over the safety of David’s arms.

Embla had transformed into a gruesome sight, a monstrous bat that had one giant eyeball cradled between her lower rib cage. The eye darted, and twisted within the odd chest cavity, eagerly trying to find its first victim, until it stopped shaking slightly before coming to a standstill, zeroing in on its target. It was the princess Embla so desired to punish. The thin gray skin that formed the beast's lips rolled back, exposing Embla’s razor sharp fangs. The edges curling in the corners forming a jester’s grin.

“Joyce!” A dull pain ran up Joyce’s arm as David’s grip tightened around her upper arms and the world began to move again.“We can’t stay here!”

The noise of battle exploded around her as Joyce came to her senses. She froze as she watched Embla cast her dark smokey tendrils, letting out a high pitch roar as the god commanded her army to rip through their front lines, crashing into the heroes without mercy, and tossing them about. Joyce’s eyes widened as she heard screams muffled by thick smoke, and the sound of leathery bat wings as the clash continued around her and David.

“No, no, no…” Joyce muttered, unable to move, stunned as she watched Ike get thrown to the ground at their feet. She held her breath waiting for his still body to move again. “T-This shouldn’t be happening… Not like this.” She choked on her words as her eyes found his face. The excited smile he wore that morning when they spoke last, gone. But not replaced by an expression of fear, or hate, like one would expect the recently demised to wear. But he had a look of surprise. Confusion. How could he, a hero of the Order, have been cut down? How could the summoner have let this happen? And Joyce trembled as the thoughts ran through her mind. “I said I wouldn’t let them fall anymore…”

“Hey, hey, it’s going to be alright.” David tried to catch her gaze with his own, blocking her view of the slain heroes. “They will be resurrected back at the camp.” He reminded her.

“Our bonds…” Joyce lowered her head, and rolled her fingers into a fist, her vision becoming blurry as hot tears flooded her eyes. “I vowed to keep them safe.”

“I know… I’m sorry, Joyce.” David pulled her close to his chest trying to comfort her, whispering in her ear. “But you can’t save them all the time.”

“I failed them.” She tried to stifle uncontrollable sobs into his shoulder, desperately trying to wake up from this nightmare she now found herself in. “I broke my promise. Just like I broke our bonds.”

David gripped her shoulders, and moved her away from his chest. His tone became serious as he tried to shut out the battle around them. He needed her to act, not to get swept away in her sorrows now. “No, your tears are proof enough that those bonds still exist. You just have to be there when they return, okay? Lead them back into battle.” David grasped her hand in his, and began to pull her roughly along, squeezing her in a death grip, heading back in the direction of their encampment. “When they see you waiting for them those broken bonds will be restored, and they can only grow stronger!” His voice quivered as he tried to hide his doubt, trying to convince himself he was right. If he believed it, she would too.

“David…” Joyce suddenly stopped, her slender fingers slipping away from his, and she reached for Breidablik at her waist. “I…should be helping them-”

“No.” David wrapped his heavy arms around her shoulders, and continued to lead her away. “You’re not ready to be on the front lines.” He kept his sights forward in the direction of the camp. He came to this world to help her, but he wasn’t here to save heroes. That time for him had come and gone. “I know we have been working hard to bring your skills up to speed, but this isn’t a mock battle anymore, and I’m not going to let you get yourself hurt out here.”

“What about Veronica? The hero's contract won’t help her.” Joyce tried to look back to find the princess, stumbling as David dragged her along with him over the uneven battle grounds, and the sky began to grow dark with storm clouds.

“Don’t worry about Vero!” His voice cracked. “She’s a strong mage, and her army is with her.” He tried to keep his confidence steady, determined on navigating the safest route through the clash of weapons and spells being cast through the air. “We need to focus on helping her by getting reinforcements back onto the field, yeah?”

Joyce nodded as she stopped digging in her heels, making excuses to stay. David was scared, and he was right to be scared, as she should have been as well. He wouldn’t come back if he fell. He would return to their world, and if she was cut down, she would too. Joyce pulled herself closer to David as they trudged through the field side by side, wondering if they could find each again in the World of Steel if the worst had come to pass on the field today. But where would she even start to look…

“Stay close to me.” David tighten his grip as if he could read her mind, he tried to force a brave smile as the first heavy drops of rain began to fall upon them.”And we’ll get through this together-”

Joyce felt a hot blast of heat along her side, her vision turning black as the dark smoke of Embla rushed over her, creating a force of wind so strong it knocked her to the ground. She groaned as she rolled on to her side, and pushed back the blonde hair that fell across her face. “Are you okay?” She looked around for David, spotting his bulky frame a few feet away, his eyes closed, his limbs still. The black fingers of Embla's monstrous summon creeping over his body like the arms of an octopus discovering if something is prey or not. “David?” Joyce called to him, trying to stir him from his sleep, as the long wisps swelled as they made their decision quickly, no time for Joyce to react as they snagged David’s body and ripped him away from her, pulling back in the direction that they had come. Back towards the front lines, and to the hungry jaws of Embla.

“David!” Joyce screamed his name, her voice snapped as her throat gave out, and she helplessly watched David pulled away and out of her sight. The rain began to fall harder, and faster than the ground could absorb. The summoner tried to scramble to her feet, slipping in the wet dirt as it turned to mud under her boots. Her cheeks burned hot as fresh tears split out over her cheeks again, mixing with the cold rain. “It’s all my fault…”

“Flank him on the right!” Alfonse cried out, the cold wind slapping his face, and licking at his cape as Líf rode his stead at full speed, chasing behind Bruno as the mage bee-lined for the gate that would take him back to his home world, to deliver Embla’s revenge over those who had come close to defeating her. Alfonse looked back behind, hanging on to Líf’s shoulder with one hand. Dark clouds swirl above the battlefield they rode away from, and he prayed to Askr that everyone was alright. Alfonse began to turn his attention back to Bruno and his own mission ahead of him. “I’ll be able to take out Bruno’s mount, and slow him down-” He stopped as he noticed Líf had pulled the horse to the left. The very opposite of what he asked for. “What are you doing? I said to bring us up on the right!”

“Silence!” Líf barked as he dug the heels of his boots in, persuading his horse to charge faster. The thunderous sound of hooves echoing over the grassy plains of the borderlands. “If we charge in on the right he can counter attack with his dominant casting hand. Have you not been paying attention?” The undead warrior scoffed, trying to shake off his irritation before giving Alfonse a cold command. “My satchel, there’s a tome there. Use it.”

“I haven’t cast magic in years!” Alfonse protested in offense. “I’m out of practice-”

“Nonsense!” Líf hissed loudly, as he twisted unnaturally in his saddle, his red eyes glaring from over his shoulder at the young prince. “You and I both know the magic in our veins runs deep. Good with a sword, yes, like any king should be, but the gifts our mother gave us has made us an exceptional mage. Do not turn your back on that. That is what we need right now, so put your pride aside, and do as I say!”

Alfonse frowned, muttering under his breath as he reached for the buckled of the saddle bag. “If you are so confident with a tome, perhaps it should be you who cast aside your sword!”

“That is a risk I am not willing to take.” Líf responded dryly, focused on keeping a safe distance away from Bruno as he waited for Alfonse to arm himself. “Þjálfi is a far better weapon than Fólkvangr. It is time you put away the weapon of your childhood and know what true power is.”

“Than lend me Éljúðnir, and you take Þjálfi!” Alfonse spat back, whipping open the bag in a huff.

Líf let out a dusty chuckle. “Éljúðnir? You are not ready-”

“I am! You just can’t admit it.” Alfonse shot back in defense, pulling the old tome free. The leather ornate cover was embossed with pink and orange flowers held in a gold vase. A strangely innocent image for such a dangerous tome. Alfonse ran his fingers over the old leather binding, unable to hold back his own frustrations. “You just gatekeeping your power! No, our power-”

“The power is mine, and mine alone!” Líf growled, turning his head back again and glaring at the young prince, as he thumbed his chestplate to make a point. “I decide who, and when, will wield it-”

“Look out!” Alfonse cried out as he spotted Bruno riding towards them, growing tired of playing dumb and waiting for them to attack, bringing the fight to them. Bruno raised his arm high above his head, the focus Embla gifted him clutched in the other hand, and ghastly red vines of magic twisted together in a knot above his head, charging up a powerful dark spell.

Líf tried to react, turning his horse quickly to get out of the range of the blast, but the momentum was strong enough to throw Alfonse from the back of his saddle, sending him and Þjálfi tumbling to the ground. Burno’s spell made contact with the earth as Alfonse rolled away from its flames leaving only scorched grass smoldering with embers where the prince once lay.

Alfonse, pushed himself to his feet, ignoring his aching muscles. He pulled his sword from its sheath, bracing himself for the next attack. Alfonse held his ground as he watched the Emblan prince pull his horse around, and slowly walk his mount towards Alfonse. The tome that the prince dropped laying uselessly beneath Bruno’s horses hooves. Alfonse grimaced as he tightened his grip on Fólkvangr trying to forget Líf’s words about the old weapon. He had no other option than to use this sword. The sword of his youth to cut down his childhood friend. It was fitting, wasn't it? Or comical…and he would like to meet the god who thought up this joke.

The young prince steeled himself as he glared up at his enemy. He never wanted it to end like this. Yes, the Emblan prince was fated to death, but not by his hand. Alfonse’s eyes met with Bruno’s, his piercing glare turning into bright red embers, as the phrase “Kill Askr” escaped his lips. Alfonse gritted his teeth, he knew Bruno was just Embla’s puppet, he had seen it before. His head pounded with flashbacks of the past, and his heart sank as old wounds ripped open anew. The pain of losing his friend paralyzing his body. He was a fool to think he could do this, to cast the killing blow on Bruno, and Alfonse’s sword hand fell to his side. The only thing he was good at was fooling others into thinking he was strong enough to do so.

Bruno let out a smug chuckle as he watched the defeated prince crumple before him, and raised his arm again. Burning red snakes of magic flowing from his focus, and Bruno gathered his new found power once again above his head, charging up one last spell to put an end to the sad little prince that had constantly stood in his way.

“Snap out of it!” Líf shouted at Alfonse as he charged on foot towards Bruno, clutching Éljúðnir with one hand. The swordsman caught Bruno by surprise, unaware of his approach, and reached up, gripping the mage by his belt, dragging Bruno off of his horse. Sending him crashing to the ground, and giving him a swift boot to the ribs to keep him down a bit longer. Líf spun back around to address the young prince. “What is wrong with you?! Get it together, and pick up that tome!” The undead swordsman growled at Alfonse as the prince stood in stunned silence.

Bruno coughed softly through a string of disconnected laughter, wincing as he clutched his side, as he climbed to his feet, his long ash blond hair cascading over his shoulder. “Askran scum.” He spat a wad of blood mixed with saliva at the ground, just missing Líf’s boot.

“Quiet.” Líf snorted under his ghoulish mask. “Your words are not your own. Give yourself up, and return with us.” His grip tightened on his sword, and Éljúðnir crackled to life. Bright lavender bolts of electricity arched violently along its blade. “Or fall by my sword.”

“I would like to see you try.” Bruno gave a co*cky grin, letting Embla’s blood-lust consume his mind, and embracing her power. He quickly flicked the wrist of his free hand, his focus glowing in the other as he sent out small flares of crimson fire. Not as impressive as before, but just as deadly if they hit the right mark.
Líf used his sword to block Bruno’s attacks, hot sparks from the spells exploding out from all angles as they collided with Éljúðnir magic, singeing the cloth and fur of Líf’s armor filling his nostrils with a rank smell. The undead swordsman growled as he took his first opening to slash at the mage, just missing Bruno’s body, and scorched his fine feathery cape. Líf seized the opportunity to put Bruno on the defensive, forcing the mage to cast without plan or reason. Carving his sword through the air over and over again, closing the gap between the two. Giving Bruno no other option than to use his focus as a shield to block Líf’s final downward cut. The two weapons scratched as they met each other with an echoing clang.

Bruno glared dagger at Líf as he huffed his red cheeks, trying with all his might to hold his focus steady, and puffing his chest as he pushed against Líf’s force. The metal of the focus began to melt and bend under Éljúðnir’s volatile magic. Líf snorted as he laid into the mage with all his weight one last time. “Give up. This is the last time I will ask.” Líf threatened, hoping beyond hope that Bruno would follow through so his words would not become empty.
The Emblan prince snickered bravely, his eyes widened and flared with crazed possession as he leaned closer to Líf. “No.” He whispered, before tossing the focus to his side, surprising Líf, and throwing him off balance as his sword left his hand, Following the focus, after the precious metals that it was crafted from became fused together. Líf gasped as Bruno’s fist came crashing down on his face with such force he felt the vertebrae in his neck snap.
Bruno was not stranger to fisticuffs, and he was quick to go on a brutal assault, reaching out and grasping Líf’s mask that cover the lower half of his face, and drag the swordsman forward and off his feet, lifting his knee at just the right moment to give Líf a brutal blow to his gut. Breaking the brittle bones easily. Bruno grunted as he took his time alternating his strikes to Líf’s body, using him as a punching bag. Laughing loudly as he pushed the lifeless, and broken swordsman to the ground.
“Come now, try as you might, you are no match.” Bruno grasped Líf by his dark stringy hair, cranking the face up to meet his own. “You never were, even when we were children. But, with the gods help you were able to achieve power like none other before. Now look at you. You are a shadow of the warrior you once were when you were General of Hel. I don’t understand, why do you continue on this path when you could have so much more?” Bruno loosened his grip on Líf’s hair, and slid a finger under the strap of his eye patch, ripping it away, and exposing the gaping hole Joyce had left there so long ago. “Broken. Maimed. And cast away by those you love. For what, I ask. Once this war is over you will be alone again. I have seen your summoners. There is no room in their life for you.” The Emblan prince crouched down to Líf’s level, looking him in the eye, his tone becoming soft and empathetic. “You have no home here. There isn’t a drop of Askr’s blood left in your body. So why do you cling to this farce of a life?” Bruno paused, a kind, yet cunning, smile lighting up his face as he reached out and offered Líf his hand. “Join me, …Alfonse. We can fight side by side once more. Warriors, no brothers, shrouded in darkness. The worlds will tremble at our boots.”

Heavy drops of rain began to fall, and Líf trembled as they froze to his face. He grimaced as he touched his old wound in shame, trying to cover it with his hand, and staring at Bruno’s hand outstretched in front of him in silence. His body creaked like the walls of an old house as he tried to move away. It was just as Bruno had said. Broken. Useless. He didn’t belong here, and was so very tired of trying to make a place for himself. It would be better to let Bruno finish him off. Succumb to the darkness once more, and return with the strength he once had. Return to his old ways. Death is easy. It’s even easier when you have nothing to lose.
Joyce and David had each other now, what more could they want. What more could he do for them? …Or, he could fight. Push his ruined body just a little more. And earn a chance to live among the living once again.


Mother Mother - Body Of Years

Chapter 32: Open The Future


Lif and Joyce both must come to terms with their reality and make a choice.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), Lif, Alfonse, Bruno
Minor: Embla, Veronica, Soren
Mentioned: David (Lif's former Summoner)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A cloud of blue haze engulfed Líf’s face as he let out a long sigh, he saw the heavy rain fall from Bruno’s outstretched hand and create small craters in the mud at the mage’s feet, his boots sinking in slowly as he shifted his weight impatiently. Oh how he had longed for the peace and quiet of the bogs of the realm of the dead. Suspended all those years in complete darkness as Hel’s prisoner, only to be pulled out of sticky coffin to serve the sovereign. There was always someone to serve, even in death. Someone that made use of this dried old husk. But what would happen to him once he was no longer needed, unable to function well anymore. He could feel his mind slipping, his body crumbling. What more could he possibly do for them? Would he finally be able to rest? No. There is no rest for the wicked, and it will always be his duty to serve. Líf grunted as he pulled himself together and swatted Bruno’s hand away. “My veins might run dry, but the spirit of Askr will always reside in my heart, however still it might be.” He snarled, his glare burning into Bruno's. “Until my ashes have returned to the ground, I will never stop fighting for Askr.”

“You are a bigger fool than I thought you were.” Bruno scoffed and shifted his stance from open and welcoming to closed-off and defensive. The mage raised his free hand, and his focus began to glow once more as he prepared to give Líf a final blow. “You don’t belong here-” Bruno’s words were cut short as his eyes widened in shock, something bright flared red and hit him from behind, breaking his concentration and spoiling his spell.

“Neither do you.” Alfonse boldly stated, holding Þjálfi open he began to charge a second attack, his fingers glowing a fiery orange, the colour of a sunset as he worked the magic in the palm of his hand. Launching his arm forward with the full weight of his body behind it as he threw another spell.

Bruno quickly dodged the Askran prince’s attack, almost tripping as he scrambled away, only turning back with a flip of his long hair once he reached a safe distance. Glaring daggers at Alfonse for interrupting his fun.

Alfonse made his way over to Líf, reaching down to aid the swordsman back up, keeping his eyes on Bruno the entire time. “Are you alright? Can you still fight?”

“Yes, Þjálfi’s recoil has little effect on me.” Líf grumbled as he took Alfonse’s arm and pulled himself to his feet, towering over the young prince once more. “You didn’t have to do that. This doesn’t mean I owe you something, I could have handled it.”

“I didn’t do it for you!” Alfonse snapped at Líf, going to pick up his sword in the mud as he continued his outburst. “I detest you!” He gave Fólkvangr a good shake, the rain helping to clean the debris away form the polished steel as he tried to push his anger aside. “But, you’re important to Joyce. So I am willing to work with you for her sake. I trust that you feel the same."

“Indeed. Let us put aside our feud this one time, and finish this together.” Líf retrieved Éljúðnir from where it had fallen, squeezing it tightly as it crackled to life, popping and hissing as drops of water fell on to its magical blade. “Do you have any ideas?”

Alfonse thought for a moment, then smiled. “Do you remember our childhood training with Sharena, in the front gardens with father? When we both would band together, and try to take father down?”

Líf closed his eye, and slowly nodded. “I could never forget.”

“Good.” Alfonse branched himself, his boot sinking in the mud as he raised his sword at Bruno. “Ready?”

“Yes.” Líf did the same, mirroring the young prince’s stance. “I’ll take the right, you take the left.”

Alfonse’s head swiveled toward the swordsman as he began to protest. “But, the left was always Sharena’s side-” He quickly stopped, there was no time to argue now. “Fine. Let’s just get this over with!” Alfonse cried out as both swordsmen, young and old, dug their boots into the ground and took off in a sprint, charging forth together, and for once, not at each other.

Joyce began to sob on her hands and knees. “I’m sorry! It’s all my fault” She cried, tears streaming down the summoner’s face, mixing with the rain that fell from above, and falling to the ground below and mixing with the pools of water and blood that collected in deep footprints left by heavy boots. Joyce dug her fingers in the mud, her hands becoming filthy, searching for answers that she could not see, something to fix what she had broken. “I didn’t mean for this to happen…” She sobbed, clenching her eyes tightly closed to block out the horrors of battle that continued around her. “I just wanted to help, but I only made things worse. I always make things worse every time I intervene, I muck things up for everyone!” Joyce growled through clenched teeth, and mustered the strength to sit up, leaning back on her knees and looked up at the gray clouds, the cold rain washing over her face. “That's why I always hold back… because I want to keep people safe, and this power.”

The summoner looked down at Breidablik as she laid it across her lap, streams of water flowing over the polished white and gold surface. “Evil is drawn to it. Like a swarm of ants to a picnic. And every time I become stronger, so do they…So I locked it away, buried it deep down inside. Only letting enough trickle out to get the job done in hopes that someday, someday Askr will be free from war. Be free from their summoner.” Joyce sighed and wrapped her finger around the ancient weapons trigger, holding it with one hand as she rose to her feet. “But, I know now that will never happen. I was a fool to think that it was my power to summon heroes that the enemies were after. No, it was Askr’s peace that they wanted to destroy, and it’s my strength, Breidablik’s power that I need to use to stop them.”

Joyce gazed out over the battlefield, many of her heroes had already fallen. Their old forms lay soulless and still. It all felt so surreal now that she knew the truth. Like waking from a long dream, still groggy reality taking too long to set in. She could recognize who each hero was, but their faces had become altered, blank, and generic. Each one becoming identical as rain ran down their polished and flawless surface, and the hero that once used to inhabit the space was only a lingering afterthought. Their presence now felt in the distance, back at the camp. Could she always feel where they were? Joyce wondered. Perhaps an invisible tether representing their contract between she and their soul.

Distant shouts stirred the summoner’s attention away from her thoughts and she looked towards the commotion. Veronica cried out from her horse, shouting as she commanded her army to pull back, becoming overwhelmed by the bats that created a wall between them and Embla. Joyce tightened her grip around Breidablik, her fear being replaced by discrimination even though there were now more bats than allies on the field. It was now or never, she had to cut through the enemy line before her heroes returned, and she pointed the ancient weapon towards the sky, rain pelting down on her face as she looked at the thick gray clouds. A well of power stirred within, a familiar feeling that she would tap into to wield Breidablik, but one she had capped, like trapping a storm in a bottle. A bottle she was now willing to uncork. “I’m sorry David, I know you worked really hard to train me to use Breidablik correctly. To control and channel this power to create elegant and precise attacks, but…” It was time to become the summoner Breidablik brought her to Askr to be, and Joyce felt a surge of white hot fire release from her core, and blaze a trail up her arm igniting the ancient and mysterious weapon she held. “But that’s just not my style!” She cried out as she squeezed the trigger and felt the power explode out of Breidablik’s barrel sending a large wave of prismatic ribbons forming a giant tower of energy into the clouds, lighting up the dark bulbous forms as it crackled through the atmosphere. Joyce felt the ground crack beneath her boot as the pressure from the blast pushed her down, but she continued to release what she had held on to for so long, and it felt good to just let it all go. She smiled as she watched the river of light flood the sky above, until the rain ceased to fall, the clouds now flooded not with water but with magic, and finally Joyce let her arms fall to her side.

The battlefield became still as hair-raising electricity hummed in the air, and Joyce waited with baited breath as she spotted the first sparks of light twinkle in the sky, followed by an ear-piercing whistle as bolts of magic began to rain down from the clouds. The heavy drops of water were replaced by fiery comets, causing a meteor storm of chaos that fell from the heavens, burning through anything or anyone that stood in its path, crashing into the ground, and ripping up the field.

Joyce felt the heat on her cheeks and the string in her eyes as beams of light fell to the ground in front of her. The clouds dissipated as the magic trickled away, and the sun rejoined them once again, but the summoner stood motionless as she watched Embla’s army get caught up in the destruction that she had set upon them. Their bodies ripped apart as each spear of light pierced through them, and the ones lucky enough to take flight to escape were unable to fly away, quickly got caught up in the crossfire midair, and plummeted towards the ground again. Burning piles of bats began to litter the field, their lives easily snuffed out if they were lucky. Others screamed in agony too damaged to move, or buried under their lifeless comrades. Joyce exhaled an uneasy breath setting her sights on Embla still standing, her body only catching only a few bolts of Breidablik magic, searing her flesh and keeping her at bay. The tower of a beast screamed as she watched her army fall, her voice cracking across the field and beyond, and the summoner covered her ears as her gaze fell to a body that lay at Embla’s feet, sheltered from the storm Joyce had rained on them. “David!” She panicked and took a step forward to run across the smoky field only to feel a hand on her arm that pulled her back.

“Don’t be an idiot!” Soren sneered at her, holding her still as she tried to twist free, his grip always unusually strong for his small build. “You can’t take Embla on by yourself!”

“He needs me-” Joyce , losing all fight when she noticed her old friend was not alone, her heroes had regrouped and were taking the field for their own once again. Even Veronica trotted up on her horse to join, her eyes calmly set on Embla.

“We need you.” Soren’s grip loosened knowing he had pulled the summoner to her senses.

“Your friend is right.” Veronica mused, her eyes still set on the massive beast. “You may have leveled the field, gave us a fair fight, but I’m afraid Embla has called for reinforcements. We must act together, and quickly.”

“M-More bats?” Joyce stammered, unsure if she could recreate the attack she had just used now that the storm clouds were gone.

Veronica shook her head, her lips curving into a sad frown. “Bruno will respond to her call for aid, and we must defeat her before he arrives.”

Joyce looked around at the heroes she had summoned over the years. There they stood, ready and willing to follow her into battle at any cost. “So, an all-out-attack?”

“Yes.” Soren nodded in agreement. “Princess Veronica can lead the heroes, all attacking Embla at the same time. Joyce, I want you to stay close to me, and I will cover you if the opportunity to reach David becomes available for you.”

“Sounds messy.” Joyce pursed her lips, a tickle of excitement tingled in her fingertips, as she watched Veronica ride away, giving commands to the strongest of Orders warriors, and rallying the troops to her side.

Soren smirked, unable to hide the elation he felt going into battle. “Just the way you like it, Joyce.”

Líf came down on Bruno’s right with Éljúðnir, the mage countering the attack with a bulky blast of his own, as Alfonse moved to Bruno’s back trying to find an opening, but the tricky mage was quick on his feet. The power Embla had gifted him had elevated his strength to a whole new level, one even by the two Askran swordsmen could not match with both their strength.

Bruno laughed loudly when Alfonse missed his target once again, stumbling forward falling to his knees, kissing the dirt for the second time that day. “Poor Prince Alfonse.” Bruno 'tsked' softly with mocking words flowing out of his mouth. “How does it feel to finally struggle? To lose all that you had, and get that pristine white Askran clothes of yours dirty for once?” He asked as he swiftly pulled back his leg and gave Alfonse a heavy kick to the side. “Pathetic.” Bruno spat as he kicked Alfonse’s sword away, turning to deal with Líf again.

Alfonse gripped his side as he rolled over onto his back coughing. “S-Stop… Bruno! This isn’t you!” The prince forced himself to his feet. “You’re stronger than Embla! You’re stronger than the Bruno of this world!” Alfonse stumbled as he took a step towards the mage who had stopped dead in his tracks. "The Bruno of this world had a choice once too. He could have fought Embla with us, but he didn’t. He chose…” Alfonse grimaced at the memories of his old friend, but steeled himself as Bruno turned towards him. “Bruno chose death. He… sacrificed his life so we could have an easy win. He threw it all away for his sister. But you choose life.”

“Silence-” Bruno warned Alfonse. “Stop talking.”

“The moment you decided you wanted to live you chose to fight! So you don't get to give up, you don't get to slink away with Embla now. Not after everything that has happened here. Not after everything Veronica and Joyce have done for you!” Alfonse barked at Bruno, his words crawling under the mage’s skin, and he clutched his head in one head, muttering to himself in visible pain. “Now you have to fight, Bruno! Fight!” Alfonse pushed on, praying he could turn the tide of this battle with his words and not his sword. “Fight Embla’s hold over your heart, and to earn that chance to live! This is the path you wanted to walk!”

“ENOUGH!” Bruno’s eyes flared crimson red as he pulled a dagger from his belt and lunged towards Alfonse. “I’ll silence you once and for all, Askran scum!” He shouted as the blade flashed and he went to plunge it into the heart of the prince.

The dark shadow towered over Bruno as the blade's tip cracked the ribs in Líf’s chest. Stepping in front of Alfonse just in time to take the attack for the prince. Líf held Bruno’s arm in place, a look of fear reaching the mages eyes for the first time that afternoon. Weary red eyes that seemed more blood-shot from exhaustion than possession grew wide as the sky lit up all at once.

Líf’s grip loosened briefly, but it was enough for Bruno to rip his arm away. Releasing the dagger he stumbled backward, staring back to where the battle took place as the horizon shone bright white, as stars fell from the sky. All three princes found themselves consumed in the moment by the sight. Silently watching until the ground began to shake and a fierce cry of a beast rumbled towards them.

Bruno’s cheeks turned pale as he straightened his back, and all emotion drained from his face. As if in a trance he strode calmly towards his horse with not a single word, mounted, and rode off as fast as he could towards the battlefield.

“We have to stop him!” Alfonse began to jog after the mage's horse as it rode by.

“Be still.” Lif ripped the dagger from his chest and let it fall to the ground with a soft thud. He looked at the sky that mysteriously had been cleared. The gray clouds and rain were almost completely gone now. He had seen something like this before, back in his own world, and knew deep down inside the summoner had crossed a new threshold. Something had been set loose, and there was no containing it now. Was Alfonse ready for this, was Joyce?
“Come, let us regroup with the others.” Lif grabbed the reins of his horse as he readied his saddle again, hopping up quickly as soon as he was done, and pulling Alfonse up behind him. He wasn’t here to serve Lif realized now. No, he was here to guide. He was no longer a servant to Askr. He would leave that to the prince and his ilk. Lif was summoned here to guide. To guide Joyce, so she could become an even greater Summoner than she was before.


"Seven Devils" - Florence + The Machine

Chapter 33: Open The Future II


It's now or never, as Joyce and Bruno both struggle to win their battles with Embla.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), Bruno, Veronica
Minor: Lif, Alfonse, Embla, Soren, David (Lif's former Summoner)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Get up!” Soren growled as he pulled the summoner to her feet after being knocked down by an unknown rider racing across their path. They rode by with such speed that Joyce didn’t get a clear look at their face. All she could do was covered her mouth as she choked on the dirt and debris the rider kicked up, clinging to Soren’s side for support. “He’s here.” The mage squinted as he watched the rider bolt across the battlefield arm raised as they threw fiery spells across the field. Past their lines of fighters and towards Veronica’s barrage. Soren and Joyce had decided to wait near the rear and take the long way around Embla in hopes of reaching David from behind while the god was distracted by the princess. It was a race against the clock to get the former summoner out safely before the heroes were forced to take Embla down in an all-out onslaught, and time had run out for them. “Bruno has responded to Embla’s call, just as Princess Veronica said he would. You need to act fast.”

“M-Me, go alone?” Joyce stammered, catching her breath, and shielding her eyes from the bright flashes of spells in the near distance.

“Yes. You need to run. Find David, and get him out of there. The princess will not hesitate to end this quickly now. I will cover you, making sure nothing will get past my winds. But I need to be stationary, and have you in my sights in order to do that.” Soren forced a crooked smile for the summoner that felt more like a tick he had developed whenever he wanted to instill confidence as he worked with her over the years. “You can do this, Joyce.”

Joyce nodded as she watched the mage with a clouded mind until he shouted for her to ‘Go!’ with urgency, breaking the spell she find herself in. The summoner did not feel fear as she began to run. It was strange, for once she didn’t feel anything, even the ground beneath her boots felt distant as she traveled across the field. One foot in front of the other. Everything seemed to slow down in the moment as she processed the space around her, avoiding pitfalls with ease, floating through her own world detached from reality. It wasn’t until Joyce crossed the threshold of Embla’s shadow, the great beast towering above her now, and she spotted David’s lifeless body laying on the ground that all of her emotions came rushing back to her, flooding each corner of her limbs till they tingled with sensation once again.

The summoner’s heart raced as she ran towards her friend, the ear piercing sounds of the battle raging on growing closer and closer. She didn’t have much time left, and Joyce dropped to her knees when reached David’s side, clutching each of his shoulders in her own hands and shaking him with what little strength she had left. “Wake up!” Joyce cried out desperately, her voice becoming faint under the clash of spells and steel above her.
Panic set in as she pulled David to a sitting position and she noticed his blonde hair matted, and stained with blood. His unconscious body rolled forward into her embrace, and she saw the ground in front of Embla begin to explode as her heroes descended upon the god. Joyce knew there was no way she was strong enough to pull David to safety in time. If she wanted to survive she would have to abandon him.
Joyce whimpered, and froze when she looked over David's shoulder, could feel the heat from Veronica’s magic on her cheeks as it tore through the ground, rushing towards them like a wall of falling fire moving like a swift storm. Joyce knew she should run. The choice was simple. Stay in her Askr, stay with her heroes, and send David home to the World of Steel, where he was meant to be. Or give it all up, and join his fate. The summoner closed her eyes as she pulled him closer. No, there was no choice for her. Leaving him behind was out of the question. Joyce steeled herself, preparing for the next leg of her journey as she whispered a vow she hoped reached David in his dreams. “I promise I won’t stop until I find you again.”

The summoner tightened her grip as she felt the dirt tremble beneath her and the temperature of the air raise around her. She wanted to scream until her lungs burst as fear rushed over her, the wait to be released from this world taking an agonizingly long time. She expected pain, and the bright flash of fire as the world was scorched around them, but there was only darkness, and the dank stench of blood, sweat and decaying flesh. Joyce exhaled the breath she had been holding in as she cracked open her eyes, only to catch the red glare of Líf's eye looking down on her in the darkness. Hold a large shield at his back. It was then the summoner finally noticed another body behind her. His voice rang in her ears as he shouted for them to leave. “A-Alfonse!” Joyce’s voice cracked as the young prince pulled her to her feet.

“Come on, we have to go!” Alfonse pulled the summoner along as she watched Líf drop the shield he held, a glint of red caught the light and Joyce spied a wisp of smoke leaving his gloves as he reached down to pick up David, effortlessly heaving him over his shoulder as he carried his friend to safety.

Joyce lagged, her gaze reaching Veronica as she stood before Bruno, Embla laying gravely injured behind him. She knew it wasn't over yet. The Emblan prince was there to protect his fallen god, and it would take more fire power than what Veronica had to take him down. “We should help her-”

“And what do you plan to do?” Alfonse’s answer was swift as if he could read her mind. “No. You have spent your energy, and need to rest. Once I get you to safety you will stay with Líf and take care of David. I will return on my own.”

“But-” Joyce began to protest until a pitch-black spot caught her attention in the corner of her eye. She turned to see the round sphere of darkness start to grow in front of Veronica, and the princess’s voice drifted toward them, a soft chanting as she recited her rite.

“By Embla's will... Close the way.

Close off the worlds to us, and us to the worlds!”

“To whatever land it goes,
to whatever time it flows…”

“Embla rejects all!”

The strange black sphere of nothingness consumed everything it came into contact with, even the sunlight could not piece the other side, and everything disappeared into it as it began to grow and swell larger, enclosing around the Veronica and Bruno, engulfing them both into the void.

The bright red hue of Bruno’s eyes faded as he collapsed, catching himself with one arm as the other hugged his side. His face twisted in pain as the tether that once numbed his injuries was now severed by the enclosure Veronica created around them. Isolated them from the world in a little pocket of nothingness, and Bruno’s whimpers drifted in the sea of darkness.

“I’ve cut the ties between you and Embla, but it is only temporary. To clear your mind if only for a moment.” Veronica knelt down beside him, placing her hand on Bruno’s shoulder gently to calm him, but to also truly know if she had indeed broken the spell.
There was nothing to see, or hear in their little sanctuary, but themselves and their own breath. Their bodies were lit up by some unknown light from some unknown direction. A surreal plane where nothing and no one else existed. Truly and utterly alone.

Bruno’s body shook as he strained to stifle sobs, his mind flooded by images of the acts he just carried out against his friends, against his own will. “I-I’m sorry…” He tried to choke back tears. “This is my fault. I wasn’t brave enough to sacrifice myself for my world, and now I have brought ruin onto yours-”

“Hush, now.” Veronica guided Bruno to his feet, and brushed back his long hair that fell over his face with a loving touch. “It was not bravery that drove my brother to do what he did. It was fear. He feared our world would not win our fight with Embla, and he took the easiest solution we had in front of us. A cowards way-” Veronica looked away, it pained her to say such things about her own flesh and blood. Her brother did what he did to protect them, and secured a bright future for their realms, but in her heart she had still yet to forgive him for leaving her the way he did. For making that choice without speaking with her first. If he had, they might have discovered what Veronica knew now. The answer was right there in front of him.
“The key to beating Embla was not just the fruit that was given to us by Askr.” The princess slipped her hands into his and watched his breathing become steady as he clung on to each of her words eager to know more. “It was the core of the fruit, and at that core was desire. The key to defeating Embla was the desire to see her defeated.”

“But we do not have the key. The fruit, the core, you used is gone now.” Bruno closed his tired eyes, the years starting to catch up to him as he let out a long sigh. “You must kill me, Veronica, before your enclosure wears off. Your only chance is to strike me down here and now, before I am in the bonds of Embla’s curse once more.”

“No.” Veronica told him firmly, tightened her grip on his hands. “Don’t you see? You do not need the key given by Askr to defeat Embla, Bruno, you are a key.”

Bruno’s eyes fluttered open at this bold, strange, suggestion. He turned his gaze towards Veronica with a curious expression as he let her continue.

“You have dedicated your whole life to finding a cure to the curse that runs through our veins.” Veronica pleaded, a faint smile danced on her lips as she proudly looked up at him. “You have traveled countless worlds in search of answers. Years studying, and learning how to rid not only me but yourself of this illness, and if anyone has the desire to free themselves of Embla’s grasp, it is you, Bruno. It burns in your core, you just have to remember what your journey up until now was for.” Veronica let out a soft gasp as her eyes darted around her, the black orb that kept them secret from the others starting to dissolve away, trickling down around them. Veronica threw her arms around Bruno one last time and whispered in his ear. “You were born to defeat her, you just haven’t tried yet.”

A blast of energy forced Veronica to retreat, and Bruno’s head snapped back, his body shook as Embla’s power surged through him once more. The god of closure cackled as she forced her will back on the prince, her thin arm outstretched in front of her broken frail body. She squeezed her hand into a fist until black blood ran over her knuckles, and the drops fell to the ground. “You inherited more power from me than I had first thought, you tricky princess, but it was not enough. You are weak, and need your friends. You could not stay enclosed to protect him forever-”

“Nor would I want to.” Veronica flashed the god a coy smirk.

“What have you done?” Embla sneered, her eyes widening as a look of panic swept across her face. Her free arm jetted out in front of her to join the other, trying to grasp thin air. “W-What is this? No-” She gasped as her attention shifted quickly towards Bruno.

Bruno gritted his teeth, sucking in deep breaths as beads of sweat broke out over his flushed skin. His arm shook as it rose to match that of the god, mimicking her as he battled for control over his own mind and body. “I …will not …yield to you any longer!” Bruno huffed as he pushed Embla from his mind.

“This… this can not be!” She cried out in surprise as she felt her grasp over the prince begin to slip. “My blood runs through you-”

“No!” Bruno pushed back as he took a step forward, his long hair floating around him as the ground cracked beneath his boot, the internal pressure torn at his armor, muscles flexing threw the tattered pieces, the only signs of their unseen battle raging on. “My blood is no longer yours to command.” He growled at the ancient god, as fiery white hot tendrils snaked out of his arm, turning the power Embla had given him against her. “No longer will my mind be enclosed by you, and I will be free from your curse.” Bruno moved slowly towards her with each word, his determined eyes locked with her fearful ones.
“I want to open my heart, and I will do this without hate, or fear.” Bruno cried out as he reached out to the god, closing the gap between them. His voice was steady as he folded his arms around her small frame, pulling her into his chest, the power now flowing from him to her. “I no longer push you away, but pull you into my own embrace, Embla. Here you will not find your enclosure, but… my sanctuary.”

A tear rolled out and over Embla’s cheek, and she let out a soft gasp as Bruno embraced her, washing her in a pure bright light that blinded the battlefield. A look of surprise on the gods face faded into one of blissful joy as she took her last breath and faded into nothingness as the light flickered and died out.
Bruno stumbled forward as what he held onto disappeared into thin air before everyone's eyes, and he reached for his head, his legs shaking as they gave out and he fell to his knees.

veronica rushed to his side, her gown billowing out as she dropped beside him. “Bruno, do you still feel the blood curse within your head?!” She asked with great concern.

Bruno let out a long sigh, as he turned to Veronica with tears cresting his eyes. “No. I… I saw Embla’s memories- She was so alone…” He choked on his sobs as he tried to cover his face in embarrassment, or guilt.

“I know. I saw those memories too.” Veronica wrapped her small arms around the bulky mage and held him closer, ignoring the heroes on the battlefield beginning to circle in a buzz. “But, Embla is no longer alone now. And neither are you, Bruno.”


"Plainsong" The Cure

Chapter 34: Endings Are Just the Beginning Of Something Better


Time to say farewell to new friends as the summoner moves forward.

Characters that appear in this chapter
Major: Joyce (Alfonse's Summoner), David (Lif's former Summoner)
Minor: Bruno, Veronica, Alfonse, Lif
Mentioned: Soren(s), Embla


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The silence hung in the chilly mid-morning air of the castle corridor, as the night frost melted on the pane glass windows from the light that began to filter through. The first signs that winter was on its way. Joyce could hear heroes training down below in the yard, a familiar sound that held more meaning for her now. When she reenter the castle she pledged in her mind that she would work just as hard as those heroes did at their job. Buckle down and take this position in the Order of Heroes seriously for once. She owned them that much for the countless sacrifices they made for her.
The summoner had only been back in Askr for a little under a week, and she was greeted with a warm welcome, it had seemed as if nothing had changed since she had left in the spring, but there was this lingering feeling that bit at the back of her mind that everything was different now. Including herself.

Her eyes glazed over as she shifted the weight of the heavy box she carried from one arm to the other, and haphazardly continued down the hall drifting in her own daydream. The events that took place after their battle with Embla concluded, still replaying in her memories.

“The time has come I’m afraid.” Veronica stopped just shy of the gate’s platform, unable to bring herself closer. The princess had been quiet all morning as their small, pirate procession passed through the countryside, finally reaching their destination. The gate to Bruno’s world, shimmering as it beckoned it’s long overdue prince home. Veronica turned on her heel and forced a brave smile across her pale face, taking Bruno’s hands into hers. His long ash-blonde hair now braided, and hung elegantly over his shoulder and down his chest. “However much it hurts to say goodbye now, I am grateful that I have a chance to do so this time.” She fidgeted with the small red bow at the end of his braid, straightening it as she pushed back emotions that threatened to ruin the moment. “Go now, Bruno, do not let your sister wait for you any longer than you already have.”

Bruno let out a soft chuckle at her expense. “Veronica, this is not goodbye forever, even if it is not my face, I am sure you will see me again.” The prince pulled the princess gently towards him as he embraced her warmly. “But, do not shy away, we may not share the same blood, but I can assure you that we still consider you our sister. I hope you will return the sentiment when you greet them in the future.”

“Yes.” Veronica nodded as he let her go. “That you can be certain of.” She promised, catching tears on the back of her finger before they stained her cheeks, and retreating to Sharena’s arms for comfort.

Bruno watched Veronica for a moment before turning his attention to Joyce, an amused grin beginning to stretch ear to ear. “Ah, Summoner… my ever so strange and quirky Joyce. Where would I be if it wasn’t for running into you that cold Winter’s Eve night?” He held out his arms as he approached.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Joyce wondered out loud as he wrapped his large muscular arms around her and held her tight against his chest in a bear hug.

“No.” He laughed, before whispering in her ear. “Do not lead your life by dwelling on events of the past weighing on your heart. Never look back. Only forward.”

Joyce found comfort in his words and his embrace, tightening her arms around him for one last time. It was only then that Joyce realized that this would be the last time she would see Bruno. But not because he would go on to parish at the hands of Embla as so many had before him, but because he was returning home to live his life. A full life. And it is because of this that she was able to finally let him go. “I’ll miss you, Bruno.”

“I’ll miss you too-”

“Ah that’s long enough you two!” David interrupted, awkwardly cutting-in as he grabbed Bruno’s hand and began to shake it with vigor. “Nice gains over the last few days, am I right?”

“Indeed.” Bruno coughed as he cleared his throat, pulling his hand away from the former summoner who was eager to drive a wedge between Joyce and him. “It is unfortunate that we were not able to share more about our training regimes, however, it might be for the best. I am not sure you would be able to keep up with me as your sparing partner.”

David’s mouth gaped open at the slight jab as Bruno moved on without waiting for a reaction, nodding respectfully at Líf as he walked by and climbing the platform with his head held high. There was just one more person that stood between Bruno and his gate.

Alfonse watched him coldly as he waited patiently like a sentinel beside the arch. He wasn’t there to say farewells like the others, but to ensure that the foreign prince returned to where he belonged, whether on his own, or forced by Alfonse’s hand. This was something the young prince wanted to see through himself.

Bruno stopped in front of Alfonse, without looking over to the prince's direction, his voice low, but sincere. “I apologize for the grief that I caused you and your kingdom. I wished that I was able to sit down and speak with you under different circ*mstances. However I understand why you did what you did. You acted in the best interest for your realm, and I can’t fault you for that, but if I may be so bold as to leave you with some last parting words?”

Alfonse let the question dance silently on the wind for a moment, before giving his curt answer. “Go on.”

Bruno finally turned to face Alfonse, taking in a deep breath. He did not want to forget the pain he could see in Alfonse’s eyes, to know how much this young man cared for the friend he had lost. Not only had Bruno been given a chance at life, but his friends in his own world would never know the pain this Alfonse carried. Even if his words might not be enough to ease this Alfonse, perhaps they might help carry him in the right direction, and cultivate joy in his life once more.
“Closing yourself off from others easy and comfortable, especially in positions of power, but it can become a downward spiral. If you want to become a great king, and leader, you will need to work on pushing yourself to open up to those around you.” Bruno turned to his gate, grateful to finally end his journey in this land, and start anew on his own. A smile on his face as he said his final goodbye that only reached Alfonse’s ears. “That includes your Summoner, Joyce. You both need to learn to be more open with each other, Alfonse, that I am certain.”

Joyce shivered briefly as a chilled wind picked up around them and she watched as Alfonse nodded his head to some unknown agreement before Bruno stepped through his gate, only looking back quickly with a fond smile etched across his face, catching the summoner’s eyes and mouthing the words ‘thank-you’ before disappearing from their lives, and their Askr, once more.

“Hey, Joyce!”

The summoner looked up, shook from her daydream when she heard her name echo loudly off the cold stone walls of the hallways.

“Whatcha got there?” David jogged lazily up to her, his boots scuffing across the stone tile floors. “Looks pretty heavy.”

Joyce felt a smile spread across his face. Running into David while he stayed with them at the castle started to become a welcome addition to her morning routine, and she was grateful that he had found her just in time to lighten her mood. “It’s just some odds and ends. Mostly paperwork I have yet to finish…” She frowned as he peered into the box she held, and she plunged into a fresh rant completely forgetting about events in the past. “Soren had me clean out the desk I used in his office. Said he had to make room for his new assistant.” She scoffed and she unconsciously pushed the box into David’s arms, and started down the hall flailing her arms, her voice growing louder as she continued her story. “Can you believe it? I thought for sure Soren would come back to work with me after I returned to Askr. But noooo-” Joyce sighed softly. “Sorry, I guess some things can’t ever go back to the way it was before.”

“Why don’t you ask the other Soren to help you out?” David lifted the box to his shoulder, and kept it steady with one arm as he followed her down the hall. “The one we summoned from the Brave ruins.”

“I did… He’s already found a position assisting MY Soren!” Joyce spat, her blonde curls bouncing as she shook in anger, and she stopped short in front of an old wooden door, thumbing her chest with one hand and fingers curled into a tight fist with the other. “He’s the one that’s taking my desk!”

“T-Two Sorens… working together?” David’s eyes widened in fear of the two mages working together.

“Yeah, and to make matters worse they are making me work in my old office!”” Joyce pouted and pulled a key out from her pants pocket, sliding it into the lock on the big door. “I haven’t stepped foot in this broom closet since I arrived, it’s small, smelly and full of trash. Plus it’s down the hall from Alfonse’s office and I won’t be able to sneak out early for dinner!” She groaned as she pushed the door open, and stepped over the threshold in the darkness.

“Oh, I had this room too, but I don’t remember it being all that bad-” David’s words trailed off as he entered the office, and his eyes adjusted to the dim light trickling in from the hall. His upbeat attitude snuffed out as he looked around. A wall of old crates stacked almost to the ceiling ominously towered over them. A pile of old torn books crowded the corner, and a small writing desk with a stool shoved to the side of the narrow room. A layer of dust had collected on every surface, and a cloud of debris took to the air as he dropped the summoner’s box onto the ground. “Oh… I see what you mean.” He coughed as he waved his hand in front of his face. “Líf did mention that there are slight differences between the Askrs, mostly with the architecture.”

“What am I going to do?” Joyce complained as she picked up an old dirty rag pinched between her fingers before dropping it in disgust, and turning her attention to cleaning up the desk, shuffling the old ledger and log books, bemoaning loudly as she went, paying no attention to David. “I can’t work here! This is ridiculous!”

“Wait. Hold on.” David held his hand up as soft light hit his palm, and he followed it towards the crates. Carefully he squeezed his fingers between the towering boxes. Pushing them in further. First just his fingers, then his hand, and finally he was able to push his whole arm between the crate towers. David grimaced and huffed as he used his entire weight to carefully push the boxes ajar, squeezing his body into the space behind them.
“Heeey, check it out!” His muffled calls finally caught Joyce’s attention. “I knew there was more to this room!”

“What?” Joyce followed the direction of his voice, and squeezed her way through the crack he had made. The room opening up behind the crates, and she gasped as she stepped into a lavishly decorated office, only on par with that of the Queen’s. Four floor to ceiling windows on either side of the large desk sitting in the middle of the room. On its left a wall of bookcases, and to the right a large stone fireplace. The summoner trembled as her eyes moved across the room, her finger pointing at everything she saw in excitement and awe. “There’s windows, a-and a fireplace. And a big desk! Like a big, big desk!” She scrambled up to the piece of old furniture and dropped into the large padded chair. “Look at this chair! I could sleep in it and it has wheeeeels!” Joyce squealed as she rolled across the room, with a spin.

“I guess they just kept storing boxes in here while it wasn’t being used, and completely forgot about it!” David smiled as he watched her from the windows.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Joyce bounced out of the chair and skipped over, throwing her arms around his neck as she cheerfully hugged him. “I don’t know what I would do without you!”

“Easy now.” He laughed as she slipped away returning to the desk as she pushed the chair along. “Hey, I was wondering if you heard what they plan to do with the gate that joins our two worlds?”

“Yeah.” Joyce mused as she began exploring the desk, pulling out drawers to peek inside quickly and pushing them back in. Half expecting to find even more hidden treasure stashed away. “I mean, I’m surprised it hasn’t collapsed on its own yet. It’s incredibly unstable. Demolishing it is the right thing to do before someone gets hurt, or worse, stuck on the wrong side.”

“Yeah.” David clicked his tongue, and crossed his arms and leaned on the stone wall between windows. “That’s why your Alfonse wants to know what my plans are by tomorrow morning.”

“What?” Joyce abruptly stopped her expedition of the furniture and turned her head towards him.

David continued without looking over. “He told me that he’s not going to force me to return to my own Askr, that I am welcome to stay here as long as I contribute to the Order’s cause, but I have to make a decision tonight.”

“Y-You’re unsure?” Joyce’s voice cracked as she stood up, and it felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. The thought of David leaving hadn't even entered her mind up until this point, and she no longer could imagine this world without him.

“I’m torn.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he weighed his options. “Queen Sharena has been ruling well without the aid of heroes, I know they don’t need me there anymore.” David pursed his lips, a worried expression beginning to surface on his face. “But, I feel guilty about abandoning my Askr for a second time, and I’m not even sure what I’m even doing here. I know Líf will want me to stay, but I need to know if that’s something... you want to.”

“Of course!” Joyce exclaimed quickly, eager to ensure that her friend stayed. “If you’re looking for something to do, I hear there’s an assistant position that just opened up in the Summoner’s office that you could take.” She playfully suggested, blatantly avoiding what he was really asking. “You would be perfect for the job!”

“I don’t know if that will be enough, Joyce.” David gave a disappointed sigh as he pushed himself off the wall and started to cross the room, muttering out loud. “Maybe it’s safer for me to go back.”

Joyce felt panic grip her chest. She had pulled him along for too long, and now he was at the end of his rope with her. She knew this day would come sooner than later. The day she finally had to decide if she would continue to live in fear. Continue to push the people she cared about away, and never open her heart again, frightened of what might happen in the future if it all falls apart. The pain it cause her again. “No…” She softly exhaled, remembering what Bruno told her before he left. Do not look back, only forward.
“Don’t go, David, I don’t want you to leave!” Joyce pleaded as she dashed around the desk, and caught the sleeve of his shirt, fighting back tears that threatened to choke her if she even thought about stopping now. “I know I have been closed off, reluctant to share how I feel, but you need to know that It would break my heart to see you walk through that gate and never return again.” She confessed as David watched her in silence, words pouring from her heart. “I don’t want to live here in Askr, or any world, where I don’t get to see you every morning. Talk to you every day. And share myself with you every night.” The grip on his sleeve tightened as she twisted the cloth between her fingers, and she raised her eyes to meet his. “I swear if you go back to your Askr, or even to the World of Steel, I will follow you. Not only because I would be hopelessly lost without you in my life, but because I’m in love-”
The summoner gasped as his lips met hers, a rush of adrenaline sweeping her off her feet, and she felt herself go limp against David's body as he lifted her off the floor, and for a brief moment the only two people that existed in the world was them, and she never wanted that feeling to end. Joyce’s eyes fluttered open, when she felt the solid ground beneath her once more. Her head swimming as she steadied herself. “Does this mean you will-”

“Yes.” David grinned as he continued to hold her close. “I just needed to hear it from you. To know you felt the same way. I promise I’m not going anywhere without you again.” He lent down, his face becoming close again as his breath warming her lips and they both stopped, at the sound of a crash in the near distance. David pulled back, looking at her in confusion as they heard heated shouting drifting in from the hallway. “What is that?” He moved towards the crates that keep them hidden from prying eyes, and Joyce joined ducked down, peeking out to find out what the commotion was.

Joyce covered her mouth to stifle shocked and amused laughter as she saw Líf holding Alfonse in a headlock. The young prince’s legs kicking wildly in the air and the large swordsmen dragged him away from the open doorway.

“Unhand me you monster!” Alfonse cried out, clawing at Líf’s arm hooked around his neck.

“No.” Líf told him in a low hiss. “I will not have you interrupting the summoners.”

“What in Askr are you even talking about!?” Alfonse shouted furiously. “I’m just trying to go to my office! It’s right there!” He tried desperately to point.

“You would disturb them at such an important moment in their lives.” Líf growled back. “I can not allow this!”

“This is ridiculous!” Alfonse wiggled his body free, and tore off his cape, tossing it to the ground, and pulling out his sword. “Right, you want to fight, let’s go then!” He lunged at Líf who was quick to produce his own weapon, countering the attack.

“Should we break it up?” David whispered from above her as they watched the clash in the hallway from their hidey-hole.

“No.” Joyce shook her head, and tried to push the crate to close the gap so no one would find them. “I think it’s best if we let them work it out on their own.” A sly smirk grew across her face. “Gives us time to negotiate the terms and conditions of your new job!”

“I don’t know, it better be a really good offer.” He laughed followed by a quick shrugged his shoulders. “I hear the summoner in this Askr is a real pain in the ass to manage.”

Joyce took his hand and led him across the room and away from the noise in the hall. “I can make sure you are well compensated for your troubles.”

“That's a good start, but a word of warning, I like to play hardball.” David teased. “So we could be here all day if we can’t come to a fair agreement.”

“Don’t tempt me, I hate when things end.”

“Don’t worry.” David chuckled and tightened his grip on her hand pulling her towards him. “This is only just the beginning.”

"Superposition" - Young the Giant

Thanks for joining me on this adventure! I'm not sure if I will be continuing Joyce's journey even though I have many ideas, I also have a lot of things I want to work on in other fandoms!
I will continue to create the Choose Your Own FEHventure, that can be found over on my YouTube Community tab. I will be putting into Ao3 soon!

Gates of Askr III - Jbee (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.