The Greenest Green Salad Recipe (2024)

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These are snap peas we're talking about, not individual peas. pile them up and slice. There's only two cups. Shouldn't take more than a minute.

Carol Taff

Let me highly recommend Dukes Mayonnaise. It the only widely available mayonnaise that doesn’t contain sugar. Didn’t realize that until I started reading ingredients in everything. No sugar and tastes great. Try it, you will like it.


Holy cow. This salad was so good I nearly forgot my own name. I did not have the snap peas, so I added some jicama for sweetness. I used basil, mint, dill, chives and parsley in the dressing. Served along side a perfect piece of salmon. To die for!


Bob, you posted essentially the same comment twice on your largely irrational fear of e.coli so I'll do the same. You do know that there are other places to get romaine lettuce besides large chain grocery stores right? Maybe I'd like to try this salad with lettuce from my garden.. or the farmers market.. or my friends garden.. or somewhere not tainted with e coli.. maybe..

the mad hungarian

Fantastic salad and fantastic dressing. I will definitely make this again, and again. It definitely takes longer than 20 minutes, however. As much as I love so many NYT recipes, I often encounter a time differential. No one has ever characterized me as slow -- have others found recipes often take significantly more time than noted?That said, this is worth the extra time. A special salad that's perfect for serving to guests or enjoying solo.


I originally gave this recipe “only” 4 stars, mostly because it seems ridiculous to give a kind of non-recipe (like one for a green salad) the full five. But then... I couldn’t stop making this salad. I crave it almost daily. It’s super basic, but there’s something about the freshness and crunch that plays so well with the avocado. Add a boiled egg, some homemade ranch dressing, and a slice of buttered no-knead bread, and you’ve got yourself one heckuva lunch.


Where is the dressing?

alixe thompson

Susan, had to write you as I laughed out loud at "this salad was so good I nearly forgot my own name." For that reason alone, I'm convinced to go all-in green tonight. Thank you!


The author adds this note in her cookbook: "I am not sure I want to live in a world where ranch dressing is more beloved than Green Goddess, which is superior in both name and taste, so I'm doing everything in my power to bring this vibrant, herb-packed green dressing into the limelight. Green Goddess is a kitchen MVP. It can be used as a salad dressing, yes, but it's also a dip for crudites, a marinade for grilled chicken, and it's great on pizza or with fries, too."


Did you all read Sam Sifton's introduction? He mentions that we should substitute another kind of lettuce. There's even a link to a Vox article about the E. Coli outbreak.


loved this salad!Cucumbers don't like me, so I avoid them. Used celery instead. The crunchiness from celery and peas was great.Next to a grilled chicken cutlet ... dinner was quick, and delicious.


I love Goddess Dressing but never would have dreamed of making it myself. This was AMAZING and well received by everyone at the table, ages 55 to 2. I can't wait to make it again and have leftover dressing on a BLT!


Left the snap peas raw and added chickpeas for heft. Simple and delicious—I'll be eating this all week.


I made this salad last night and my husband and I could not stop eating it. I am going to use the leftover dressing to have as a snack with cucumbers and will probably have the salad again tonight because the amount of dressing was very generous. I think it will be a staple for summers to come in our house. We had it with some grilled salmon, it just paired very well. I did not use tarragon, do not think it is needed.

Jen in Astoria

To save time, I would lightly nuke the snap peas and chop all at once not one at a time....


Are "snap peas" the same as snow peas?

Ilene J

Sugar snap peas are even more delicious raw. No need to parboil them. Just cut in half. Delicious recipe.


For the life of me I can’t figure out why this salad doesn’t have five stars. It’s delicious, unique, and utterly worth the effort.

Holly S.

This was good and I'd make again for sure, but I would scale the Green Goddess dressing recipe a bit by omitting 1 anchovy vs. 2. I used high grade filets packed in oil but they were still a touch too fishy for me paired with the rest of the salad ingredients. I think one would have given that umami without the canned fish undertone. It refrigerated well and we had dressing for about a week.

Dana W

This salad has become my new summer favorite. Paired with the homemade green goddess dressing, of course!But don’t cook the snap peas for 90 seconds!! They will lose their snap! Cooking the snap peas for, literally, ONE second is enough. They become bright and sweet without getting wilted.


This salad can easily become vegan by using a pesto without cheese for the dressing instead of the mayo-yogurt glop!


Is a green onion the same as a scallion?


Yes, a green onion is the same as a scallion. :)

Note, Metro Philly

"Serve cold, immediately." At what point leading up to this phrase are the ingredients chilled?


This is a very good crisp and flavorful salad…prepared all day before and mixed next day..used fresh sugar snap peas..didn’t cook them…and put paper towel in bagged cukes to keep them from getting mushy..and I cheated using bottled dressing.


This is an incredibly delicious salad. I made it for my friends and they loved it. I had the leftovers the next day for lunch with some turkey on top. Still good.


Delicious. I used raw snow peas (trimmed and cut in half) instead of snap peas, easier than boiling, and still nice and crisp!


I dislike mayo, so for the green goddess dressing, I kept the yogurt but subbed in some olive oil. To make a vegetarian version of the dressing, I left out the anchovies and added some minced garlic and a spoonful of Dijon mustard. Not sure how close it it is to the original, but the result was very tasty!


Huge hit! The salad plus the dressing won me high praise from my girlfriend. I cheated a bit and added 2 avocados. I served the salad with some roasted cauliflower and some chicken thighs (salt & peppered. After the few bites it all ended up in the bowl in that delicious dressing.Guys! She thinks I am a keeper!


Overall, I thought it was bland. The green goddess dressing lacked ooomph.

Pat B

Great, great salad. Will make it again and again. However, there is no need to cook or zap the snap peas. They work fine in raw state.

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The Greenest Green Salad Recipe (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.